
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: FutureGameDesigner on July 24, 2010, 05:41:58 AM

Title: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: FutureGameDesigner on July 24, 2010, 05:41:58 AM
This thread is dedicated to trying to determine how one can accomplish certain results that would otherwise be possible only through violation of one of the seven Laws of Magic, without actually "staining" your soul.  It was inspired by another thread about whether the Jedi Mind Trick is a 4th Law violation or not...and that thread has apparently died since it is not, in fact, a violation of the 4th Law, since use of the Force is not magic.

Anyway, moving along.

Before I made myself feel stupid by realizing very late that the Force is not magic...I pointed out that a certain type of veil might be used in place of actual neuromancy.  Instead of placing a veil around the thing you want to hide, encase it around the thing you want to hide FROM.  Adjust the veil accordingly to filter whatever you want them to perceive or not, be it an illusion or simple "invisibility" or even "these aren't the droids you're looking for".  You aren't even so much as touching their while the Wardens might still want to lop your head off on principle...would the act specifically stain your soul as a 4th Law violation?  Additionally, someone with in-depth knowledge of psychology and a flair for subtlety could make such a veil that would convince nearly any target of almost anything...and they only get to resist it as they would any other veil.

Any other ideas on how to sidestep the Laws?  The Wardens and the White Council in general are hopelessly undermanned right now, and even with the Vampire War over, it will take centuries for them to rebuild their infrastructure.  So, unless the Paranet can educate more new talents than the Wardens would've killed, there's going to be a sizable increase in the number of warlocks in the near future.  A clever person might sense the taint around certain acts though, and find ways around them.  While Wardens would normally have still killed them for it (even though they can't right now), the fact is that they wouldn't be stained by their actions...and that's what's most important.

So, again...any other notions?
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: finnmckool on July 24, 2010, 06:48:43 AM
No, I don't think your example violates that particular wall if your veil is entirely of seeming and not of "YOU SEE NOTHING! *squish*" However, I would think that such a veil would be more difficult, as, if I understand you right, you're placing a "Screen" around the target that projects reality minus what you want them to see, instead of just the smaller screen in front of what you want hidden. That sounds an order of magnitude more complicated to create, and more draining to maintain, especially if they move. Normal veil would be more practical.

How to kill with favorite tactic I have ready? Door opening to the NeverNever. I open a portal under your feet, and in you fall. I didn't kill you, where you landed did, especially if it was some other critter in the NeverNever that ate you, and not, say, the lack of oxygen there. Even if it's not an end run around the Law, it's damned hard to prove, as there's no body, plus, it's such a possibly convenient way to dispose of a body. And trap doors are fun.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Jaxom Faux on July 24, 2010, 07:21:54 AM
my understanding of the 1st law was if their death was an effect of your spell your still responsible.

aka is you cast a monster storm spell and couldn't handle it so there was fallout and a toad came out of the sky and killed a man by landing on him at terminal velocity it's still your fault.

besides i quote the book: If you summon up a gust of wind to knock someone off a building, you definitely broke the first law, even if it's "just" the fall that killed him.

further reading seems to go more along the lines of "If there was your magic involved and the guy died you broke the first law regardless."

i don't think you can "get away with" breaking the 1st law in any way shape or form.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Saedar on July 24, 2010, 07:58:44 AM
Maybe if you made it rain and they slipped, compelling an aspect of "Just So Clumsy?"
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Tree on July 24, 2010, 08:06:07 AM
Well, essentially you would do it by being indirect. If you want to influence someone to do what you want, mind bend his pet instead and make your own lassie that tells him what to do, it might work just out of weirdness.

If you want to kill a guy with magic don't use a gust of wind to knock him off a building, way too direct. Simply arrange an accident. Same way you would physically, if it was obviously unintentional they won't be coming after you... For example, If you magically disconnect a guy's brake cable you might be a murder. If you screw with a cottonmouth's brain and convince it to nest under his car seat on the other hand... Even better would be to introduce a few black widow's to his house, especially if they're local anyway. Magic is really quite unessential at that point, but you could use it if you wanted to...

Of course the easy way would be to just clot a tiny bit of blood in his brain. I don't understand why anyone would use that spectacular heart ripping out thing. Way more convenient if it can be chalked up to one fo the most common causes of death.

For that matter, magically causing cancer should be extremely easy.

Jim should try that one some time, have people mysteriously die from cancer and stroke, normal except for the targets. Like the magical equivalent of Kincaid's kind of methods, except sneakier and even more efficient.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: FutureGameDesigner on July 24, 2010, 09:37:38 AM
If you remember, veils also inhibit the perceptions of the person veiled in the same way and almost to the same degree as those who can't perceive the target.  Only Molly seems to have no trouble with this.  When she gets older, she's going to be a master of veils that even The Merlin won't be able to match.  Her natural talent for them is beyond the experience of even some of the big dogs.  Harry sees through them because he just knows her so well, and he's even admitted that he absolutely can't get through her veils, he just knows how she thinks so he catches her.

That're right that it would be an extremely difficult thing to do, but more for someone who had already become fixated on conventional methods.  Someone self-taught would have only slightly more trouble with that variation than they would with a standard veil.  I think the potential benefits are worth exploring though.  After all, it's easier to make a little bubble around one target than try to create a complete illusion over an entire area.  In this instance though, it's a workaround on the 4th Law because it's not actual Neuromancy.  The magic never comes in contact with their mind, nor alters their thoughts or mental state.  That can't be done with all of them.  Manipulating the dead (human dead anyway), even if using tightly controlled bursts of pure force to move them like necromancy.  Heck, the White Council probably thinks forensic medical examiners are necromancers waiting to happen if they ever developed talent.

As for the "drop em in the nevernever" method of killing...I don't think there's really a way to beat the 1st Law on purpose.  Indirect death isn't good enough.  If you use magic to knowingly cause circumstances that are certain, or even only LIKELY to kill the target, you're violating the 1st Law.  The stain comes from the combination of intent and magic.  You don't violate the 4th Law by using drugs and devices to alter someone's memory or force them to give up information, because there's no magic...even though there's intent.  If you cast a non-neuromantic spell but it affects their mind intent, no violation.  If you blow up vampires with fire and don't know mortals are intent, no violation.  Problem is, dropping someone into the potentially lethal nevernever specifically for that potential lethality, is still a stain on your soul.  You purposefully act to end another's life, and you're calling on magic to facilitate it, even if the spell itself isn't what strikes them down.

Since most of the Laws only apply to what you do to mortals, doing it to vampires, fae, demons, outsiders, and other such creatures is perfectly alright.  Frowned upon, but apparently not "bad for you" spiritually.  The Wardens don't kill you for it, but they sure watch you like a hawk afterward...just waiting for you to cross the line and do it to a mortal.

The 1st, 6th, and 7th laws are pretty well untouchable.  It's impossible to kill with magic intentionally without staining your soul, even indirectly.  If you want the target to die, and you cast a spell that even so much as leads to their death, 1st Law violation right there.  You can't do anything with the Outer Gates at all, so any spell that does anything involving outsiders even in concept will do the trick.  I don't think looking for knowledge about any of it taints your soul, but the ideas are so dangerous that they tacked all of that on too.  Seeing the future isn't chronomancy, it's divination.  Sending anything backward though (even if it's not material but rather a specific thought sent back) is chronomancy (and neuromancy too, if it's a thought, even if it's to yourself)...and is a blatant violation under all circumstances (though I don't think that one taints your soul, I think it's more about the sheer danger of screwing with the past)

Ultimately though, the real purpose of this thread is to find ways to avoid the stain...not necessarily the Warden's blade.  So, how do we not stain the soul with some of these Laws?  Killing at all is pretty much out.  You can't even use a burst of force to fling a knife at someone.  You can't even enchant bullets to follow targets (even if that were possible, which I don't think it is).  If you seek to inflict death or even harm (that directly though accidentally results in death) on the target, and use magic to lead them in any way to that goal, you're staining your soul.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Fedifensor on July 24, 2010, 01:30:11 PM
i don't think you can "get away with" breaking the 1st law in any way shape or form.
Contract Hit - You summon a creature from the Nevernever (or, more accurately, provide a gateway for said creature).  You bargain with the creature to have it kill someone, and offer to pay it with some sort of magical service.  However, the actual contract is not imposed by magic, and the killing is not done via the caster's magic.  You caused the death, but you didn't cause it via magic - it's a mundane bargain that just happens to have used magic to get the other party present for bargaining, and pays for the killing by providing a magical service at a future date.

Things get a bit dicey if the deal is enforced by a magical contract, as that ties magic into the actual killing.  But a mundane deal should be fine (even if the deal gives an opening for the creature should it be broken, the same way faeries have power over you when you break a deal with them).
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: ryanroyce on July 24, 2010, 02:54:39 PM
Contract Hit - You summon a creature from the Nevernever (or, more accurately, provide a gateway for said creature).  You bargain with the creature to have it kill someone, and offer to pay it with some sort of magical service.  However, the actual contract is not imposed by magic, and the killing is not done via the caster's magic.  You caused the death, but you didn't cause it via magic - it's a mundane bargain that just happens to have used magic to get the other party present for bargaining, and pays for the killing by providing a magical service at a future date.

Things get a bit dicey if the deal is enforced by a magical contract, as that ties magic into the actual killing.  But a mundane deal should be fine (even if the deal gives an opening for the creature should it be broken, the same way faeries have power over you when you break a deal with them).

 Considering that Binder from Turn Coat routinely gets away with having his bound Grey Men kill people without earning Lawbreaker or even the Wardens' Sword, I'd say that this is needlessly complicated.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Deadmanwalking on July 24, 2010, 09:38:17 PM
Considering that Binder from Turn Coat routinely gets away with having his bound Grey Men kill people without earning Lawbreaker or even the Wardens' Sword, I'd say that this is needlessly complicated.

That's not clear, actually. His name aside, we never see them bound, and he seems to have a good working relationship with them (or the hive mind behind them), so a deal of some sort is very possible.

In fact, based on Harry's comments about summoning things to kill people in both Storm Front and Proven Guilty, I think that's what he needs to have one to avoid the Wardens killing him (or at least sending his own critters back at him to do so).
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: MijRai on July 24, 2010, 10:14:33 PM
Actually, I'd say shoving someone into the NeverNever to die wouldn't break the First Law, so long as you don't know what is on the other side. You don't know where they went, so there's a chance they landed in Lily's lap, and they get helped out by Fix. Now, they could land in Maeve's lap, spill her drink, and step on Grimalkin's tail . You know what'll happen there.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Walker_Blade on July 25, 2010, 12:52:10 AM
The most common way to get around the first law:  Use magic to immobilize and cripple the enemy and then chop off their head.  Wardens do it all the time.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Nomad on July 25, 2010, 05:26:15 AM
Jaxom Faux: I would argue that it is the intent behind the magic that determines if you stain your soul or not. Consider the scenario:

The wizard Q creates a huge weather effect that goes out of control and causes the deaths of a couple of people.
If the guy was acting like a brainless jock and this is the result then it is a lawbreaker.
If the guy was acting out of desperation to take out some monsters (like a flock of harpies or clearing the cloud cover to burn some blamps) and he passes out from backlash (and looses the control), I wouldn't assign lawbreaker to him. Sure he would get in serious trouble with the White Council but thats a different matter.

If you are intention is to kill with magic or magic created effect or if you act irresponsibly (juvenile etc) then it is a lawbreaker. If you are only holding the guy so you can stab him then it is not. If you were trying your hardest and you couldn't hold it together cousing colleteral damage it isn't (it is sure to be a  negative aspect change however)
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Jaxom Faux on July 25, 2010, 09:49:26 PM
Jaxom Faux: I would argue that it is the intent behind the magic that determines if you stain your soul or not. Consider the scenario:

The wizard Q creates a huge weather effect that goes out of control and causes the deaths of a couple of people.
If the guy was acting like a brainless jock and this is the result then it is a lawbreaker.
If the guy was acting out of desperation to take out some monsters (like a flock of harpies or clearing the cloud cover to burn some blamps) and he passes out from backlash (and looses the control), I wouldn't assign lawbreaker to him. Sure he would get in serious trouble with the White Council but thats a different matter.

If you are intention is to kill with magic or magic created effect or if you act irresponsibly (juvenile etc) then it is a lawbreaker. If you are only holding the guy so you can stab him then it is not. If you were trying your hardest and you couldn't hold it together cousing colleteral damage it isn't (it is sure to be a  negative aspect change however)

1. the council doesn't care about intentions, if you were using magic and it results in someones death, you broke the law. period.

2. holding a guy to kill him? lawbreaker, your magic is abetting your murder.

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Contract Hit - You summon a creature from the Nevernever (or, more accurately, provide a gateway for said creature).  You bargain with the creature to have it kill someone, and offer to pay it with some sort of magical service.  However, the actual contract is not imposed by magic, and the killing is not done via the caster's magic.  You caused the death, but you didn't cause it via magic - it's a mundane bargain that just happens to have used magic to get the other party present for bargaining, and pays for the killing by providing a magical service at a future date.

Things get a bit dicey if the deal is enforced by a magical contract, as that ties magic into the actual killing.  But a mundane deal should be fine (even if the deal gives an opening for the creature should it be broken, the same way faeries have power over you when you break a deal with them).

i think the wardens would argue using magic to summon up the creature to make the deal in the first place (consorting with demons/blah/blah) would be more than enough to get you on their "kill him" list.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: ryanroyce on July 25, 2010, 10:58:42 PM
1. the council doesn't care about intentions, if you were using magic and it results in someones death, you broke the law. period.

2. holding a guy to kill him? lawbreaker, your magic is abetting your murder.

(click to show/hide)

i think the wardens would argue using magic to summon up the creature to make the deal in the first place (consorting with demons/blah/blah) would be more than enough to get you on their "kill him" list.

1. The Council doesn't care about intentions, but IMHO the "Universe" that decides whether or not you've earned Lawbreaker DOES.

2. Wardens' wrath?  Almost certainly.  Lawbreaker?  Not so certain.  These two things are often in agreement, but not nearly as often as the Wardens would like to think.

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Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: FutureGameDesigner on July 26, 2010, 06:17:29 AM
I think it bears mention that for discussion purposes, I'm interested in what avoids the stain on the soul...not what avoids the warden's blade.

Also, for game purposes...we may want to make the distinction as well that just because the wardens want to lop off a character's head, doesn't necessarily mean they got a Lawbreaker power for whatever they did.  The power is related to the stain on the soul, not any interpretive legality by the wardens.

As such, you can't kill someone with magic, period.  You can't even use magic to set off a Rube Goldberg machine that kills someone.  If you call upon magic in ANY way while you possess the intent to kill, and someone're hosed, period.

Now maybe...and I can't stress it enough, MAYBE...if you do something that's normally nonlethal by design and you have no intent to kill of any kind and someone still dies, then you might just get off the hook with the soul stain.  The Wardens will still give your head and body a divorce, but at least your soul might be clean.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Tree on July 26, 2010, 07:19:59 AM
I think it bears mention that for discussion purposes, I'm interested in what avoids the stain on the soul...not what avoids the warden's blade.

What you use it for probably. Kumori uses necromancy to save a guy's life, she doesn't seem too twisted. On that note, wardens that go around using normal magic to slaughter people should be getting twisted around a bit themselves. I'm sure Jim will sort it out.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: smoore on July 26, 2010, 02:41:46 PM
#1: The problem here is that Butcher set up the world with a Creator. With the first law your trying to break his basic rule, "Thou shalt not kill" without consequences. I don't think you can. I'd argue that even when the Wardens kill with a sword it stains their soul, just not in the same way as with magic. The White Council can stop people from killing with magic but not killing without it so they only care about the former, that doesn't mean the latter is any better. Talk to you local religious figure about how you can kill someone and yet not be responsible.

#2: A properly researched, well thought out ritual to transform  a person which takes into account all the consequences for storing their soul/mind/personality and allowing them to transform back at their will probably doesn't stain the soul. Spend a few decades doing the research on that one.

#3: The problem here is "invade". There has been a lot of discussion that if the invasion is voluntary then it might be ok, or if its just looking around. Yea sure, some of those particularly the looking into a voluntary subject might not stain the soul. But its too tempting to do a little tweak while in there, or look at secrets the person has. While in someones head can you resist the temptation to see what they really think of you? Probably not and if you do you just crossed the invasion line. The Council has determined that even defensive mind magic seems to be too close to breaking this law so they don't even teach anything beyond the basics. That seems a bit too far but its so the temptation never exists. To break this one I'd say it has to be 100% voluntary, no coercion, no threats, not even a you need to prove you innocent type of thing, and then only looking and only looking at the specific info they allow. Well if you meet all whose conditions there really isn't a reason to look is there?

#4: Any enthrallment is a stain, this one is clear. You can't make someone do anything, even love potions without negative effects.

#5: The stain only seems to apply to crossing the borders for things with souls. Sue was an abomination, but not a killable offense. Raising an army of zombie bunnies seems to at least tolerated. Again this comes back to the Creator issue. He won't like you bringing back the dead, what Koumari does will noble probably violated the Creator/Universes rules about that.

#6 I don't think the 6th stains the soul at all, its just such a bad idea to go back in time that it has to be stopped. To many actions messing with the past lead to breaking the "thou shalt not kill rule", even if you don't use magic beyond the time travel part. Changing history means someone out there died who didn't before and you were the cause. You could probably go back, veiled, levitating and incorporeal leaving no trace and record events without causing a stain but extreme precautions would need to be taken not to influence anything. Precautions which are probably so difficult as to be impossible.

#7 The 7th has a lot of leeway. Research that never contacts an outsider probably doesn't hurt at all, its just that those who start to research write it down and other people pick up that work with bad consequences.
Dealing with one is just a road to corruption.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Ophidimancer on July 26, 2010, 03:07:37 PM
#1: The problem here is that Butcher set up the world with a Creator. With the first law your trying to break his basic rule, "Thou shalt not kill" without consequences.

This is only assuming the Judeo-Christian Creator, which is not necessarily the case.

#4: Any enthrallment is a stain, this one is clear. You can't make someone do anything, even love potions without negative effects.

No, the love potion was explained as grey.

#6 I don't think the 6th stains the soul at all

According to the rules it does.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: smoore on July 26, 2010, 03:34:37 PM
This is only assuming the Judeo-Christian Creator, which is not necessarily the case.

I think Butcher has made it clear the Creator is Judeo-Christian, or least something similar. It has something to do with 3 guys with swords, nails and named archangels. Even if we say the Creator is something vaguer and more broad scoped, no mainstream religion support outright killing and while the wording might not be the same the same basic rule applies in all of them. Some of them allow and even require killing criminals of various kinds but outright murder of innocents is always out, and thats really what he is trying to get away with. Yes, I know fanatics in every religion find a way to justify killing someone they don't like, that doesn't mean it doesn't violate the religions basic tenants.

No, the love potion was explained as grey.
And that's exactly what we are talking about grey areas. Sometimes the Laws might be overly strict, others they might actually be to lenient. IMO love potions would be that too lenient area. They stain slightly but the council can't really condemn every high school girl who makes one, they don't have enough time on their hands. Then the question becomes how effective the potion is anyway? Who can test every case to see if the boy fell in love on his own or some girl actually managed to create a potion?

According to the rules it does.

According to the rules you get lawbreaker for it. And there is a 99.9% overlap between the laws and stain.  I don't think the actual time travel generates a stain, I just think its impossible to go back in time and not mess something up which does cause a stain. Its a fine line, so fine that its impossible to not wreck the natural order when doing it, but the discussion is what can you do without getting a stain. Travel no stain. Do anything once you have traveled, including breath, walk, etc.  stain.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: CMEast on July 26, 2010, 03:41:03 PM
@smoore: The judeo-christian god seems to exist in the Dresdenverse, but there is no guarantee it's anything like people believe in the real world. There is no proof that it is the 'creator' or that it set the laws of magic in motion.

The laws of magic are totally separate to the 10 commandments and the 'stain on the soul' is totally different to sin. The seven laws are about magical acts that change the caster and, for the last three, damage the fabric of reality too.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Bruce Coulson on July 26, 2010, 03:41:31 PM
#1.  The Wardens 'circumvent' this one routinely.  You can't kill...with magic.  But nothing prevents you from rendering a person helpless with magic, and then killing them.  A Warden uses a Veil to sneak into a warehouse and lies in wait for a warlock.  Warlock enters, warden hits him from behind with sword, fini.  There are endless variations of the above.  There doesn't seem to be any way you can directly kill someone with magic and avoid the Lawbreaker stunt; but a creative magical type can find all sorts of ways to use magic to get to their target and then kill them.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Nomad on July 26, 2010, 06:32:33 PM
What you do defines who you are. Imagine an average peaceful sheltered joe in a safe community that never even had a bar fight in his life. Then one day he has to kill a man. That peaceful joe is gone forever. He is wounded in his soul and worst case scenario if he had a psychological weakness even a self defence killing can trigger it, turning him into a closet monster. Best case scenario, it will take him years of happiness and constant business to white wash it in his mind so he can sleep soundly and not remember it except on bad days.   

In case of magic this is even more sharper and immidiate. The laws show this. No morality or right or wrong. If you kill, it becomes easier and easier to kill, you become more violent, everything become nails to your hammer. If you mindscramble, then it becomes easier to do and easier to make the decision.

IMO, 5 of the laws represent the damage a caster does to himself. Even Kumori the white necro (a personal liked character) was twisted. Sure she didn't aspire to be a tyrant but she was still blinded and obsessed.
The Time and Outsider laws are (again imo) are there as preventitive measures. It must be really easy to frack up if you are dealing with these 2 issues (and remember that you are fiddling with the whole creation not a puny genocide or specicide). These 2 laws represent  an "administrative" issues rather than "pewrsonal corruptions". (If you do get into contact with outsiders or timeshift then that is a whole different lake of piranhas.)  

*The love potion was legal because it actually didn't add something to the victim. It is lika a ultra concantrated tequila/vodka/beer shot that lowers the victims inhibitions and enhances sexual appetite by making the base ingredients more potent and reducing some of the effects (you get drunk not alcohol coma and such)
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: FutureGameDesigner on July 26, 2010, 08:56:02 PM
Well crap, I'm already hosed if I ever get my hands on magic then.  I don't have the slightest compunction about doing any of it to begin with.  I probably won't, because it's impractical...but as soon as it becomes the most efficient choice by results, kablammo.

That reminds me, I need to get a paintball gun and lots of habanero extract...
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Bruce Coulson on July 26, 2010, 10:02:49 PM
All the Laws could really be filed under one word.


Every Law ultimately deals with the idea of a wizard assuming authority over a matter given solely to Higher Powers.

From another perspective, the Laws simply represent metaphysical reality as currently understood by the White Council.  It may not be entirely correct, but it works.  (Imagine a Law as being similar to, say the law of Gravity in the mundane world.  Now, imagine the Council's understanding of gravity being equivalent to, say, classical Greek thinking.  You don't need calculus and Newton to know that falling off a cliff is going to hurt, and the higher the cliff, the bigger the hurt.)
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: mime64 on July 27, 2010, 04:24:06 PM
I wonder how this would affect my Perceptimancer (photomancer)?
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Nomad on July 27, 2010, 05:57:09 PM
What does he do exactly? Does he use light based attacks and illusions (like jubilee from x-man?) or does he use some kind of photography to make voodooo dolls and such?
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: mime64 on July 28, 2010, 02:24:34 PM
to gain, learn, perceive, understand

Photomancy is on page 286.

Basically I was working on a guy who could do ghost sounds, make people see things that aren't there, not see things that are there, change how they perceive things that are there.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Bruce Coulson on July 28, 2010, 02:54:02 PM
Visual illusions are not a violation of the 4th Law; you aren't tampering with anyone's mind, just what they see or hear.  Ditto for Veils; again, you're affecting what they see, not how they see it.

Changing how mortals perceive things...that's starting to shade into a grey zone.  Depending on your local Warden, since you're not actually making a change in their cognition, just their perception, you might be okay...but you might not.  This is something you and your group should decide; is that a violation of the 4th Law or not?  If they agree it's not (there's good arguments either way, so really it's what your group decides would be the most fun) then go for it!
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: ballplayer72 on July 28, 2010, 03:00:12 PM
All the Laws could really be filed under one word.


Every Law ultimately deals with the idea of a wizard assuming authority over a matter given solely to Higher Powers.

From another perspective, the Laws simply represent metaphysical reality as currently understood by the White Council.  It may not be entirely correct, but it works.  (Imagine a Law as being similar to, say the law of Gravity in the mundane world.  Now, imagine the Council's understanding of gravity being equivalent to, say, classical Greek thinking.  You don't need calculus and Newton to know that falling off a cliff is going to hurt, and the higher the cliff, the bigger the hurt.)

Good analogy!     Its like touching the stove as a kid.    You only need to do it one time to learn "fire hurts.  don't touch fire.".  You don't need to know WHY it works or how to get around that.  You simply need to know not to do it.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: JosephKell on July 31, 2010, 10:53:10 PM
#1.  The Wardens 'circumvent' this one routinely.  You can't kill...with magic.  But nothing prevents you from rendering a person helpless with magic, and then killing them.  A Warden uses a Veil to sneak into a warehouse and lies in wait for a warlock.  Warlock enters, warden hits him from behind with sword, fini.  There are endless variations of the above.  There doesn't seem to be any way you can directly kill someone with magic and avoid the Lawbreaker stunt; but a creative magical type can find all sorts of ways to use magic to get to their target and then kill them.
I think the wardens use magic to debuff the warlock (do blocks on spellcasting).  And since most crazy evil guys think magic solves all problems, they don't carry guns, swords (maybe knives), or practice karate.

Then they either put a bullet in their brain or take their sword to the warlock (or just capture them for trial).  It isn't like they use magic to press them against a wall (they don't have to, warlocks tend to be vanilla except for their spellcasting).

This is why I think smart mortals use magic for the hardest "forensic" steps of committing murder or any other crime.  Most murders are closed because of a misstep getting to, into, out of, and/or away from the crime scene.  And if you can take an escape route that others can't (or don't even know about, such as the Nevernever), you can be as loud as you want.  Is a neighbor really going to get the cops there fast enough if you fire off a few revolver rounds (no casings left behind, and it isn't unheard of to re-bore barrels--in case the gun had a history), then close the portal?

Especially if you don't even step out of the portal you open!  No footprints on the scene!

Or, don't use the nevernever (crazy monsters there after all) and instead made travel potions to get in, and out quickly.  You still risk being see getting to and from the scene, but loitering is what really makes people notice anyway.

Sample potions:
- Block potion on INVESTIGATION checks (to get a description).  People still notice you (Alertness), but they can't quite remember your hair color, voice, weight, height, or what you're carrying (a shotgun looks like a box of roses?).
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Stephen on August 02, 2010, 01:35:14 PM
A proven way around the laws is the use of the
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. So acquire it, the recipe for making it. recreate it or do something similar (e.g. 'scapegoating' - shifting the stain onto someone else).
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: Wyrdrune on August 02, 2010, 02:50:48 PM
according to what we saw in
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- it might not be that good idea - to me it seems that there is still a price to pay.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: ballplayer72 on August 02, 2010, 07:27:43 PM
#1: The problem here is that Butcher set up the world with a Creator. With the first law your trying to break his basic rule, "Thou shalt not kill" without consequences. I don't think you can. I'd argue that even when the Wardens kill with a sword it stains their soul, just not in the same way as with magic. The White Council can stop people from killing with magic but not killing without it so they only care about the former, that doesn't mean the latter is any better. Talk to you local religious figure about how you can kill someone and yet not be responsible.

#2: A properly researched, well thought out ritual to transform  a person which takes into account all the consequences for storing their soul/mind/personality and allowing them to transform back at their will probably doesn't stain the soul. Spend a few decades doing the research on that one.

#3: The problem here is "invade". There has been a lot of discussion that if the invasion is voluntary then it might be ok, or if its just looking around. Yea sure, some of those particularly the looking into a voluntary subject might not stain the soul. But its too tempting to do a little tweak while in there, or look at secrets the person has. While in someones head can you resist the temptation to see what they really think of you? Probably not and if you do you just crossed the invasion line. The Council has determined that even defensive mind magic seems to be too close to breaking this law so they don't even teach anything beyond the basics. That seems a bit too far but its so the temptation never exists. To break this one I'd say it has to be 100% voluntary, no coercion, no threats, not even a you need to prove you innocent type of thing, and then only looking and only looking at the specific info they allow. Well if you meet all whose conditions there really isn't a reason to look is there?

#4: Any enthrallment is a stain, this one is clear. You can't make someone do anything, even love potions without negative effects.

#5: The stain only seems to apply to crossing the borders for things with souls. Sue was an abomination, but not a killable offense. Raising an army of zombie bunnies seems to at least tolerated. Again this comes back to the Creator issue. He won't like you bringing back the dead, what Koumari does will noble probably violated the Creator/Universes rules about that.

#6 I don't think the 6th stains the soul at all, its just such a bad idea to go back in time that it has to be stopped. To many actions messing with the past lead to breaking the "thou shalt not kill rule", even if you don't use magic beyond the time travel part. Changing history means someone out there died who didn't before and you were the cause. You could probably go back, veiled, levitating and incorporeal leaving no trace and record events without causing a stain but extreme precautions would need to be taken not to influence anything. Precautions which are probably so difficult as to be impossible.

#7 The 7th has a lot of leeway. Research that never contacts an outsider probably doesn't hurt at all, its just that those who start to research write it down and other people pick up that work with bad consequences.
Dealing with one is just a road to corruption.

Actually the 7th doesnt' have any leeway.   Knowledge about the outsiders is strictly forbidden.   IN any capacity.  Technically harry is breaking the 7th law simply by knowing HWWB's name.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: JosephKell on August 02, 2010, 08:20:25 PM

Actually the 7th doesnt' have any leeway.   Knowledge about the outsiders is strictly forbidden.   IN any capacity.  Technically harry is breaking the 7th law simply by knowing HWWB's name.
I think "outsider knowledge" is a lot like Jon Doe citizen seeing Top Secret CIA stuff (in this case the CIA are the "outsiders").  It is okay to know the CIA exists, it isn't okay to know what they know.

And HWWB isn't actually its name.  It is more of its "name you want facebook to display."  Sort of like how the CIA is also referred to as "The Company" or "The Agency."

The rule about Outsiders is more that "Don't try to summon them to gain knowledge since your magic probably won't work!  They'll step right through your circle and eat your face, then your neighbor's face, then that cute girl down the street's face...  Don't do it!"
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: ballplayer72 on August 02, 2010, 09:00:51 PM
I think "outsider knowledge" is a lot like Jon Doe citizen seeing Top Secret CIA stuff (in this case the CIA are the "outsiders").  It is okay to know the CIA exists, it isn't okay to know what they know.

And HWWB isn't actually its name.  It is more of its "name you want facebook to display."  Sort of like how the CIA is also referred to as "The Company" or "The Agency."

The rule about Outsiders is more that "Don't try to summon them to gain knowledge since your magic probably won't work!  They'll step right through your circle and eat your face, then your neighbor's face, then that cute girl down the street's face...  Don't do it!"

I got the feeling it was as much his name as "mab" is mabs name.    Its what he gives out to people, not his True Name.   

And yes, its ok to know that there is such a thing as Outsiders.  Beyond that though?    Its a Bad Thing.     
Idk i think they would fit in a circle. even do your bidding to an extent (see HWWB being a hired assassin).   And twist you horribly in the process.  Pretty soon youre summoning him and his 14 cousins into the prime material plane to be your servents and then all of a sudden you don't exist anymore and there a massive OUTSIDER Gate on your front lawn and the sky is weeping blood and Cthulu just ate the moon.
The laws seem to make slippery slope arguments a reality instead of a fallacy.   You do this, you do it more, until it snowballs ridiculously out of control and something abjectly horrible happens.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: FutureGameDesigner on August 03, 2010, 09:08:46 AM
I don't recall wardens directly immobilizing or imprisoning anyone with magic during execution.  They might cut off their spellcasting, but they're bound and hooded by completely mundane means otherwise.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: ballplayer72 on August 03, 2010, 08:20:44 PM
I don't recall wardens directly immobilizing or imprisoning anyone with magic during execution.  They might cut off their spellcasting, but they're bound and hooded by completely mundane means otherwise.

that goes back to the classic test for finding a bad guy  when "bad guy" equals someone who can't stop using their magic.    If they do magic for everything (remember when harry taught molly that magic and power weren't always the answer? this is the same lesson carried over ) they probably can't stop.  Look at anakin skywalker in starwars. Dude just loved using the force. Thought his power made him better etc etc snow balled, then you've got darth vader.

Why use magic when mundane means suffice?
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: smoore on August 03, 2010, 08:50:12 PM

Actually the 7th doesnt' have any leeway.   Knowledge about the outsiders is strictly forbidden.   IN any capacity.  Technically harry is breaking the 7th law simply by knowing HWWB's name.

Did you read the first post?

This thread is dedicated to trying to determine how one can accomplish certain results that would otherwise be possible only through violation of one of the seven Laws of Magic, without actually "staining" your soul.

Knowing HWWB would in no way stain you but could be a violation. The 7ths has lots of leeway you can learn a lot of things about the Outsiders that would get you killed by the Council but wouldn't stain you.
Title: Re: How to Circumvent the Laws...Correctly.
Post by: ballplayer72 on August 03, 2010, 09:15:46 PM
Did you read the first post?

Knowing HWWB would in no way stain you but could be a violation. The 7ths has lots of leeway you can learn a lot of things about the Outsiders that would get you killed by the Council but wouldn't stain you.

Unless its knowledge that has a mind of its own.  That DESIRES to be used.  That tempts.    Theres got to be a damn good reason for them to kill people for simply knowing something about the Outsiders.  And not anything important either.      The same kind of reason all the other laws are insta death penalties (for the most part).  Because someone who does it is nigh on irredeemable and 9.999999999/10 times will do something just awful eventually.