
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: DesertCoyote on May 26, 2010, 11:42:14 PM

Title: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: DesertCoyote on May 26, 2010, 11:42:14 PM
I've got a player that's playing a wild-west style demon-hunting-gunslinger.  I'm trying to write up some practical stunts that fit the flavor.  Input/suggestions are welcome.

[-1] Quickdraw: This allows a character to roll guns for alertness to determine who goes first on the first exchange.  The character can also draw the weapon that turn without taking a -1 penalty for a supplemental action.  If the character loses, he can still roll athletics to get out of the line of fire instead of suffering from mediocre, even in situations where this is normally not available.

[-1] Fan the Hammer:  Allows the character to fire off all 6 shots from a revolver in one exchange. (Enables spray attacks from revolver weapons so long as one hand is free)

[-1] Guns Akimbo: Works as Off-Hand Weapon Training (YS 156) but affects the Guns skill instead of Weapons.
You know how to fight more effectively with two guns in hand. Normally, you may only take the damage bonus from one gun on a successful hit; with this stunt, you may add half of the second gun's bonus as well (round up)

[-1] Make a Path: With a bit of practice, the character has learned what inanimate objects can be taken down with the proper application of bullets.   The character can use Guns to reduce or raise the border between two zones.  This can be something lasting such as shooting the support beams to collapse a section of the roof to gain access, or something temporary such as shooting a rope holding a weight and using it to pull the character to the roof.  This can also be used to shoot many types of locks.


Also, the character possesses an artifact weapon (rifle of some sort).  I was thinking an 1876 Winchester that belonged to Teddy Roosevelt (Hey, weirder stuff has showed up in the Dresdenverse).

[+2] One time discount:  It's a rifle and not easily hidden.

[-1] Big Game Hunter: Gives +1 to guns skill and +2 physical stress when shooting at a creature larger than a person

[-1] Sure Shot: The weapon is exceptionally accurate and gives an additional +2 to guns skill after an aiming maneuver has been performed for a total of +4.

[-1] Big Stick: At some point, the weapon has been blessed by the Church and if used as a melee weapon, counts as a holy item.  Anything that would normally be repelled or take extra damage does so after direct physical contact with this gun.

Also, as a freebie, a limited supply of blessed silver bullets which basically add the Big Stick power to the bullets the gun fires.  The priest that made the bullets has since died, taking with him the secret of their manufacture.
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: kjpowers on May 27, 2010, 12:20:40 AM
I love the Teddy Roosevelt Winchester. Very nice!
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: JustinS on May 27, 2010, 01:47:03 AM
I'd suggest making "Big game hunter" to be 'ignore huge' so you don't need to make size judgment calls, and make sure shot an extra +1 because it is a stack-able combat bonus (Or make it give a free option to re-roll if you tag an aim maneuver)
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: DesertCoyote on May 27, 2010, 02:27:43 AM
I'd suggest making "Big game hunter" to be 'ignore huge' so you don't need to make size judgment calls,

I'm kinda mulling that one over.  Lions are considered "big game" in terms of 1800's era African adventures, but aren't much bigger than a man.  Maybe a better definition of what constitutes "big game" in the supernatural world is in order...  I'd be inclined to say that red court nobility counts as "big game" on the same basis as a lion to mundane humans.
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: Big Simon on May 27, 2010, 04:49:48 AM
Can we assume the "[+2] One time discount" is the standard +2 refresh for externalizing some of your character's ability in a -3 Item of Power?  I mean, I don't think an Item of Power can benefit from a bonus like that simply from being too big to hide, otherwise swords and the like (which can be just as big as rifles) would have the same caveat.

Otherwise, I think it looks pretty slick.
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: DesertCoyote on May 27, 2010, 05:52:42 AM
Actually, that's almost verbatim how the one time discount works.  You get +1 for externalizing some power, and an additional +1 if you cannot easily hide the item.

One-Time Discount [+1 or +2]. You regain two points of refresh for “externalizing” some of your abilities in the form of the Item of Power. This assumes that the Item of Power is reasonably obvious and easy to detect, like a sword. If the item is difficult to detect, allowing concealment, you only regain one point of refresh. This discount only happens once, even if you have multiple separate Items of Power.

The refresh cost of the any abilities “attached” in this way must be at least –3 in the case of the +2 option, or at least –2 in the case of the +1 option. In effect, this says that the net result of taking the Item of Power ability should still decrease your refresh—just less so.

Have you ever tried hiding a rifle on your person?
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: Deadmanwalking on May 27, 2010, 06:48:02 AM
Personally, I'd allow any bullet from the gun to count as Holy, but then, I don't consider Holy to be that big a deal (anyone with True Faith powers can make holy stuff, IMO, it's a full +2 Catch after's not that hard to get ahold of). Other than that, looks good to me.
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: Mal_Luck on May 27, 2010, 07:48:13 AM
Make a Path reminds me of Marcone's Trick Shot Artiste stunt, which could be used to do the same thing. My gun totting semi-pure mortal uses it, but being a fan of TVtropes I call it Improbable Aiming Skills.
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: Wordmaker on May 27, 2010, 11:42:46 AM
Those are some very cool custom stunts. Love the flavour.
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: Crion on May 27, 2010, 01:31:23 PM
Before I go all out and start rambling with ideas: have you ever looked into the RPG "Deadlands" (Classic version, not Reloaded). I only ask as there are certain advantages and magical powers that could be modified and adapted for a gunslinger, or even just the standard rules could give you ideas of things to play with. Not to mention a variety of relics sitting there as well. . .

For example, I've always been fond of the "Rifle Spin," which is that nifty stunt used with lever-action rifles to chamber the next round with only one hand. Sure, mechanically it doesn't sound like much, but I think it'd be a useful stunt to relate to performing or potential intimidation.

I've also been considering having an old Wild West Gunslinger or a member of Victorian England Society as a Wizard PC/NPC, so this thread is relevant to my interests. I can begin skimming my Deadlands books again for other notes if you'd like me to toss other ideas around here to hammer out.

Thanks for the topic and the motivation; hopefully something interesting will come of this!

Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: Big Simon on May 27, 2010, 03:09:23 PM
Actually, that's almost verbatim how the one time discount works.  You get +1 for externalizing some power, and an additional +1 if you cannot easily hide the item.

D'oh... you're absolutely right.  I'm just skimming the game text for now, and must have missed that, jumping right to the +2 for -3 and +1 for -2 part.
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: mrsleep on May 29, 2010, 03:10:29 AM
Hah. That sounds like a killer character...  Speaking of which, am I the only Preacher fan here?

This guy could be very Saint of Killers.
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: DesertCoyote on May 29, 2010, 08:10:37 AM
had a flashback/dream sidequest where the character's ancestor was hunting demons with Teddy Roosevelt pre-Spanish-American war.  I was rolling for Teddy, and even with guns 4, couldn't hit the starving red courts.  I was just rolling terrible.

I started getting irked with Teddy not hitting anything and told the group "Teddy is now angry" prior to taking his action, declared fanning the hammer at some of the red courts.

[ + ] [ + ] [ + ] [ + ]

and my rolling showed marked improvement after this.

It's now the motto for my group, "You do not anger teh Roosevelt, and live."
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: Buscadera on May 29, 2010, 04:32:16 PM
No mrsleep, you're not the only Preacher fan on here. But remember, The Saint of Killers couldn't kill everyone's favorite Irish vampire
(click to show/hide)

Sounds like a great idea for a character though and I really like the stunts.
Title: Re: Custom Gunslinger stunts, and an artifact rifle
Post by: Wyrdrune on May 31, 2010, 12:14:52 PM
the teddy rosevelt winchester reminds me of the computer game nocturne, which is about missions of a institution called 'spookhouse', founded by theodore roosevelt, after he was attacked by a werewolf on a hunting trip.