
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: R00kie on April 23, 2010, 09:36:10 AM

Title: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: R00kie on April 23, 2010, 09:36:10 AM
I thought since I'm playing with my nice new Dresden Files pdf and I've got a campaign starting in a couple of days it might be worth getting some practice in with Dresdenverse aspects. If the thread goes well it might even serve as a nice source of aspect suggestions people can use in their own games.

As such I thought it might be fun to start a compelathon. Just take the Aspect the person before you suggested and suggest how it could be Invoked and Compelled. For example if the Aspect was:

Suspected Warlock
you might suggest:

Invoke: To gain a bonus to intmidate those who know your reputation and understand the Laws of magic
Compel: To cause wizards to distrust and possibly avoid the character, and wardens to watch the character at inconvenient times.

And then having suggested an Invoke and Compel, provide a new aspect for the person after you

As a first aspect I'll provide:

Red Court Courtesan
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: SoulCatcher78 on April 23, 2010, 11:32:09 AM
Red Court Courtesan

Invoke: Familiar with the inner workings of the Red Court (or at least the local branch), have a high tolerance for vampire venom (+2 to resistance checks), understands common Mayan words/commands.

Compel: You sometimes miss the days when all the descisions were made for you (-2 vs Mental attack by Red Court Vamps).

Beacon of light for the hopeless.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: horvagab on April 23, 2010, 12:59:02 PM
Beacon of light for the hopeless.

Invoke: you're well liked by those lesser off, and you may even have a reputation for protecting them. +2 for contacts and investigation roles when these lesser off guys come into play.

Compel: Come into play they come, often asking for help, plus also, you cannot let innocents get hurt while you're in the vicinity.

I used to go bump into the night
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: R00kie on April 23, 2010, 03:09:50 PM
Not sure about this one. If its implies you used to be a foul creature of the night as in:

From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-legged beasties
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!

Then I used to go bump in the night
Invoke: To take advantage of your experience stalking, ambushing or frightening prey during the nightime hours
Compel:  Your reputation preceeds you. Demon hunters, and men of god try to cast you out, and occassionally your old stalking buddies may turn up looking for help.

If it implies some sort of clumsiness (bumping into things) in the dark

Then I used to go bump into the night
Invoke: You are used to everyone else knowing where you are at night. Ambushes and traps are no longer a surprise to you - you expect them and get a bonus to deal with them.
Compel: You're incredibly clumsy, especially in the dark. When the lights are dim you trip over things, break things and make noise. Forget trying to be stealthy at night - you'll be the one who trips and hits the trash cans or steps on a dogs tail.

Arrogance Is Everything!
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Falar on April 23, 2010, 03:39:01 PM
Arrogance Is Everything!

Invoke: Your arrogance serves as excellent armor against those that would tear you down or try to break you in that all important social arena.

Compel: Who the heck cares about what that Knight of the Cross says? He's the image of humility and everyone knows that humility is just another word for not being able to get the job done.

Dean Koontz Fanboy
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Vash the white on April 23, 2010, 04:02:34 PM
I have a couple cool aspects,well i think thier cool, two of them are items, but if someone who as heard of this guys deeds, they will fear him, he is kind of good, now, though!

Unpredictable:invoke:use this againsit your enemy EG: you appear to have just let go and died, when you pull a gun out of no where and shoot him in the face!
Compel:you basicy get compled to do somthing nuts, like somthing that might get everyone killed with no warning

With great power comes a small bit of resonsabillity: the whole idea to this character is that he is learning the difference between right and wrong, so he is becoming responsiable, this can act as both a bad thing and good thing, you can use it to compel againsit doing somthing unpedictable, but it can compel againsit you for the same reason.

rose's guardian: this is a fate point printer, actually a lot of his aspects are, because he needs them, he is guardian to a little girl who will come to be very inportant in the future, a lot of bad guys want to have her for some reason.

his trouble is: "in the end only one was left standing", he has this whole blood feud with his brother, it's a long story so i wont write it. but those are the aspects that arent items other then his high concept
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: SoulCatcher78 on April 23, 2010, 04:22:28 PM
Dean Koontz Fanboy

Invoke: your ability to deal mentally with what others find horrific allows +2 on mental attacks. 

Compel: jumping to conclusions (sometimes the wrong ones) has become a habit.  You sometimes ignore the obvious because the answer can't be that simple.

what's next on my bucket list?
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Lanodantheon on April 23, 2010, 04:46:01 PM
what's next on my bucket list?

Invoke: You have no fear because the end is near...

Compel: You do something bold, dangerous, and/or life-threatening because you have no fear....

I Can't Find "Mana" on the Periodic Table.

Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: SoulCatcher78 on April 23, 2010, 07:45:24 PM

I Can't Find "Mana" on the Periodic Table.

invoke: applying science to the supernatural helps make sense of things that "go bump".

Compel: your quest to find answers to some questions that shouldn't be asked has brought you unwanted attention...again.

what doesn't kill me makes me stronger
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Vash the white on April 23, 2010, 07:47:49 PM
^ got to say this
"i belive what doesnt kill you, makes you, stranger"- dark knight
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: R00kie on April 23, 2010, 08:12:02 PM
what doesn't kill me makes me stronger

Invoke: To come back into the fight after suffering horrible setbacks. To strike after taking a consequence, or to re-attempt something after suffering humiliating failure.
Compel: Because you normally bounce back you are used to taking extreme risks. A compel on this should blind you to the very real danger of failure.

Have Blasting Rod, Will Travel
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: KnightFerrous on April 23, 2010, 08:16:42 PM
[Have Blasting Rod, Will Travel

Invoke Increased intimidation when acting like a gunslinger wiht your blasting rod

Compel loss of confidence and hesitation when without said rod

For every Season, Turn, Turn, Turn
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Tangent Free on April 23, 2010, 10:18:51 PM
For every Season, Turn, Turn, Turn

Invoke:  You've worked for both courts of Faerie. Invoke for knowledge of where to go and who to go to for information or contacts on either side.

Compel:  You've worked for both courts of Faerie. No one likes that you change alliegence so often. Others who dislike that may come taking their shots at you at inopportune times. Some of your contacts may bother you to help them out against the other side.

Silly Rabbit, Tricks are for Kids!
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Lanodantheon on April 24, 2010, 12:10:03 AM
Suggestion for future posts: Perhaps either the challenger (who responds to the challenge)  should put a description of what the Aspect means in the context of the character.

I'll give an example below.

Silly Rabbit, Tricks are for Kids!

You have been fooled too many times by faerie tricksters, and especially that damn White Rabbit.

Invoke: You resist the glamours, tricks or deals offered to you.

Compel: You might get aggressive about it, since they never did find the First White Rabbit again.

Not a Very Good Viking
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: SoulCatcher78 on April 24, 2010, 01:59:47 AM
Not a Very Good Viking

The idea of pillaging and plundering is abhorrent.

Invoke: Sees his mission as protecting those that are helpless.

Compel: Unable to take advantage of those not in a position of greater power than himself.

Goldbricking Slacker
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Lanodantheon on April 24, 2010, 02:30:30 AM
Goldbricking Slacker

You are the master. The master of doing..... nothing.....

Invoke: You find the path of least resistance in a situation. And though got money.

Compel: You're a slacker.

The Deliverator
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Malivotti on April 24, 2010, 08:20:54 AM

The Deliverator

Everything ends...and you are here to speed things up.

Invoke: To kill quickly without remorse

Compel: They deserve to die, now, let final judgment come

Bad Good Girl, Good Bad Girl
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Valarian on April 24, 2010, 01:03:04 PM
Bad Good Girl, Good Bad Girl
You're just really good at being bad. There's not much you wouldn't do.

Invoke: Gain advantage when doing something naughty
Compel: You just can't resist the bad stuff. Watch out for Wardens.

As Good as it Gets
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: R00kie on April 25, 2010, 06:17:58 AM
As Good as it Gets

You're a Pragmatists who recognises in the real world things aren't ever perfect.

Invoke: To make the best of an imperfect situation. You could for example gain a bonus when trying to do a job without the right tools, or under poor conditions.
Compel: Because you don't believe in perfection you don't strive for it. You could be compelled to do things quickly and poorly, to put in less effort than might be ideal or to start a job before the ideal time.

Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Lanodantheon on April 25, 2010, 04:33:15 PM
Crap....this thread is making me look in the dictionary alot.


You are a woman of "A group whose respectability is dubious or whose success is marginal".

Invoke: You are privy to expertise not normally had or known.

Compel: People think you are a hack or unworthy of respect.

Fullmetal Arcanist
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: kytanos on April 25, 2010, 09:34:38 PM
Invoke: Use your obsession/ liking of anime to help "Deal with" some of the more traumatic elements of the supernatural. Sure that 12 foot tall spike ridden ghoul is going to rip you to pieces, But it looks so cool. Also your magic tends to be "impressive".

Compel: No matter how cool you think itll work, real life magic simply doesnt work that way. Your spell may be flashy, but it's sure as heck less effective. all bang and no buck.

I have a double dose for whoever comes after me, think you can handle 2? ^_^

Aspect 1: HA! Ive seen scarier things inside my own damn head.

Aspect 2: The right man in the wrong place.

Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Vash the white on April 25, 2010, 10:51:51 PM
aspect 1: you laugh in the face of danger, the only probablem is your really crazy

aspect 2:this one stumpted me so anyone else can take a shot at it

i dont give a shit who started it i'll finish it!

Cold blooded killer
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Mal_Luck on April 26, 2010, 12:32:49 AM
Aspect 2: The right man in the wrong place.
Finishing the quote: The Right Man in the Wrong Place can make all the difference in the world.

Invoke: This aspect would almost work exactly like the Spiritual Guidance effect of Guide My Hand power.
Compel: You are actually in the real wrong... wrong place.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Tsunami on April 26, 2010, 09:55:22 AM
Turning it down to one Aspect per step :-)

i dont give a shit who started it i'll finish it!

Invoke: You have a knack for finding people who are in over their head before they drown. And helping them to resolve their problems.

Compel: Well, people don't give a shit if you started something. But they sure as hell demand that you resolve the problem.

This is one i thought up for a character I'm planing to play, like to see what people make of it.

My Grandpa left it to me.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: surarrin on April 26, 2010, 10:11:56 AM
My Grandpa left it to me.


Invoke: I just happen to have this inherited silver necklace my grandpa left me in his will!

Compel: Your Grandpa left it to you. How dare anyone else try and take it!

Aspect 1: Pay the Ferryman
Aspect 2: Stacked Deck
Aspect 3: unnatural Attraction

Pick and choose!
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: SoulCatcher78 on April 26, 2010, 11:48:22 AM
Aspect 1: Pay the Ferryman
(Sounds to me like those check cashing places but with power instead)
It seemed like such a great idea at the time you needed his help the most, now you're counting down the time until you can say that your debt is paid.

Invoke: Able to call on whoever it is you dealt with for more favors if you're in a jam.

Compel: You owe your soul to the company store as you keep extending the time it will take to work off all the favors you owe.  One day the Ferryman might decide that it's time to collect in full and leave you hanging when you need it most.

I have seen the worst humanity has to offer.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on April 26, 2010, 05:28:02 PM
I have seen the worst humanity has to offer.

Invoke: Nothing humans do or say can get close to you because you have seen it all. When somebody trys to provoke or intimidate you it doesn't hit you like it used to.

Compell: Something in you is dead. You have given in to a fatalistic view of the world. Allways expecting the worst of anybody crossing your ways. Nobody can be trusted.

This is the Phase 1 Aspect of the PC I'm working on:

"Oh Lord! Why have you made him a troublemaker?"
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Tsunami on April 27, 2010, 02:53:29 PM
"Oh Lord! Why have you made him a troublemaker?"

Invoke: Trouble is your middle name. It doesn't deterr you anymore, and you've learned to talk your way out of a lot of almost anything.

Compel: You always find trouble. Even if you don't, trouble finds you, and then everyone is convinced it's your fault.

Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on April 27, 2010, 10:07:21 PM

Invoke: One thing is for sure. You Sir are a giant nerd. Your knowledge of the sifi-worlds, comicbooks an fantasy is unrivaled. In other words: "Your geek penis is longer and harder than all of ours put together."

Compell: When it comes to interacting with people who are not nerds they don't think you are very astute, and you realy don't know why. When speaking to a woman the only thing that you can truely count on is making a fool out of yourself. Apart from this you obviously might be compelled to seek bloody revenge on the field of battle.

Oh my god he's Kirk!
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Valarian on April 28, 2010, 12:32:26 PM
Oh my god he's Kirk!
You bear an uncanny resemblance to an aging sci-fi actor known as The Shat! and are a hit at conventions

Invoke: You gain a bonus when the case of mistaken identity could benefit you
Compel: You ... occasionally ... suffer ... from ... halting ... speech.

Whatever is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil
Friedrich Neitzsche
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: luminos on April 28, 2010, 12:42:06 PM

Whatever is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil
Friedrich Neitzsche

You will do anything to protect those you love

Invoke: You need a little extra oomph to help those you love
Compel:  You will cross lines others wouldn't dream of if you think it will help those you love

Since that was Neitzsche, lets have some Kant
Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on April 29, 2010, 07:54:42 AM
Sorry Luminos ... I have thought about this pretty hard but it's a realy tricky one. Can you come up with a Invoke and a Compell and give us an ohter one? Please!!  ;D
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Tsunami on April 29, 2010, 08:09:50 AM
Sorry Luminos ... I have thought about this pretty hard but it's a realy tricky one. Can you come up with a Invoke and a Compell and give us an ohter one? Please!!  ;D
Bah! Ninny !!  ;D

Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.

You are a misanthrope.

Invoke: You don't care much for people, so when something needs to be done, you can do it best when you're alone.

Compel: You really don't care for people. Any social interaction is hard for you. Also, nothing really makes you want to help people. You really just want to be alone.

Trust me, it'll be easy.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on April 29, 2010, 08:38:47 AM
Bah! Ninny !!  ;D
Siriusly I tried! I wanted to come up with something that would realy catch the meaning of the Kant Quote, but couldn't find anything

It will be an easy Job.

Invoke: You are confident about the things you can do, because in the past you have shown that you are realy good at them. "Remeber when we blew up that Vampire Lair? Man that was an easy Job!"

Compell: Sometimes you underestimate the Gig you get booked for. The overconfidence in your talents has put you in tight spots before.

What about some Billy Shakespear?
"By the pricking of my thumbs, / Something wicked this way comes."
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Tsunami on April 29, 2010, 10:27:59 AM
"By the pricking of my thumbs, / Something wicked this way comes."

Invoke: Your instincts concerning hidden or future danger border on the supernatural.

Compel: Paranoid much ? Instincts can be wrong too.

Russian Ballet Veteran.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: R00kie on April 29, 2010, 11:29:59 AM
Russian Ballet Veteran.
You're an expert at surviving exhausting transatlantic flights, tight shoes and long hours doing strenuous things on your feet

invoke: To endure forms of torture involving sleep deprivation or foot pain. It also helps with those high kicks.
Compel: You look down on those who advocate either French or Italian ballet, and tend to be incredibly uncivil to them.

A wizard did it, honest.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Valarian on April 29, 2010, 12:14:46 PM
A wizard did it, honest.
You're a practitioner with delusions of grandeur. You pass yourself off as White Council to those you meet, even though you flunked the entry exams.
Invoke: Add a bonus when representing yourself with other signatories of the Unseelie Accords, or to impress other practitioners.
Compel: You do something that attracts the attention of the White Council. Expect a visit from the Wardens soon.

The time has come. You know it in your soul.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: The Observer on April 29, 2010, 09:30:52 PM
The time has come. You know it in your soul.

You are excessively melodramatic
Invoke: You receive extra intimidation when confronting an opponent
Compel: Those awesome speeches can get in the way when your enemy just starts shooting.

Vampires can bite me
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Valarian on April 30, 2010, 07:20:09 AM
Vampires can bite me
You hunt Vampires, it's what you do. Ever since that weird old guy showed up at school. You're mostly familiar with Black Court, but you don't mind expanding out to the Red or White. They all suck!

Invoke: Bonuses to actions where Vampires are concerned.
Compel: Too much knowledge can be dangerous. You have all sorts of things showing up to kill you.

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing
Edmund Burke
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: The Observer on April 30, 2010, 08:23:47 PM
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing
Edmund Burke

You are tired of people ignoring evil to protect themselves. You've made a stand!

Invoke: When rallying people to fight
Compel: When it is smarter to stay hidden

Star of the Show
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on May 04, 2010, 11:35:30 AM
Star of the Show

Thats what I call a nice and strong Aspect!

You are Hollywood or Broadway material. You have the looks and you definitely have the good charisma thing going. At the center of any party or fight there you are, turning the tide of the action in favor for you and your friends.

Invoke: In a social conflict you can invoke this pretty much whenever you are loosing the initiative. In a fight it might be your cool moves witch makes you a star.

Compel: When someone threatens your status as "The Star" you get very protective of it, sometimes displaying an arrogance that regularly gets you into more problems then you like.

I'll be back!
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Tsunami on May 04, 2010, 12:51:40 PM
I'll be back!

Invoke: Intimidation "If you lie, I'll be back". Also pretty much everything, provided you encounter the situation again. Finding someone again.

Compel: You have a hard time letting go of some grudges. You always bump into people you never wanted to see again. And sometimes you even find yourself realising: "Damn... I've been here before... going in circles... again!!" Also, the first time is always the hardest... take this Fate Point and do what the GM says...

Special Collections Librarian
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: feliscon on May 07, 2010, 10:35:24 PM
Special Collections Librarian

Oh so tempted to mention orang-utans here... not really appropriate, though  :P

Invoke: Any Lore check for research, you've probably seen it in your collection already!

Compel: To look for knowledge in esoteric and 'special' places, thus missing the mundane and obvious...
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Baron Hazard on May 08, 2010, 02:41:16 AM
Do you have any aspect of your own to contribute, Feliscon?

Since, he didn't provide one, I'm gonna hop right on in here with one:

If I Can Find Redemption, Anyone Can.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Vash the white on May 08, 2010, 03:23:55 AM
Invoke:you can resiet temtaion well

compel:way to loving, like wanting to save nicodemus

Bind man of the gun
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: pandakun on May 18, 2010, 05:50:48 AM
Bind man of the gun

... reminds me a bit of "Kung Fu" meets a Euthanatos (don't beat me!). First time trying this out, so let's see what I can shake out:

You follow a calling to mete justice with a high calling that steers you and your instrument of retribution. You cannot see where it takes you until you're there, and your faith in its workings is such that you depend on it as much as it depends on you.

Invoke: You can find trouble on a moment's notice, often winding up in the right place at the right time.
Compel: You can't avoid a situation that you've been steered to, and often times what must be done is heavily obscured. You just have to take it on faith, man.

Here's one I always found enticing to try:
May you gain the notice of those in High Places
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Lord_Fizzle on May 18, 2010, 05:59:38 AM
May you gain the notice of those in High Places

Invoke: You know the right words to say in a given situation to get access to those who someone of your standing shouldn't normally have access to (Contacting the mayor of a city, walking into the mafia don's club without an invitation, etc.)

Compel:  The higher ups tend to notice you, weather you want them too or not.  You often attract the attention of those substantially more powerful or influential than you.

Next One: I am What Comes Around
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Baron Hazard on May 18, 2010, 06:24:12 AM
Next One: I am What Comes Around

You tend to mete out revenge and give people their just deserts, unfortunately this means you have an unfortunate habit of showing up too late.

Invoke: To gain bonuses when getting revenge, or giving someone 'what they deserve' after all "what goes around, comes around"

Compel: You arrive too late to stop whatever unfortunate event is taking place, now your only chance is to give the perpetrator what they deserve in response.

Next One: Shark in A Business Suit
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: irishsara on May 23, 2010, 07:12:18 PM
Shark in A Business Suit

You are a boardroom behemoth  and the top predator of the business world

Invoke: To gain bonuses when involved in social etiquette, avoiding social pitfalls and unwanted social obligations , or to catch a glimpse of a weakness in a social situation

Compel: You can never let a chance slide by to attack an enemy's perceived weakness when an enemy shows weakness. If there is blood in the water you strike.

Next One: I fought the Law ...
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Big Simon on May 24, 2010, 05:42:41 AM
I Fought the Law...

You have a reputation as a rebel - or even a revolutionary.  People on the fringe tend to listen to you, and people in the mainstream tend to fear you.

Invoke:  You've come upon the clandestine meeting of a group of teenage werewolves, but your reputation precedes you.  They know who you are and are suitably impressed with your past.

Compel:  It's a crisis at the supermarket!  A rogue warlock has just summoned a frog demon into the vegetable isle, and you're the only one who can calm people down enough to keep them safe.  Unfortunately, due to recent news reports plastering your face all over the city, they're just as afraid of you as they are of the infernal amphibian.

Danced with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on May 25, 2010, 10:18:29 AM
what doesn't kill me makes me stronger

Actually I like this better as a Stunt. It's pretty similar to "No pain, no gain" in my opinion, but what the heck...

You are a though fellow. You are, because you have taken a beating. Often!

Invoke: You just know what to do in a brawl. You know how to take the punches so that they don't hurt that much. You know how to dish it out. Compel this for gaining the advantage in a fist fight and perhaps even when defending against attacks that surely will inflict Stress upon you.

Compel: You have become something like a pain junkie. It gives you a kick. You are known for seeking a fight and are sometimes reckless during it. This will pretty surely be compelled in any situation where you should better be looking to avoid a conflict, particularly if you are wounded at the time.

For as long as I know how to love...
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: skakid on May 25, 2010, 01:52:54 PM
For as long as I know how to love...
  I will survive.  Hey Hey!

Invoke: Your determination makes you a bit more resiliant than the average person when in social situations.  You might also see hope when alone in a situation

Compel: Once wronged by someone you are much more reluctant to forgive them.  If abandoned by a person then they may never be in your good graces again.

Here's one for a guy I'm working on.  Surely someone will get the movie reference.  One of my favorites  ;D
Charlie Bronson's always got rope.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on May 25, 2010, 02:19:45 PM
Here's one for a guy I'm working on.  Surely someone will get the movie reference.  One of my favorites  ;D
Charlie Bronson's always got rope.

It's out of "The Boondock Saints" ... great movie.

When heading out for business you tend to go prepared, even if you tend to carry more stuff then you will need.

Invoke: You could use this to help you with any action you do, using non-combat gear. For Example: If you try to climb a building using your trusty rope that you have thrown onto the building ... , or when you want to catch cattle with your lariat.

Compel: In certain situations carrying all that gear will undoubtedly get you into trouble. For Example: When you crawl through that air vent and suddenly you and your partner are entangled in all that rope you brought, falling down into the midst of the lions den. Still ... pretty fun eh?

all my troubles seemed so far away"

Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Kordeth on May 25, 2010, 08:42:22 PM
all my troubles seemed so far away"


Today was looking to be such a good day. Then you got out of bed.
Invoke: Just about anything, as long as you can come up with an entertaining story about how the last time you had to do this it was so much harder. ("Sure, dueling a Denarian on the deck of a sinking fishing boat is hard--but at least I'm not on fire this time!") Or to deal with things related to your specific, troublesome past.

Compel: To have your old life catch up to you, or to have a seemingly-positive situation suddenly turn into an utter crapfest.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on May 25, 2010, 09:28:35 PM
boing ... you need to give us an Aspect Kordeth!
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Kordeth on May 25, 2010, 09:31:39 PM
D'oh! Knew I forgot something.

Oh God, More Tentacles!
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Big Simon on May 25, 2010, 09:38:43 PM
Since Kordeth didn't come up with one, I went with one from elsewhere in the thread...

Stacked Deck

You've always got an ace up your sleeve... but it seems like sometimes the bad guys do, too.

Invoke:  They think they've got you dead for rights.  What they don't know is you're carrying your blasting rod up your sleeve...

Compel:  Everything was in place.  Everything was working out just right.  But then the Red Court Vampire told you he knew all about your plans, and brought a few friends to back him up.

Pick one of the following, all quotes from movies:
Aspect One:  "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
Aspect Two:  "Excuse me while I whip this out."
Aspect Three:  "I'm going to be a lady if it kills me."

(D'oh!  And while I was writing mine, he came up with one.)
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on May 25, 2010, 10:24:00 PM
Ha ha ... Big Simon has to compell Kordeth's Aspect now too :P
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Tallyrand on May 26, 2010, 12:26:29 AM
Aspect One:  "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

Invoke: Use it in a social situation with a female to help in a seduction attempt, the girls all swoon for Bret.
Compel: Compel the character to hold a grudge when it would be more advantageous to cooperate.

Aspect Two:  "Excuse me while I whip this out."

Invoke: The character can at any time he's wearing at least something over his waist to declare that he has smuggled a weapon.
Compel: Compel the character to make an inappropriate sexual remark, even when doing something like hiding or trying to win the respect of the police chief (see the show Psych to see this in action)

Aspect Three:  "I'm going to be a lady if it kills me."

Invoke: Invoke to receive a bonus whenever doing something particularly un-ladylike such as socking a guy for making a rude comment.  Also as a bonus Invoke when the character takes down her hair or puts on her dress to prove "She was beautiful all along"
Compel: Compel the character to sock someone who suggests she is anything other than the model of feminine virtue.

Oh God, More Tentacles!

Invoke: The character can invoke whenever the villain is using multiple sources of attack (Tentacles, Zombies, what have you) to have more suddenly appear through a door or window, creating more monsters but also opening a new avenue of escape.
Compel: Have a here-to-fore unnoticed (Minion, Tentacle, Zombie) grab the character from behind or below beginning a grapple.

Ok, another TV reference.

"What is it?  It"
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: CableRouter on June 02, 2010, 02:30:36 AM
Wow! Obscure enough to derail the thread for a week.

"What is it?  It"
Invoke: Your knowledge of obscure TV trivia is legendary, invoke to make a witty but geeky comeback in a social situation.
Compel: Sometimes your knowledge is too obscure.  You are compelled to make a comment that no one else understands, effectively missing.

Every Day Matters
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: luminos on June 02, 2010, 02:35:41 AM

Every Day Matters

You are member of the secret council of the Days

Invoke:  To get help from a fellow conspirator when you need it most
Compel:  To be required to help a fellow conspirator when they need it most

(How about a rule where we interpret the aspects in an unexpected way?)

Turn the other cheek
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Michael,HandofGod on June 02, 2010, 04:27:41 AM
You believe in non-confrontation, in loving your enemy.

Invoke:  You are able to easily ignore threats or insults that might provoke others into violence. (+2 defense against Intimidation or other similar social attacks intended to anger)
Compel:  You have a reputation for being easy to push around, and some have little respect for you. (-2 to your Intimidation attempts)

They Never Taught Us This In School...
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: CableRouter on June 02, 2010, 08:06:30 AM
They Never Taught Us This In School...

Your studies were in depth but not very broad in scope.

Invoke: You can invoke to gain a bonus to Lore to assess or research subjects related to your initial three Evocation elements.
Compel: A compel can increase the difficulty of assessing or researching an unrelated subject by two.


Invoke: You can invoke to gain a bonus to Lore to assess or research when the difficulty is equal to or less than your lore.
Compel: A compel can increase the difficulty of Lore checks to assess or research a difficulty above your Lore by two.

Dying is easy, living is hard
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Big Simon on June 02, 2010, 08:17:59 AM
They Never Taught Us This In School...

There are some things they teach in school, but others you just learn from the school of hard knocks.

EDIT:  D'oh!  Did it again!  Well, here goes.

Dying is easy, living is hard

Pick one of the following:
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: luminos on June 02, 2010, 08:30:37 AM
Rapier Wit

Your magical talking sword always has a quip at the ready.

Invoke: Get a bonus to noticing something because your intelligent sword notices something you missed.
Compel:  Automatically fail an attempt at diplomacy when the sword starts mouthing off to the other guy

Your aspect:  In Soviet Russia, problem solves you!

And I encourage anyone playing to use non-standard interpretation of offered aspects :D
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Tallyrand on June 02, 2010, 11:50:23 AM
You come from a bizarro style part of the Nevernever where all things are turned on their head.

Invoke: Sometimes you forget what's what in the real world and so become almost immune to social attacks, taking attempts at intimidation as polite conversation and seduction as cold indifference.
Compel: In addition to the corollary of your invoke you also sometimes have issues remembering if you're supposed to use the band-aid or the bowie knife to patch up your friends wound.

Sing a song of six-pence
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: CMEast on June 02, 2010, 12:15:59 PM
Sing a song of six-pence

You have a childlike nature, particularly in your love of rhymes and simple songs.

Invoke: Get a bonus for creating songs and rhymes when entertaining, or when talking to children and the fae.

Compel: The GM can decide you must speak in rhyme or in alliterative sentences for a social conflict. Failure to do so automatically fails the conflict (fun :D)

No guts, no glory
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on June 02, 2010, 12:24:52 PM
You like to be really messy in a sword fight. Slicing, slashing and gutting left, right and center.

Invoke: Basically you are really good with the weapon of your choice and you can invoke for that extra damage or that spectacular gutting move you seem to fancy so much.

Compell: The GM can make you to be after the gore, even if you want to be subtle for a change. And trust me ... He will ... A lot! Nothing batter then a good splatter scene. The downside is, that you leave a certain trademark slaughter fest whenever you are compelled this way. The cops will surely be able to figure out who does all that violence after a while.

1.My field of corn is but a crop of tears.
2.There is no business like show buisness.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Michael,HandofGod on June 02, 2010, 04:24:45 PM
There Is No Business Like Showbusiness

Your character is a born showman, making a production out of everything.

Invoke:  Bonus to presence rolls, anything that involves making a social impression.

Compel:  The GM might compel this to make the player overreact to something, being 'dramatic.'

Carry On My Wayward Son
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on June 02, 2010, 10:44:52 PM
There Is No Business Like Showbusiness

Your character is a born showman, making a production out of everything.

Invoke:  Bonus to presence rolls, anything that involves making a social impression.

Compel:  The GM might compel this to make the player overreact to something, being 'dramatic.'

Carry On My Wayward Son

There is a saying: "The cleverer gives in". You tend to be the cleverer. Sometimes a debate over something simple isn't worth the bickering. (I hope i get the English right on this one).

Invoke: "Tricky to invoke this Aspect is." In a social conflict you are very adept in recognizing what your opponent is after. Which gives you a sometimes much needed edge. Invoke for +2 on your social defense skills.

Compel: A GM or even a fellow player will compel this Aspect whenever there is a debate over the course of action. When you take the fate point you have to give in to what your allies want to do.

Duct tape Wizard
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: CableRouter on June 03, 2010, 12:35:02 AM
Duct tape Wizard

You're used to just making do with the items you have on hand for your Magic.

Invoke: You can invoke this aspect against the complexity to see if you're prepared to cast a Ritual
  or on Lore to see if you have the right expendable magic item or potion on hand.
Compel: Can be compelled against Difficulty rolls to put power into your sloppy constructs or the effects
  of your expendable items and potions.

Darkest just before the dawn.
And please, we're not all vampires, no obvious Day/Night bonuses.

Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Michael,HandofGod on June 03, 2010, 03:31:48 AM
You find hope even in the bleakest situations.

Invoke:  Get bonuses to rolls when a member of your party has been taken out, or you have taken more than half your available stress track.

Compel:  Causes the character to be foolishly optimistic, often overconfident.

The Few and the Proud
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Tallyrand on June 03, 2010, 12:14:07 PM
You tend to associate yourself with truly exceptional people.

Invoke: Introduce a contact with a Superb level in one skill who happens to be available to help you.

Compel: You're GM make compel you to treat 'average' individuals with disdain, seriously limiting your options in interactions.

Now I know my Z, Y, X
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Big Simon on June 04, 2010, 04:02:56 AM
Now I know my Z, X, Y...

You tend to think a little differently than others, always trying to find a better perspective.  Sometimes, of course, that gets you in trouble.

Two I've already suggested, and one new one:
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Tallyrand on June 04, 2010, 09:21:41 AM
What's Behind Door Number Two?

Inspired by the Monty Haul problem you managed to master the statistics involved in games of 'chance' and bend them to your favor for fun and profit.

Invoke: When you need money fast you can always find a radio program or carnival to pick up some quick prizes.  Gain a +2 on a resource check for any item reasonably used as a prize (such as a new car or vacation package)
Compel: You're enemies know that you always try to cover the angles and can compel to make you hesitate when a new variable is introduced.

Just the combination of preparedness and opportunity.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on June 10, 2010, 12:44:41 PM
Just the combination of preparedness and opportunity.

The owner of this Aspect tries to be prepared for any occasion.

Invoke: Can be invoked for effect to make a declare that something useful has been prepared for a given opportune situation. Can be invoked for +2 shifts in basically any situation to state that the owner tends to be always prepared

Compel: Can be compelled to stop the owner from doing something he is unlikely to be prepared for (you simply can't be prepared for everything right?).

Master of useless knowledge
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: skakid on June 10, 2010, 01:03:04 PM
Master of useless knowledge

You know a lot about nothing

Invoke: Can be invoked to declare rarely known fact about location or person.  May provide +2 to some rolls where knowing obscure and mostly useless facts could be valuable

Compel: You had to have learned this stuff somewhere, may cause a character to stop and stare at things as he/she is easily distracted by some interesting, but ultimately useless

Enter the Sandman
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: swordsman on June 11, 2010, 05:38:03 AM
Enter the Sandman

There's something about you that gives people pause. Children might have nightmares about you.

Invoke: Any situation involving interrogation or intimidation.
Compel: You just have a hard time convincing people you're on the level, simply put, they don't trust you. Also, Cops pull you over constantly just to check up on you.


You are so bland and boring you cause bouts of narcolepsy. Please, don't talk to anyone operating heavy machinery.
Invoke: People nod at whatever you're saying just to get you to shut up NOW! Invoke in a social interaction so long as you're not trying to bully or intimidate someone.
Compel:Contacts just don't want to deal with you. Chicks constantly receive 'phone calls' in the middle of a conversation and walk away.

Who watches the Wardens?
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Tallyrand on June 11, 2010, 07:31:21 AM
Who watches the Wardens?

Your paranoia led you to keep constant tabs on threats in the magical community.

Invoke: Compel a personal or habitual aspect on a member of the magical community, especially those in authority.
Compel: While your paranoia has served you well your aspect can prevent you from trusting even the most earnest offers of help.

Omnia Dicta Fortiora si Dicta Latina
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Papa Gruff on June 11, 2010, 12:24:42 PM
Omnia Dicta Fortiora si Dicta Latina

Translation: "everything sounds more impressive when said in Latin"

The Aspect suggests, that its owner is fluent in Latin and is able to make any kind of conversation in it. As we all know Latin is a dead language, so this is useful only in very few situations.

Invoke: The language might be dead, yet in some situations it is still useful. For example a Wizard with this Aspect has very little trouble during a council meeting. In a social conflict it might be invoked to buff a presence or intimidation roll when you want to come of as this really wise wizard that knows everything and has tremendous power at his command. It also could be invoked for a scholarship or lore roll when trying to decipher ancient texts.

Compel: You tent to be a little bit insufferable when it comes to your fines in Latin. At times you just babble along and everybody around you looks at you as if you are some kind of weirdo. The GM will compel this whenever it is possible to make a fool out of yourself or over complicate a situation by speaking only in Latin.

Note: Can we please not get into the habit of posting Aspects in languages that most people can't understand? ;D

Clasp my hand, dear friend, I'm dieing.
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Arcteryx on July 20, 2010, 03:57:01 AM
Every soul should have the chance to repent - and enemies are no different. I will be their dying comfort in their last moments on this earth.

Invoke:declare to hear revealing confessions, dying wishes and earth-shattering secrets that could destroy the world - and give you the key to save it

Compel: you have to keep promises made to the dying, that bad guy might just have a booby trap and he's taking you with him, a demon escapes on the last breath and enters the closest living vessel

Why Does Trouble Always Come In Threes?

As an addendum, I'd love to see more suggested situational aspects with invokes or compels; I seem to do OK coming up with story ones, but things that can be used in singularily dramatic moment are harder for me...
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Ophidimancer on July 20, 2010, 05:10:02 AM
Why Does Trouble Always Come In Threes?

Oh I love Aspects like these because they allow Invoking for effect:

Invoke: Let's the player declare what the next trouble is and details about how it comes about, as long as it follows a pattern from two other events.

Compel: Same, but allows the DM to do so.

King of the Freezer Aisle
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Arcteryx on July 21, 2010, 03:22:20 PM
An urban combat/weapons specialist whose claim to fame is his/her participation in a high-risk hostage rescue at a major supermarket location

Invoke: tight quarters/urban combat, something similar to that SoTC stunt that allows characters to use any nearby small object as a weapon
Compel: the high body count from that event still haunts him - even though the part he played was very successful - and he can freeze (sorry!) at inopportune moments, the villians from that even have him in their black books, or he's recognized on the street from the highly controversial court case that found him not gulity, won't participate in fights in public areas like that, will try to draw the fight into an area with less casualty potential, or simply give up to save those around him

Look'Em In The Eye!

Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Bruce Coulson on July 21, 2010, 03:46:44 PM
A close-combat specialist; alternatively, a skilled interrogator.

Invoke: clinches, short-range gun combat, facing up to horrific scenes.  Or, to see through Deceit attempts and efforst to evade questions.

Compel: to force the character into close combat, to weaken them in situations where they can't see the opponent (or it has no 'eyes').  Or, to get the character close to another in social situations, invading other's personal space and commiting social faux pas in doing so.

Beholden to No Man
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Ophidimancer on July 21, 2010, 04:05:54 PM
Beholden to No Man

You hail from a militant feminist community and are a stranger to "man's world."

Invoke: You can rebuff social attacks from men, as you have been warned of man's treachery your whole life.

Compel: This makes it hard to get along out in "man's world" or anywhere that approaches gender egalitarianism.

Faded Photo of Me and My Love
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Arcteryx on July 21, 2010, 05:02:03 PM
Faded Photo of Me and My Love

This is a great storyline Aspect, and its so evocative. It lends itself easily to a lot of angst, self-loathing and drama... she or he is either missing, dead or perhaps nobody knows, but the photo goes with the protaganist everywhere. I'd imagine there's great compel potential from adversaries who use the information they have about where this 'love' to force concessions and favours from the hero. Similarily, the hope or lure of this 'love' would pull them forward and perhaps bring them from the brink of a meeting with fate...

Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: cetra02 on July 21, 2010, 07:38:46 PM
Since the last post did not have an aspect, how about a few choices:

So you want to be a Wizard
Double Act
Man with No Name
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Myrddhin on July 22, 2010, 04:49:34 AM

Man with No Name

You have no records, no proper ID, in short - You're so far off the grid you'd make a hermit blush.

Invoke to gain bonuses when being anonymous would be useful (like say dealing black-ops level secrets).

Compel Picked up by the cops, hilarity ensues.

Something I've been working on for a semi-psychotic psychomancer...
I've Lost My Mind... Do You Have It?
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Arcteryx on July 22, 2010, 02:39:01 PM
You have no records, no proper ID, in short - You're so far off the grid you'd make a hermit blush.

Invoke to gain bonuses when being anonymous would be useful (like say dealing black-ops level secrets).

Compel Picked up by the cops, hilarity ensues.

Something I've been working on for a semi-psychotic psychomancer...
I've Lost My Mind... Do You Have It?

And what if you were a man with no True Name? Maybe you resonate different on the magical level and you attract a lot of undue attention... it would be a pretty awesome premise for a game!

So you want to be a Wizard

Character is a budding apprentice to a Wizard of the White Council

"I'm sorry Master, I know I'm a clumsy oaf..."
"Worse! You're a clumsy oaf with access to unstable chemicals!"

Invoke: connecting with other apprentices, knowledge of the inner workings of the White Council from the ground up, bonuses to Lore from having access to a Master's library of references...

Compel: responsibilities (gah, homework!), tiresome duties (I have to clean the skull again?!), all of which lead to stories of their own. Attract the attention of not-so-friendly apprentices from other not-so-friendly masters, Master using you for his own ends & machinations, you witness and hear things that you weren't supposed to (Is he really supposed to summon that... that thing?!) because you're just a mere apprentice. Loses control of magic... often. Spills dangerous liquids... often. Potions boil over... often. Things go boom... y'know. Often. Spells go off with unexpected strengths and effects. Makes rookie mistakes. Summoned things escape.

Lots to happen to a hapless apprentice.... and perhaps an even more fun Aspect could be, My Master Is A Bumbling Fool. So I'll provide that and another that I'm working on...

The Queen's Last Pathfinder
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Ophidimancer on July 22, 2010, 03:49:26 PM
The Queen's Last Pathfinder

You are part of a secret arcane organization that serves Her Majesty, the Queen of England.  Specifically part of an elite squad of scouts versed in the Ways of the Nevernever.  That is until the Queen's Pathfinders were ambushed and killed in {PLOT DRIVEN CONFLICT} leaving you as the last.

Invoke:  Helps you find Ways through the Nevernever, also use it to fuel your rage against whoever killed all your friends, or intimidate people with your dark and brooding nature.

Compel:  Fuel your obsession with finding out who killed the Pathfinders, hinders your social rolls when your dark and brooding nature puts people off, compel you to obey the Queen's orders.

Grampa's Mysterious Pocketwatch
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: CMEast on July 22, 2010, 04:23:51 PM
The Queen's Last Pathfinder

You are part of a secret arcane organization that serves Her Majesty, the Queen of England.  Specifically part of an elite squad of scouts versed in the Ways of the Nevernever.  That is until the Queen's Pathfinders were ambushed and killed in {PLOT DRIVEN CONFLICT} leaving you as the last.

This. Is. Awesome!

Grampa's Mysterious Pocketwatch

This watch is actually an item that you found in your grandfathers' attic. When opened it is a powerful beacon for the spirit world, attracting the attention of any nearby ghosts or spirits and giving them power enough to form ectoplasmic bodies so that they can communicate and affect the mortal world. It can even be used to bind them to your will! You can close it to reduce the beacons strength, but it's power is too great to ever truly be hidden. The wielder of this watch is both highly respected and hated by the spirits in equal measure, drawing spirits eager to help you in the hopes you'll grant them a favour and spirits that want you and the watch to disappear.

Invoke: Can be used to persuade or intimidate ghosts. Sometimes a ghost may knock an opponent of balance or push you out of the line of fire.

Compel: The supernatural community want the watch and many people can sense it, especially when used. Ghosts may attempt to trip or push you in to danger and items may break or fall in ways hazardous to your health. Don't try tightrope walking!

Lord of the Files
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Ophidimancer on July 22, 2010, 04:36:37 PM
Glad you liked it!  ;D

Lord Of The Files

A confirmed beauracromancer, you organize the ancient and byzantine filing system of the White Council.

Invoke:  Make declarations about details filed away that no one else would know, boost your organization attempts, boost Contacts rolls.

Compel:  If you don't do it, no one will.  Everyone needs your help, but no one wants your job.  Compel for horrible days when everything just goes to crap because of miscommunications and everyone is clamoring for your attention.

Old Eyes In a Young Face
Title: Re: Dresdenverse Aspects Compelathon
Post by: Myrddhin on July 22, 2010, 08:13:13 PM
And what if you were a man with no True Name? Maybe you resonate different on the magical level and you attract a lot of undue attention... it would be a pretty awesome premise for a game!
Not having a True Name was my initial thought too, but it seemed like too much of an "out" insofar as being protected from certain magical effects might go... though I do agree with your take on making for an awesome game.

Old Eyes In a Young Face

Your eyes are heavy with the burdens, knowledge and stresses of one much older than you appear to be.

Invoke: For bonus to social skills where wisdom, or at least the appearance of wisdom, would be useful.

Compel: Wisdom has a price. Like it or not people constantly seek you out for advice or help, not caring how weary or occupied you may be. Compel to have people come knocking at inopportune times or asking you settle things far outside your expertise.

No Power in The 'Verse