
McAnally's (The Community Pub) => Author Craft => Topic started by: Kali on October 02, 2009, 09:08:25 PM

Title: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on October 02, 2009, 09:08:25 PM
Yes, it's that time of year again. Or almost.  The boards are reset, the posting has begun, people are planning their get-togethers, and the plot-or-not debates are heating up.

So how 'bout it? Any other Dresdenphiles planning on attempting NaNoWriMo this year?
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Jen'ari on October 02, 2009, 09:33:02 PM
On The Open Diary ( they do a big event, lots or participants. I tried one year but could not hang.... I may try again this year.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on October 02, 2009, 09:48:54 PM
I'm tempted to try it again this year: I actually managed to reach my quota last year, and this year, I just might toggle in the third part of a trilogy of fanfics that I'm working on
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Cooper on October 02, 2009, 09:55:32 PM
I'm doing it again.  I'll be working on the second book in my series.  Look me up, I'm Cooper3.  The synopsis is on there all ready.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Wallace on October 03, 2009, 04:13:03 AM
I think I'll take part. It's been a while since I tried and I've been neglecting my novel-length ideas.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on October 03, 2009, 04:20:23 AM
Nope; though if I can keep writing at the rate I am, I may well finish a novel in November.

My life is a lot better shaped for 2,000-5,000 words every week than it is for a novel in a month, and if it was, it would be a less depressing month.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on October 04, 2009, 03:35:51 PM
I signed up for the first time this year--I'm going to write the sequel to my current WIP.  I have the plot worked out; now I just need to finish outlining.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: belial.1980 on October 06, 2009, 02:25:49 AM
Considered it and thought I might but I've still got to finish my current draft before the end of the year. That's the deadline I've set for myself. It's a monkey on my back and I'm pretty sure I'll make it. But it won't happen if I drop everything and work on something else for a month. Maybe next year...
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Darwinist on October 06, 2009, 03:10:01 AM
on the fence if I'm going to do it this year. I signed up just in case... Darwinist.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: skakid on October 21, 2009, 12:27:21 PM
It'll be my first year, and really my first try at something quite this big. 
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: jeno on October 22, 2009, 06:42:28 AM
I'm giving it a try. I'm still in the research stage and I have a few kinks to work out for the back half of the plot, but I'm willing to go for it.  ;)
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: meg_evonne on October 22, 2009, 03:05:15 PM
congrats on those planning to join the event.  Is there a sign in or something?
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on October 22, 2009, 09:52:25 PM
Is there a sign in or something?

Yep -

Good luck!
Title: !
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on October 22, 2009, 10:00:40 PM
Thanks for the point in the right direction, Kris. I'm considering doing it. Look me up Thumbelina137

MEG! Please sign up. You'll be much better at this than I will!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on October 27, 2009, 12:52:34 PM
Just five days to go!  Have to finish my outline and a talk I'm giving on the history of puppetry before then.  Are you all using the same screen names you have here?  I signed up as "Apochralypta" - no idea why, but it seemed like a good name at the time.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on October 27, 2009, 05:01:20 PM
No, I'm signed up as Thumbelina137, my email name.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: meg_evonne on October 27, 2009, 09:42:22 PM
Thanks for the point in the right direction, Kris. I'm considering doing it. Look me up Thumbelina137

MEG! Please sign up. You'll be much better at this than I will!

Who's a me'sS? I'm up to my elbows in MB class.  Reading and criting 12 authors, 10 pages (that's 120 pages each week, plus publish 10 pages that need to be brushed up nice rather than down and dirty nasty raw draft, and working on trying to finish 1st draft by the end of class around Nov 15th or so... 

I haven't even had time to stop by JB.  My house looks like a nuke hit it and my dog is so jealous he leaps in my lap the second class starts.  What are we going to do when I'm down there this year?  How about a day at the spa?  That job let you off once in awhile?  Oh hey, my cousin just took National Reserve Champion.  When's the AZ show going to be?  Maybe we can get that done this time around.  Your daughter still horse crazy or has she moved on to boys?  (Horses are lot easier than boys...)

Here's Joe and Kid's yahoo group.  I think your daughter would have a great chance of seeing Kid take Champion at the Scottsdale show.  He is a gorgeous fellow.  For an arabian....    note that the name is sUnsational Kid when searching or you'll get a paint from Montana.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on October 27, 2009, 11:01:03 PM

Aw, come on... sure you can't fit in just an hour or two in the morning? Just wake up earlier!  ;)

Congrats to your Cousin! National Reserve is Jan 7-10, 2010. Email me what dates you're going to be in town and I'll let you kidnap me from work!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on October 27, 2009, 11:41:35 PM
I started a new job that has me hopping.  My plan, and I'm keeping this schedule now to get used to it, is to get up at 4:30 am to have breakfast, let the dogs out, and shower.  I'll write from 5 - 6, then get dressed, pack lunch, let the dogs out again, and get on the road by 6:45. 

At night when I get home, I let the dogs out, feed the horses, and that takes me until almost 7.  Then I eat dinner and write until 9, when it's bedtime so I can get up at 4:30 again.

I... think I'll be really glad when November is over.  I feel exceptionally old, having a 9pm bedtime.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on October 28, 2009, 12:23:42 AM
^^^^^ SEE?????

Kali can do it!!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on October 28, 2009, 01:56:02 AM
I'm signed up as Matrixrefugee on the NaNoWriMo site (excuse the fact that I'm writing a Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfic for this year's NaNo: It's part of a trilogy that I've been pecking away at for a couple of months now)
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: meg_evonne on October 28, 2009, 02:51:44 AM
the US Arabian Nationals were just held in Tulsa?  Not sure about the Jan 2010 dates, but those would work out well for me.  Will PM when I buy tickets.  I t.hink the only trip they make to AZ is for the Scottsdale Show.  Dang

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: belial.1980 on October 28, 2009, 03:35:01 AM
LOL. I just signed up for s**ts and grins. My current first draft manuscript is almost done; just finishing up the ending then have one last scene to plunk into the swampy middle. I can finish that in December and still make my goal of finishing the rough draft by the end of the year. It'll be a good little break from it.

Now as far as NaNoWriMo goes I have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm going to write. Eh. I've been keeping a big-big-of-random-thoughts-and-ideas for the past 5 years. I figure I'll go in there, snatch up a few ideas, characters, grab a handful of quotes and write.

User ID is belial.1980. (Which is, of course, the same user ID for my bank, credit cards, work computer, etc. Same password too.  :-\) Good luck to everybody!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on October 28, 2009, 03:38:13 AM
I'll be attempting it this year. No clue what I'm writing but I will be in it up to my neck drowning on the writer's block in a sea of illiteracy.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on October 28, 2009, 09:46:24 AM
I have a vague idea of what I'm going to write.  I'll be taking the original characters from my Laurell K. Hamilton fanfic and giving them their own playground.  Some stuff will change.  For instance, my werewolves aren't nearly as polite or naked as hers are, and my vampire isn't nearly as pretty or naked as hers are.  And my main werewolf has undergone a name change.  Damn you, Stephanie Meyers, for naming your werewolf 'Jacob'!

I'm prepared to run screaming and flailing into writer's block.  I have near at hand my handy-dandy Plot Hat.  Well, it's in a mug so it's more like a handy-dandy Plot Coffee Cup, but still.  It's full of plot ideas I can pull out when I get stuck and my promise to myself is that no matter what is going on in the story at the point I'm stuck, I'll have to work in the plot twist.  And do so with complete seriousness; my characters will have to remain in-character and react exactly as they should.

So far I have:
- Ninja bunnies attack
- A character in the scene is turned into a dog
- A crazy hobo bursts into the scene and prophesizes DOOOOooooom
- A rogue storm boils up out of nowhere and reduces the building the scene is taking place in to kindling
- The characters in the scene abruptly reverse emotions - calm characters become hyper, happy characters become furious
- An earthquake strikes

Needless to say, some of these will not make it through revisions.  But most of them should get me at least halfway through the day's wordcount, whatever else happens. 

I kinda hope ninja bunnies attack.  The next couple of lines write themselves.

"What the hell is that?!"
"That," she said grimly, "is a plot twist."
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Starbeam on October 28, 2009, 12:36:10 PM

I kinda hope ninja bunnies attack.  The next couple of lines write themselves.

"What the hell is that?!"
"That," she said grimly, "is a plot twist."
Followed by her putting on sunglasses and "Yeaaaaaaaaaaahhh!" going into "Won't Get Fooled Again"?
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on October 28, 2009, 01:10:55 PM
For those still on the fence, FYI:  50,000 words in a month works out to just over 1600 words/day--sounds like a lot, but really isn't... ;)
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Cooper on October 28, 2009, 03:32:00 PM
For those still on the fence, FYI:  50,000 words in a month works out to just over 1600 words/day--sounds like a lot, but really isn't... ;)

I agree.  On a good day, I can meet my word count quota in two hours or less.  If I get bored, i space out and go beyond my quota
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: meg_evonne on October 28, 2009, 05:25:36 PM
Now as far as NaNoWriMo goes I have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm going to write. Eh. I've been keeping a big-big-of-random-thoughts-and-ideas for the past 5 years. I figure I'll go in there, snatch up a few ideas, characters, grab a handful of quotes and write.

User ID is belial.1980. (Which is, of course, the same user ID for my bank, credit cards, work computer, etc. Same password too.  :-\) Good luck to everybody!
  S'okay, I do the same.  i know--shouldn't do that. :-(

However for those of us NOT doing NaNoWritMo, can we give you a list of words to use in your book?  Might stimulate your creative juices and I suspect you could get such an odd mix that it's sure to be original?  Let us know if you want us to help with that jump start.

Same for you J3nee!  or anyone else?  I don't know maybe ten from your writing buddies?  You could post when the words show up in your posting. 
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: belial.1980 on October 28, 2009, 06:09:50 PM
  S'okay, I do the same.  i know--shouldn't do that. :-(

However for those of us NOT doing NaNoWritMo, can we give you a list of words to use in your book?  Might stimulate your creative juices and I suspect you could get such an odd mix that it's sure to be original?  Let us know if you want us to help with that jump start.

Same for you J3nee!  or anyone else?  I don't know maybe ten from your writing buddies?  You could post when the words show up in your posting. 

Sound like a great idea! The more unusual the word the better, lol. Hmm that reminds me...there's a word that Shakespeare used in one of his plays, and it received a special designation because it's only been published once in English literature. Anybody know what I'm talking about? I had it written down somewhere but have since lost it and haven't had any luck looking it up online. I always thought it would be funny to use it and, if ever published, make it the second occurrance.

Now as far as the nanowrimo goes, is it kosher to use old story ideas and such? Years ago I wrote a 4000 word story that I was thinking about expounding upon. I woudn't copy and paste anything; I'd just keep the characters/premise in mind and make a bigger work out of it? Is this kosher? Is it skirting the edges of "cheating?" I think some people have used outlines and such. Is it more in the spirit of the thing to go into it blindly or is it okay to have some forumalated ideas about what you plan to write?

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on October 28, 2009, 07:44:57 PM
I’m going to do NaNo this year. I’ve gone to a couple pre-writing meetings, met with people over coffee, done some pre-work. I have a title, synopsis, and opening paragraphs. I have a pretty good idea of my main character’s voice, and what several minor characters are like. I’m doing great on the setting!



…and now I have this other idea.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: meg_evonne on October 29, 2009, 12:18:26 AM
I’m going to do NaNo this year. I’ve gone to a couple pre-writing meetings, met with people over coffee, done some pre-work. I have a title, synopsis, and opening paragraphs. I have a pretty good idea of my main character’s voice, and what several minor characters are like. I’m doing great on the setting!



…and now I have this other idea.


  Oh dear!  Well persevere Kris_W.  I was reading your first paragraph and feeling this great commonality of writers and how they proceed.  I didn't expect that last part.  I do wish you well!  No chance to combine them?
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on October 29, 2009, 12:58:05 AM
I am working on my one character it will be based around... finally have a bit more meat on him.

He's basically my male counterpart. I don't know how he came to be but one day as I was writing a mental fanfic for some show I liked in my sleep, he just sort of showed up and crashed the party with MacGyver or something in a story I was dreaming about. I've been using him ever since when I had to write a story. He's extremely handy.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on October 29, 2009, 02:22:19 AM
Am I the only one who's going into this completely unprepared??  :o

Okay, so maybe 90% unprepared. I'm writing a story that I began roughing out almost 20 years ago, and originally wrote on a 5-1/4 inch disk. (God, I feel old). Obviously, the 5-1/4 disk didn't make it through my multiple relocations, and I couldn't get the text off it now if it had, so basically, we're going from scratch and a swiss cheese memory.

Needless to say, the plot is simplistic, the characters total MarySues, and I have no idea how it will flesh out. BUT!! I have the beginning, and the climax! Whoot!!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on October 29, 2009, 03:26:25 PM
3800 words done last night, finishing the chapter I was working on, so November is go as NaLastChapterOfThisDamnedThingMo for me.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on October 29, 2009, 06:28:40 PM
Am I the only one who's going into this completely unprepared??  :o

Okay, so maybe 90% unprepared. I'm writing a story that I began roughing out almost 20 years ago, and originally wrote on a 5-1/4 inch disk. (God, I feel old). Obviously, the 5-1/4 disk didn't make it through my multiple relocations, and I couldn't get the text off it now if it had, so basically, we're going from scratch and a swiss cheese memory.

Needless to say, the plot is simplistic, the characters total MarySues, and I have no idea how it will flesh out. BUT!! I have the beginning, and the climax! Whoot!!

No you aren't the only old one. When I took computer classes in college, we used 3.5 inch floppies formatted to 720 kb, my homework was on a dos box (lotus 123, db master, etc) and my teacher was making jokes about the old 8 inch floppies and the inkjet printer sized reader they had for it. :P Also a fax / scanning device was around the size of a large mouse and only scanned something the size of a newspaper comic panel (small square single panel) and very crappily at that. Our printers still had ribbons and daisy wheels I think too.

I have a story I could use from HS but I have no clue where it is and it would require I go visit my parents and search through what used to be my bedroom to find it and rewrite it for NaNoWriMo. I just remember it was a detective story. At the time, everyone was so impressed someone my age could write that well. I wonder if it's even that good anymore having not seen it in about 15 yrs.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: meg_evonne on October 29, 2009, 09:22:29 PM
Sound like a great idea! The more unusual the word the better, lol. Hmm that reminds me...there's a word that Shakespeare used in one of his plays, and it received a special designation because it's only been published once in English literature. Anybody know what I'm talking about? I had it written down somewhere but have since lost it and haven't had any luck looking it up online. I always thought it would be funny to use it and, if ever published, make it the second occurrance.

Now as far as the nanowrimo goes, is it kosher to use old story ideas and such? Years ago I wrote a 4000 word story that I was thinking about expounding upon. I woudn't copy and paste anything; I'd just keep the characters/premise in mind and make a bigger work out of it? Is this kosher? Is it skirting the edges of "cheating?" I think some people have used outlines and such. Is it more in the spirit of the thing to go into it blindly or is it okay to have some forumalated ideas about what you plan to write?

Isn't the goal to chug your way through 60,000 words or something?  I don't think there are prizes or requirements.  Their goal is to see people writing.  So I'd say you were a go. 

At least some of you have them on the large floppies.  I've still got paper typed ones---yuck yuck yuck.

And Je3---of course it's wonderful. 
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Starbeam on October 29, 2009, 09:25:21 PM
The goal is 50,000 words in one month.  Far as I know, there's really no prize other than saying you've done it.  And possibly an avatar type thingie you can use on forums and stuff.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: belial.1980 on October 31, 2009, 01:23:39 AM
Alright I'm ready to rock. I hit up Seventh Sanctum  ( morning for about 20 min and just jotted down a bunch of random story ideas. I cut bits and pieces from the ones I liked and created a goulash from it and now I've got a story idea. Obviously there's a lot up in the air at this point but I've got a pretty strong starting point. Come Sunday I'll roll out of bed (probably with a killer hangover) and get to work!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on October 31, 2009, 09:05:13 PM
My wife and I are both making the attempt this year. We both have outlines and setups that have been ignored for paying work, it is time to get the first drafts knocked out....
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 01, 2009, 08:32:31 AM
I've already started on this years:
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: jeno on November 01, 2009, 04:05:17 PM
Let the madness begin!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 01, 2009, 04:05:42 PM
Woo hoo! - I'ma git started in a second!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 01, 2009, 04:05:51 PM
11:00 am, breaktime on Day 1, and I'm at 5900 words.  Of course, most of them suck and will be removed in the edit, but I'm not even letting myself go back and read what I wrote or I'll be editing all day. My hope is to get to 10k words today, since my writing time during the week is limited.

Besides, the beginning is all pretty clear in my head so it's flowing well.  I'm trying to get ahead on my word count in anticipation of the Great Swampy Middle dragging me under.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Cooper on November 01, 2009, 04:40:38 PM
2282 words so far and the full prologue is up on my profile.  Read it if you like, but you will be lost: (
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 02, 2009, 12:55:38 AM
3153 words so far, and I've finished my first chapter.  Off to a good start!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 02, 2009, 01:08:24 AM
Wrote 772 words today and realized this is not what I want to write.  :(

Going in a different direction.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Darwinist on November 02, 2009, 03:37:38 AM
3,260 words.... outlining definitely helped a ton. The first few chapters were the hardest, now I'm getting into the easier stuff... just wish my chapters were a bit longer. But that'll happen with rewrites in the next few months (if it turns out decent)

I like the intro/prologue so far, lemme know what you guys think...

"It was a sunny Tuesday evening when I awoke from my coma. The coma was a short one, by medical standards. However, nothing about me fits into what I would consider a medical standard.

I knew, as a young boy, that I was destined for greatness. I dreamed of becoming the world's greatest hero. A dream most young children probably shared at some point in their lives. I lived it.

While kids my age were playing hide n' seek or learning their ABC's, I was selflessly protecting these United States of America from the evils of the world. Nazis, Martians, cataclysmic disasters. I've stopped them all. And here, on the eve of my death bed, feels no better place than any to recollect them each for the next generation. Somewhere out there is a little boy who dreams of something greater.

This is for him."

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 02, 2009, 03:47:52 AM
Very cool!

I wrote 772 words of the story I thought I was going to write today, and then scrapped it and wrote 2185 words of what I'm really going to write, which really isn't a "story" at all. More like an unauthorized autobiography! LOL

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on November 02, 2009, 04:16:42 AM
Unauthorized Autobiography

heh! That would be a cool title!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: belial.1980 on November 02, 2009, 05:47:41 AM
2107 words. Not a great start but if I can keep up that pace I'll make 50K. I don't have a title yet, though for now I'm calling it "Burn."

Gotta a lot of wierd ideas crashing around: a dead universe with only one star remaining while all the others have burnt out, a society that lives in enormous crypt-like cities where the dead outnumber the living a million to one, reproduction via three genders: male, female, and "other." (no name for this third gender yet) Reproduction means death to all three participants as they form a crysalis from which 2 males, 2 females, and one of the third gender hatch from. Interplanetary travel through magical means, ancestor worship, and armies of the dead.

Main characters include a rebellious exorcist/conjurer, a petulant countess that secretly practices the forbidden worship of fire gods sleeping inside the dormant star, and an unhinged fighter whose been locked away in a madhouse because he's deemed a politcal threat. The antagonist thus far is a high priest of the ancestor-worshipping theocracy who's got a a sardonic sense of humor. Hopefully it'll turn into something interesting.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 02, 2009, 06:39:20 AM
It sounds pretty interesting already!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Darwinist on November 02, 2009, 08:43:15 PM
7046, my e-peen is bigger than your e-peen.

I think I can get to 30 or 40k... but I don't know if I have enough story left to really fill out 50k lol.

How's everyone else doing?
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: jeno on November 02, 2009, 11:10:39 PM
3,209 words as of right now, but I'm gonna keep writing after dinner.  ;D


It was Halloween night when Eva's brother disappeared, leaving no note, no clue, no body. There was no trace of him left at all- at least until Eva fell asleep in her missing brother's room and woke up in a world of shadows.

A world of Masks.

Now Eva's doing everything she possibly can to find her brother and get them both back home... before the people hunting her brother find him first.

:D? :D?
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 02, 2009, 11:40:07 PM
so far in mine, my character has had a dream, hit the snooze, got up, got ready for work. Went to work and is now chatting with a friend. Other than that... waiting for the right moment to fit in the zombies or other supernatural element to make it interesting. Did I mention he works in a library... zzzzz...
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 03, 2009, 01:29:03 AM
Well, now I'm VERY happy I managed to get 10k on Sunday.  Today, I barely cleared the 1667 daily word count, and tomorrow will probably be worse.  I just can't write at night, after doing everything I have to do.  My brain doesn't cooperate.  I had hoped to be at 12,500 tonight but my synapses not only aren't firing, they're sitting back in their La-Z-Boys with beer and Chee-tohs.

So it looks like I will indeed be doing the majority of my writing on the weekends.  If I can do at least 1400 - 1500 on weekdays, I'll be content with that and will then push hard on the weekends.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 03, 2009, 05:54:00 AM
I am using a trick from Brandon Sanderson (You knew he was an associate Professor teaching creative writing, right  ;) )

He says to consider your story a map, and to plant a sequence of guidepost across it. use each guide post to tell an important part of the story.

In the Na-No world setup, I try to finish a guide post a night. Each one has been averaging 2000+ words and the twenty five stops each provide a solid start and end to a writing session.

4905 words to date (not counting the 5600 setup work) but tonight is a sub arc that need more length, gotta put my head down and start slogging.

Writing as Gunns in NM Albuquerque,
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on November 03, 2009, 06:26:22 AM
Up at 5975 now, although it's after midnight so I guess that's day three.

Here's my synopsis -
Lillianna successfully thwarts what she imagines is the first step to a forced marriage, but in doing so, destroys the lives of the man she seduces and the woman who loves him. She is banished from her family’s metropolitan estate to live with an aunt in an austere academic community. Her narcissist attitudes erode as she’s caught in the intrigues surrounding unimaginably ancient artifacts and first contact with galactic civilization.

Favorite line today -
Lillianna slumped back in her chair. “People get really over excited about such little things.”

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 03, 2009, 10:12:13 AM
Well the system is still working,

up to 8909, the sub arc is done, and the solution involved chelation.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 05, 2009, 11:27:11 AM
I've decided I've been too hard on female urban fantasy writers and their penchant for romance plot lines.  It had gotten bad enough that I began to complain that women were evidently incapable of writing without romance either being the main point of the story, or at least as important as the ostensible central plot.

But now I need a subplot.  My story's going well, actually.  I'm at just over 18k, I have a good daily word count (around 3k yesterday!) but I'm feeling that it's all a little too ... linear somehow.  I sat and stared at where I'd left off.  The cops have just delivered their warning, the werewolves are off doing their thing, it's daylight so the vampire's asleep, Rachel's alone in her shop, and I thought "This is where the subplot should begin."

Only I don't have one.  And the first thing that occurred to me?  Re-writing a bit to start a romance with the male cop.

NO!  Bad Kali!  So now I'm thinking that so many people use romance because it's easy.  They're built around emotion, so you can get immediate involvement with the reader.  They come with a whole host of built-in complications, and they can easily tangle your main plot into something more thorny and knotty.  So NaNo has given me a whole new perspective on the prevalence of romance in urban fantasy. In recognition whereof I donated $25 to NaNo.  It was worth it.

Instead of starting in on a romance, I took Rachel off to the Catholic church to get some holy water, and gave her a crush on a very nice Roman Catholic priest.  That should shut 'er up for awhile.

Today should be a busy day at work, so I'm not sure I'll have time to daydream up a new plotline, but I gotta come up with something.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 05, 2009, 07:51:25 PM
I'm over 11k. w00t!  :o

Now to figure out how my character is in the twilight zone, how it works and why.
I have a few plot ideas that came to me but how to work them in.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 06, 2009, 05:26:37 AM
Still grinding along,

14014 words......

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on November 06, 2009, 02:25:57 PM

That's such a nice symmetrical number, I don't want to ruin it...
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 07, 2009, 02:09:17 PM
12,673 last night.  I feel like I'm finally starting to get a handle on the thing...
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: belial.1980 on November 08, 2009, 02:04:24 AM

Things have been really busy lately so I haven't had any stellar writing days but I've been able to crank along at right around 2000 words a day. I'm starting to figure out the story more. It's not great by any means but I've got it pointed in the right direction.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 08, 2009, 02:14:35 AM
*rubs her eyes*  800 more words and I can stop for the night, just 800 more words and I can stop for the night. 

*sigh* Ok, let's go drag the werewolves and the witch to the Roman Catholic cathedral and see if Father Christopher's head explodes.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 08, 2009, 03:09:54 AM
I have failed completely.  :'(

I was going to try to catch up for the last three days today, but I just can't get out of my head space and write....

all the while suspecting that if I just wrote, I'd get out of my headspace.  ::)
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on November 08, 2009, 03:22:21 AM
19,277 and I hope to break 20K by the end of the night...
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: jeno on November 08, 2009, 05:49:07 AM
Hey, it's not over until November's over. You can still write what you feel like writing.   ;)
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 08, 2009, 11:46:54 AM
Still grinding along,
But now my detailed notes are exhausted, just have the chapter heads left....


Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on November 08, 2009, 06:14:48 PM
So far, not a single solitary word; colloquium took more out of me than I had feared.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 08, 2009, 07:58:50 PM
I have made it to just over the halfway point.  26k.  I have brought in a lot of people I never expected to, so far:

1) Two cops
2) A landlady
3) Downstairs neighbors
4) A coffee shop owner/best friend
5) A smokin' hot Catholic priest
6) A facist witch and his cronie

The end is taking shape now.  I can see it in the murky distance.  It's going to involve earth soaked with holy water and a dagger shaped like a cross fichy.  I think.  Also, I have a title.  The "just to put something up there" title on the NaNo boards is "Little Black Box", but now I think it's "St. Ninian's Blessing".  Like all good titles, it'll have a dual meaning; the first is most obvious.  The werewolves in my book were created by St. Ninian in response to a bishop's prayer to save his people from a vampire.  So the werewolves don't consider it a curse.  It's St. Ninian's Blessing.

It feels good to break through a wall.  I'm going all Kool-Aid Pitcher Man. Oh yeahhhh!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 09, 2009, 03:10:16 AM
15 k + words and trying to figure out how the last convo between two main characters will work out to something I have planned.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 09, 2009, 10:54:46 AM
I'm getting close to half way by word count, but the action is starting to ramp up, and the resolution is in sight. I guess I will punch it out till the story is over and then go back and expand the thin spots...

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 09, 2009, 01:30:54 PM
Passed the 16,000 mark last night.  Anyone else feeling an almost overpowering urge to go back and edit?
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 09, 2009, 09:16:14 PM
Passed the 16,000 mark last night.  Anyone else feeling an almost overpowering urge to go back and edit?
Almost overpowering?  No.

Actually overpowering?  Yes.

I went back and edited!  I had to, a subplot appeared and I wanted to go back in and write the start of it.  It was one session, but three rewrites:

1) The werewolves recounting their origin legend;
2) Rachel asking the smokin' hot Catholic priest for the 411 on St. Ninian (inserted into the holy water/corn dog scene)
3) The first appearance of Ethan Lancaster, Fascist Asshole

I do need a name for what's essentially the beginnings of my version of the White Council.  I mean, it's ok for Rachel to call them "Facists Assholes" but I highly doubt that's what's on their letterhead.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 09, 2009, 09:23:18 PM
I'm editing as I go but then I know how to do that and keep all my words. I've been doing alot of writing and editing type stuff for fun for a long time. I'm no expert but somehow I can edit 1000 words out and still keep my quota. My friend wanted to know my secret. LOL ;)
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on November 09, 2009, 09:38:12 PM
Ok -
7,000 words in one sitting is good.
7,000 words at 3:00 AM Monday morning and having to get up for work at 6:00 AM is not good.

Drated Muse.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 10, 2009, 02:59:07 AM
Holy water/corndog scene?  Now, that I want to read! ;D
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: belial.1980 on November 10, 2009, 05:40:12 AM
It's a 17,063 word train wreck thus far.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on November 10, 2009, 07:23:41 AM
I'm a quarter of the way through and my main character's mother has 4 names. It seems I kept forgetting what I'd called her and invented a new one each time she came in.

This is a new record for me. Last time it was only 3 different names for the same character after the whole month of writing. On the other hand, I had three different characters with the same name in that one, too.

I should take up drinking. I need an excuse for errors like that.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 10, 2009, 09:55:58 AM
This last session I showed my bad guys what happens when you allow a low tech opponent to chose the playing field.

My defenders happily waded in and showed Johnny high tech that a rock can still kill you.... (Grin)


Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 10, 2009, 10:06:07 AM
Holy water/corndog scene?  Now, that I want to read! ;D

It's not as weird as it sounds, sadly.  It's a hypothetical corn dog.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on November 10, 2009, 10:39:51 PM
 :o Now you must post that scene.  :o
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 12, 2009, 02:10:37 PM
Passed the halfway mark last night!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Cooper on November 12, 2009, 02:48:17 PM
Got through 19,000 words and got confirmation I'm going to the Write-a-thon in San Francisco. Woot!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 12, 2009, 02:51:57 PM
30550 last night, and I am in the middle of the "every thing I write is S**t" week two blues.....

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: belial.1980 on November 12, 2009, 04:54:11 PM

I'm finally starting to hit my stride, I think! The story's sort of found it's identity. It's just a matter of competing with the rest of my extremely busy life right now.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on November 12, 2009, 04:55:21 PM
...and now I am sick, and may not be up to writing this weekend either. 
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 12, 2009, 07:34:46 PM
I declare I am quitting.

Ture - I haven't been keeping up with my writing these last few days, but that's not why I'm quitting. I'm quitting because I just got an extra job that will have me working about 40-60 a week in addition to my Aflac stuff and rather than feel all conflicted about it, I'm just reorganizing my schedule and for the moment, NaNoWriMo (and some other things) has to go.

I'll try again next year.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on November 12, 2009, 08:07:43 PM
I just got an extra job

Congrats on the job!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 12, 2009, 10:20:19 PM
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Darwinist on November 13, 2009, 03:14:33 AM
I am on the brink of quitting myself. I'm keeping up with the daily minimum, but there just isn't much left to my story. I've tried jumping ahead to stoke my interest, but there's just waaaay too much research to do on this still. I came in too unprepared.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 13, 2009, 04:20:00 AM
I didn't think I could do this but so far I've been just ahead of everything by a day or so.
When certain people aren't telling me I type too loudly I get alot more done.

Just hit 25K+

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on November 13, 2009, 04:38:27 AM
30K here and while I haven't even come near to running out of story, I am running out of steam (plus I had a busy time of it the past couple of days).
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on November 13, 2009, 05:48:10 AM
I'm still plugging away during my free time, but I stopped counting words. I want a pleasant surprise when I check word count tomorrow.

Or something.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 13, 2009, 08:00:32 AM
I took Monday off 'cause it was my birthday and because I've had a harder time of it since Sunday.  The last few days have been much harder.  I don't really want to write, I actively want not to write.  But I want to do this even more than that, so I make myself sit down and write.  One nice thing about having my writing time broken up is that I'm never looking at having to get through 1667 words in one shot.  I can write some in the morning, then when I get home I can usually say "Oh, it's just another 800 words, I can do that."

To get myself started, I remind myself, "It doesn't matter if the words suck, it doesn't matter if they're dull and uninspired, just write them down."  Which, as bold, motivating speeches go, sucks.  It's no St. Crispin's Day speech, but it works.  It's usually enough to make me poke at the keys.

And y'know, when I go back and read over the previous day's stuff, it's never as bad as I felt it was at the time.

36k in, 14k to go, and I'm heading into the final battle scene.  If I can't get at least 10k out of a big fight between a vampire and two witches, four werewolves, and a smokin' hot Catholic priest, I deserve to lose this thing.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on November 13, 2009, 02:53:55 PM
Heh, that sounds a bit like where I'm at. I had a busy day yesterday between going to Cambridge to pick up an anime movie DVD I had had my eye on and running some errands with my folks, but I somehow managed to get up to 31K early this morning. And now a plot bunny for a cracked Twilight/Yami no Matsuei, aka Descendants of Darkness crossover fic has decided to grow fangs and start gnawing on my foot, so now I'm tempted to take a break and work on *that*, but I'm worried if I do, I'll fall completely off the word count bandwagon on the NaNo. The best I can do at the moment is type the NaNo and jot things for the crossover fic when I've got my 1,667 words for the day in.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 13, 2009, 10:48:48 PM
I hit 30K today, but still am only about 1/4 way through the planned manuscript.  The plot is just starting to get going, with some dastardly unknown sticking a potato in my protagonists' tailpipe while they're on a stakeout, the kidnapped stripper finally being missed by her roommate, and the dead burglar turning up alive, though not for long.

I'm still ahead of the curve, but feel as though I'm lagging sadly behind.  One problem is that I start to feel as though I'm getting carpal tunnel if I write for more than about 3-4 hours at a clip.  Anyone have any suggestions for combating this?
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 13, 2009, 11:00:59 PM
Better posture at the keyboard. If necessary, roll up a handtowel lengthwise and brace it under your wrists while you type.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on November 13, 2009, 11:14:59 PM
A small amount of heat at the wrists makes a huge difference. You can get those wrist things tennis players wear, they can be quite fancy and cool. Me - I cut off the cuffs of old socks and wear them on my wrists and lower arm while doing a lot of typing.

Guilty pleasure - I have, more than once, bought socks with no intention of wearing them on my feet. I cut theit toes off as soon as I get home and use them as wrist wraps.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 13, 2009, 11:15:52 PM
Heh - and I thought I was clever in using cotton footie socks for dusting!

Bravo, Kris!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on November 14, 2009, 12:37:42 AM
This has inspired me to dig up my homemade half-gloves (ie. regular light cotton work gloves with the fingertips nipped out) and put them on when I type.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 14, 2009, 10:57:53 AM
Well I just handed my protagonists a major body blow, they lost a pivotal battle, and by treachery from within....


Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 14, 2009, 12:55:03 PM
Dammit, Kevin, quit stealing my plot! >.<

The climactic battle scene is going to be the final moments of Rachel's brilliant plan to kill the vampire.  It's rather an intricate plan, and thus it will be necessary that nothing works quite right, everything goes haywire, but in the end they manage to kill him anyway. (I will, btw, be refer to this as "Scoobying up" the plot, as in "I didn't expect things to go perfectly, but that was just enough to really Scooby up my plan.")

One of the things that will go wrong is that everyone has forgotten that, healed or not, one of the werewolves was bitten by the vampire.


And it's Caleb's mate, the one female werewolf of the four.

Hm.  So far everyone my vampire's put the whammy on is female.  Even his makeshift Renfield is a 16-year-old girl.  I shall begin referring to him as Count Mackula.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 14, 2009, 01:06:18 PM
I managed to fix it where my main character will not die (wasn't going to kill him actually) but the main heroine will find out through another person that's in the same group that she and the main guy end up together and that's why everything happened. It wasn't a mistake atleast that they met. They were both together in separate time streams but her seemingly innocent trip to his possible time made it so that they were meant to leave and go to the one possible time that they can both be on without a conflict. Or something like that... still working out how to get there and have to throw in a fight between now healing hero guy and a rival. Plus the mirror room of possibilties.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 14, 2009, 01:56:03 PM
Thanks for all the wrist suggestions.  One possible problem is where I write--I have one of those slanting laptop desks on rollers that I pull up to my bed so I can write propped up on a couple of pillows.  It's comfortable for a few hours, then it starts to play hell with my lower back and sciatic nerves (whine, whine.)  I should probably move it into the guest room where I can sit on the futon couch instead (and not bother my SO by keeping the light on at all hours while he's trying to sleep.)
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 14, 2009, 04:32:49 PM
40k, and the good guys have the box and the girl, but one of the werewolves has been killed. *moment of silence for Sean*

I'm so going over 50k for this, but hopefully not more than 60.  Next up, the meeting at Kelly Fox's irish pub for a strategy session, then the trip out to Father Christopher's house for the big fight.  I'm really very excited about the strategy session because I get to write the following sentence:

"A priest, three werewolves, and two witches walked into a bar."

You gotta take your little pleasures where you can get them.

Since I'm at 2500 words for the day (a smidge less, but still), it's time for lunch and a movie. My reward for doing well, a movie featuring many large explosions and special effects!  Yes, 2012 is out in theaters and I can't wait to gawp at it, drooling an obscene mix of Diet Coke, half-masticated popcorn, and Milk Duds.  Ah, Saturdays.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 15, 2009, 12:00:02 AM
This is not the holy water/hypothetical corn dog scene, but I amuse me and I'm getting a little punchy.  I've realized that if I hit 50k today, then I'll make goal in exactly two weeks.  I'm goin' for it.

In the meantime, I crack me up.

Rachel is in the car with Ethan, Fascist Asshole but basically a good guy for all that.  He hit the vampire with handfuls of black goop he was pulling from thin air, and Rachel, intrigued, has to ask about it.

I looked over at him.  “What was that, anyway?  I’ve never seen anything like that stuff you were throwing.”

He scratched at his chin and the whiskers that had grown during the day.  “It’s … it’s isn’t.  It’s not.”

“Oh.   What?”

“It’s the stuff between spaces,” he tried to clarify.  “It’s like… Ok, they say that only so much of the universe is solid matter.  Most of the universe is actually empty space, the space between molecules.  It’s not stuff, it’s not-stuff.  That’s the spell, sifting out the not and then throwing it.  And when not-stuff hits stuff…”  He shrugged.

I stared at him.  “Ok, so that actually makes science books weep.”

“I’m sorry, did you or did you not work a spell that sent your consciousness into the past where you tangled with a vampire who left a psychic link in your mind a day into his future?”

“Yes,” I said guiltily.

“Then shut up.”

Ah, humor.  You make it worthwhile. 

Back to work.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 15, 2009, 12:58:00 AM
Not trying to take your plot, in my case, the story still has two reversals for the "Good Guys tm" and then the MC is rescued by his dog err AI.....
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 15, 2009, 01:13:31 AM
This is not the holy water/hypothetical corn dog scene, but I amuse me and I'm getting a little punchy.  I've realized that if I hit 50k today, then I'll make goal in exactly two weeks.  I'm goin' for it.

In the meantime, I crack me up.

That's awesome, Kali! I can't wait to see it finished!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 15, 2009, 04:55:00 AM
50069 with 7 minutes to go!  That's 12,500 words in one day.  A new record for me!

Ow.  My wrists hurt, my fingers feel funky.  I need Aleve.  Tomorrow is very much a day off.

Edit:  Also, MSD, because I like you I will not let you read it.  Parts of it lose all track of subject-verb agreement.  Other parts of it are a ping-pong match of "I said/He said".  I have to take out the police detective's partner entirely and reword her stuff so it comes out of his mouth.  The illusory carnival/library/African Savannah scene needs to come much earlier, but if it does it'll mess up some stuff that comes after so that has to be fixed.  Jo needs to show up at least a couple more times, and there need to be more little fights with the vampire so the big one doesn't just come outta nowhere.

But that's all for December.

Or maybe January.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on November 15, 2009, 06:40:25 AM
I have a very large sign on my desk, a gift from a friend. It says -


Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 15, 2009, 09:48:38 AM
Do you torture your players? I have one that has been beaten to a pulp, a prisoner, but now he knows the secret....
I might kill him before he can tell any one. (REG)


Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 15, 2009, 02:20:36 PM
You have to beat up your characters. It's your job.  My sig around here used to be this great David Gerrold quote...  *rummagerummage*

Ah, here it is:

The job of the storyteller is to put the hero up a tree and then throw rocks at him. Surround the tree with rabid wolves. Light it on fire. Put a helicopter above with bad guys firing laser-sighted explosive rounds. Have an earthquake.  The volcano blows up. Drop an asteroid on the planet. Aliens invade. And the tree has Dutch elm disease.

This quote has become quite famous in my circle of friends.  "And the tree has Dutch Elm disease" is one of those things we'll periodically tack onto the end of any tale of woe.  Like in a recent email from a friend of mine, wherein she said:
I blew the clutch on my car.  Today, I went to the mechanic to confirm the vehicle diagnosis and I was partly right - yes, it was the clutch.  It was also the front brakes, the rear brakes, the wheel cylinders, the rotors, and oh yeah, the lube/oil/filter I'm two months overdue for.  And the tree has Dutch Elm disease.

So heck yeah, I torture the people in my books.  Rachel hasn't slept in three days, she's been sorta eaten by a vampire, kidnapped by werewolves, arrested, threatened by a neo-Nazi fascist asshole, had to listen to twenty-four straight hours of "Fell On Black Days" over and over, and gotten her ass kicked by a sixteen-year-old.  And the tree has Dutch Elm disease.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 15, 2009, 05:24:50 PM
And the tree has Dutch Elm disease.

ROFL! That's awesome!

Makes me miss my writing group back in Michigan!
50069 with 7 minutes to go!  That's 12,500 words in one day.  A new record for me!

Whooo Hooo, Kali! Congratulations!!!

And I still hope that one day, should you clean it up and set it free in the world, that you'll let me read it. :D
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 15, 2009, 11:16:42 PM
Do you torture your players?....

I'm droppping one of my protags. down a five-flight stairwell, not too long after he caught his wife in bed with another man...does that count as torture? :)
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 15, 2009, 11:46:51 PM
I'm droppping one of my protags. down a five-flight stairwell, not too long after he caught his wife in bed with another man...does that count as torture? :)

Yes.  Now just kick a bag of sloppy trash down the stairs after him...
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 16, 2009, 09:42:03 AM
 I just had my MC sucked out of an base airlock, out side the escape ship, while the bad guys are shooting at him.....


Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on November 16, 2009, 08:15:40 PM
I just had my MC sucked out of an base airlock, out side the escape ship, while the bad guys are shooting at him.....

At the risk of sounding like a Monty Python Yorkshireman, the closest my current WiP has to a "main character" has been dead for the last 130,000 words (about a third of the story as a whole) and is not liking it very much. 

Being dead comes with nigh-omniscience but also a serious tendency to OCD; the key descriptive line here is "Yes, if I liked, I could indeed watch every sparrow's fall, but I have no desire to spend the next thousand years as a sparrow specialist."
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: belial.1980 on November 17, 2009, 04:21:32 AM

Woah, everyone else is blowing me away. Oh well, I knew these next few months would be very, very busy for me and I'm just happy that I've been able to keep a decent pace.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 17, 2009, 04:55:56 AM
I just threw the wrench in my works.
The villain went nuts... kidnapped a girl briefly... beat up another good guy... and is now attempting to smother another.
I think my story just went interesting. ;P
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on November 17, 2009, 06:25:38 AM
Hunhhh? It just flowed, and no way was I going to stop.

I'm not finished, but I've writen my last chapter. Now I need to write the rest of the last third of the story and get all the bits and pieces to match up.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 17, 2009, 11:35:59 AM
Two different segments of the flotilla have, unknown to each other, started a "Death Ride" against the pirate main base.


Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on November 17, 2009, 01:46:02 PM
38,008. I took a bit of a half day yesterday since I worked a longer than usual shift and I needed the break. Hopefully I can catch up today. I'd like to get as much done as I can, since next week is Thanksgiving week and it's going to be a madhouse at work...
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 18, 2009, 10:20:59 PM
Just past the 37K mark last night, and realized I'd skipped an entire section as per my outline.  I'm planning to go back and fill in tonite.  Though the scenes may end up working better in a different order--who knows?
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on November 18, 2009, 10:33:00 PM
40K and I'm trying to get the next 1,667 words cranked out... but I seem to have lost my momentum >.< I've got some longhand stuff I need to type up, but I don't seem to have the impetus to do that. :: Growls at self::
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 19, 2009, 01:15:50 AM
Passed 50K and not yet done..... ???

An excerpt,

Sir, there's no sign whatsoever of commander MuKusic's  suit telemetry.
It dropped off the screen completely about three hours ago."  Reported
the communications officer.
Mike considered, it had been 12 hours since the action at the asteroid
base  Under commander McMasters was still unconscious in the medical
position onboard the sledgehammer.  And the Phoenix was still tumbling
slowly towards the asteroid base.  As far as my could tell the only
thing keeping the asteroid base from smashing the Phoenix into junk, was
the greed on the part of the Pirates of capturing a fully functional
warship.  Although the heavy construction and armored composition of the
Phoenix would make that harder than it might seem from the outside.
Finally go flotilla Commander came to a decision, "were about as fixed
as we are going to get, get everybody critical off the sledgehammer and
onboard the ships that are going in."  Said Mike.
The entire construct vibrated as booted feet ran from one ship to
"What about the sledgehammer Sir?  Should we be using It also?"  The
question came from the tactical officer.
"We will leave a couple a crewmen onboard, but as a warship, the
sledgehammer makes a fine repair shop.  According to the logs the
offensive weaponry was stripped out, when the ship was converted to a
repair vessel.  I don't think adding another target to the mix will help
much."  Responded Over Commander Hartshorn.
"On Prester John, commander MuKusic used his ship against the ground
troops." Responded the tactical officer.
"Yes I know, but that was with strap on, small arms pods under the body.
I'm not sure what small arms would do for us pounding on an asteroid."
Said Mike.
"Bring out asteroid base map, red indicates known weapons positions,
yellow marks suspected positions.  Green points indicate destroyed
weapons far last pass, but don't trust that they could've fixed one."
Stated the tactical officer.
"That's make this pass fast, skip drive as close as we dare, inertial
field drive at maximum on the pass, and skip out as soon as you can, go
around and do It again."  Mike said over the commanders circuit.
Mike than continued, "all we have is speed, we're faster than that
carrier, and the base doesn't move at all, but both of those targets are
pretty tough, and if they hit us square were gone."
"All closed up, ready to detach."  Came the response from the operations
"Plainsman and Huron report all closed up and ready to detach."  The
report from the communications board was almost an echo.
"All right, let's do this."  Commanded Mike.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Darwinist on November 19, 2009, 03:07:25 PM
Hit a massive wall last week and spent the past five days doing extensive research. Kicked out 5k last night, hoping I can catch up before the weekend is over. Currently at 21,000. Decided to skip ahead and fill in the blanks later in order to keep myself movin.

Currently, my character just killed his wife on accident and went thru an OJ Simpson trial. Next up, flashbacks to a day when I use some revisionist history to portray fat Elvis Presley as a supervillain who was whacked out of his mind on a combination of chicken grease and heroin. It's a deadly combo. dundunduuuuun.

Do you think the Weather Underground Organization would be pissed if I did some revisionist history on them and made them sound like some super secret group bent on world domination instead of communism? The Weathermen just sounds so much like a saturday morning cartoon villain group.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 20, 2009, 03:27:56 AM
Well the first pass is done.

Now I need to go back and clean up the spillage :)


Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on November 20, 2009, 04:27:53 PM
1111 words last night; conincidence, but a nifty one. Nice to have my groove back to some extent; that would be a bad Friday/Saturday's writing, but it's good for a weeknight when I have to stop so that i will be awake for work the next day.

Also, it takes the total wordcount on this project over 490,000.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 21, 2009, 03:14:51 AM
Well the first pass is done.

Now I need to go back and clean up the spillage :)



Awesome, Kevin! Congratulations!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 21, 2009, 06:33:23 AM

What made it move fast was having a good "Road Map" of what I wanted to tell as a story before the mmonth started. Basicly a list of chapter haedings and a few things that need to come out in that chapter. The hardest writing was for connecting chapters, and the easyest was the stuff I was intrested in...


Set up, Case is an AI but not too bright, think of a Collie Lab cross.


"We'll yes, but I think you'd look better as a representative of the Conclave."  Came the computer's reply.
"I understand, but wearing a Conclave of Planets uniforms might confuse the local militia.  After all, I only belong to the Militia."  Came Keru's patient reply.
"If you say so. 

By the way, boss, what's a bumper?"  Asked the computer.
"In one application Case?  I can think of four or five things that are called bumpers."  Responded Keru.
The computer display wavered and changed, it now showed several rectangles with slogans imprinted on them.
"It's for these, they are called bumper stickers, we can put them on our bumper!  If we have a bumper."  Came the bright reply of the computer.
"I'm afraid we don't have a bumper Case."  Said Keru.
Keru thought furiously, if I'm not careful.  I'll have a ship covered with stickers.

"Boss?  How you make a bumper?"  Asked Case.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on November 21, 2009, 07:11:19 PM
48K words: the end is in sight!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 24, 2009, 12:59:32 PM
44500 here; getting close to the quota but not anywhere near the end of the story.  Still about two-thirds to go...
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 24, 2009, 02:33:29 PM
I still haven't added any more to mine, though the denoument could use a little more oomph.  It's bugging me to go back and edit it, but I really want more of it to fade away in my mind a bit more.  If it's too familiar, I'll blah over bits instead of really reading them, I fear.  Plus, I don't want to be bored by my own story on the first edit.

I have noticed little bits of plot are starting to drift through my head, so a sequel might be in the offing.  It might also be a good way to push the first story back a bit so I can get perspective on it.  Though evidently this one's going to involve a Voundoun queen who, it seems, wasn't born in Jamaica but puts on the accent.  So my poor spell checker will be wailing and gnashing its teeth over words like "doan" and stuff.  And Ethan, who might or might not be kidnapping Rachel, which would make me sad because then the radio can't be in it and neither can Smokin' Hot Catholic Priest.  I'll hafta see.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on November 24, 2009, 11:00:58 PM
51K as of Sunday night/Monday morning. I doubt I'll write more at this point, since I am now smack in the middle of Thanksgiving week at work, and that means it's a madhouse, plus I need to feed some of the unrelated plotbunnies that showed up during the month...
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 25, 2009, 12:39:13 AM
I have 44+ K and need to add a good 5K and am having a problem filling in the blanks with extra words. UGH!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on November 25, 2009, 03:50:02 AM
Need more words? Try 'the'. It's always a good word to stick in. I find that 'very', 'really' and 'well' fit everywhere, too. In fact, when I finish a piece I usually do a search and delete most of those four words that I find. ;)

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: belial.1980 on November 25, 2009, 05:48:56 AM
I have 44+ K and need to add a good 5K and am having a problem filling in the blanks with extra words. UGH!

Try adding a few new POVs. Write a scene from somebody else's narrative viewpoint, one that varies substantially from the initial presentation. A random thug, cop, Starbucks barista, or stray cat happens to witness the scene and gives their own spin.

Have the characters spew off a montage of the cheesiest lines from Twilight. Bonus points if they reenact the scenes and use props. (I actually did this and thought it was funny but not many people agreed. Too many fans...)

Have your character do something completely unexpected. Create a reason and deal with the fallout and work it into the story.

Umm...yeah sorry that's all I got and it sure ain't much.   :( Sorry. Medicated and still writing--in the loosest sense of the word. Good luck with those last 5K.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 25, 2009, 01:52:12 PM
Could your story use a prologue or an epilogue?  Maybe smack in the middle, you could do something from your bad guy's viewpoint.

For slightly cheaty things, give someone a two word name.  I do not decry the buffer that "Father Christopher" gave to my word count...
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 25, 2009, 05:22:20 PM
well I forgot I have to have one guy who's left behind both read a journal of someone who's left and find out something nobody's known about that has to do with his future. So that may just take 5000 words LOL
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 25, 2009, 05:28:55 PM
Hit 48K last night!  Having my protag. doped up on morphine after a life-threatening injury and hallucinating was good for at least 3000 words!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on November 26, 2009, 01:54:16 AM
Got my purple bar today,

I am about half way through the rough edit, then it goes to my co writer. after that it is out into the world....
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon) on November 26, 2009, 03:26:47 AM
Whoops, forgot about the purple bar -- though I probably could have waited for it. :: laughs:: I'll be poking at this one for a while yet, but 51K words in three weeks, while holding down a job and doing what I usually do is not to be sniffed at!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 26, 2009, 03:29:34 AM
Im happily at 45k... now to get that last drops of wordings squeezed from my brain and into my story. *wrings out her brain tightly trying to get every last word*
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: belial.1980 on November 26, 2009, 04:12:45 AM

I'd been on pace for 60k but the last week was pretty brutal. Will definitely get a "win" but hope to finish the story itself. Probably take another week or two but it'll feel good to have a completed manuscript even if it's attrocious.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 27, 2009, 11:25:47 PM
Lost a couple days due to hosting a crowd of 24 for Thanksgiving, but hope to hit my 50K mark tonight and keep going thru December til I finish the actual manuscript.  also, I picked up 2 more beta readers who are "in the business" for my previous work in progress, so that's encouraging.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 27, 2009, 11:29:19 PM
just over 2k left... eeps
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Murphy's Stunt Double on November 28, 2009, 05:24:26 AM
Congratulations all who are over 50K and KEEP HANGING IN THERE to all who are just about to make it! I'm sitting here in the stands rooting for you!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on November 28, 2009, 07:35:42 PM
Uploaded and won!  (and still writing.)  Couldn't make my laptop do the scramble thing, though...maybe it's because I have Microsoft Works rather than Word.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: belial.1980 on November 29, 2009, 01:34:55 AM
50,179. Did it!

Still only about 3/4 of the way done though, lol. I'll keep at it another week or so till I've finished it all.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 29, 2009, 05:21:54 AM
I won... I won!!!
Yay... got to 50K and a few cents in words earlier this morning. :D
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kris_W on November 29, 2009, 07:10:29 AM
Wait, there's something wrong here. If I have 50K words why haven't I reached the end of the story?


Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 29, 2009, 07:13:49 AM
Wait, there's something wrong here. If I have 50K words why haven't I reached the end of the story?


Because you aren't like me. I can make one sheet of paper fill a whole illustration even if it really doesn't fit. ;)
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on November 30, 2009, 02:37:36 AM
For the same reason that you can be out of money but still have checks left. ;)

Congrats to all the winners!  Purple bars for everyone!


Ok, what's everyone writing about next year?
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on November 30, 2009, 05:12:56 AM
For the same reason that you can be out of money but still have checks left. ;)

Congrats to all the winners!  Purple bars for everyone!


Ok, what's everyone writing about next year?

Uhm no idea... I have 12 mos to think about it ;P
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: jeno on December 01, 2009, 05:49:58 PM

It's 56k of crap, but it's 56k. *sigh*

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on December 01, 2009, 07:39:54 PM
my main problem is trying to figure out how to explain why the main characters disappear near the end and another character suddenly gets the spotlight. I did go back and sort of write in why he gets the spot light suddenly. Time paradoxes are fun!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on December 01, 2009, 07:51:43 PM
my main problem is trying to figure out how to explain why the main characters disappear near the end and another character suddenly gets the spotlight. I did go back and sort of write in why he gets the spot light suddenly. Time paradoxes are fun!

Enough time paradoxes, and they can all be the same character, and that solves that one.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on December 01, 2009, 08:01:51 PM
Enough time paradoxes, and they can all be the same character, and that solves that one.

I'd read that.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on December 01, 2009, 08:10:32 PM
I'd read that.

It's been done as a short story, by Heinlein, twice: "By His Bootstraps" and "All You Zombies".

David Gerrold's novel The Man Who Folded Himself comes close, too.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on December 01, 2009, 09:57:13 PM
hey I'd love people to read my story. Tell me if you think it works out.
I liked it but it was mostly desperation for more words (argh!) that caused me to do what I did with the last main guy and the time paradox. ;)
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: LizW65 on December 01, 2009, 11:13:35 PM
For the same reason that you can be out of money but still have checks left. ;)
Congrats to all the winners!  Purple bars for everyone!
Ok, what's everyone writing about next year?

I think I'm gonna do my "Bruce Campbell Meets Martin Chuzzlewit" next time--this story has been in my head in one form or another for damn near a quarter century now...
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: KevinEvans on December 04, 2009, 02:32:26 AM
Here is the last of my NaNo weirdness,

In doing the rough edit, I found a whole chapter that did not make it to the counted submission.

At a Con last week end, I heard a publisher bemoaning the "Slush Storm" that was coming in the next few months......

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: j3nnee on December 04, 2009, 03:24:47 AM
still waiting on my beta readers although I already know I have to add some stuff to explain why my main characters vanished.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Kali on December 04, 2009, 12:59:36 PM
At a Con last week end, I heard a publisher bemoaning the "Slush Storm" that was coming in the next few months......

Y'know, I wondered about that.  If editors/agents dreaded the flood of awful manuscripts that show up following NaNo, I mean.  On the one hand, it seems like almost everyone is convinced their story is good enough to be published.  On the other hand, are there really that many people who finish AND don't needed extensive editing AND submit? 

Guess there are. Me, I need editing.  Or at least my story does.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Starbeam on December 04, 2009, 01:37:06 PM
Y'know, I wondered about that.  If editors/agents dreaded the flood of awful manuscripts that show up following NaNo, I mean.  On the one hand, it seems like almost everyone is convinced their story is good enough to be published.  On the other hand, are there really that many people who finish AND don't needed extensive editing AND submit? 

Guess there are. Me, I need editing.  Or at least my story does.
I wouldn't think it's so much people who don't need extensive editing, but people who don't THINK they need extensive editing.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on December 04, 2009, 04:11:31 PM
I think I'm gonna do my "Bruce Campbell Meets Martin Chuzzlewit" next time--this story has been in my head in one form or another for damn near a quarter century now...

I don't normally find romances interesting, but that has potential.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo anyone?
Post by: Jaeh on December 05, 2009, 01:04:44 AM
School work killed my nano (its my first year - of nano, I mean) and so I didn't get to finish. I'm going to try again next year. I still do want to finish what I started though, and do some extensive editing. Then attempt to publish it somewhere. or distribute it to friends to have them read.