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Topics - Wyntonian

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Why Seven?
« on: March 04, 2013, 12:46:49 AM »
So, as practice in aspects and how they work, I've been trying to give them to fictional characters. One of the pits I run into is that a lot of the time, seven aspects just isn't enough.

That lead me to another question. Why do we have seven? Does it hurt the game if you go with six or eight? Could a game with just four or five aspects be easier for new players?

Has anyone tried a game with a non-standard number of aspects?

DFRPG / Interesting Focus Items
« on: December 25, 2012, 10:19:33 PM »
Hey folks,

I'm going to be making a character with evocation, specializing in fire and spirit, and I was wondering what sort of neat focus items you've made in the past. I'd like to break away from the traditional Staff and Rod, but keep things reasonable for combat. So, anything awesome you've done?

DFRPG / Mechanics of the Mark of Cain
« on: December 12, 2012, 12:45:27 AM »
So, I have an idea for a character, but it would involve a pretty unusual and potentially gamebreaking power, so I thought I'd go to the experts.

Specifically, I'd like to play a character inscribed by the biblical Mark of Cain (suitably adjusted, not holding on too tightly to "canon" here.), cursing him to forever wander the earth. It also warned all those that the marked was under god's... not protection, but that he had dibs on making them feel terrible for whatever crime they did, so anyone who hurt the bearer of the mark would be "avenged sevenfold".

So, what I'd like, is a custom power that returns a significant portion of the physical damage done to the character onto their attacker. Obviously 7x is ridiculous, so I'm more than willing to bargain that down. I plan to give this person lots of knowledge and defensive skills (Scholarship/Lore/Endurance/Alertness/Athletics) and very few/no combat skills, stunts or powers.

I see his backstory as being a murderer or other sort of criminal who essentially found god and prayed for forgiveness and got it... with a catch. I can take care of the rest, but this one power seems like the hard part.

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