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Topics - JediDresden

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DFRPG / My first Ward, Feedback please.
« on: February 08, 2012, 08:36:51 PM »
So here is my first attempt at the ward I would like.  Please tell me if I am way off.

•   Duration of a few months, 5 shifts
•   Basic barrier / power 8, 8 shifts
•   Gravity Sink Landmine (persistent block against movement – bullets and flying things are pulled to the ground as well as people without they key will be pulled to the ground and held by extreme gravity – not crushed just held), 12 shifts consisting of:
•   Four zones (10 feet of yard around house on 4 sides), 8 shifts
•   Persistent, for 3 additional rounds of time, 3 shifts
•   Total of 36 shifts, at 15 minutes per exchange it will take 9 hrs to cast trickling in 1 shift of power per exchange.  If 2 shifts are put in it will take 4.5 hrs.
•   With a lore of +5 I would need 31 shifts to be made up through declarations, Aspects and what not.

Does it look right?  Or am I way off.

DFRPG / A Ward Question
« on: February 07, 2012, 12:34:22 AM »
Wards being thaumaturgy seem like they would be made and maintained off camera or out of the main story.  My wizard's home got trashed when the bad guys came for a visit last game session. I had not put any thought into wards for his house so I kind of got caught with my pants down so to speak.

So what kind of wards could my wizard have with a +5 Lore and Discipline, +4 conviction.  Earth (+1 power), Air, and Water are his elements.  Sorry I am away from my books now, so this is all memory.  I have not ever had to make wards before so this is all new too me.  Could someone walk me through the process please?

From the books I get the idea that Harry has some pretty powerful ones and he has to recast them or repower them so I need help with some ideas. Please help?!

DFRPG / Just a question to clear something up
« on: December 16, 2011, 05:23:06 PM »
Here is the set up:
When a wizard casts an evocation attack he decides how much damage he wants the spell 'weapon to be, right?  So say he decides to put 7 shifts of power into it - making it an effective weapon:7 attack.  He can control that much due to ability and bonuses to specialization and focus items, so he only takes the one stress.  He then needs to make a discipline check to control and target with.  Let's say he has a +4 on his discipline and rolls +3 on the Fate dice, for a total of +7.  The target rolls not so good and only come up with a +3 total to defend against it.   
Here is the question:
If I understand the mechanics then the target takes the 7 stress from the weapon/spell and the 4 stress for the difference between attack and defense roll, for a total of 11 shifts of stress/damage the target would take.  Is that right?  I ask this because there was some debate about it in our last game, and I think I am right, that is the way I have always read the rules.  So let me know if I am really off base please.

DFRPG / What would be some good spells for my wizard?
« on: December 09, 2011, 06:12:33 PM »
Thanks to the previous Rote Spell thread for making me second guess my wizard build, I need some advice on my character's build and his spells, if you would please.

His relevant Stats are:
Conviction +5
Lore and Discipline +4
Earth, Water, and Air are his elements, with a specialization in Earth Control
His Staff focus item gives him a +1 to Earth offensive Control and Power

I originally gave him the following rote spells:
Gravity Cage  - Block: 5 for 2 exchanges.  Non lethal, holding spell - Power: 6 (2 stress)               
Gravity Press - Weapon: 5, uses Gravity to smash the target - Power: 5 (1 stress)         
Dehydrate - Weapon:4, pull water from target's body - Power:4 (1 stress)                  
Stoneskin - Armor: 2 for 2 exchanges - Power:5 (1 stress)                  

I am not sure I did the math right when I set them up either, so feel free to correct me if I am wrong.  I have two weapon spells as rotes and apparently that is not a good idea, so what would be some others.  I borrowed shamelessly from this forum for these spells, so don't be surprised if you see some of your work.

From the previous thread I thought a disarm spell and/or a lock pick spell would be good options, any help would be appreciated.

Thomas for example can open portals to and from the NN at locations he has a connection to(i.e. strip clubs and brothels).  Butters learned how to make magic circles easily.  Thomas even learns a tracking spell in one of the Short Stories.

I picture this as a simple lore role and not Ritual, with maybe a tag to an aspect if it applies (like in Thomas' case of finding entrances to the NN).  Am I right on this, or way off?

On a side note I think it mentions how hard it is to open a way to the NN, but I do not have books handy - anyone know?

DFRPG / Harry's belt in Fool Moon? How would you stat it?
« on: October 10, 2011, 06:18:19 PM »
I am looking for enchanted Item ideas for my wizard, how would you stat his belt that he used once in Fool Moon?  Would it just be an aspect, or would it be like the Riki healing spell that would make his injuries lessen temporarily?  I don't have my books with me at the moment.  Any help would be great.

DFRPG / Would this work? Bulldog Resources in DFRPG
« on: October 03, 2011, 09:02:58 PM »
I know there was a thread floating around a while ago about Bulldogs, the new FATE Sci-Fi game out there, but I did not want to raise it from the dead.

This is more of a question for those that are familiar with the Bulldogs game, but would the resource system from Bulldogs work with Dresden.  My players miss the 'loot' they get from other games, and I thought that this would be a good fix.

I just read though it quickly first, and at first blush it seems to me that it should work.  Basically it separates resources out from the skills and there are resource aspects that you can use to affect your resource skill. 

I like what I read and just wanted to bounce the ideas around here on the forums to see what you all thought.

DFRPG / Dresden Files adventures?
« on: September 25, 2011, 12:14:44 AM »
I know about the published ones from Evil Hat, I have run all but their latest one and they are awesome.  I was just wondering if there is some other home-brewed ones floating around the ethereal web out there.  I seem to be be running out of creative juices and was wondering about other ideas out there.  Would anyone mind sharing ideas or past adventures?  What has worked and what has not for you?  Thanks.

DFRPG / How to give a wizard some amenites.
« on: September 24, 2011, 06:32:35 PM »
I believe that not all wizards take cold showers and such.  A water Mage, or even a fire mage,could figure out a way to heat up water with out modern technology.  A air Mage could probably figure out a way to harness lightning for power even.  Anyone done things like this before.  The whole candlelight thing is ok, but I just cannot imagine not having a hot shower.  Any ideas on how to do this?  I am looking for more background stuff for my wizard in an upcoming game.  I just need to exlain how he can take hot showers.

DFRPG / How would you make a ward that could do this?
« on: September 08, 2011, 08:11:24 PM »
I have never designed a ward in the game before.  I need a preety high complex challenging one for the group in the big climax of the game.  I need something to keep my BBG safe until the thaumaturgy ward specialist wizard in the group can take it down.  So I need it to be powerful and be able to stop physical things, ie bullets, as well as magic energy and mortals.  oh and if possible spiritual energy as well.

I know it will be a big spell but the bad guy has been preparing for this for a long time so powerful is ok, I just want to do it by the rules as much as possible.  the bad guy is as powerful as I need him to be, probably lre o 5 and some lawbreakers in there if it will help.  He is kind of a puppetmaster and they have not really wencountered him beofre this climax.  Necromantic and conjuration focuses probably.

Any hlp would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

DFRPG / Social Conflict - Any Good Examples?
« on: August 15, 2011, 05:50:56 PM »
I know all conflicts work like physical combat, but I am having some player's get confused.  They think it is wierd to socially 'attack' someone and what not.  Do any of you know - or have any good examples from your games that I might use to shed some light on social encounters for my group.  I want to have one in my next adventure and want it to be done well.

They get invited to the Whate court stronghold and get involved in a social encounter with the head White Court Vamp (think a Lra Raith type character - maybe not quite as powerful but close).  It will lead to the clues for the rest of the adventure, so I do not want them taken out nessesarily, but I want it to be challenging.

DFRPG / Help please! My Search Fu is lacking it seems.
« on: August 08, 2011, 10:20:50 PM »
I read on the boards somewhere, a discussion on Fate Points.  Someone I do not know who linked to a blog or another website about someone who sets the bag of Fate Points in the center of the game table and let the players compel each other based on aspects they notice on each other's character sheet.  This kind of happened to me last game session I was running.  A player noticed an aspect I was overlooking on another player's sheet and brought it up with something like, 'Hey she has an aspect you should compel in this sene, check it out.'  I was just trying to find that reference because I might try it in my next session.

On a related note: I have a group of 9 players and it it so hard to keep track of everyone's aspects and make it fun for all. Is there anything you all have done to keep a large group involved?  I thought that if I had them all watching for opportunities with each others aspects it might let me focus on the story aspect more

DFRPG / Spell Effects Question
« on: August 05, 2011, 02:26:41 PM »
Can a spell do damage and have a 'secondary effect'?  For example a 'windstorm' spell that does damage and make those effected make a check to keep things from being pulled from their hands?  I thought there was something in the books about an option where they could do both, but I am not finding it this morning.  I guess this could be spin on a good roll, but it just makes sense that things could get lost in a windstorm. 

I also believe you can do damage and place an aspect on a target - it would just be the damage you want to do plus 3, at least, for an aspect, right? Like a lightning spell that does Weapon:3 and place the aspect 'tazed' on the target would be at least a power 6 spell, right?

DFRPG / How would you stat this up? (No GS Spoilers please!)
« on: August 02, 2011, 07:31:05 PM »
I thought about this before reading the last book (which totally changed my thinking) - so I do not want any spoilers - I just want to know if I am thinking clearly.  How would you stat up a ghost advisor that is similar to the TV series Bob?

I tried making up his stats as a living wizard and then as a Ghost, based on TV Bob, but then I just thought he would probably be best represtnted as a aspect that my character could Tag to get a +2 to a roll that he needs.  He needs to research something he calls on his ghost mentor for a +2 on Lore, he needs information on the Supernatural heavyweights in the area and gets a +2 on his Contact or Investigate roll.

I mean I think it would be awesome to stat up a ghost like TV Bob to help him, but it would be a serious crutch in some situations.  TV Bob can mimic people if he has DNA of some sort, he can manifest - but not interact with the physical world, and he knows magical theory.

I am thinking about playing a blind Wizard in an upcoming game.  His High Concept will be something like 'Blind Wizard of the White Council with Supernatural Senses' or something.  Instead of refinement he took the Disability Superpower that I found here on the forums and then he maxed out Supernatural Senses for -3 refresh ,it will use Lore.  The story being he lost his sight helping the WC against some bad thing, losing it later in life and compensating by using mystical means to give him up to 12 types of senses that are hightened.  He has Wizard Constitution - but does not know if his sight will ever come back, at least in terms of Game Time (he might get it back years down the road). 

I have a couple of questions:

1 - How exactly does the supernatual sense power work?  I assume from reading it that the character has to make a Lore check in this case to 'see' or sense anything.  Which I am fine with when someone only has 1 Super Sense, but what about 12 senses?  Not not all 12 will come into play all the time - but theoretically the character would have 12 chances to sense something?  I mean it is a 3 refresh power so it is a pretty hefty one.  Or would he just get 1 roll to sense something - in which case the power seems way to costly at 3 refresh.  I kind of picture him as a Supernatural Daredevil character.

2 - My second question deals with how to play with a blind character in the game.  How do you?  I mean I think having a 'blind' aspect could be a Fate point mine as it could, and should, get compeled often, but living with a disability is a struggle - I know I work with people with disabilites daily in my profession - and I don't know if it would be fun in game terms.

Any ideas?  I seem to recall a character posted on the boards that was blind and I found a spell that put an aspect on the person to counteract a blind aspect.  So I know it has been talked about and I apologize bringing it up again if it has, biut any help would be appreciated.

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