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Messages - Supremacy

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: In the beginning - my world's creation myth
« on: May 10, 2009, 06:49:47 AM »

 I like it. I think having such things down adds an original feel to the 'world'.

 About the Keeper of Lore; from your description, he seems pretty important. From my personal experience as a reader, the less I know upfront about a character like that, the more eagerly I flip through pages trying to grab all the little details any time they are mentioned ;)

Site Suggestions & Support / The Header...
« on: January 20, 2009, 02:16:27 PM »

  On my laptop, the Header (the JIM BUTCHER at the top that contains the "Support this site" thing) stretches past the template on the right. I'm not sure if you're using % based margins or a "fetch resolution" script. But I thought I might mention it.

  The Laptop is uising 1024 x 600 , but problem persists in 800 x 600
  I did try both Mozilla FF 3.0.5 and IE 6.0.2
  I'm not sure how the BB is written, but if it were a regular HTML Site, I'd say the top Div or Table parameters are off, as you can see in this scrn from IE (I used IE because it shows White-Space as White-Space where as FF just leaves it blank)


   Now, as I'm typing this I decided to do a little more testing.

   I run my Desktop at 1280 x 1024 and it's always aligned perfectly.

   I just now adjusted my Desktop to 800 x 600 (ugh now I mus reorganize my clutter desktop :P) and the issue is present there as well.  So it's definitely an issue with those resolution settings.

   Of course, this isn't a big problem, it's simply a minor scrolling annoyance on the laptop (since it doesn't offer higher resolution settings) , but in the interest of perfection :P thought you might like to know.

Author Craft / Re: just curious
« on: January 02, 2009, 11:53:16 PM »

 I can't claim to know the finer points of law. But personally, anytime I am involved in anything that has intellectual property rights attached (Weather it be graphical, website design, writing, etc., etc.). If I intend to claim any portion (if not all) of the rights attached to the product, I make a hard copy of my work/involvement on disk (both External and HDD), sometimes I even add copyright date and explanation of what that copyright encompasses.

 As far as ideas are concerned. If you're talking about a general idea like, "A group of Vampires attack a town, but one of the Vampires gets a conscience and fights back". There's not much for IP to attach to, because anyone might come up with that idea on their own. But if you had a product that went into detail of how the world worked, the characters involved, etc. like that. That might be a different story.

 Take for instance Never-Never-Land from Peter Pan. Just by the name alone someone might assume that the concept added to JB's inspiration (I'm not claiming it did or inferring anything, just making an example). However, it's completely obvious that JB's Never-Never is completely his own creation. And any ties that anyone might be able to find that resemble Never-Never-Land and the Never-Never would be extremely loose.

  And that is essentially what IP is. It protects you from your works/products being regurgitated. You can trademark certain things, etc. And if anyone is inspired by your work, they are allowed to be, but they can't use your base product. They can use the over-all concept, but they have to make every bit of their product as their own work and not tied to yours without permission.

  However, if you have an idea that you think is wholly unique, then your best bet is to keep it to yourself or people that have signed DNC agreements. If it's that important to you. But understand that once it is out to the public, people might be inspired by it. Which would be good for you (The whole point is to inspire and entertain, IMHO). What you gain by keeping it to yourself is being the first to use the idea and staking your claim in history as being the creator.

 Glad to help. I assume it worked then?

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: problems with avatars
« on: December 28, 2008, 03:54:56 AM »

 The little red text above the reply tells me this is rather old, but I'm trolling and feel like helping out. So since this was never answered ...

 To change the file format of a photo, you typically want an image editing software. If you want something that has a bunch of options and you can use to make animated .gifs and a bunch of cool paint functions, etc., etc.  You want Photoshop CS

  But for the purposes of just loading a picture and saving it from one format to the other. I'd recommend a simple free software such as IrFanView . Just load the picture in, crop it or resize it if need be, then re-save it as a .jpg or w/e. (Note: May not support all file formats like .tiff , etc. I haven't used it in awhile).

Yes, you can do this rather easily.

(1) Go to Profile -- > Notifications and Email --> Un-check "Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic."
(2) Control your notifications in a per-thread fashion.  Do this by going to the thread you want notified about and click the button *Notify* located in the bar atop the first post (Next to Reply, etc.)

Now to remove that thread from your notifications ...

Go to Profile - Notifications and Email ... you will see the threads you've subscribed to there. Select the thread you want (check the box next to thread name) and his *UNSCUBSCRIBE*

Bingo ;)

Hope that helps

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