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Messages - stevem

Pages: [1]
I like this theory.

And it fits with Jim Butcher's need to torture Harry.

Remember, Harry is the Knight of the Lady, Queen and Mother.

How long will it be before Mother Winter orders Harry to retrieve her "walking stick", placing him in direct conflict with Eb?  Harry vs. his grandfather who happens to be the number 1 thug wizard living.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: September 06, 2012, 02:16:41 AM »
Something that's been striking me during my current "listen through" at work - Is Jim putting Harry and Molly on opposite sides of minor (but often heated) issues?

1. Star Trek (Molly) vs Star Wars (Harry) - Ghost Story
2. McDonalds (Molly) vs Burger King (Harry) - Small Favor  Molly and Thomas vote, Harry overrides.
3. DC Comics (Superman shirt - Molly) ("Last Call") vs. Marvel Comics (Harry) (almost always)
4. Pepsi (Molly) ("Last Call") vs Coke (Harry) (always)  - Harry calls her a heathen.
5. Careful reading of a paperback to not crease the spine (Molly) vs. dog-eared, well loved books (Harry) (Turn Coat)  Harry calls her a wuss.

not to mention the younger/older, blonde/brunette, delicate magic/brute force magic, always changing vs. stuck in a routine...

That's all the evidence I need.  Molly is doomed to villiany.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: October 30, 2010, 02:09:31 AM »
Is Elaine still more skilled than Harry at this point, or has he caught up with her or surpassed her?
I've always considered Harry a bit of an obsesive-compulsive.  IMO, to the extent that Elaine has more talent, Harry has: 1) more raw muscle; and, is incredibly more focused on improving, considering his life experiences to date.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: October 17, 2010, 07:16:00 AM »
but according to Jim and the product info on the next book says
(click to show/hide)
therefore my question, lol
We'll have to wait and see but I suspect that Harry is not literally a ghost but his 'soul' is wandering about lose.  Pure conjecture on my part.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: October 15, 2010, 11:31:53 AM »
Im sorry if this sounds too much like im asking for info in the next book, but in the DV is it possible for a ghost to practice ectomancy?
I think I recall WOJ to the effect that ghosts are merely psychic imprints or echoes.  If so, they don't think, are on auto-pilot and shouldn't be able to practice anything.

DFRPG / Re: What would u be?
« on: February 19, 2007, 06:17:00 PM »
Having just watched a preview of "300", I would have to say that bringing a Spartan warrior into the 21st century would rock.  Maybe he was frozen in time after interrupting a Persian wizard doing dark magic, followed by a large KABOOM, and was only recently released by meddling archealogists.  From the Spartan's persepctive, 1 second he's in 5th-4th century BC Greece, the next its 21st century Greece.

If the archealogists were connected to the Ventinari Brotherhood, he could then be recruited and shipped out to America (which he views as a decadent successor to stuck up Athens) where he does the fish out of water routine, all the while slaughtering evil wizards, vampires and other assorted baddies, as the case may be.

DFRPG / Re: What would u be?
« on: February 17, 2007, 08:15:23 PM »
A very low powered wizard, barely strong enough to make the WC.  A wizard who finds wizarding both boring and inconvenient as the TV always blows out right when the touchdown pass is being thrown.  About fifty years old, he is good hearted but completely lacking in common sense.  Is fanatically into beer, fishing, swords and guns (possessing a life-time membership in the NRA and a prized decades long uniterrupted collection of Guns and Ammo magazine).  He's married to a fae wife who tricked him into marriage (he thought she was a Bears cheerleader) and a home in the suburbs (he still hasn't figured out why), she nags him mercilessly.  They have 4 changling children, all girls, that he doesn't understand.  He rarely ventures out of his basement for fear that he'll be ambushed with a "honey-do" list.  When he does, he tells his family that he's off "on Council business" or, when desperate "to save the world", but 90% of the time he's actually at Mac's pounding pints.  His best friend is a mob bookie with whom he succesfully colloborates in placing Vegas sports book bets, which is his preferred method of supporting his wife's keeping up with the Jonses life-style. 

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: January 30, 2007, 06:02:23 PM »
Bob holding the hockey stick?  Not possible.  Harry made it himself and Bob can't touch stuff anyway.  Must be a posed pic or something.
Ghosts are capable of moving things.  So why would they not be capable of lifting things?  The visual is not the Dresdenverse reality, only the appearance of reality.

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