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Topics - KurtinStGeorge

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DF Spoilers / A Fist Full of Warlocks - Audio version
« on: July 27, 2020, 08:09:24 PM »
Here's a link to an audio version of a Fist Full of Warlocks.  It has some nice sound effects as well.

I think this subject needs to be fully aired out, rather than having it pop up piecemeal in a number of different conversations.  I don't think we need to go into the story being split in two.  I believe there's another thread that already deals with that issue.  Go ahead and mention it if ties into some larger point you want to make. 

Also, you don't have to limit yourself to these three questions.  For example, you could tell us about something good (or not) that you didn't expect.  Finally, you might want to; not guess how Battle Ground will play out, but tells us what you think it should do.  And I don't mean in terms of its story and which characters live or die; like I want to see Thomas survive and become a KotC, I mean in how the story should go from here in order to finish in a (hopefully) satisfying way, or how it might tie up loose ends or salvage any weaknesses you found in Peace Talks.  I'll post my ideas later.  Dinner; I mean duty, calls   

DF Spoilers / Peace Talks trailer for Battle Ground
« on: July 20, 2020, 10:46:20 PM »
I just watched the Peace Talks trailer again.  Priscilla said some of the scenes refer to events in Battle Ground.   

  • There's Harry and Marcone getting dressed and Gentleman Johnny is telling Harry that Mab won't protect him.  I would have loved to see Harry reply,  "And she won't protect you, either."  In any case, those two don't look like they will be getting along very well anytime soon.
  • Harry's wearing a grey cloak.  He almost looks like he praying, but I doubt it.  That scene is so vague, it might not have anything to do with Battle Ground.
  • Harry is lifting up his staff to defend himself and is thrown into a different room, almost like he was sent to another dimension or summoned to a different location.  Maybe that's the end of the book when Harry will be sent to the Mirror Mirror world.  (If that happens at the end of the novel.)
  • Molly is touching something invisible that reacts like water.
  • A voice; that doesn't sound like Ebenezer or Marcone, tells Harry, "Your choices have made you an outlier."  Did Ebenezer say that to Harry in PT?  I read the book so fast I already have to do a slower reread.

If you see anything else or have a guess as to what any of it means, feel free to let us know.

Any spoilers should be very minor.  Nothing anyone couldn't have figured out for themselves.

First some minor stuff:
Lara didn't know about you know what. - Not that surprising.
Molly still keeping her job a secret. - Not really surprising.
Learning the capabilities and weakness of Butters light saber. - Jim has already talked about this in some interview or at a con.

More interesting stuff:
I correctly guessed Harry's relationship with the younger wardens. - Gratifying that I figured that out in advance.
We learn why Ebenezer really, really doesn't like the White Court. - This makes his scene with Lara in Turn Coat make more sense.
I was surprised that the major complication with Thomas occurred so soon. - I guessed it would occur about half-way through PT.  I thought it would be a giant complication added to earlier events, but seeing as it was in the trailer, the timing makes sense.
Cristos looks more like a dupe than a major player. - I suppose that could change.  Even if it doesn't, Cristos; sort of like detective Rudolph, could make himself a major pain that Harry has deal with or work around.

Odd questions and a disappointment or two:
One of the major players hasn't even shone up yet. - Unless, I missed something at the first meeting, I didn't see a description of any of them.  This is odd.
None of the major bad guys, mystery characters and questionable players that I wanted to see have appeared on the scene. -
Sure, one of them could be operating in the background but that's not the same thing.  I don't care that the semi-immortal shape-shifter guru from the Ukraine isn't at the talks, but I was hoping at least one really new and dangerous character (not in the short stories) would make their first appearance.  I suppose we could get a late arrival. 
We learned in advance that Kincade is no longer working for Ivy.  Who is he working for now?
I surprised Jim hasn't set up several players as potential suspects for the major complication with Thomas.
How come no one's asked the obvious question yet, cui bono? - I suppose there are too many potential enemies who would like to set one supernatural nation against another, but still.

Potential bad guys:
Ebenezer has been set up as a possible suspect.  He has the motivation.
We know from the short story Even Hand that Justine is far more capable than she appears in most of the novels.  Who else could convince Thomas to do something like this?  However, it's just speculation at this point.
Carlos Ramirez.  I think his wounds go deeper than just physical damage. - In terms of a potential backstabber, not in setting up Thomas.

Read the March 17 announcement

DF Spoilers / Peace Talks trailer viewing and more
« on: February 27, 2020, 12:36:57 AM »
It was announced that the first public viewing of the trailer for Peace Talks will on Thursday March 12 at Pensacon.  (I'm guessing that's in Pensacola, FL)  No news was given on when the trailer will hit YouTube.  I'm hoping it won't be more than two or three weeks after the con.

There were also some drawings from the storyboards of the trailer which you can look at and guess their meaning.  For example, is this a drawing of Elaine?  I don't think it's Lara or Justine.

Is Harry having a difficult conversation with Molly, and is he in jail?

Which member of the fae do you think this is?  My money is on the Leansidhe.

Here is a link to the page with all of the drawings. Date Feb 25th.

DF Spoilers / Peace Talks trailer pic
« on: January 07, 2020, 03:32:14 AM »
So Priscellie posted a picture from the Peace Talks trailer, and one of her directing.  Click on it for a better look.  What do you think is happening?

I wonder if the man in the right side is Marcone, because he's steepling his fingers as Marcone has been described doing in the books?

DF Spoilers / Which mortal might become nemfected?
« on: December 04, 2019, 09:07:15 AM »
I have two questions I want to ask everyone.  Well, maybe two questions.  If you think that no mortal characters will be nemfected for the rest of the Dresden Files, or that mortals simply cannot become nemfected, just say no to question one.  I know some readers believe only the fae can be nemfected.  If that's you and you think the next likely target to be taken over by Nemesis will be the Erl King, Eldest Gruff or whoever, please post that WAG in another thread, this is just about mortals.

Question #1.  Do you think a mortal character will be taken over by Nemesis sometime in the series? (Including the BAT.)
Let me be more specific.  I don't mean manipulated by Nemesis or one of it's agents, I mean fully taken over like we saw with Cat Sith.  Personally, I don't believe Victor Sells or Leonid Kravos were possessed by Nemesis.  I think they were manipulated into using black magic or were already doing so and promised more power and were trained up.  The corrupting effects of black magic did the rest.  The FBI were tainted by using the wolf pelt belts, so Nemesis infection wasn't there either.  (Lily was as unreliable a narrator in the DF's as we could get.)   

Question #2 If you think it's possible or even likely someone will be possessed, or perhaps already is, who is it, or who will it be?  (Actually there's a second part to this question, so really there are three questions.) Part 2b.  And why do you think Nemesis might target this individual?

I've been thinking about posting a WAG about this for some time, but I'd like to see if anyone else is thinking along the same lines or has another character in mind as the likely target.  Actually, I don't want to post a WAG at all.  They can be very tiresome to write and I've already started on this particular WAG three times and it became very long, tedious to read, and just wasn't fun to work on any longer.  I'll leave this post alone for ten days to a couple of weeks and see what kind of responses I get, if any.  Then, in as short amount of space as I can, I will give you my candidate and why they are, or will be chosen.

DF Spoilers / What questions should Harry be asking?
« on: September 14, 2019, 07:39:36 PM »
The idea here is that Harry isn't the most introspective person.  When Harry finally starts to think things through he won't have many answers, but he should be able to think of some people, and not-people he can ask.  So what one question do you think Harry should be asking, and is there someone he should ask?  If you think another character should ask Harry a question, that's fine too.

I'll start.  I think Harry needs to learn Winter Law.  I have a feeling Molly won't be able to tell anything to Harry.  There's probably some Winter Queen compulsion about preventing the mortal help from becoming well informed, or Mab could just put a geas on her.  Harry should ask Ivy; assuming she's in PT, if she knows if there is a source on Winter Law that Harry could read.

DF Spoilers / What and who has Harry looked at with his Wizard's Sight?
« on: September 01, 2019, 06:41:27 PM »
This has probably been asked and answered before, but I'm trying to remember all the times Harry has opened his third eye to see things and people as they really are.

Storm Front - Harry looks at Victor Sells house with the Sight.  Did he use the Sight earlier in the book?  I don't remember.

Fool Moon - ?

Grave Peril - Harry sees Mavra at Bianca party, but I think he just sees her standing on the stairs above him, he doesn't look at her face.  Earlier, Harry sees Mickey Malone and Murphy with his sight.

Summer Knight - Harry sees both Mab and Titania with his sight.  It floors him.

Death Masks - ?

Blood Rights - ?

Dead Beat - Harry looks at the murder site at the Field Museum.

Proven Guilty - Harry looks at the bathroom where the assault took place that Nelson was blamed for.

White Night - ?

Small Favor - ?

Turn Coat - Harry sees the naagloshii.  It floors him and makes him feel sick afterwards.

Changes - ?

Ghost Story - Does this book even count because Harry wasn't really himself?  I think ghost Harry tried to use his Sight to look at an angel, but was blocked from doing so.

Cold Days - ?

Skin Game - ? 

I know that in one book Harry looked at Murphy again with his sight, but I don't remember which one.  Has Harry looked at anyone else that I'm forgetting? 

DF Spoilers / Info about Peace Talks from Reading the WoJ section
« on: September 01, 2019, 06:01:36 PM »
Looking through the WoJ section I found some bits and pieces that might allow us to add a little to our knowledge of what's coming next.

Someone asked Jim, way back in 2011, when we'd see Injun Joe again.  Jim replied, "Injun Joe will have to be in there by [pause to think] at least by book 15.  Probably 15 and 16, he’ll both be in. [pause] Yeah, that seems about right.  I have to think these things through, I haven’t thought of the answer to absolutely every question."

So Peace Talks is book 15.  I could see a role for him in Mirror Mirror too.

When asked if we'd see Agent Tilly again, Jim replied, "Yes definitely.  Tilly I had to get into the story a little bit earlier on, for when things are happening on more than the Chicago level later in the story."

Damn that's pretty vague, but it sounds like Tilly is coming back eventually, but probably not in Peace Talks, but I'm not really sure about that guess.

After talking about Mirror Mirror a bit in 2014 Jim said this:"There’s Skin Game and then the next one the White Council is going to come to town and there’s going to be a big brouhaha, and then I think I can do Mirror Mirror after that. And then maybe we’ll do professional wrestling stories. Because I love professional wrestling. I watch it for the writing. And you can sort of pick out, well, wait, what’s the inspiration for this show? And you can figure out what the book is the inspiration for this show, this particular segment of the wrestling. It’s like, ‘Ah ha! This is the Return of the King episode. Look! They’ve destroyed the evil guy and now the good king is back, and now he’s the champion of the league, and so and so has been fired, and so and so has been re-hired, and he stretched forth his hand and cured a girl of cancer.’ It’s wonderful. I love watching wrestling. It’s great fiction."

There was actually more interesting info in there about the wrestling book than Peace Talks.  However, I can make a guess about Peace Talks if I add in that Jim recently said this book will get apocalyptic. Perhaps more than just a couple of representatives and bodyguards from the White Council will eventually become involved in the story.  My guess is, at first there will be one or two senior council members sent as negotiators with a retinue of security forces, but when the situation devolves into something uglier, this will force the White Council to commit more forces (more senior council members); or at least the Senior Council will justify their actions that way.  I also remember the post Peace Talks, Christmas Eve story where it's mentioned that Harry tried to warn people that things could get out of hand.  It wasn't said who Harry warned, but it seems most likely that Harry would have warned the Council, probably Marcone and maybe Lara Raith, that their actions could have dire consequences.  I don't think Harry would warn Mab, because he'd know that she wouldn't care.  Mab's going to do whatever she thinks is necessary to get the job done.

DF Spoilers / Candidates for future Nemfection?
« on: August 23, 2019, 05:49:25 AM »
So far there have been four characters who we know to have been Nemfected.  They are the late Summer and Winter Ladies Aurora and Maeve, the Leanansidhe and Cat Sith.  I once read speculation that the Red King wasn't just going senile, he may have been nemfected himself, but until there is a WOJ or something said in the books that confirms this, I can't include the Red King on this list.  Plus, the Red Court is dead while Summer and Winter are very much alive, even if the two Ladies I mentioned are not.  So I don't care very much whether Big Red was or wasn't nemfected.

We don't know where Cat Sith is and it appears that Lea was cured by Mab or is at least in remission.  I think Lea said something in Ghost Story about not talking or dwelling on touchy subjects too long, because it could make her vulnerable.  I'm actually going to post something much longer on this topic, so I don't want to get into the weeds of how Nemesis works it's magic on its victims.  What I want is to ask everyone a question.

Who do you think is likely to be a target for Nemesis to infect with its poison in future?  If you think it will one of the fae, because they are only type of beings in the Dresden verse who can be nemfected, that's fine.  I think you're wrong, but even if anyone can be nemfected, the next victim might still be one of the fae.  (I just had an odd thought.  Let's say that normally, only the fae are vulnerable.  Could Fix and Harry be vulnerable, even though they're mortals, because they carry the mantles of Summer and Winter, respectively?  It's just a thought.)  Feel free to name any character you wish.

I thought about doing this as a poll, but I'd have to list just about every character in the books who is still alive.  So feel free to name any character you wish.  Also, what makes that character a good candidate?  I don't have an answer myself.  I'm just curious to see what everyone else thinks and I think it would be interesting if several people name the same character, because I'd like to know why they see this character becoming nemfected when I don't.     

DF Spoilers / Name someone you want to appear in Peace Talks
« on: July 15, 2019, 04:40:30 AM »
Right now we know Thomas, Ramirez and Marcone will be in Peace Talks, even if we don't know how extensive their roles will be.  From this limited information we can guess that Lara Raith, Justine and probably Ms. Gard will also be on hand.  Mr. Hendricks is somewhat in doubt, but I wouldn't be surprised if he will be on the scene too.  I also think there's a good chance Lady Molly will make an appearance.  Beyond those characters it's anyone's guess who else we will see.  There will certainly be a fomor and some servitors and someone important; maybe more than one important person, from the White Council.  So name one character you really want to see in Peace Talks and why?

I really want to see the Merlin.  There is a thread speculating on whether Ebenezer will survive PT.  I think it's a good guess that Ebenezer will be in Peace Talks, or maybe it was mentioned in the first chapter of Peace Talks that he will show up, I don't remember.  What I don't want to see is Eb showing up with someone I don't really care about like Ancient Mai or Martha Liberty.  Maybe one or both could be interesting, but I really want to see Arthur Langtry's reaction the first time he sees Harry again.  I want to know what he thought when Harry wiped out the Red Court.  I want to know if he really wanted Harry to attack the Red's and he just used a little reverse psychology to goad Harry into doing so.  I want to learn about what has been happening within the White Council.  How close did it come to civil war?  What has Cristos been up to and is the Council fully stabilized or are there still tensions that threaten to tear it apart?  Finally, I want to see Harry say something to the Merlin that makes his eye twitch.   

DF Spoilers / Jim may do a reading this weekend
« on: July 12, 2019, 12:48:45 AM »
I saw on Jim's Twitter feed that he will be doing a book signing and possibly a reading this weekend at ConnectiCon in Hartford, CT.  So if you're near Hartford and you don't mind spoilers, you might get a chance to hear the first chapter; or two or three, of Peace Talks, because I can't think Jim would read from anything else.  He hasn't even started writing the next Cinder Spires book.

On ConnectiCon's website they have announced Jim as a surprise guest, but they haven't listed a schedule of what times he would appear.  Jim's tweet only said he will be at the Bard's Tower Booth.

I'm hoping Priscellie will be on hand to record a reading if Jim does one.  Of course, anyone who visits this forum and is in New England and is close enough to attend could do the same thing.  (Hint - Hint.)

If you didn't read the my post in the Dresden Files Spoilers page, Jim said at Westercon he will begin writing the next book in the Cinder Spires series in two weeks.  He also said that a recent rereading of The Aeronaut's Windlass felt to him like he had been a kid playing with action figures who smashed them together multiple times in order to have fun.  He wants to tell The Olympian Affair; the next Cinder Spires book, in a smoother and more compact style (using less words) than he's accomplished before.

(Now to the new stuff.)  When Jim was thinking about the characters he had decided to create for the Cinder Spires, he specifically thought about which character cosplayers would most be attracted to and knew it had to be Folly, so he went out of his way to make her appearance memorable.  Captain Grimm's appearance was tailored so Jim could play him.   

When asked if new etherealists have a choice in whether they will lose some of their grip on reality but maintain their humanity or keep their hold on reality at the cost of their humanity, Jim said the side effects of being an etherealist were completely random.  Jim said it was similar to an individual dealing with a mental illness and that he has had to deal with his own depression and feelings of anxiety, and etherialists have to cope with their own individual mental issues.

Jim went on to say that the more etherealists use their ability, the more mental damage they incur and therefore they should use their abilities sparingly.  (I think that was already said in the book.)  Cavendish blew a hole in her humanity by overusing her talents.  However, etherealists can see and do things normal people can't.  Jim said he wanted to explore the relationship that sometimes exists between madness and creativity.

In the Olympian Affair there will be a mission to Spire Aurora for an attempt at peace talks which will probably go about as well as the peace talks Harry Dresden has been dealing with.  Jim also said the surface of the planet is a green (or grey, I was at the back of audience and couldn't tell, and it was the final question.) hell that no one wants to go down to, so of course that is exactly where we are going in the next book.     


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