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Topics - Yuillegan

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Jim flagged in a recent interview the encounter with Cowl where Cowl says Dresden wasn't ready for the big leagues yet. And this fight with the Titan is the big leagues. But I think it might be a hint that Cowl is coming back. Jim has also talked about how he finally got to write fights he has been waiting 20 YEARS to write. So I expect some fight between some serious members of the White Council. Maybe Eb and the Merlin? Or Eb and Cowl? Harry and Cowl? Harry and the Merlin? Who knows!

What do you all reckon the fights will be? What are you hoping to see?

Also, the story Even Hand I think foreshadows some things about the Fomor.

1. I think they are out for revenge because of what Marcone has done. He has overreached and they will punish him for it. But I also think he will be a key ally in the fight against them.

2. The Fomor use air bubbles under water. Their magic isn't affected by water. I think they are currently shielding the Black Council, or the Black Council is among them. This is dew to the mildew and lightless waters descriptions of the Gates that Cowl uses.

3. Gard describes the Fomor as being shape-changers, sorcerers and seers. I suspect more than one Fomor has or will impersonate someone (the shape-changing thing) and Harry will fall for it. If not others too. Beings seers, they must have some ability to predict the actions of others. This might make them more challenging for Harry than normal.

4. Lara baited them by stealing their account information and freeing some of their prisoners. I suspect this will tie into Peace Talks and whatever power play Lara has going.

DF Spoilers / Battle Ground !!!SPOILERS!!!
« on: July 11, 2020, 05:29:28 AM »
Potential spoilers follow here.

I was thinking the other day about the blurb of Battle Ground and a few things occured to me.

I feel that the end of Peace Talks will involve Harry thinking he has sorted out his issues, a victory of sorts if you like. He will have saved Thomas, himself, everyone and maybe exposed the bad guys openly. And they will be MEGA pissed off. Which causes them to try the less subtle way i.e. wiping out Harry and Chicago or whatever. And Harry will realize his massive miscalculation and realize there is an impending army coming to destroy everyone he loves. That will be the cliff hanger - a Titan and her army bearing down on his city and everything he holds dear.

But why is it that Harry specifically has to kill this Titan. Why him? If this thing is so ridiculously powerful where are the other guardians, where is the White Council, where is...Mab?

Because if (and this isn't yet known) the Last Titan and the Fomor Empress are one and the same (likely), why isn't Mab or Titania or both fighting this being?

Why isn't Ebenezar and the Merlin and LtW etc not responsible for killing this being?

The only logical conclusion is they are not available. Perhaps Winter and Summer alike are besieged. Perhaps Titania elects not to help (in her every more mysterious way). Perhaps the Gates come under major assault. Perhaps Mab is crippled somehow.

Maybe the White Council tries to help but is scattered to the wind. Maybe it's a divide and conquer thing.


DF Spoilers / Kincaid
« on: July 01, 2020, 04:28:59 AM »
I have wondered for years who Kincaid is, and what he is a scion of.

We know he is vaguely demonic in origin, but not totally. We also know that he is mostly mortal aside from his enhanced physical abilities. Finally, we know that he has lived for centuries and served as the right hand of Drakul. He was known as the Hellhound or simply the Hound of Hell.

Well I wondered about all this. Most of us assumed that a lot of it depends on what Drakul is. If he is an Outsider, why would a demon scion serve him (unless he was half Outsider himself)? Kincaid hasn't shown a lot of evidence of Outsider connection. Same for if Darkul is a dragon.

But if Drakul is the Devil bound to human form, that makes Kincaid's story more understandable. Hound of Hell indeed.

Strangely, I watched that Van Helsing movie from the early 2000s again the other night. And Van Helsing reminded me of Kincaid. An almost supernatural skillful mercenary with high-tech (especially for the 1800s) weaponry and abilities. So I wondered if Jim had watched this movie.

And then we find out the Dracula is considered (in the movie) the son of the Devil. One wonders if it sunk into Jim's head even back then. Yes, he had introduced Mavra and the Black Court back in 2001. But the concept of Dracula being the son of the Devil is an old one.

DF Spoilers / McCoy and Bob
« on: July 01, 2020, 03:58:36 AM »
Really weird thing that Evil Bob says.

When Harry is in Ghost Story, he is wrestling with Evil Bob and Harry has a staff. Evil Bob says of it "A simple tool, but serviceable. In McCoy's style"

When has Bob, or Evil Bob ever met McCoy? And which McCoy? Eb or Margaret?

I can't get it out of my head. It says some pretty bad stuff to me.

DF Spoilers / Predictions !!!*SPOILERS*!!!
« on: June 16, 2020, 04:07:26 AM »
We've all made a few now but considering we now have the first two chapters we can start to make more accurate guesses.

1. Thomas is one of Evanna's lovers. Thomas has killed someone, likely during the Accords. My guess is another Svartalf (possibly another of Evanna's lovers or perhaps a family member...maybe Austri?)

2. The assassination by Thomas embarresses Marcone, and he has the right (as host) to execute Thomas. Harry and Lara won't allow it.

3. A confrontation between Lara and Marcone will happen because of this, and winner takes all and get's the States as theirs.

4. Harry is both going to have to break his word and rescue Thomas, but the consequences will be dire.

5. Thomas, as usual, probably isn't going to tell Harry the full reasons why until later in the book. It may have something to do with Justine OR the Oblivion War but my guess it will actually be about some White Court power play.

6. Harry being a liason for Mab. Either this refers to his recent escapade with the Denarians OR it is to do with some weird request Mab will ask of  him - either of which will make Carlos not trust Harry.

7. Who is the woman standing next to Ferrovax in the trailer? She has dark hair and wears a crown or diadem. Titania perhaps?

8. The woman next to Molly (at the table in the trailer) is possibly Sarisa I believe? But who is the man sitting next to her with the gold chain?

Anyone got anything else?

DF Spoilers / Project Gutenberg
« on: June 10, 2020, 05:54:58 AM »
I am not sure how many of you have read any Gutenberg (it can be a bit much as the language is often written phonetically rather than correctly, not to mention using archaic words and phrases) but it does provide a few interesting bits.

The Faeries are considered to be former Angels but chose not to pick a side in the War in Heaven and so were not banished to Hell, but were expelled from Heaven.

There are also these curious tall round towers, like Lighthouses, always near Churches. They seem to have been used and made by the Druids and have associations with fire. Also, in some cases Angels built them overnight on the command of Saints. Reminds me a lot of the Tower on Demonreach.

Lastly, a funny thing is that David MacAnally Jr is the translator/curator. Not sure how relevant it is but I found it an amusing coincidence nonetheless.

DF Spoilers / Rashid's Eye
« on: June 09, 2020, 05:00:52 AM »
Whilst we are lead to believe that this Eye is given by the Mothers (Fates), what the Eye actually is and does is up for debate.

It seems implied that it can check possible futures but to what extent and how far is unknown - but it seems oddly similar to how the Mothers see futures. One way this might be possible is if the Gate is like the Ultimate Gate in Lovecraft mythos, which one can access the Multiverse through and see all possible timelines. Perhaps the Outer Gates have a similar quality...although that might imply that the Outer Gates are actually a part of the Mothers.

We also are told that it is a tool to check for Nemesis. It doesn't use the Sight however, although it is implied Rashid has used the Sight on Nemesis so it seems these are different methods. Considering it is made from the same "crystal" as the Outer Gates it appears it might share qualities (such as checking for Nemesis among other things...perhaps it also acts as a filter of sorts so that the viewer doesn't go mad).

In mythology there are a number of ancient eyes with mystical properties. The Eye of Horus that was cut out of the god Horus during his battle with his evil uncle Set, was healed by Thoth and was associated with the Moon. Odin cut out his own eye for wisdom and sacrificed it to the Well of Fate. Considering Thoth and Odin are considered to be equivalent (via Hermes/Mercury) perhaps in the Dresden Files that is how Vadderung lost his eye. Even more interestingly is the fact that the eye of the Fomorian King Balor was so powerful that it's evil gaze could kill those it hit (one of the origins for the phrase "The Evil Eye) and after being cut out was contained in crystal. Also, we have had reference to the Evil Eye in Blood Rites - the Malacchio entropy curse that Lord Raith uses (possibly sponsored by HWWBh).

In any case, the complicated links between Vadderung, Rashid, the Mothers, the Fomor and the Outsiders make for fun theories.

Does anyone have any other links or bits of trvia/mythology or clues they have picked up?

DF Spoilers / Elaine
« on: June 08, 2020, 03:54:00 AM »
During White Night, she says to Harry that she likes his new shield. Except the last time she would have seen that shield would have been when he was naturally it would be different. Unless she saw it more Dead Beat. She never sees it in Summer Knight.

DF Spoilers / The Realm of Shadows
« on: June 08, 2020, 02:27:46 AM »
In White Night, the Ghouls say they come from "the Realm of Shadows" which Harry queries Lash about. She explains it is a region of the Never never.

This also appears to be the same place as where Cowl is operating from, and where Peabody attempts to flee. This may also be the location of the Fomor Empress (based on the underground, underwater-like features such as a mildew smell).

The ONLY connection I have found is from the Call of Cthulu rpg. Spoilers might follow here so be warned!!

Ghouls seem to be the servants of "the Charnel God" Mordiggian (a Great Old One), who also has human followers. The ultimate goal of ghouls is to corrupt humanity to the point where society breaks down and cannibalism is everywhere. They wish to return the physical realm to their god (who is currently trapped in "the Dreamlands"). His city their is called Zul-Bha-Sair "the Charnel House". There are "lesser" and "greater" Ghouls in the rpg. Which matches with the Dresdenverse (in White Knight there are those uber-ghouls). The "lesser" ghouls often have claws and fangs, but often can pass for humans and live a long time. The "greater" ghouls however are almost immortal, similar to the Deep Ones but are generally more sophisticated. The Fomor connection strikes again. In the Dreamlands, Ghouls are the ruling class over the humans. There is also a cross-breed "the Hu-ghoul" which is often weak and stupid, but can be super strong and monstrous. This is the ghoul I think that appeared in the Raith Deeps (which fits if the Fomor were helping breed them, as they do).

Curiously, this rpg also mentions Montague Summers (an author that Jim read for research when creating his Vampires). In Montague Summer's book The Vampire, His Kith and Kin he seems to say that Ghouls are just another type of Vampire. Perhaps they are the the Dresdenverse too...

What's further interesting is that the Cult of Mordiggian or the Charnel Cult started out as a ghoul and necromancer cult. So again we see this connection of Ghouls and Necromancers.

It is clear that should Mordiggian enter the physical world and be able to remain, it wouldn't be as cataclysmic as say Cthulu waking up. He tends to work slower, and would spread his influence from his emergence point. He also mostly is only interested in eating corpses.

There is also an odd South American connection, the temple that they operate out of is in South America and resembles a Zigguarat, which in term is meant to be a copy of Mordiggian's temple in the Dreamlands.

To be clear, I think the Dreamlands are the Realm of Shadows but I also think that the concept in the rpg was that of a demimonde (a hidden world).

Finally, there is this strange connection thing of the Cult's High Council. It is made up of three members, a ghoul and a human and a Hu-ghoul. The Ghoul is an unassuming man, the human is an old and powerful sorcerer and the Hu-Ghoul is a scion (Ghoul father, human mother) who is an incredibly powerful Necromancer. I have no idea if this will tie in or not to the Dresden Files, but all three of those archetypes exist so far (well, the Hu-Ghoul doesn't but could be something else..)

I think this Realm of Shadows the Ghoul's mentioned is extremely significant and I believe Jim has read if not played this rpg, so I think the connections are relevant.

The ghoul's are a mystery but I think also significant to the Black Council somehow, and I hope we will get more insight about it all in Peace Talks and Battle Ground.

I always like to ask this question when something happens as it tends to help discover motive.

The downfall of the Red Court was inevitable. Harry was the tool, but not the wielder. He is a powerful tool but not moving pieces on the board.

So when we look at the demise of the Red Court, we have to examine who benefits the most in order to understand who might have wielded Harry and what that means for the future.

Nicodemus Archleone - He found them "annoying in the short-term, difficult in the mid-term, and dangerous to any long-term plan". But wouldn't the Red Court benefit from an apocalypse? They could hunt humanity with impunity, no White Council or Venatori to stop them. Perhaps, like the White Court, they weren't the biggest bully on the playground and realised they liked how things were. If the world turned all End of Days they might end up being beaten up by the really nasty bad guys. So it's easy to see why the Red Court might attempt to stop him. Assuming his goal was merely suffering. Jim has sort-of implied that Nicodemus' end goal is to end Reality altogether - I can imagine most of the bad guys who exist on "our" side of the Gates might have an issue with that.

But the Red Court have been destroyed. So is Nicodemus one step further to achieving Empty Night?

What else did the destruction of the Red Court achieve? Well for a start, it seems to have created the right conditions for the Fomor to emerge. Now it seems pretty obvious that the Fomor (like the Red Court initially) were actually preparing for hostilities rather than being provoked/baited into emerging. It does seem like Harry might have forced their hand (just like he did when he started the war with the Vampires), but just like the Reds they always intended to attack the mortal world.

So what does the emergence of the Fomor achieve? Well a more hostile climate for mortals, the probably destruction of the already battered White Council (and their allies), and perhaps a less-restricted magical community. Curiously, a Cantrev Lord of the Fomor would have been a Welsh Lord (as the Word Cantrev/Cantref roughly translates as community - "cant" is 100 and "ref/rev" is town). This indicates a further connection with the Chronicles of Prydain, but more on that later.

Who else benefits from the Reds disappearance? I am obviously leaving out the Grey Council (and Vadderung, Mab and Uriel etc) because their stated reason is protecting humanity which I will take on faith at this point. A number of villains and characters, such as Marcone and Cowl haven't directly stated their intent (unless I am mistaken) to wipe out the Reds yet massively have benefited from the destruction of the Red Court.

Also, it is clear that the Reds were merely fulfilling a function rather than being players. Where the Reds failed it seems likely the Fomor will succeed. Which suggests to me the manipulators are not necessarily the Fomor (although they might be embedded in it) but they two merely serve as a cats-paw of a more nebulous threat (Nemesis/Black Council). The goal currently appears to be a shattering of the status quo and to redraw the lines on the board, so to speak. Only a few characters have indicated more abstract or nihilistic ideals (such as conquering death or ending existence).

Cowl also seems to be an almost cutout of Arawn Death-Lord (from the Chronicles of Prydain). Two great enchanters, both hooded and hidden always, both use necromancy. Arawn was also a notoriously good shapeshifter, and Cowl seems to at least be pretty good at least at some level of magical disguise (zombie in Dead Beat). It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out he had appeared in other books with a different face. Which isn't to say that he is merely, for example, Mac and Cowl. He could also be Cowl, Simon and Mac. Or perhaps only Mac in one scene? We might not see his face for a while if we ever do.

I bring this up because there are a few characters who are apparently bad guys who might not be and good guys who might not be.

A character who has been accused before is the Erlking. He fits the Horned King shape well, but his actions don't. However, it could be that Cowl and the Black Council are only indirectly working with the Outsiders. They might not want an end to Reality, just a New Order. Which might mean that some previously "good" characters might still be bad guys - just not necessarily the worst guys (Old Ones, Outsiders).

So where does this leave us? Closer to the end of the world, I'd say. But also that there are several others who are closer to their own goals who may not have direct association with the Fomor.

Can you guys think of anyone else who benefits from the events of the books, things like the destruction of the Reds but who might not have been overtly backing Harry or perhaps had ulterior motives beyond "saving the humans etc".

DF Spoilers / Peace Talks: Who are the signatories of the Accords?
« on: June 03, 2020, 05:49:04 AM »
We learn in the first chapter of Peace Talks that every major Power is showing up and/or sending representatives. We know Ferrovax will make an appearance. Will Drakul? Or is Mavra his representative?

There is also another Dragon (Pyrovax?), the Archive (who we know just fired Kincaid and will be in attendance), Vadderung (or at least Monoc Securities representing him), a semi-immortal shapeshifter guru in the Ukraine and several others.

In order:
1. The Unseelie Court
2. The Seelie Court
3. Vadderung
4. Ferrovax
5. Pyrovax
6. The Archive
7. Shapeshifter Guru (could be Goodman Grey)
8. The White Council
9. The Red Court (formally)
10. The White Court
11. The Black Court (unclear)
12. The Knights of the Blackened Denarius (unclear if still)
13. The Jade Court (possibly)
14. Marcone (as of the end of White Night/beginning of Small Favor)
15. The Fomor
16. The Svartalves

This leaves about 4 to 7 other signatories that will have a presence at the Peace Talks. Can anyone guess the others?

Beyond that, what does everyone think about representatives showing up?

I am hoping Drakul will show up myself but wouldn't be surprised if we only get another mention and he sends an Emissary. Will we see a Jade Court rep? And who will the Fomor send? Cantrev Lord Omogh? King Corb? The Empress herself?


DF Spoilers / Cowl
« on: May 20, 2020, 07:43:34 AM »
With another Cowl debate, and rehashing of the Simon=Cowl theory, I had to rethink things.

Upon rereading Cowl's scenes I noticed a few things that were interesting.

If we take away the Wizard aspect of his character, we have only a few features to identify him. I have done this to open up the scope of investigation.

  • He hides his face and masks his voice. In all probability his scent and perhaps even his magical signature.
  • But his sentences are not all that archaic for a Necromancer who should be well over 100 years old (if we assume he trained under Kemmler). We also know that he is reasonably aware of mortal technology and intelligent enough to disrupt it.
  • Not only are his sentences fairly modern, but they are skilled. They have the fluency of a native speaker. You can tell this in his choice of expression and use of phrases.
  • If he has an accent, he clearly masks that as well.

  • To end the White Council. This is obvious - he seems to view it as weak, corrupt and inefficient. He also hates its restrictions.
  • To bring about a New World Order. Presumably one where Wizards can do as they like. Probably also one where he is a ruling entity.
  • To end Death. We only know this from Kumori, and he could be leading her on. Still though, perhaps he hates that mortals are mortal. Mortals are also hated by the supernatural in general, particularly the Dragons and the Fallen. But also the Outsiders. Perhaps one or more of those groups tie in. Curiously, a certain Titan also wishes to do the same thing.
  • To unbalance the various supernatural organizations and beings. While never stated, he does seem to be behind a lot of the upsets.
  • Other, unknown goals. His sidekick says to Dresden "You know very little of him and his goals" (paraphrasing)

  • He is arrogant and has a slightly short temper. He is also proud enough to feel distain for his peers and former master (Kemmler).
  • He seems to be well educated and fairly formal in his diction. He is self-aware enough to question his own sanity and his cause.
  • He doesn't negotiate for long, he proceeds quickly to force.
  • He out-thinks his opponents (where possible) and tends to watch-and-wait rather than smash everything blindly. He also reasonably assess his opponents abilities. He wouldn't enter a tactical contest with an opponent he can beat by other, safer methods - his ego isn't out of proportion.
  • He is comfortable using swords, but also guns
  • He is more similar to Dresden than Dresden would like. He doesn't shirk hard work.

So if we discount magic and open it up to include non-magicians as well then there are a few candidates who become more interesting.

1. Nicodemus Archeleone
Features and personality are similar. It falls down when you try an explain why he has never openly used sorcery (when it clearly would have benefited him). However his goals are somewhat in line, and his sidekick (Deidre) says a similar thing to Kumori about his goals. 
2. Gentlemen Johnny Marcone
Much the same as Nicodemus, but the same flaws too. But the mmost difficult reason to reconcile is his association with Mab and Vadderung, which Cowl seems to be against.
3. Arthur Langtry
Langtry has the right features and personality, but goals are completely different. He also has the White Council to serve him. He doesn't want it to end. Not to mention his hatred of Peabody when Peabody is revealed.
4. Cristos
Right features, except perhaps the English. But that's hard to tell at this stage. The goals may well line up. But what's difficult is the personality. He could be a fool, or acting the fool as cover.
5. Father Forthill
The hardest and most interesting candidate. One that most wouldn't see coming. He has the right features, I think. But he also seems a bit working class for Cowl. And he seems to have aided Harry against his best interests, and has had multiple chances to take out Harry or his allies. Still, his status as one of the most trusworthy characters makes him an excellent hidden foe. And it matches up with A Night in the Lonsome October.

And some who make less sense:

1. Simon
Simon's accent is Russian. Beyond that, his writings in the Paranet Papers (admittedly not written by Jim) have him speak in relatively broken English. He also would have learnt it a century ago, and like most Wizards would have been fairly blunt. The way he writes speaks to a fairly cautious, yet blunt and angry wizard. He makes sense as the traitor for his power and knowledge and placement, and in some sense some of his views. But the character of Cowl seems very differnt.

On a separate note, Wizard Montjoy is a character of interest. Aside from his research trip in the heart of the Red Court, Montjoy is also the name of a messenger character in Shakespeare's Henry V. He conveys rather blunt messages from his lord (Charles VI, King of France) to Henry V (King of England). He does it so politely that Henry ends up liking him.

DF Spoilers / Oblivion
« on: May 20, 2020, 04:33:11 AM »
We actually know what it least in a sense. Lasciel tells of it in Dead Beat.

No sight, sound, or senses.

It's the only description in the books or otherwise we have.

DF Spoilers / The hunter of the shadows
« on: May 20, 2020, 03:52:50 AM »
The Venatori Umbrorum are the Hunter's of the Shadows.
The Venators are the Shadows of the Hunters.

Curiously, The Lord of Slowest Terror (the Old One who is the boss of He Who Walks Behind) is also called the Hunter of the Shadows.

Are we so sure the Ventori and/or Venators are the good guys?

DF Spoilers / Battle Ground Cover Art
« on: April 24, 2020, 11:44:01 PM »
Okay, Harry has a spear. But on closer inspection it very well looks like a wizard staff with a bayonet...perhaps Harry affixes his staff with the Knife (Spear of Longinus) that he picked up in Skin Game...creating the Spear of Destiny.

Which makes sense. The blade is long for a knife, with a cross guard. The shape is reminiscent of a Roman spear. isn't bronze.

But it does track that Dresden would need a powerful new weapon against the Titanness and her forces.

Also the theory that Dresden is Vadderung's past self is looking more likely. Vadderung's wields Gungnir ("swaying one") that never missed it's mark, and was unstoppable. In some interpretations it was considered to always be fatal and to make the wielder... invincible. Rather similar to the Spear of Longinus, no?

Also I might be reading to much into the artwork but the green magic light in the staff often means he is channeling Demonreach magic, when he channels dark blue and green it means Winter and light blue and white means Soulfire. So what does the red/orange light mean? Does Dresden get Hellfire again? I know Jim has said that is impossible to wield Soulfire and Hellfire together, as they are opposite sides of the same coin...which could mean Harry learns to "flip the coin" so to speak, transitioning as needed.


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