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Messages - HavokVonFaust

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: April 25, 2024, 02:41:22 AM »
I don't think there will be another child. Not with Lara. I kind of hope, he won't marry her, but I admit, if he does, it would definitely make his life even more interesting.
I kind of hope that Murphy will upgrade in Valhalla and come back as a valkyrie during the next 2 or 3 books after 12 Months. Because of how he always saw her with his Sight.

Unless Vaderrung makes an exception, I doubt it. I think Valkyries need to be alive to be "hired". That said, we haven't seen the last of Murphy.

Side note: Jim better give us a fitting death for Rufus... like a passing mention that he slipped in the bathtub and broke his neck. Every time I re read or listen to Fool Moon I am like "let that a**hole die, Harry!"

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's Possible Identity
« on: April 25, 2024, 02:33:39 AM »
It just occurred to me that NOBODY ever mentioned who the third walker was. Is it Mac?

Oh the possibilities!

Sorry to necro this post, but I just found it...

Isn't "He Who Walks Besides" actually Nemesis?

DF Spoilers / Re: How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: February 23, 2024, 07:45:23 PM »
There has been a lot of talk about Murphy in the Barabbas Curse thread.  I thought I'd add a different angle to that conversation and give it a more appropriate setting.

Yes, Karrin Murphy is dead; but I'm calling it now, we will see her again.  Jim has already given readers who were upset at her departure the cryptic remark that they will have to "see what happens."  Of course, some of them my decide not to wait and stop reading the series.  That's their choice to make, what I'm writing is for those who will continue reading the series.  So how will Murphy return to the Dresden Files beyond being a memory?  I see at least three possible scenarios, besides a possible appearance in the Mirror Mirror world.

1.  Ragnarok is not as far in the future as you; and apparently Ms. Gard, thinks it is.  In this scenario Odin knows his time is coming to an end and calls in the favor that Harry owes him to take care of some unfinished business.  The rule about einherjar not being seen until after the memory of them has disappeared goes out the window because it's an all hands on deck situation.  So Einherjar Murphy works as Odin's liaison with Dresden, helping him accomplish whatever it is Odin wants to get done.  The problem with this scenario is built into Norse mythology.  When Ragnarok occurs, all the einherjar die along with Odin.  So, Harry would get to lose Murphy twice.  Yea, I'm not seeing that as a fan favorite idea, and I'm pretty sure Jim would realize that and not go there.

2. Ragnarok will not take place anytime in the near future, but Odin needs to get something done in the near term and the person best qualified is the Winter Knight, so Odin calls in his favor.  Ordinarily, this wouldn't involve Harry getting to see Murphy, but this favor can only be accomplished in Asgard or maybe Valhalla.  Harry has been to one afterlife, so why not another one?  Odin's rule isn't violated because Murphy doesn't go back to earth, Harry goes to her and gets to work with her again.  This is a rather bittersweet scenario because it's a one and done affair.  This scenario could happen, but I don't think it would make fans very happy; plus, I don't really see the point of having Murphy back one last time.  I doubt Jim would consider it.

3.  This should be really easy to guess.  Sure, an einherjar can't return to earth until their memory has faded from living memory, but I don't remember Gard saying anything about this rule applying to valkyries.  Karrin Murphy doesn't really fit the berserker stereotype.  I can't picture Murphy ever joyfully charging into battle against Jotuns, even with a rocket launcher.  Murphy as a valkyrie, that I can picture.  I even have a long scenario how this could happen, but there's no need to go into that.  The beauty of this scenario is Murphy doesn't have to be in every book.  She can be off doing jobs for Odin most of the time.  When she gives Harry advice it could be practical advice because she is now a real player in the supernatural game.

What do you think?     

I think the answer is a lot simpler:

Kim has stated that Harry will brake all 7 laws at one point. I think he'll bring her back.

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