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Messages - JayTee

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DFRPG / Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« on: May 17, 2011, 12:54:04 AM »
Modified the a few things based on suggestions. "My problems are my own" is a trouble that can be handled in whatever way is easiest for my GM, be it a long term issue or just a long series of surprises that we think would be a fun addition to the game. I can be very flexible with how my character gets played, so long as everyone is having fun!

DFRPG / Re: Character Bias
« on: May 17, 2011, 12:11:56 AM »
I actually considered naming this thread "PC Racism", but wisely felt that it would be a wee bit controversial  :D

Going a bit more in depth to the character I play: He's always raised in a military family. Usually joining the military and entered in a war or two before having it end in a calamity and then honorably discharged (I usually kill off his unit following the old cliche, so I'm inclined to be nice to him after that). After that he's usually a big game hunter and amateur cartographer before the plot starts and the shit hits the fan.

DFRPG / Character Bias
« on: May 16, 2011, 11:27:49 PM »
Whenever I play a RPG of some kind, I always play one of three types of characters:

The Badass Normal: A human with absolutely no magic or supernatural (or technological, depending on the setting) powers, who relies on his own skills and wit to to save the day.

The Mage: The Human Wizard, throwing down the arcane power left and right, solving problems (and calling down fire from the sky) with the length and breadth of the arcane powers.

The Hybrid: A mix of the two, usually a fighter with some healing/buffing powers or a Wizard with some good physical skills.

That said, I always play as the human, no matter what choice of the three I pick. I simply cannot stand to play as an elf or a dwarf of some other type of race. Admittedly it's probably limiting my RP experiences to a degree, but I feel like I've grown comfortable with that style that I can adapt it fairly easily across different settings.

That said, is there a race/class combo that you prefer above all others? Or a combo that you simply cannot stand to play?

DFRPG / Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« on: May 16, 2011, 02:35:58 AM »
That is a good point, when thinking of my Aspects I tired for something that could easily be compelled or invoked for good or ill. If I can't think of a few easy ways for my GM to compel "Friends across the social spectrum" I may exchange it for "From all walks of life" instead, thanks.

DFRPG / Re: Sweet fudge dice!
« on: May 16, 2011, 02:20:51 AM »
That is PIMP! Too bad I live in the states, looks like its a europe-only kinda deal

DFRPG / Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« on: May 16, 2011, 02:19:16 AM »
The Character is very much of the "lawful good" persuasion, sort of a combination of Doctor Who and Jason Born. So long as something isn't a threat to people, or can be solved an a way that leaves everyone happy, he's more than willing to try that method. For example, a lighting spirt that is eating the electricity of a hospital to survive would likely be moved to a place less threatening to mortals and has a nice surplus of electricity. On the other hand, a Black Court Vampire turning people left and right is going to get the "torches and pitchforks" treatment.

In short, he (and his government contacts) knows the supernatural is out there, but only the ones posing a threat are dealt with. The rest are largely ignored, or at least have an eye kept on them.

DFRPG / Re: Break my character! Part 2!
« on: May 16, 2011, 01:35:40 AM »
This is perhaps my inexperience with the system, but the way you've phrased "All walks of life" is how I imagined "Friends across the social spectrum" to be used. How would the difference of phrasing have an impact?

I don't think the stunts will be an issue, but if worst comes to worst and I have to replace them would it be better to just take the extra Fate points or build a substitute stunt?

Dealing with Wizardly Shenanigans is represented in "Prep and Skill trump Magic", I figured that since a bullet to the head from 500 yards off takes care of the mage-types more easily than a creature, the stunt "Supernatural Anatomy" would be more useful. Does this make sense system/story wise?

On the subject of Hunters being an issue for their party members, I figure that would be an good story hook. He gets a tip that one of his allies is doing crazyfaced and has to either (depending on the GM's presentation) find the person who is framing his friends, or investigate if his friend really IS doing all the nastyness. Good idea/bad idea?

DFRPG / Break my character! Part 2!
« on: May 15, 2011, 10:31:48 PM »
After my disastrous attempt to make a Wizard, I scrapped that idea and decided to make a pure mortal (once again, I apologize for that the thread and my inept handling of it). So, here he is, my pure mortal

This is my first (official) character that i've built for the game, and would like people's feedback on it. Be merciless, its the only way i'll learn.

Name: Ryan Green
High Concept: Supernatural Surviver and Thriver
Template: Pure Mortal.
Trouble: My problems are my own.
Aspects: Trial by Fire; Prep and skill trump magic; From all walks of life; Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass; Don't mess with me and mine.


5 Superb - Alertness

4 Great - Athletics, Discipline

3 Good - Contacts, Resources, Endurance

2 Average - Lore, Scholarship, Deceit, Stealth

1 Fair - Conviction, Rapport, Empathy, Presence, Invetigation


Fast and Deadly Use Athletics for combat rolls, provided you are unarmed or useing a weapon that can be held in one hand.

Small Weapons Expert when using a weapon that can be held in one hand, inflict 2 extra stress.

Support Network  +2 to getting a Tip Off regarding things that could have an impact on your life.

Be prepared +2 to declarations about having a wearable or pocket-sized object on hand.

Occultist +2 to Lore rolls made involving knowledge of magical defenses and countermeasures.

Trust your Knowledge use Alertness when making Declerarions or Assesments, so long as its something that could have been researched or read up on.

Social: 000
Physical: 0000
Mental: 000

Refresh: + 6 (pure mortal)

DFRPG / Break my character!
« on: May 15, 2011, 10:00:08 AM »
Sorry, I decided to scrap this but couldn't figure out how to delete the topic

My bad =/

DFRPG / Re: Realism vs Gameplay
« on: May 15, 2011, 08:16:49 AM »
Shattered Realities seems like an awesome game, I am reminded of the Mage series from White Wolf. (which I have never played, but greatly enjoy reading their books)

DFRPG / Re: Realism vs Gameplay
« on: May 15, 2011, 12:48:11 AM »
I am at ten I run my games under the rule of cool.


I wish I could do that, but the inner scientist in me rages whenever something drastically violates what I know to be a law of physics/chemistry/whatever.

I think the question presents a false dichotomy.

I know, the question is less of an absolute and more of a general feel of how you like to run your games, sorry about that D:

DFRPG / Realism vs Gameplay
« on: May 14, 2011, 11:21:02 PM »
On a scale of one to ten, where do you stand on realism vs gameplay? Likewise why do you stand there?

One - Unless you're doing with with magic, you better damned well respect the laws of reality.

Five - The laws of reality can be ignored if they get in the way of fun, but otherwise should still be respected.

Ten - Reality? Laws? What are those?

Myself, I am around four or five. I like structure and consistency a lot, but frankly fun is more important then anything else in a game!

DFRPG / Re: Introducing the RPG to a non-Dresden group
« on: May 07, 2011, 06:36:58 PM »
Reading the posts in the thread over again, I feel there has been a miscommunication on my part which has lead to a few assumptions. I have never been worried about the RPG books spoiling things, as that has been discussed and accepted (by my understanding, I hate speaking for other people), likewise even if we play a game that has nothing to do with The Dresden Files series itself, I would be fine with that so long as everyone is having fun and enjoying themselves.

My main worry is that, having not read the books, the people in my group wont get some of the more subtle aspects of how the game is meant to reflect the series mechanically. If all else fails and we decide to build our own world, are the mechanics in the game books robust enough for such a game?

Also regarding my prior comments on canon, I am less concerned about any of the events that happened in the book series as I am concerned about some of the background information that isn't covered in the RPG books impacting gameplay somehow. While this is a moot issue if we decide to simply make things up, I would like to at least TRY to have fun in Jim's world.  :D

DFRPG / Re: Introducing the RPG to a non-Dresden group
« on: May 07, 2011, 07:47:54 AM »
Thank you for your advice and suggestions, I will reply to them further in-depth with additional questions when I have the chance, however it is 3 am and I have work in four hours so I will be going to bed.

I should however mention that this is going to be an online game, with no face-to-face interaction. The GM's main concern is updating the maps every time someone takes an action and moves to a different location. I am not 100% confidant in my knowledge of how the movement system works, however if such a thing as a grid system is needed and requires updating, where would a good place be to find one that multiple people can use? Likewise what advice can you give us for playing our game through MSN or other such chat systems?

Likewise many of us are used to, or prefer, medieval-style RPGs. While DFRPG is meant to be used in a more modern setting, what steps would be best for optimizing such an game?

DFRPG / Introducing the RPG to a non-Dresden group
« on: May 07, 2011, 05:40:45 AM »
Pretty much what it says on the tin. I'm trying to get my GM to try out the Dresden Files RPG, but he's never read any books of the series, neither has anyone else in our group.

How would the best way to go about doing this? I am hoping to keep it as close to canon as possible without actual story book events getting in the way of our groups games. What should have priority when I tell them about the series? I've warned them that the books are spoiler-heavy, so that wont be an issue.

On another note, one of the people who I hope to have join has expressed interest in playing Call of Cthulhu. Given the Social and Mental Stress, how would you go about adapting DFRPG to a CoC-style game? Outsiders have already been mentioned as being the thing for HP Lovecraft's series, but what would the mechanical adaptions be like?

Thank you for your time!

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