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Messages - Cozarkian

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DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: April 01, 2019, 10:31:51 PM »
Can they do that? Given the importance of free will, I would think that the holder would have to choose to release the coin for that to happen.

The importance of free will is the moral choice. A coin holder has to abandon the coin as a condition of repenting. That doesn't mean failing to repent is a guarantee you get to keep the coin.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry lie to Michael, or worse?
« on: April 01, 2019, 10:25:52 PM »
Skin game spoiler

Did anyone else consider the symmetry in Harry sacrificing Susan and Nico sacrificing Deirdre. Of course it is not the same, but it is not so different either. If Nico and Deirdre believe they are saving the world from something and the only way to do it is by getting the artifacts.

Harry/Susan displayed the normal case of the parent sacrificing for the child. Nico/Deidre was a perversion where the child sacrificed for the parent.

Yeah, he was afraid she'd eat him..  I agree they weren't sixteen, but do not underestimate the power of the vamp venom...  Fear of being killed trumps responsible birth control I think, so rope over condom..  No excuses though I agree, but age had nothing to do with it, lots of "adults" turn up pregnant.   I doubt that either one of them even thought of the possibility that she might get pregnant, it wasn't their first sexual encounter after all..  So either they were very lucky before she was half turned and went away, or at least one of them was being responsible..

Susan was probably on birth control and Harry never stopped to think about the fact that she might not be any more.

For that matter, she could have been on birth control. According to WebMD, perfect use of birth control is only 99.7% effective, so 3 in 1,000 people will still get pregnant. Typical use failure rate increases to 9% because of factors like skipping a day, vomiting before it is fully absorbed, not taking it at the same time every day, and taking some other medication that interferes with it. Maybe being a half-vamp is one of those factors that interferes.

People can think whatever they like, it doesn't make them right.

TWG is the Enemy.  If we assume Lucifer and Nic have vaguely aligned goals (as shown by Lucifer aiding Nic in his attempt to grab the Archive) then Lucifer is, per Jim, doing something like playing a game of chess against TWG.  You gotta play the game to win it.  Nemesis wants to metaphorically toss the board and scatter the pieces.  And thus, while Nic/Lucifer may oppose Nemesis, the enemy is TWG.

When does Harry reveal to Nicodemus that there is a traitor within the ranks of Denarians? I believe it is after the attempt on Ivy, right?

There you have it. Deidre is doomed to hell, but dying in hades condemns her to hell with Hades rather than hell with Lucifer. Why does she need to avoid Lucifer? Because Lucifer is infected by the Enemy.

DF Spoilers / Re: If the Denarians are trapped in Demonreach...
« on: April 01, 2019, 09:50:36 PM »
I'm not saying that a Denarian could escape Demonreach.  I'm saying that Lucifer would keep them out, or get them out (the Coin, not the person holding it).

Or the coin would just abandon it's holder and escape before the holder was imprisoned.

No. Let's presume Harry could be persuaded that Lasciel's knowledge would enable him to save Molly and escape. What is life like after that? He's on the run from the White Council with an untrained apprentice. He would recognize is only chance of surviving long term would be to sign up with the Denarians. That means he would be joining the bad guys and bringing Molly over to the bad guys. He would not sacrifice Molly's soul in order to save her life.

The difference in Changes is that Maggie was being held by bad guys. Thus, Maggie wouldn't have to spend her life running from the good guys and wouldn't have to turn evil to stay alive. For Dresden, innocents' souls > innocents' lives > his soul > his life.

DF Spoilers / Re: The maeve story line
« on: November 15, 2018, 03:23:45 AM »
I don't know that Lea's warning not to let Mab bring him to the table was about trying to dissuade Harry from becoming the Knight. It's possible - if Nemesis already had a solid grip on her by SK, it wouldn't want Winter to gain a starborn Knight.

But it's also possible Lea was concerned Mab might want to sacrifice Harry on the table to add his power - possibly even including the starborn aspect of it - to Winter.

Probably both. I'd wager there are only two reasons Mab would bring some to the Stone Table, either to share the power of Winter (e.g. make him a Knight) or add to the power of Winter (e.g. kill him). Lea was likely warning against both. Even if she was already under the influence of Nemesis Lea would still want to look out for Harry. Nemesis appears capable of Magog-style possession (e.g. Cat Sith) but I think it prefers the Anduriel/Lasciel style of corruption.

Come to think of it, wouldn't burning Little Chicago have released all the stored up energy inside? Wouldn't that be equivalent to detonating several kilotons of TNT? I mean, Vittorio's little gauntlet was set on fire, and that exploded violently. The description of Little Chicago's energy reservoir leads me to believe it's exponentially larger and more potent. Hm.

Water (from fire sprinklers or hydrant) would have grounded out any stored energy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who fixed Little Chicago?
« on: August 27, 2018, 10:19:33 PM »
1) Know LC existed,

Remember, if we are talking time travel, the person who used it didn't have to learn about it until after PG. Thus, for example, anyone who found remnants of LC after Harry's place burned down might travel back in time to use it before it was destroyed. Harry could tell somebody about it in the future and send them back to use. Or Harry could send a message back from the future to somebody in the past to have them use it.

Chicago is Marcone's territory and with Harry gone, Marcone needs something to fill the void and defend his territory from supernatural threats. Also, Marcone might not like Harry, but he respected Harry.  Building the fortress on Harry's old home was a sign of respect (plus, he wanted to see if he could learn any of Harry's secrets).

DF Spoilers / Re: Rebalancing the Faerie Courts
« on: August 27, 2018, 09:18:50 PM »
There is also the nature of Harry as a balancing factor. Yes, he's probably higher on the power scale than many Knights, but he is far more focused on Winter's role as a gate guardian than on attacking Summer. If he gets corrupted by the mantle and turns cruel, then Summer might need a stronger Knight, but right now Harry isn't interested in doing things that Summer needs to stop.

DF Spoilers / Re: Big Apocalyptic Trilogy Theory
« on: June 03, 2018, 04:26:05 AM »
Quite possible. My theory is that the case books have all happened in the past but the BAT will be in the present. The very first line of Storm Front was a clue that the case books are Harry's journals of past events. I think he completes writing the set of journals after the last case book and before the BAT. This has a similar effect of making Harry not safe.

DF Spoilers / Re: Snoopy, Loup Garou, and Mouse
« on: May 16, 2018, 02:14:56 PM »
Magic works on the same principles for everyone. If Maeve found that dry blood is useless to her, I think it's unlikely that it would work for the damn mutt

It wasn't just dried blood, it was blood that had already been incorporated into a magical link. The question isn't whether the blood was still good, it's whether the link was still good.

DF Spoilers / Re: Snoopy, Loup Garou, and Mouse
« on: May 14, 2018, 07:18:30 PM »
I mean tbh it seems unlikely. Remember SK? Maeve got all mad at Slate because the blood he brought her from Elaine was dried and useless. And Magical energies naturally bleed off with every sunrise.

That sort of thing tends to be very time-sensitive, and snoopy had been there a long time before Mouse found it.

Didn't Harry once note that the Council has a sample of his blood to track him if he goes rogue? That suggests there might be some way to establish a long-term link. Here, using the blood in the Snoopy ritual while the blood was still good might have made the Snoopy a long-term link.

I mean, Mouse drags it in a circle while making squeeky growls. That sounds like chanting while closing a circle to me.

DF Spoilers / Re: Bonnie will become a target WAG
« on: February 26, 2018, 07:24:02 PM »
I would argue that Bonnie is no more open to manipulation then bob.  Bob is bound to serve the one who owns the skull.  You need not manipulate him when you can just command him.  I would assume that if Bonnie is a intellectual spirit just like bob then she too would be at the mercy of who is holding her skull.  Also I agree with the post that her information that she contains would make her valuable depending on what she knows.  But then again Bob knows how to kill an immortal.

Why would you assume she is just like Bob? The Denarians aren't compelled to obey coin holders and humans have free will. Bonnie is a mix of the two.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry focus the Tank?
« on: February 14, 2018, 07:36:03 PM »
Actually I think it would mean that He Who Walks Before was the Tank, and if Harry wasted too much time on him, he would have "focused" the Tank.  Luckily Harry had Soulfire, and sent Before packing.

That is a good observation. Sharkface could be the tank, the barges the ADC (attack damage carry) and Maeve would be a split pusher.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Harry focus the Tank?
« on: February 14, 2018, 07:33:28 PM »
If Jim said that Cold Days was a clue about Rashid then it may be in fact that he locked down Alfred while others attacked a more vulnerable area.  Sometimes the roll of the Tank is to protect the rest of a group (A Raid, where the group faces a Boss type character), or in this case, the Island from attack.  One way to defeat the group is to lock down the Tank (through a mechanic known as crowd control), preventing them from providing protection.

For instance in a Raid the Tank focuses on grabbing aggro (aggression from the Boss), while the others launch an attack.  It is an absolute must to keep the Tank alive, if the Tank dies the weaker classes get slaughtered by the Boss.  Some ways this happens is the Tank gets crowd controlled (loss of control of character), and the Boss slaughters the group.  If Rashid locked down or "focused" Alfred (contained him in a powerful Ward for example), that means the Island was vulnerable to attack from others.

This is where the League of Legends reference is important. Carries (dps in raid terms) have moves that allow them to escape. Thus, you generally need your "cc" to prevent the carry from getting away while bursting the carry down. You might also use cc to protect your own carry from an assassin (highly mobile burst dps designed to quickly kill a carry). You generally don't want to use cc on the tank.

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