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Messages - Melriken

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DF Spoilers / Re: Question
« on: June 21, 2023, 05:28:10 PM »
I will cite you specifically in the event I am correct  ;D
;D Excellent ;D

I need some devil emojis...

7. Can be answered, Rudy is being possessed by a 70’s porn star through the medium of his moustache.
I seriously doubt Rudy is a White Court Vampire.  ???

DF Spoilers / Re: Question
« on: June 16, 2023, 09:02:31 PM »
I think Cowl is the single biggest unanswered question and the one most people are hands down looking forward to the answer to the most... that and the British Prisoner..

I am most looking forward to seeing the accuracy of the Meta Theories (Things like "Dresden Files is just a Wheel of Time style cyclical retelling of the story of King Arthur") with a close second being the resolution of Thomas' current predicament.
[snip]I have wasted hundreds of hours of research and argument.
Agreed ;)

DF Spoilers / Re: Rudy up on charges?
« on: June 14, 2023, 06:17:34 PM »
Rudy won't be charged
Of course not, conservation of plot requires he not be charged unless it is to force Harry to defend him because he is being railroaded by someone in the supernatural community for nefarious purposes...

Yeah... Jim might just bring Rudy up on charges only for Mab to reveal that harry has to get him off... yeah... that sounds like Jim... :(

DF Spoilers / Re: Rudy up on charges?
« on: June 12, 2023, 04:21:52 PM »
For that matter, I suspect that if Harry would have just shot Rudolph,  the sword wouldn't have done anything to him.  Using magic and The Mantle of the Winter Knight made it a different matter.  I could be wrong on that, but it fits.  Angels can interfere with supernatural threats, but not vanilla mortal technology.
I don't think the Swords are bound like that.  The Denarians are in the coins to get away from exactly that rule, you can't use angelic power to breach free will, and the swords have angels in them to counteract the fallen in the coins.  So I believe the angels in the swords are able to use the wielder's free will to affect the world with their power just as the Denarians can. I think the Angels generally don't because they are Angels... but I think for Harry they would make an exception and stop him from making a mistake that he couldn't live with.

And here.. we.. go.
going to read it now, but wanted to start with...


That's probably my theory. I've come and gone under a few names. Sadly I felt my previous works were obviously not up to par organizationally (which hey I'm autistic, it LOOKED organized to ME at least 😂🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️) so idk that any specific thread outlining it exists.
I have built, a rather large interlaced metatheory based around this and other details but If you have any specific questions however I'm sure they'd jog my memory on whatever info you're looking for.

I am not looking for anything specific, just found the theory interesting and wanted to read about who maps to who and how that informs their relationships and what that means going forward.
The bare bones theory itself can and does actually predict some events in the DF based on previous cycles in fact.
Yeah, that's the kind of thing I was looking for.

I will happily put up with unorganized heap if you have it...

I was reading some older threads and came across a theory that Marcone is being set up as a King Arthur figure to match Harry's Merlin figure.  Not that Harry is Merlin, but that he is filling the shoes in this age that Merlin filled in the last one and that Marcone is filling the shoes filled by Arthur before.  I googled it and my Google Fu is usually quite good, but I can only find references to it (things like "That fits well with my Marcone is Arthur theory, and that would make Hendricks Lancelot." or "I don't like your theory because I think Jim is setting up Marcone to be Arthur and your theory conflicts with it.").

Was this a discussed theory? Does anyone have a topic that dug into it at all?

DF Spoilers / Re: Rudy up on charges?
« on: June 06, 2023, 03:56:19 PM »
Rudy is Nameless hireling, his goon, his stooge.

"Rudy is Nameless' hireling, his goon, his stooge."
'Rudy is Nameless^ That Apostrophe is important.  In your original post you used the apostrophe for Marcone's but not for Nameless' and the lack of an added "s" when converting Nameless to possessive form makes it harder to infer the possessive (Marcones can be inferred to be possessive because plural doesn't make sense in context, but Nameless doesn't enjoy the same logic).  I got there in the end, but was quite confused for a while. :)

DF Spoilers / Re: Rudy up on charges?
« on: June 05, 2023, 10:59:22 PM »
And for putting children in harm? Everyone knows what Marcone thinks of that, especially the officers in his pocket, as I think he is Nameless rather than Marcone’s hireling Nameless can’t be seen to come to his defence, without giving himself away.

You think Rudolph is Nameless is Cowl?

I need a full theory post, have you made one? can you give me a link? can you make one?

Rudolph = Cowl...  not something I ever considered or understand how you got there... so confused...

I can't even figure out what you might have meant if that wasn't what you meant... I just... what?!?!? you can't go dropping random things like that in a thread without any explanations or... Brain go melty melty...

Edit: Did you mean to say "I think he is Nameless' not Marcone's hireling"... that would make more sense... okay ignore me... I think I got it now... :(

DF Spoilers / Re: Rudy up on charges?
« on: June 01, 2023, 10:48:08 PM »
I'm not sure it could go to a jury trial.
Rudy is likely to admit to it to someone...

"Harry tried to kill me!"
"What? why? when?"
"He was acting shifty, I think he was involved with the blackout, I was trying to arrest him and Murphy came between us, she shouldn't have done that... Harry tried to pull something and my gun went off."
"You shot Harry?"
"No, Murphy, she shouldn't have come between us!"
"Okay, then what?"
"He looked at me, and I couldn't breath."
"Okay, then what?"
"That M.E. Butters came up with a flashlight and said something to Harry, Harry ground his teeth and then left."
"He just left?"
"Yeah, he did something and I couldn't breath and then after talking to the M.E. he just left, he tried to kill me!"
"He tried to choak you?" mimes hands on throat
"No, he walked up to me and I couldn't breath."
"He pushed you against the wall?"
"No... no, he didn't touch me..."
"Okay... you were trying to arrest him, on what charge?"
"He was just shady, I am sure he was involved in this whole blackout thing"
"What did you see that makes you think that?"
"He is always there in the middle of all this shady stuff, I know he was involved!"
"So you have busted him before?"
"Well no, Murphy always protected him before, but she can't protect him now."
"The same Murphy you shot?"
"Do I need a lawyer?"
"That might be a good idea..."

DF Spoilers / Re: Small Details
« on: May 30, 2023, 05:43:23 PM »
copying a parvenu like Harry would be demeaning.
Gotta disagree, Eldest Gruff was very impressed with the way Harry dealt with the tracking spell and wanted to know how it was done. Making the spell lead to random locations and constantly change is more effective than stonewalling it, it makes the other team waste resources chasing what they think is the objective but isn't... Gruff would have to work out a way to do it... and I hope it wasn't with a 'Little Earth' because... shudder... yeah... just hope it wasn't that... but he recognized that what Harry did was more effective than the normal response and could have tried to replicate it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Rudy up on charges?
« on: May 30, 2023, 05:36:47 PM »
Toot unexpectedly does throw up pearls of wisdom and clarity of view look how he took Sanya to task for wrongly classifying him.

The first hurdle is swearing on the Bible, Toot is a creature of faerie and not the White God, so it is likely he would have to swear on a copy of the Pizza S’Press menu.
Toot wouldn't understand swearing to tell the truth...

Fae can't lie, but Toot can't even understand lying.

DF Spoilers / Re: Rudy up on charges?
« on: May 30, 2023, 05:19:05 PM »
Toot and Lacuna may have still been nearby, but I don't think you'd want either of them on the witness stand.
I would LOVE to see Toot on the witness stand... so would you...

Harry (or whoever is calling them as a witness) wouldn't... :)
Rudolph will be cashiered from CPD, so will set himself up as a PI investigating “so-called” supernatural events and debunking them.

The Douchebag Files.

The Ladies in my view are meant to be the Knights director giving the Knights orders and information about when and where to strike. 
The Knights in my theory are meant to introduce new battle strategies and techniques. Teaching the armies that the Lady recruits how to use modern weapons.

I think it would be better to say that the Knights are 4-star generals to the Ladies President... or if you are British the ladies Prime Minister and the queen's well... queen...

The 4-star general plans the battle and directs the troops and makes the decisions while the president (prime minister) decides the objectives and goals and sets policy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Rudy up on charges?
« on: May 24, 2023, 08:25:00 PM »
There were no witnesses who saw the actual shooting except Harry and Rudolph. Butters and Sanya were approaching but didn't see the event. There may have been Winter fae that saw it, but that won't help Harry in a human court.
Why? most Winter Fae can pass for human and would seem to be willing to testify for the Winter Knight... why couldn't they help Harry in a human court?

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