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Topics - hiddendotgif

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DF Spoilers / MTG and DF Characters
« on: May 09, 2022, 11:11:08 AM »
I read somewhere that JB has the characters of the DF set up as DnD characters, with character sheets and such.
Wizards of the Coast (Owners of DnD) also owns Magic the Gathering
For those of us who play magic, who do you think would be which colours and why?
For example, Bob might be blue/red, due to his faster paced nature

DF Spoilers / A Stretch Connection
« on: April 19, 2022, 11:10:51 AM »
So, back in 2014-2015, there was a series on YouTube called Mianite. It was a minecraft roleplay show that dealt with gods and such, but the main takeaway here is the gods. There were three deities, one for good [Mianite], one for bad [Dianite], and one for balance [Ianite].
In the Dresden Files, we definitely see two sides to the plays of power, though its not as black/white as good/bad. What I want to know is who would you consider to be the ones in that third section, balance.

To start, I'd say Ivy, even if she has fought for good every time she has fought, it was to help balance the scale. In Harry and the vampire's standoff, she acted as the mediator.
Who else fits in this third group?

DF Spoilers / Coins and Choices
« on: March 18, 2022, 11:14:18 AM »
I have a couple things that I have been thinking about regarding the Coins.

1- If Harry were to pick up a new coin, which do you think it'd be and why?
2- What would happen if someone took up multiple coins? Would the Fallen deck it out for who gets to be the main one in the holder's head?
3- I don't know if it's been said how durable the coins are. I don't imagine they're indestructible, so what would happen to the Fallen if the coin were destroyed? Alternatively, if the coins are instead highly durable, what non-conventional uses could they serve? I was thinking a magical bullet of sorts; Harry and his kinetic energy storing and such could release it on the coin, with no need for gunpowder or fancy bullets.

DF Spoilers / Titles Similar To TDF
« on: January 20, 2022, 07:11:32 PM »
My friend wrote a book (TFFOE on Amazon) that has a similar feel as TDF, and I was wondering if anyone had any other books that follow the feel of Dresden's life?

DF Spoilers / The Mark Of Cain
« on: September 28, 2021, 12:22:23 PM »
Since we have seen other biblical ideas and themes, how would you imagine the Mark of Cain in the Dresden Files?

Context: The Mark of Cain was a blessing/curse bestowed upon Cain by God to prevent premature death - any damage done to Cain by someone else would come back to them sevenfold

DF Spoilers / Mister and Battle Grounds
« on: May 21, 2021, 01:33:28 PM »
So, after that whole supernatural battle, where is Mister? At the end of the book, Harry refers to him, Maggie, and Mouse as his little family, and I noticed Mister wasn't there. With Murphy how she is, I doubt Harry would leave him at her place. Now, I could very well be missing something, but I'm just worried about the old cat.

DF Spoilers / Battle Grounds and Chandler
« on: February 10, 2021, 06:16:03 PM »
There have been a couple of different posts on here asking about Chandler and where he ended up during the fight with Drakul.
However, the Dresden Files wiki says he was banished to the Nevernever: " while Chandler was banished to the Nevernever. "
Was there a WoJ that said this, or is this speculation by the writer?

DF Spoilers / Walkers [BG Spoilers probably]
« on: November 18, 2020, 12:43:00 PM »
A while back I saw a theory based off a WoJ that talked about Demonreach and how it can release only certain parts of it's prisoners. The theory explained how this could be used to remove the influence of Nemesis
We know walkers can take a quasi-physical form, as we saw when Harry went against HHWB
But I don't think [Spoilers ahead] HHWBeside has shown a physical form
My idea is that what if HHWBeside can't exist outside of the Outside, hence why they possess people (as well as gaining powerful vessels/influence)
But, assuming this was correct, what would happen if Harry caught, for say, Justine, and separated the Walker from her - and released the Walker without a vessel, under his influence (Starborn, theoretical)

DF Spoilers / Nemesis [BG SPOILERS]
« on: November 12, 2020, 04:40:09 PM »
Has anyone made the connection of Nemesis being named after a Greek deity of retribution (revenge)?
Born of Nyx (Night), Nemesis is the goddess of retribution against those who succumb to hubris (arrogance before the gods)

IIRC, we saw with Ethniu, one of the olden gods, that she was angry at the mortal world and those who sided with them

We have seen many Greek before - Hades, Hecate

DF Spoilers / Magical Theory
« on: October 28, 2020, 11:19:54 AM »
I remember some old WoJ where he said his magic was based off a mixture of other practices - i've seen pagan mostly
This post is basically to collect all the magical theory given in canon in one place, so people can theorize better regarding magic
So please reply with whatever you know about the Dresdenverse magical workings

DF Spoilers / (PT/BG Spoilers) Physics and Magic
« on: October 28, 2020, 11:17:38 AM »
I forgot which book, but in one of the earlier Files, Harry talked about how when working with magic, you gotta take physics into account - we've seen this more recently when he tossed the Cornerhound in the air and sent it flying, versus when it could hold onto the ground.
The example he used in this early Files was fire - how he had to draw the heat from somewhere, usually the air
That leads me to the question - why not draw heat from beings? Or cold, for that matter? Since Harry has that handy Winter boost, theoretically he could sling ice at one thing while superheating another by drawing the cold from that second thing. Or vice verse with fire.

Maybe he just hasn't thought of it, but Harry is awful clever when it comes to magical theory

DF Spoilers / [PT/BG SPOILERS] Beings from the Outside
« on: October 22, 2020, 11:54:09 AM »

So, we know the Cornerhounds are from the Outside, and come in groups of 13
What about the Huntsmen? They come in groups of 13, like the cornerhounds, and are wicked strong
Any theories, anyone?

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