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Topics - Chris_Fougere

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Now that our group has gotten used to things (both in game and out of game), its time to start introducing some larger threats.  One of our City Themes is the struggle between long established power blocks (notably the white court) and newcomers.

While the WC holds significant political power and has ties to old, family run businesses, most of the newer interested parties tend towards sleek, modern business models (and in one case is tied to our city`s new convention center).  This is one such individual (and her goons).  Raveena is a Rakshasa, a magically adept shapeshifting creature.  Her preferred form is of an attractive Indian businesswoman (Raveena) but she also has a male alter ego (Kedar).  Her true form is unknown, it could be the multi-armed, multi-headed beast form she uses in physical combat, it could be the small, winged insect like form she uses for spying.  She is a skilled spell caster, but has no capacity for rituals.

High Concept - Rakshasa Warlord
Trouble - Driven By Power

Aspects - Wisdom of the Ages; Drop Dead Gorgeous, Do Not Test Me, Scheming is second nature, Fiesty Little Minx

Average - Empathy, Might, Weapon
Fair - Alertness, Athletics, Rapport
Good - Lore, Presence
Great - Conviction, Deceit
Superb - Discipline, Resources

Powers - True Shapeshifting (-4), Evocation (-3), Modular Power (-8), Supernatural Recovery (-4), Catch (+3) - Total Refresh -7

Physical 00
Social 0000
Mental 0000

Raveena`s Goons are the Naga.  Human snake hybrids with venomous bites.

High Concept - Naga Goons
Other Aspects - Fast Fuckers
Skills -    Athletics: Superb
   Fists: Great
   Stealth: Good
   Intimidation: Fair

Claws (-2), Venomous (-2), Human Guise (0), Inhuman Strength (-2), Inhuman Speed (-2)

Combat Stats - Great Initiative, Superb Defense, Great Offense (+2 damage and venom)

DFRPG / Feeding Dependency question
« on: June 12, 2011, 02:00:20 PM »
When it comes time for a vampire to face her hunger, I understand that its a Discipline roll against an attack with a strength equal to the refresh of the powers used.  Is that a rolled attack or simply a difficulty?

Say our WCV uses Inhuman Speed (about the only feeding power she ever uses).  Does she roll her Superb Discipline against a Fair Difficulty or do I roll a Fair attack that she then defends against?

DFRPG / WCV and pregnancy
« on: June 12, 2011, 01:52:15 PM »
I'm assuming that since WCV is a family trait (so to speak) that there's no issues with them becoming preg.  Is there any idea of how long gestation takes?  I'm assuming like humans but in case its already established somewhere I'm curious.

In our game, the Winter Knight was being kind of prickish to the WCV so she "tagged and bagged" him.  Mab, who was privy to all things, likes the idea of having her paws firmly on a WCV spawn (and member of the family in charge of the city, however young) and tilted the odds.

So I'm curious, mainly so I can adjust the time flow in the game to incorporate the child.  I don't want to rush it, but I don't want it to take so long in game time that it becomes a non-issue.

DFRPG / Faerie Knights and Fae weaknesses?
« on: April 30, 2011, 06:15:00 PM »
I'm working my way though the novels (up to White Night) so this may be covered (or may have been, but I missed it).  Are the Knights bound by the "must speak the truth/promises made three times" rules for the Fae?  I don't think they are, but it may become important for one of our PCs in fairly short order and I want to make sure I'm on the right page.


DFRPG / Running Water and Distance
« on: April 21, 2011, 12:45:53 PM »
Is the effect of running water mitigated at all by the distance above it one travels?  Our city has river that divides in right in half (which does allow us to easily set up opposing courts with predefined territories bounded by the river), with two vehicle bridges and a walking bridge.  If a Wizard goes from one side to another via a bridge is he fracked?  The bridges are probably 40-50 feet above the water.

DFRPG / Had the first game last night...
« on: April 03, 2011, 03:39:17 PM »
It went pretty good.  The players caught on to the idea of Aspects pretty quickly, the Wizard threw some Evoc with a minimum of fuss, the White Court Vampire sexed things up and the Pure Mortal had his mind opened pretty quickly.

The game started In Media Res (as it seemed the easiest way to get into the mechanics of things) but what I did was set up a basic scenario with some cultists and one low rent sorceror then asked the players "why would your PC be in the trailer park at 2:00am on a Thursday morning" to get them to use their Aspects to basically self-compel and get them into the game.  Before long they were chasing cultists through the woods and facing down a mass of tentacles that was emerging from a nearby sewage lagoon (forcing the PCs to team up).  It was also lots of fun when the White Court Vampire handed the Wizard her brand new smartphone so he could call the Warden and its simply fizzled in his hand.  She was livid:)

The system was really pretty elegant and snapped into place once the players got the hang of Maneauvers and Blocking.  The few sticking points we had were easily smoothed out (the book has a great Index and lots of cross referencing).

DFRPG / Question on Feeding Dependency
« on: April 02, 2011, 10:04:23 PM »
Is the Hunger Attack at the end of the scene modified for how many times an ability was used?  If someone use Inhuman Speed twice in a Scene, is the Attack made at +2 (Inhuman Speed) or +4 (Inhuman Speed x2).

DFRPG / Items of Power question
« on: March 22, 2011, 08:31:18 PM »
Alrighty...we're new to this so bear with me:)

I have two PCs who are eyeing "Item of Power", one a Knight of the Winter Court gun based character and the other a True Believer Priest conflicted about his church vs. his sexual identity as a gay man.  Both players are looking for something in the 1 pt range to keep their Refresh at 2 (they'd like a slight amount of wiggle room when I Compel...unlike the WCV and the Wizard with their Refresh of 1).

For the Priest I'm looking at a Rosary that grants something similar to Inhuman Toughness or Recovery, but for Mental "damage".  I can give it either power and then the +1 Refresh for being an item of power, correct?

For the Knight, he wants a weapon.  Specifically a gun, but I'm really at a loss as to how to make one.  Is it a simple matter of "a normal gun is Weapon 2, yours is Weapon 4) and count that 2 point bonus as a -2 Refresh power (then offset by the +1 Item Bonus)?  How do I model the fact that the gun would be extra useful against Summer?

DFRPG / First Session (City/Character Gen) Impressions
« on: March 20, 2011, 08:22:17 PM »
So last night was our first foray into both Dresden and Fate.  Must have worked well because when we stopped it was about 2:00am:)

I will admit to being somewhat skeptical about how well the city building as a group would go, mainly because I have some players who are fine players but seem to lack a creative spark.  Dresden really did make them bring their "A" game though and we ended up with enough plot hints, intriguing NPCs, tangled webs of deceit and power plays to make a good sized chronicle and I did a miniscule amount of work as the GM compared to other games.

Character wise, the only real snag was the naming of the Story for Phase 3.  The first few Aspects took a bit of time to figure out, mainly because no one has played Fate in any variation before.  High Concept wasn't too bad, but Trouble and Phase Aspects took some work.  Eventually though it all clicked for everyone and we got some good, solid characters out of it.  I know there's still some tweaking to be done but this is what we ended up with for your group in case anyone's curious.  Fredericton is served by both City Police and RCMP.  In our game it was decided that the City Police are in the pocket of the powers that be (Status Quo) whereas the RCMP is less knowledgable but more willing to look into things.  We have a PC on both sides.

We still need to fine tune some of the Aspects (part of the reason for posting here) but I think the concepts are solid.  I like that the character gen had people go in different directions while still remaining true to their concept.  Michael started as normal priest but when he randomly guest starred in the Stories for both Sam and the Dragon (both of whom are fairly young...19 and 16 (human guise)) the player decided to make him a youth pastor.  That sort of dynamic really appeals to me.

I also really like the dragon PC.  All the troubles of a young girl trying to break free from her parents grasp combined with raw supernatural might:)  So much potential there.

Father Michael - a local youth pastor, struggling with reconciling his True Belief in God with his sexual identity
High Concept - True Believer Priest
Trouble - The Faith is Strong, the Flesh is Weak
Aspects - Book Smart, Not Street Smart; Avoid Temptation; Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness; To Thine Own Self Be True; Turn The Other Cheek.

Paul Benson - A low ranking member of the RCMP and a Werewolf
High Concept - Copy By Day, Were By Night
Trouble - Lone Wolf Surrounded By Disbelievers
Aspects - Born Radical, Eyes Wide Open, Not On Either Side, Supernatural Forces Can Be Molded...Sometimes, Darkness Comes In Shades

Sophie - A young White Court Vampire trying to break from her family.
High Concept - White Court Club Owner
Trouble - Daddy Issues
Aspects - Black Sheep Of The Family, On My Own Terms, Basic Instincts Are Profitable, Lead Unto Temptation, Aware of Temptation

Jacob Essex - Ex-military, on the City Police Force and current Winter Knight.
High Concept - Winter Knight Cop
Trouble - Too Curious For My Own Good
Aspects - Learning To Toe the Line, Be All You Can Be, Nothing Is What It Seems, The Truth Is Way Out There, Knowledge Is Power

Sam Baxter - Sam is a young (only 19) Wizard very skilled in artificing but with a chip on his shoulder.
High Concept - Young Wizard Artificer
Trouble - Addicted to Magic
Aspects - Don't Trust Authority, Bullies Are Bad, Wish I'd Been A Boy Scout, The Body Is As Important As the Mind...Mostly, Thou Shall Not Kill With Magic But A Baseball Bat Is Fine.

Name To Be Determined - A young (very young) dragon exploring the human world against the wishes of her parents.
High Concept - Young Dragon Away From Home
Trouble - You're Not The Boss of Me
Aspects - Daddy's Girl, Between A Rock And A Hard Place, Hidden In Plain Sight, The World is Dark, Actions Have Consequence For Others.

DFRPG / New Player, Quick Questions
« on: March 12, 2011, 02:02:35 PM »
We're gearing up to start a DFRPG story and I have a few questions as I read though the books.  First time using FATE in any form so it should be fun:)

1) How many Fate Points do NPCs start with?  I do have Strands of Fate as well and I know there's rules there I can adapt.
2) If an NPC is compelled by a PC, does the Fate Point go into a general pool or only for use by that NPC?
3) Are there "mook rules" anywhere or should I again simply adapt from Strands of Fate.

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