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Messages - Terrormaster

Pages: [1]
DF TV Series / Re: POLL: End Game Opinion of the Series
« on: January 28, 2008, 07:11:31 PM »
The TV series wasn't too bad for the most part. I had seen about 3 or so episodes before it got cancelled. The DVD was on my Christmas wishlist but I ended up buying it myself this year from Amazon (I try not to buy too many DVDs from BestBuy since they closed all our local Suncoast stores and it was the ONLY place that caried it local retail).

In the interim it had gotten me interested in the books which I haven' been able to put down since I started reading them this year.

After buying the DVD I made the mistake of going back and watching the two episodes that were based more directly on the books (Hair of the Dog and Storm Front) which I had missed when they aired. The rest of the series wasn't bad at all and I liked even the alternate universe thing. But those two episodes should not have been made.

I really didn't mind that their was stuff different from the books and that worked for me because there wasn't any adaptations of the stories from the books. But those two killed that for me. I'm actually having trouble getting myself motivated to watch the 3rd disc with the last 4 episodes.

That aside I still imagine Paul Blackthorne as Dresden and hear Terrance Mann snarky voice in my head whenever I read Bob's passages.

Considering Jim's anime influence I would LOVE to one day see a faithful anime adaptation of the books - especially in a Cowboy Bebop or Trinity Blood style seriousness with just the right amount of anime humor.


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