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Topics - Leadfeather

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / How would you set up the zones for a speeding train?
« on: July 27, 2012, 03:31:41 PM »
I  am wondering about the best way to set up a scene. The game I run takes place in the 1880s in England, and will open tonight with the party of chest deep PC's on a speeding train (40 mph). At some point in the evening I expect a fight to break out on the roofs of the train cars, because fights on the top of trains, like bow ties, are cool.

Every car roof is one zone, there are +x borders between each of them. There are also the scene aspects Strong Wind, Soot Cloud and Unstable Footing, perhaps occasionally add in Dark Tunnel, or Low Bridge Abutment.

My question is how I should treat the zones on either side of the train. They are speeding by at a fast clip (40mph), I am arbitrarily saying that 10 cars pass a given point during one exchange.

If the PCs fall and are still able to fight, I  would like them to have a chance to somehow get back on the train. I am considering giving the border going from the ground to the train a very high shift count, not sure how high, and then any shifts above that, that the PC gets can be applied to decrease the number of cars that have passed them.

How would you set up this scene?

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