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Messages - Wicked Woodpecker of West

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DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve months (speculation)
« on: November 20, 2020, 10:38:14 AM »
Could someone post or quote this recent WOJ?

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone else... disappointed? [PT/BG spoilers]
« on: November 20, 2020, 12:48:43 AM »
Which is precisely what I don't like. So far, nothing in the books gave me the impression that he is so easily corrupted as he fears.

That's why Butcher puts tipping point 15 years earlier, so there's time to slowly, slowly push him - not making it look too easy or cheap.

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone else... disappointed? [PT/BG spoilers]
« on: November 19, 2020, 10:39:22 PM »
The only episode that dealt with choice and free will was The City On The Edge Of Forever. It looked at how changing one event with the best of intentions creates great evil over time.

But this is more Butterfly Effect one, I think Mirror Mirror will delve more into moral side of things with Jim trying to show how believably Dresden could be corrupted.

DF Spoilers / Re: Nemesis [BG SPOILERS]
« on: November 19, 2020, 10:32:09 PM »
Me either, but the obliviated are somewhere, and Outsiders, I think it was HWWBefore, have stated that they want to return to reality or some such thing.

But then HWWBeside claim they desire utter oblivion of reality and Empty Night, that is quite different purpose from some ancient monster-gods who used to be worship and walk among trembling mortals.

WOJ about soulgazes:

Ah, but is it a process of pressure and change, or is it a process of polish and refinement?  One could argue that the events that “changed” you in actuality only revealed a truer facet of your soul than had previously been perceiveable–that those events only changed you inasmuch as a rough diamond is changed by a master jeweler’s tools.  The diamond doesn’t become an emerald–it just becomes a more beautiful and quinessential diamond.

(Just Devil’s Advocating here, for the most part, and throwing that thought out.)

In any case, it may just be possible for a person to change enough for a soulgaze to reveal something else–but it would have to be an utterly incredible kind of change.  Something along the lines of the billionaire executive who, after a near-death experience, gives all his worldly goods to charity, leaves home in his pajamas, and takes up a life of underwater basket-weaving and meditation.  And even that seems a little mild to me, thinking of it.

Anyway, it’d take a truly epic change of heart and mind–to the point where you would practically *be* a whole different person, and not just a person who happens to be you with a lot more life experience to inform his outlook.

(And, in fact, there’s all sorts of theories about people who this happens to after a near-death experience, regarding “walk-in” souls who come and inhabit a person near death, changing them and becoming a kind of inner Yoda to the “native” soul.)

All of the above, of course, is more or less a discussion of angels dancing on the heads of pins, but it’s fun.

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone else... disappointed? [PT/BG spoilers]
« on: November 19, 2020, 01:15:38 AM »
Or it is making it more important if your purpose is to create as many universes as you can. Promoting free will becomes suspicious. Uriel!

It makes free will important for Creator and protection of Multiverse against OUTSIDE - so Creation grows even when external forces chews on it - but it cheapens importance of choice - because always all choices are made and then consequences separated in separated universes.
Of course subjective passenger Dresden is feels only one - and it matter to him and us in his head, but from external non-subjective point of view - all possible Dresdens exists.

Now the question is whether in finale our Harry will have to gather team of Vampire Harry, Hexenwulf Harry, Denarian Harry and Knight of the Cross Harry to fight against Outsiders multiverse invasion - or maybe he will have to kill all other Harry's like Jet Li to become supreme Harry Dresden - sum of all possible Dresdens - with certain knowledge of all possible outcomes of being Dresden.

DF Spoilers / Re: Poor Harry - Jim you cruel man. Lol
« on: November 19, 2020, 01:11:37 AM »
Time Travel as a spirit is interesting idea. Dresden usually breaks laws only so-so.

No, whatever is inside MM Harry soul is not the same that is in OG Harry.

WOJ is - and I do not like it, but it is - that what's revealed by soulgaze is almost never changing. If Dresden has potential to become Darth Dresden but also Sir Harry we know - it will be shown in his soul - like Molly soul showed her potential of multiple fates, not just her current state.
So maybe it's not be 100% identical but quite probably 99%.

And I will say it again, I dislike the idea that Harry can change so much, so we better have an scenario where Harry does one or more bad decisions and that makes him vulnerable to dark forces that possess him. Not that he himself become evil.

Nah, if we go for AU it has to be him, and I hope it will be well shown how and why.
Hopefully not some big possessions but small steps, lot of small steps and moral compromises that just turns into a monster after 15 years.

And of course we gonna hate it, and of course Jim's gonna torture us with it.

Jim doesn't seem capable of something like Foundation. I like him, but his latest outing isn't at anywhere near that level.  The editors on those magazines would have smacked Jim silly. Twelve Months seems more like, I need to pay off my construction loans, then I need to write a book about Harry dealing with trauma.

Dunno. I think if he wanted to pay off construction loan he would just invent extra book later dealing with some thrilling but not necessarily useful for metaplot shit - rather than delving into new risky territory of book unlike others. That's would be just bad and risky business decision - when Mirror Mirror is concept cool enough - he should write it on his usual speed.

And since Twelve Months sort of answers my overreaching problem with series - which is fact it's series of ultra-fast episodes between which universe is weirdly stagnant around Dresden, and character growth happen almost exclusively within novels, not between them - I think after 20 years Jim could get to simmilar conclusion.

So I take his claims positively - even if I have no idea if he can pool such book off.

DF Spoilers / Re: [BG spoilers!!] Revisiting the short story "Monsters"
« on: November 19, 2020, 12:59:10 AM »
But it is weird that Hendricks is not with Marcone, right?

Even mob boss's bodyguards are not around them all the time.
Why become criminal if not for chance of big gains and occassional vacations to use them :P

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone else... disappointed? [PT/BG spoilers]
« on: November 18, 2020, 10:49:38 AM »
From what we know of Dresden multiverse you can split of a new universe by making an important free willed choice. There will be universes were you made a different choice.

The mirror universe is about Harry kaping a bad choice at the end of grave peril and ending up evil.

Yes. That's exactly my problem - it's cheapening the free will.

It won't be lovely on his side, but we won't know what Murphy sees, only how she reacts. But we will see what he sees, and that would be lovely because I don't think fundamentally is going to be that different to what he saw under his Sight.

We'll see. And well he'll probably gonna SG himself - so it's possible we will know what Murphy sees.

That is it. Because mirror. Harry made the wrong choice mirror reality is crumbling despite’s Mirror Murphy the Valkyrie’s desperate efforts to prevent it. At the last moment she and Harry escape the mirror world to Harry ‘s original world and together they promise each other to do everything to save this world from the outsider collapse.

No please, please - no alt!Murphy in our universe. Kill her if you must, but just no.
(Unless she's a blampire and will fight Einherjar!Murphy in "Stars and Stones")

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone else... disappointed? [PT/BG spoilers]
« on: November 18, 2020, 02:30:27 AM »
Also, Harry could live somewhere isolated and work in the city. He'd just have to have a quick/reliable way of traveling to the city.

I totally agree. I watched a map and really he could totally find place somewhere in Illinois/Wisconsin province and have access to whole Chicago-Milwaukee metropolitan areas for job.

I totally agree, so I came up with a head canon mechanism that fixes that problem. Every alternate universe creating choice creates multiple universes because in the moment of decision, the person makes multiple choices that are all against that person's nature. So Harry's "natural" decision in GP was to do X. But the Harry we've followed did Y. The Harry(s) we haven't followed did not X and not Y.

But why we assume Mirror!Harry is natural Harry, and our Harry splited history by acting against himself?
Or should we assume each decision creates sort of fake universes that are copies of original one - with fake starting decisions or something?

Or do you mean all decisions were against nature - and all Dresdens are fake or smth? But then why not NATURAL decision?

Jim's big on physical descriptions. I remember someone going over descriptions of Michael, Sanya, and Bradley. It was kind of similar to how Jim describes all the super attractive women. Thomas's shirtless descriptions are a lot like that too. And as Dina said, it's not just people. Mac's place, Harry's apartment, and the Beetle. At least Harry's apartment and the Beetle change frequently enough.

Yeah, how many times can one listen to Dresden mentions about Butters height dammit.

DF Spoilers / Re: Poor Harry - Jim you cruel man. Lol
« on: November 18, 2020, 02:24:12 AM »
Yeah. It's kind of an important plot point that Dresden has returned from the dead and wasn't just dead in some technically medical sense or something. That's why he's going to be noticed by beings that would have ignored him before.


Perhaps Harry the White will have a chance to speak with Eihenjaren even if they are not allowed to come back to Earth yet?  :P

Or just take Odin's job by force :P

Depends who she married and how much she consumated it

   All well and good, but what is the point of all of this?  How does it further the story?

Every possible bit on emotional torture for Harry is furthering the story :3

Well Mirror Mirror Murphy is actually a valkyrie and can stay at Harry’s side until the end

Let's be realistic. Mirror!Murphy would hate Dresden's guts and then probably will be killed by Darth Dresden.
Not to mention is extremely doubtful she would leave her own dimension unless dunno - it's destroyed by Outsiders in finale of MM.

She is not inlove of his Harry, she probably is not her friend either, but her character is the same. So when she sees our Harry she will react more or less like our Murphy would. And Harry would have a lovely memory of her for ever.

I don't know why we assume it's gonna be lovely on his side.

"Because we don't like that Murph is dead" is literally the main reason for everyone saying she needs to come back from Mirror Mirror/Gard was wrong and she can show up as a Valkyrie/Whatever other third reason.

Which, fair enough, there are characters I'd like to see again (in both this and other series). But realistically speaking most of the time characters are killed it's because their part in the narrative is done.

So no, there's no real furtherance in the story in bringing Murphy back. But yeah, people will miss her and want her to return.

Putting Murphy in Valhalla is IMHO perfect Chekhov's Gun showing it's not done.
I mean for all I know it can mean she's gonna be killed 4ever second time.

And we may see non powered up warrior princess Murphy in the BAT when the rules are thrown out the window, but by then the Murphy we knew is long gone. She may not even have her memory anymore

If Murphy shall return as Einherjar in BAT, I doubt she will not be herself. Primo it will be at most 10 years then. Secundo Valhalla unlike Hades is all about memory. Throwing Murphy into oblivion would be totally against it's basic principles - that deeds of people of valor shall be remembered.
If Murphy is like full Murphy soul and stuff and not just shade inhabiting body - which is option after all Odin is not source of souls, and WOJ states clearly all souls finally shall return to it's source no matter what would happen to them in meantime - but if she has her soul, she will be herself.

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