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DF Spoilers / Re: Which absent villian will appear in Peace Talks?
« on: October 02, 2017, 05:41:41 PM »

I think of the Rampire war as something like a war between the USA and USSR.

There are all kinds of smaller powers, but something between these two no one else can really be very effective against.

Don't see it. Winter rolls right over RC or Council without blinking. Summer the same. The way the Fomor managed to slot so quickly right into the vacuum left by the RC shows that they are a similarly (or larger) sized organization that can hold their own against either. One of the most notable attacks by the RC was only possible with some minor assistance from the Fomor; if they fully threw in with either side the war would've been over in a month.

DF Spoilers / Re: Uriel's Second "Small Favor"
« on: September 28, 2017, 08:56:42 PM »
I posted this topic because there are four actions here, and Uriel's quote only covers three of them. The first two actions are unambiguous:

  • Lucifer empowers the Greater Circle at Marcone's Safehouse ==> Uriel Gifts Harry Soulfire

The third action is also very clear, but the response isn't:

  • Lucifer empowers the Greater Circle at Shedd Aquarium ==> Uriel does ??

The second circle cannot be pooled in with the first action/balancing action because the gift of soulfire happened before the second circle, and Heaven is a major rules-lawyer about responding to an action, not preempting it. The question at hand is how the scales were balanced for that second action by Lucifer
Why does the second Circle have to be considered separate from the first? Maybe Lucifer's action was to grant knowledge of how to form a Great Circle and access to the power to initiate them, which was balanced by Uriel granting the skill to use soulfire to Harry. Two acations balancing each other.

DF Spoilers / Re: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks
« on: September 28, 2017, 08:47:38 PM »
I think their victory in the war gives the White Council a legitimate claim on the territory.    That is not nothing, but it is not enough to keep the territory by itself.  If the White Council lacks the strength or will to defend the territory, other supernatural races WILL move in and take over the territory.   The supernatural races are almost all predators after all.   

I think if conditions were different, the White Council could probably claim and keep a big chunk of the captured territory, but even under ideal conditions the White Council would have lacked the numbers/strength to hold ALL the former Red Court's territory.   After all, it would be a doubling of the size of White Council territory (which is mostly Europe and North America prior to the war) and it is not exactly easy to govern either (dysfunctional governments, criminal gangs, power vacuums, income disparities, ect).  That is an awful lot to absorb and defend even if conditions were ideal.  And things are certainly NOT ideal now.

What would the council want with territory? All of the WC wizards we've seen on-screen have had a personal domain or area and couldn't really care about the rest. Half the Senior Council seem to have no interests in material wealth at all.

DF Spoilers / Re: Which absent villian will appear in Peace Talks?
« on: September 28, 2017, 08:42:01 PM »
Actually we don't know.  All we know are those things that Harry put in his books. 

For all we know the Wouncil's financial division may have been working arm-in-arm with other supernatural nations to ruin the Reds.  Or others may have been providing intelligence.  We really don't know.
If they were getting help it wasn't at all effective which is pretty much the same thing. The council was on the defensive and in significant trouble. Any hypothetical off-screen assistance was not much more than useless at the rate the council was losing wardens and wizards. It is improbable that a commander like the Merlin could look at the casualties and trends in the war and not make a deal for (for example) a company of Einherjaren for security at each key location if a deal was possible. Just doing that to free up the wardens as an offensive force would have been a huge benefit.

It makes no sense within the context to think that the council were ignoring alliances and it makes no sense that they couldn't offer an incentive (political, financial or magical) that some significant power would be interested in. Unless the big players were too scared of the RC to get involved (also improbable) they had no interest in helping the council.

DF Spoilers / Re: Which absent villian will appear in Peace Talks?
« on: September 27, 2017, 06:08:39 PM »
I know Harry does this, but I don't know that the Council does this.  Yes they are known as arrogant, but I don't know about the pissing other nations off.
When the RC war went sideways the council was not receiving help from other signatories; it was the Fellowship, etc. that was fighting with them - bitter enemies of the RC. Winter just allowed access to the Paths, buyer beware and it's up to you to avoid the nasties. No-one felt any urge to help the wizards.

Compare that to relationships like the UK & the US over the last 60 years, or even US/Saudi Arabia or the West African mutual defense alliance. The council had nothing and had to go cap in hand to the faerie courts for transport support when they realized they were losing. They were too cocky to cultivate alliances for future unforeseen conflicts and disliked enough that they couldn't drag anyone onto their side without great provocation from the RC. Even the Fomor could get some sort of tentative agreement with other signatories; the council didn't seem to be capable of that.

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Molly still have her soul?
« on: September 26, 2017, 07:44:13 PM »
I think there's more to it than that. Lily was trying to act in intrinsically good ways, and she still got her personality substantially overwritten in a decade or so.

Lily's personality change may also be because of making her Choice and becoming more like her fae side; I'm not sure Dresdenverse nixie's are renowned for their strength of will and Lily never seemed like a particularly sharp tool prior to assuming the mantle.

DF Spoilers / Re: Which absent villian will appear in Peace Talks?
« on: September 26, 2017, 07:35:38 PM »
Ehh, I don't see Winter and the White Council necessarily being allied. There are close personal relationships between Winter and the wizards - Harry & the Gatekeeper both have feet in each camp - but between the organizations it is much more formal if not uncertain. The council as a group dealt formally with Mab in Summer Knight and were unsurprised when it appeared she was sitting out. Mab works with the council only if they do it on her terms.

I think the White Court/White Council relationship would be similar. The Raiths couldn't be seen to be publicly aligned with the Freaks beyond an 'the enemy of my enemy' deal.

The White Council has a rep for arrogance and pissing off much of the other signatories; Harry/Bianca was just a pretext for the Red Court to go to war, they were more than happy to start hostilities. They might find themselves on the outside of the happy Winter/Monoc/svartalves/Summer mutual defense pact.

DF Spoilers / Re: Hierarchy of the Courts
« on: August 22, 2017, 09:06:27 PM »
I'm not sure there is what we would consider a hierarchy (e.g. military chain of command) in the Courts, it's more of a constantly shifting balance of power. Take Lea and Molly; Lea has a lot of personal power inherited from Mab in exchange for acting as her faithful handmaiden but must bargain with other fae to get them to act. It looks like Molly has less power (individual magical strength) than Lea but does have agents, such as the Knight, directly under her control that increases her influence.  I haven't read anything yet that would accurately place either of them in a hierarchy; words are too easy for the fae to twist for any of Lea or Mab's statements to be ironclad.

On maintaining balance: the fae have had centuries of practice at finding pretexts to act. Given the long battle with the Outsiders I'm sure Kringle and the Erlking had no problem justifying their actions in Cold Days as balancing some prior slight they had received from them.

DF Spoilers / Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« on: August 17, 2017, 10:48:17 PM »
Sometimes, I suspect that Knights are chosen not because they already are good people, but that they have the potential to be good people. 

Uriel explicitly states that his interest in the events of SG was to offer the chance redemption. I'd be very surprised if opportunities for growth, improvement and undoing mistakes wasn't behind all of the actions of TWG's agents.

DF Spoilers / Re: A warden's sword for Harry...
« on: August 17, 2017, 10:36:41 PM »
The only way she'd go along with it is if A) It was part of her plan to turn the tables on him again later or B) Something bigger then Her was leaning over Harry's Shoulder forcing her to.

Mab's Ego is probably bigger then her Army.

Or C) she's tired of the fight and wants and ending. Queens don't last forever; if Mab wanted out I could see her setting Harry up to kill her/remove the mantle and he'd never know till afterward it wasn't his brilliant plan.

DF Spoilers / Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« on: August 15, 2017, 02:04:00 AM »
I think Murphy's role moving forward is to be Harry's only close associate without some fairly serious mystical power or protections.

She's shaping to be one of the few vulnerabilities he has, something that can drive him to act irrationally or a hook for the bad guys to pull him along. Molly, Eb, Thomas, Butters, Ivy, the Alphas can look after themselves, Michael and Maggie have serious 24/7 bodyguards. I can't see her agreeing to be wrapped in cotton wool and kept safe. Karrin has some serious friends and isn't defenseless but looks like Harry's closest friend and most likely target all wrapped up together.

It sure looks like at some point Harry will be asking himself why he couldn't prevent <some very bad thing> happening to Karrin. Bonus points if Mab's orders to her Winter Knight are getting in the way. She'll either be dead or they will have reached a point that one or both of them realize that Karrin can't survive being in a relationship with Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: A warden's sword for Harry...
« on: July 18, 2017, 10:52:38 PM »
I suspect that swords/fencing is still a thing for the Wardens as so many things from the NeverNever react poorly to having a chunk of iron stuck in them.

Given that would the Winter Knight really want a piece of heavily enchanted steel? I'd expect Warden swords to be built to do nasty things to creatures and artifacts of Winter (among other things); carrying weapons that may do more damage to the wielder than to the other guy ain't a great idea. If Harry gets a sword I suspect it would be something quite different and less likely to leave him incapacitated by a stray cut messing with the mantle.

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