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Messages - Fcrate

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The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: May 03, 2024, 03:45:04 PM »
Education is the first thing to go. As it's a long term investment, with no precise calculable returns, governments tend to start cutting corners there. In our case, some of our universities were ranked in the top 20 in the world up to the 90s. Some cuts later, in basic and university education, and we started feeling the effects around 2010. People who wanted to work in the US/Europe started having to go to a remedial year of courses to equate their level with the locals. 5 years later, it became 2 years of remedials.
About the inflation, well, 100% sucks, which I know from experience. Our local currency has lost half its value against the USD every year for 5 years straight now. Which is a nightmare, because every piece of technology and most animal feed is imported here, so everything goes up and down exactly with the dollar.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: May 03, 2024, 07:02:24 AM »
Well, I have 3 trees outside, that I leave to the neighborhood kids, and I have 2 trees that are right outside my window, and they yield about 5-7 kg daily, of which I eat at least 1 kg and sometimes a lot more. And these are the sweetest fruit I've ever tasted, if you wait until they're ripe enough to almost fall by themselves. As a comparison: I tried eating some cookies right after I finished enjoying a handful of juicy, succulent, tasty berries that burst in my mouth as soon as they hit my tongue, and the cookies tasted bland and sugarless.
So, as far as I could tell from your earlier posts, education (even at a university level) in Argentina is excellent. Good job trying to protect it. Private education is good in the short term, but in the long run, it's quite destructive to society. Once you have to pay for it on an individual level, it becomes a business, and the prices will be over-inflated to the point where only the elite will be able to afford it, thus raising the prices in certain areas (medicine/law/engineering, etc).
I'm sorry, did you say that you had an inflation rate of 100% in one year? :O

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: May 02, 2024, 07:36:39 AM »
I gained 3 kg so far, but those succulent mulberries can't be denied :D
Had a visit from my uncle and his family. They live in the US, and it's the first time he'd returned in 22 years. I did see my cousins, who I haven't seen since we were kids, and it was nice to reconnect. My cousin's girlfriend also came, and they told my family that they were married to avoid religious outrage (or at least extreme discomfort) but I understood the relationship right away, and kept tormenting them about it for the whole evening. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. :D
I'm glad the weather was fine on your protest. How easily can you protest over there? Here it's illegal, and the police would immediately treat you as hostiles if you do so.
Are they trying to commercialize education in Argentina or something?

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: April 25, 2024, 08:18:57 AM »
Hello everyone!
Just checking in on you! I hope everyone is doing alright.
Spring is here, and it's very hot. Looks like this year is going to be even hotter than the last. 43 celsuis today, 42 yesterday.
On a more positive note, the unseasonal heat made my mulberry trees ripen early, so I've been eating the berries like a pig for 2 weeks now, getting happily fat :D I can't resist these babies when they're fresh off the tree. There's something extremely satisfying about picking a fruit and eating it in the same motion.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: March 05, 2024, 04:33:30 PM »
I'm here now :D A little busy these days, well not really busy, but farm work takes longer when you have 3 puppies running under your feet the whole time. I have to do the puppy shuffle, as I explained it before. Raise your right foot no more than 5 cm, move it forward slowly, nudge the puppies to the right, put your foot back on the ground. Repeat with the left foot, and have infinite patience :/ Can't wait till they're old enough to handle a couple of light kicks to teach them to get out of my way :D

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: January 25, 2024, 06:52:58 PM »
Well, a little gratuitous violence never hurt anybody..except for the victim, that is. :D

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: January 22, 2024, 09:31:45 PM »
Thanks Regen.
I love kittens :D Congrats. I wish your mother a speedy recovery.
@Dina: How was Reacher? The first season was very good. But I haven't watched the second one yet.
I'm currently watching Outer Range, which was recommended to me by a friend. I like it a lot, and I do hope they finish the second season. They're a little slow about it though.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: January 17, 2024, 04:36:45 PM »
Hello everyone :)
I haven't checked in for a few months, and for that I do apologize, but I get that way sometimes.
So when I first clicked on this topic, it got me to a few pages back, and I did read about Regen's cat dying. I'm so sorry...  I feel your pain. Part of the reason I didn't check in often was because my oldest companions (My dog, Rex, and my cat Minion) died within a few weeks of each other. Minion ate something poisoned by one of my neighbours, and Rex... I had to put him down.
On to happier news: my Puppy just got a litter of puppies, and they are adorable. Still 10 days old. Puppy herself always gets mastitis a couple of weeks after giving birth, and subsequently refuse to nurse the pups, so this time I'm playing it a little smart, and giving her an ongoing half dose of antibiotics. Hopefully this time it'll be alright. So far so good :D .
How is everyone doing? Dina? You and hubby ok? Regen? You and your family?

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: July 04, 2023, 02:49:26 AM »
Glad you're both OK.
@Regen: Healthy food sucks. The whole point of eating at a festival is to get the deliciously lethal fried foods. I can never resist eating fattening stuff, when they're available. For example, a month ago my sister came from USA on vacation, and she got me about 1.5-2kg of various delicious chocolates. I ate them in 5 days, and that's me controlling myself. The only way I can lose weight is to deny myself access to any of that.
@Dina: That's great about your job. To be honest,  it blows my mind that you have such high standards for teaching positions, and it bodes well for your country's future. Here, you're a TA until you get your PhD, then you're job is safe for life. At least in public universities.

The Bar / Re: New Weird
« on: July 01, 2023, 06:42:58 PM »
Hello weirdlings :)
Sorry I haven't been on, I missed you guys.
How's everyone doing?  Myself, I have a couple of mulberry trees (one white, one black) that yield about 26 kg/week each from mid-april to the beginning of June. The white ones are so sweet, if you eat a cookie afterwards it tastes bland. So naturally I ate (directly from the tree) whenever I got hungry, and gained 6.5 kgs LOL.
Its apple season now though, so I'm using that to get rid of that extra weight.
@Regen: I know that struggle, I gain weight easily as well. I made a few changes to my diet a few years ago, and now I'm only 12 kg overweight instead of 35. :D But these 12 kg are horrible. I lose 3, gain 10, lose 7, etc etc. And I have a very physical job as well, which helps a lot. You, though, are screwed :D You have to take the hard road.
PS: Thanks for the PM :)

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: December 18, 2022, 05:40:35 PM »
Nooooooooo... Penalties..

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: December 15, 2022, 09:10:54 AM »
Your match was amazing. I always enjoy watching Messi in action, and Alvarez's first goal was just awesome :D , All Arabs were cheering for Morocoo, but France scored an early goal and Morocco couldn't keep up, losing 2-0. While I was cheering for Morocco, I'm kinda glad that they lost, because it would've made a one-sided final with you crushing them. Unfortunately you're going to contend with France now, that match is going to be epic!

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: December 14, 2022, 05:06:55 PM »
Go Argentina! You have a good chance now. This was the first match that I watched this WC. I'll watch Morocco VS France tonight :D

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: December 01, 2022, 05:54:06 PM »
@Dina: Congratz :D you do know that I'm rooting for Argentina, right? Since playing Fifa World Cup 98 on my pc. :D
I liked Cinder Spires too BTW.
@Regen: Ummmm.. Polish, Russian, Japanese and Spanish... How is your brain not melting? Lol.
about Spanish, maybe watch Spanish movies with Spanish subtitles? That's what I plan on doing when progressing enough in French. I recommend a 2006 Spanish movie called Pan's Labyrinth or "El laberinto del fauno" it's the only Spanish movie I know, but I loved it, and the language sounded simple to my ears (distinct words, not jumbled). It's a bit dark, but I remember loving it.

The Bar / Re: Weird? Pretty much.
« on: November 30, 2022, 04:39:14 PM »
@Dina: I'm sorry to hear that. You have nothing to worry about. I'm sure you'll ace your presentation and keep your.... Tenure? What you said sounds like it.
Well, Argentina won VS Mexico, so that's good news at least :D
@Regen: I imagine learning arabic is like attempting to learn English script from the start. I don't know how duolingo teaches Arabic, but they're supposed to give you the letters separated then joined, for every word. Also the accents, which are much more integral to correct pronunciations than French. Now that I think about it, he should've had a 1 year lead. Lol

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