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Messages - Courser

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction - Good or Evil?
« on: June 17, 2007, 05:24:35 AM »
I've been pretty quiet on this thread, other than my initial response.

I respect that some authors *really* don't want their character's co-opted for any reason. And I do honestly respect their wishes. PN Elrod, for one, has issues with it. They may be legal, they may be personal - doesn't matter to me. I wrote *one* fanfic for her series and, because of her wishes, it has never been seen by anyone but me. I wouldn't dream of putting it anywhere where anyone could see it. It doesn't matter to me, the joy was in the writing and I don't particularly care that I can't show it to anyone.

I find it a particularly bizarre turn that a fanfic author would attempt to sue an author over a fanfic story. I don't doubt that it's happened and I don't think that Anne McCaffery was the only victim. Personally, I don't care if a story I wrote (I write fic for Stargate SG-1) showed up verbatim on the show or in one of the tie-in novels. I wouldn't dream of bringing suit. 

I have no delusions of any kind of ownership. Even if another fan took one of my stories and twisted it all out of shape, I don't feel I have any right to bitch. I might not be thrilled, but I'd get over it. And hell, I might even be flattered!

Fanfic itself is sort of a legal gray area. The best I can do is respect the creator's wishes, if they make them known. Most, though not all, fannish franchises sort of recognize that it doesn't diminish their stake  so much as add value to it for fans. For legal reasons, they can't openly condone it, but many will not pursue legal remedies, either, unless someone gets really in their face about it. Most of us know better than that.

Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction - Good or Evil?
« on: May 12, 2007, 07:38:11 PM »

I've noticed that there seems to be a lot of hating of MS's/GS's as well.  Please, allow me to pop your bubble on this.  Most all of the Anne Rice books are MS's.  Wesley Crusher, from StarTrek, is a GS.  Jack Ryan is a classic GS and I cannot help but think that you've all read at least one Tom Clancy book.  A great many novels that we all know and love are really MS's or GS's.  Let's be honest here, what you really hate is to poorly written and often near-psychotic ramblings of the 14 year old emo crowd that flood and it's sister site, 

Thank you! I'm not sure it's my cup of tea, but I'll try to take a look and wish you luck.

You're absolutely right. I'd add Laurell K. Hamilton's books to the list as well. I enjoyed the early ones, but they've gotten pretty over the top lately. Hey, I like smut as much as the next gal, but... I prefer a bit more perspective and context.

I also applaud your idea that limiting yourself to PG-13 content is unneccesarily limiting. I tend to like more 'adult' themes myself. That doesn't always mean actual sex, per se, but adult concepts and treatment.

I'd probably ramble more, but I have a story due... soonish  ;)

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: April 28, 2007, 03:09:09 AM »
I think the TV show captures the essence of the characters of Dresden, Murphy, Bob and Morgan pretty well. They played a bit loose with Ancient Mai and Bianca. I think the reasons we like the books better is that there is more background in what are the limits of power of each character in the Dresden universe.

I agree completely. I'd even go so far as to sort of assume that Heather (from Hair of the Dog - or whatever) was sort of an amalgam of Susan, etc. But I have no real problem with that.

I think they've captured the spirit of the series quite well. Yes, they play fast and loose with a few detail, but it's a necessity. They need to establish quite a bit without the luxury of the book-verse.

I too came to the books through the series and I love both for different reasons.

Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction - Good or Evil?
« on: April 25, 2007, 04:09:00 AM »
I'll raise my hand and confess to both reading and writing fanfic.

There is a LOT of really horrible fanfic out there, no doubt, and I've gotten extremely selective about what I'll read in the last few years.

Not all of us are raving nutjobs, either. I actually belong to a small, tiny really, writing group that's aimed towards moving into original work as well. We all view writing fanfic as a way to improving our writing in general. I'm amazed sometimes at just how far my writing has come in the few years I've known these people.

For the record, I've never touched anything from a book universe. Generally those worlds are pretty complete for me and I don't feel that there's anything I could add. So no, I have no urge or intention to ever write any Dresden-verse fanfic. And maybe I also feel it's a bit disrespectful towards the authors. 

Personally, I would be horrified if anyone associated with  with the source material were to see my stories. I have no illusions that way. No, I don't write slash, but still. That's not why I write it.

Why don't I put forth more effort into original work? Quite frankly, I've got an extremely demanding job and I work a lot of overtime. I simply don't have the bandwidth right now to create my own universe. Yet I have the drive and desire to write something. I do it for relaxation and my own edification. If a few of my friends enjoy it, more's the better. Not a lot of people see my stuff and that's fine with me. But bottom line, I feel it's better to keep my hand in, keep practicing, even if it's with other people's characters, than to do nothing.

If Jim doesn't have his beard, do me a favor...tell him to stop shaving.

I'm seeing him on Weds & I don't think my tender psyche could take him without it.

No worries, the beard was there  ;) Jim was looking quite fine IMHO.

Yay! I was hoping for something in Denver, but the Springs is close enough!

Besides, I need the vacation day from work. Couldn't be a better reason.

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: February 24, 2007, 08:57:43 PM »
I'd actually heard some buzz about Dresden around some sci-fi circles before I knew the television show was coming out.

I immediately put The Dresden Files on a Season Pass on Tivo. Loved what I saw in the first couple of eps, so took myself off to Borders to buy a couple of books.

I read Storm Front in a day. Couldn't put it down. I've begun Grave Peril (Borders didn't have #2) but work, etc., have kept me from devoting endless time to it. All the better to savor it, I guess.

Plan on buying more of the book series as time permits. This is exactly my cup of tea!

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