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Topics - ballplayer72

Pages: [1]
Cinder Spires Books / Sample Chapters?
« on: July 20, 2015, 10:35:08 PM »
So are we getting sample chapters for taw? 

Cause by my count that would mean august would be the start.

Anyone have any idea?

Author Craft / Names help
« on: June 21, 2007, 02:44:26 PM »
Hey ive got this really evil, capital EVIL character, and I need a name for him.   Hes a demon, not top of the litter. Kinda on a similar level with succubus or incubus, able to act relativley freely, to prey upon mankind.  He eats souls, especially childrens.   quite strong, vaguely reptilian (raptor legs, rams horns, snake eyes that trail flame bat wings.)  Only problem is I cannot think of a name that will sufficiently convey him to the reader. NOt good with names this guy.

Author Craft / Need some drawings
« on: May 03, 2007, 12:12:24 AM »
Heya I'm writing a bit of a novel, and was wondering if anybody might sketch me a few scenes.

Can't really pay you. Except in virtual cookies!  I got plenty of those.

Author Craft / Need help.
« on: April 18, 2007, 08:46:08 PM »
Hey all.  I've just started writing a book for fun. But I kinda had this silly idea that I might want it published. Eventually.  I've gone with a semi-Dresden esque type of setting, I.E. magic in the real world.  My protaginist has just had his first encounter with the supernatural, and promptly discovered that he could throw fireballs. (Much more complicated than that, but thats the condensed version.) Protag roasts bad guys, has out of body expierance from blood loss. Kooky sidekick/love intrest heals him, but not before many plot related hints are dropped. Among these is the hint that there is a goverening body for magic-users. I'm not really trying to go with a White Council type of set up, more like an Academy, but with a governing body attached to it. I want to introduce them, in a nice way. Protag has just awoken on the day after, and exchanged tender words with the love intrest. She is currently in the shower. Protag is debating on whether or not to offer to scrub her back, when he hears a knock at the door. I want to introduce the Governing Body here, with some sort of Warden type person (cop of the magic world, but also a recruiter.) But not as a Morgan type of character. Someone like Harry, but more concerned with being a help to the establishment. I have a few problems.

1. I don't have a name for the governing body.
2. I don't have a place to put this big giant academy, since this is in real world climes. Based in a town just outside Houston called Pearland. Right now we are at a beach house rented for prom. This is the day after prom. NOTE: not going in for the Harry Potter secret world type thing.
3. I don't have any idea what to name Super Cop, also I have supporting characters, but they aren't very interesting, as they are just normal teenagers.

Any help provided would be extremely nice.
If you want a copy of what ive got so far, drop me a PM. I am open to criticism, so don't hold back.


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