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Topics - wednesdayboy

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / How often do you compel aspects in one session?
« on: March 29, 2011, 01:34:40 PM »
If you're a GM, how often to you compel a player's aspects in one session?  Or if you're a player, how often do your aspects get compelled in one session?

I'm curious to see where our fledgling group stands in terms of compels--whether we need to ramp it up or if they're about right.  I would say our GM tries to compel our aspects about 1-2 times per session.

DFRPG / How does the sponsor's agenda fit into Sponsored Magic?
« on: March 29, 2011, 01:30:25 PM »
I'm new to the system and I'm playing a changeling with Unseelie Magic.  Last night I gave the Sponsored Magic section another read and I think I was misinterpreting how it is affected by the sponsor's agenda.

At first I thought that sponsored magic could only be used if it fit into the sponsor's agenda.  i.e., During a battle against vampires encroaching on a Winter Court holding Unseelie Magic could be slung all over the place.  But I couldn't do a tracking spell powered by Unseelie Magic on a random lost kid if the Winter Court has zero concern for the kid.

But upon re-reading the Sponsored Magic section and the brief examples it gives, it sounds more to me like you can use the sponsored magic as limitlessly as someone with Evocation and Thaumaturgy can but it allows the sponsor to exert its agenda upon you the more you use it.  The example given was something like, the more you use soulfire, the more able the sponsor is to force you to drop everything to fight a demon or force you to forgive your mortal enemy.  But it doesn't imply that you can only cast soulfire for holy purposes.

I'm not sure which is right but rereading it shed it all in a very different light.  What do you all think?  How should it be interpreted?  (Thanks ahead of time for the responses!)

DFRPG / Does the defender inflict stress on the attacker?
« on: March 22, 2011, 01:35:16 PM »
Hi all,
I'm very new to the DFRPG (we've only had two sessions so far) and I'm probably not going to use the exactly correct terminology for this question, so please bear with me.

I thought I read somewhere in the book that in some situations when a defender rolls to avoid an attack, if the defender's roll beats the attacker's roll the attacker takes the shift difference in stress damage.  (So if the attacker got a 5 and the defender got a 7, the attacker takes 2 shifts of stress.)  Sort of like it's a riposte.  I feel like it was described in one of the italicized example play sections but that's all that I remember.  It may have a narrow focus--only apply to certain situations or skills, require a supernatural power or mortal stunt, only used in a specific application of magic, etc.

Anywho, I'm having a devil of a time finding anything about it and I'm not sure if that's because of the (IMO) poor organization of the book or because I dreamed it up completely.  So I figured I'd turn to the experts--you guys!  If you have any insight, please let me know!  Thanks a ton!!

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