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Topics - Eguzky

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / A Thought About The Items From Hades
« on: July 07, 2022, 03:15:21 AM »
Idea: Christ's Crucifixion Was A Result Of, Or Action Against, The Outsiders

We know that items pertaining to Christ's crucifixion are back in play as weapons against the Outsiders. And belief holds that Christ gave his life to absolve humanity of their sins, right? Well, what if we changed 'absolve humanity of sin' to 'protect humanity from Outsiders'?
It would fit that God's son gave his life to protect humanity and, in so doing, created items that can be used explicitly to fight the Outsiders he was striking back against.
Heck, I would not be surprised if Judas was working with the Outsiders to kill Christ, possibly in a ritual aimed at God, but Christ turned it around and made a willing sacrifice to protect the world. I mean, why else would items of faith have power against Outsiders when there's not a whole lot of people believing they would?

DF Spoilers / Sith Ain't Dead!
« on: June 04, 2019, 07:23:04 PM »
This just popped into my head while reading other posts.

Harry baseballed Sith into the lake but he's THE Cat Sith. No way that killed him.
So, unless Harry will or has told Mab that Sith was taken, he can still infect other Sidhe..
And, I mean, harry knows Sith's power; he has to know Sith ain't dead. I'm hoping he told Mab between books, and gets cured, because he was a nice foil for Harry.

DF Spoilers / A Question About Naagloshii
« on: May 31, 2019, 01:12:59 AM »
Put in spoilers because I'm referring to Goodman grey.

In Turn Coat, Bob says 'They don't need to recombine DNA' and that they don't have a gender, when Dresden asks if the Shagnasty is a He.
..If that is the case, how did Goodman Grey become the scion of one?

It's always kind of bothered me.

DF Spoilers / I Realized Something About Outsiders
« on: May 30, 2019, 08:55:20 PM »
So I was rereading Cold Days when I got to where Dresden says 'Outsiders have to be invited into our world' and it clicked; Outsiders have to be invited into the the supernatural have to be invited into a home.
Does that mean the barrier between worlds (And I know Dresden has seen it) is almost like a threshold?
What if the reason the supernatural have to be invited in is BECAUSE Outsiders have to be invited in? What if they work off the same rules of nature, as it were?

I guess, what I am saying is..what if the Outsiders are, to the world/supernatural, what the supernatural is to normal mortals?
I mean, the barrier is against Faerie, right? Not the mortal world.
Outsiders -> Faerie -> Mortals

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