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Messages - XavierDLH

Pages: [1] 2
Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Board FAQ?
« on: June 30, 2010, 04:21:44 PM »
My primary suggestion was that the FAQ items should be numbered. I suppose that I said "answers", but I really meant the questions themselves.

As far as Shecky and I facing off, I'd put my money on Shecky. :)

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Board FAQ?
« on: June 29, 2010, 06:34:45 PM »
Could the FAQ answers please be numbered? It would make referencing them easier.

Also, in the answer to the question regarding the shortening of links, there's a small error. The plural form of URL is URLs, not "URL's". The apostrophe could be misconstrued as applying possession, or as a contraction.

DFRPG / Amazon may not have DFRPG but FRP Games does!
« on: June 27, 2010, 04:29:01 AM »
There are few websites that I trust (with my credit card), so I tend to limit myself to making online purchases from, but there is the rare exception. One such exception is FRP Games. (I particularly like FRP Games because they accept my Visa credit card.)

I know Amazon won't be stocking DFRPG books any time soon (even though I check it regularly), so I was pleasantly surprised to see FRP Games stocking them!

So, for anyone else looking for a good online retailer with the DFRPG books in stock, here's one:
 Dresden Files RPG Products at


DFRPG / Re: Questions about the Dresden Files RPG
« on: May 17, 2009, 08:04:03 PM »
How about a quick breakdown of how DFRPG/FATE works compared (differences/similarities) to popular gaming systems (D20/WoD/Shadowrun/etc.)?

I've tried reading the FATE rules on the FATE website, but it's difficult for me to understand in that kind of presentation.

Here are a few key points:
  • I've yet to see a character sheet. This would be a great visual aid when describing how things work.
  • How are possessions and wealth handled? What kind of stock items are going to be in the book?
  • How is movement on the playing field handled? Is the system loose, or rigidly tracked in linear units?
  • How about a rough (verbal) blow-by-blow of an example of play? (And please include a couple highly detailed examples in the book!)

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Virus or Trojan on the Forum?
« on: May 06, 2009, 12:15:34 AM »
And we're back.

I've got the security team at Midphase actively on the case now, so hopefully we'll be able to shut this guy out... eventually.


Midphase... Does that mean the forums are physically hosted in Chicago? That could make for a believable "Harry did it" if the lights were to go out on the host!


DFRPG / Re: Post-TDF RPG Releases
« on: May 04, 2009, 05:23:00 PM »
Hahaha. Vacation. I hear ya.

Since the Codex Alera series finishes up at the end of this year, though, I think we should know... you know...
(click to show/hide)

DFRPG / Post-TDF RPG Releases
« on: May 04, 2009, 05:12:54 PM »
I know that it's been said that the Dresden Files RPG is going to be very much a stand-alone entity, unlike most other, popular RPGs out there, with gobs of rules and story supplements. I rather love the idea of that, as it seems some RPG makers really go out on a limb to make a quick buck. So applause for that!

But it leads the mind to wonder what you guys are going to do after the Dresden Files RPG is out. Know what I'm thinkin'? Of course you do! Codex Alera! Is doing a Codex Alera RPG a possibility, though? I hope so. I'm much more a traditional fantasy fan, so I would probably enjoy such an RPG release more than TDF.

I think it would probably be a tighter game, too, as far as the mechanics go. In the Dresden Files, almost anything is possible with magic. But furycrafting is considerably more limited.

It'd also be awesome for character profiles, like what are being planned for the Dresden Files RPG. I have a REAL difficult time keeping track of the characters on the sidelines in both series.

Just a thought! ;D

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Virus or Trojan on the Forum?
« on: May 01, 2009, 03:32:35 AM »
I dont know if its related to the upgrade, but the spoiler tag seems to have stopped working

More than likely. Thankfully it's not something too mission-critical.
I imagine it could take some time to reimplement.

DFRPG / Suggestion for New Official Wallpaper
« on: April 27, 2009, 06:59:51 PM »
I really like the new DF RPG site, and I especially love the site's background image. [Seen here.] Is there any possibility of releasing an official desktop wallpaper featuring that pentacle and other glowy symbology?

I would rather it NOT feature character art, though. I'd prefer something that just uses the game's logo, the pentacle, and some scattered symbology sprinkled throughout. :)

Episode Archive / Re: BB010 - Short and Bittersweet
« on: August 08, 2007, 10:31:04 AM »
Ah. I see what you're saying. But to me: Brutus = Earthcrafting, Earthcrafting = Brutus.  Brutus is simply a manifistation of Bernard's ability to earthcraft.

My interpretation has always been that one can either furycraft (and thus be able to 'summon' one's named fury), or one can't. Being in the air denies him all of his earthcrafting ability. That's my understanding of it.

Engolfing characters in an opposing element has been used many times throughout the books to deny crafting ability.

Besides. I think I recall a scene similar to the one you described. I believe that he woodcrafted the bow, instead of earthcrafting himself.

( I'm beginning to feel obligated to call in. Bugger. It was a trap! )

Episode Archive / Re: BB010 - Short and Bittersweet
« on: August 07, 2007, 11:54:47 PM »
No. But you did say "strength of the earth." i.e. Brutus. :P

Episode Archive / Re: BB010 - Short and Bittersweet
« on: August 07, 2007, 10:54:43 PM »
I'm definitely looking forward to the Alera Love podcast. Athough I don't feel comfortable calling in myself.

I would like to point out, though, that your description of Bernard riding an air-borne chariot and calling upon the strength of Brutus is technically impossible. He'd need to be in contact with the ground to call upon Brutus.  ;)

Author Craft / Re: The Illusion of Danger
« on: July 11, 2006, 02:35:38 PM »
I believe it could work out quite well.  In fact, I've seen a similar concept work in the old PC game, Planescape: Torment.

Author Craft / Re: Use of Have/Has Got in Jim's books
« on: July 02, 2006, 06:37:48 PM »
Mickey's right. the (American) English language is constantly evolving new words, phrases, and grammatical rules.

That's not entirely correct.  British English has changed more over the years than American English.  American English is historically older.

For instance:
Most British people no longer recognize the word gotten.
Most British people fail to recognize the historically more accurate suffix -IZE, and instead prefer -ISE.
Words like center, theater, saber, and somber, et cetera, are older than the current British spellings (which they re-acquired from French around the 17th century) centre, theatre, sabre, sombre, et cetera.

There are many more examples, and I will cite my sources if asked. :)

DFRPG / Re: White Wolf Forum: The Dresden Files
« on: June 29, 2006, 10:37:30 PM »
Definately a strange little world.

I hope you're not the one spellchecking the game book, rdonoghue, because there is no A in the word definitely:P

No grammar stridency on the boards, please.

And, no, he's not.  Rob types with flippers. :)

I know better than to reply to this, but I am going to anyhow. :P

Firstly, I typically would not be too troubled by a spelling mistake, but misspelling definitely happens to be a pet peeve of mine.  He is also authoring a book -- A book I am decidedly interested in!

And secondly, it had nothing to do with grammar.  Grammar is an entirely different beast from spelling. :P

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