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Messages - newtinmpls

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DFRPG / Re: Chloromancy (you know... plant spells)
« on: August 27, 2011, 01:32:45 PM »
"I like the Mycomancer idea, would fit perfectly as the evil twin version to the chloromancer, I think. I tend to create evil versions of the characters for them to fight during a game, if I happen to be the GM. It tends to give each player a time to shine, when "their" villain is up. Plus less need to pull up lots of nameless NPCs to keep 'em busy."

I love this. it's just the kind of warped, evil and totally time saving device that I want as a DM.

DFRPG / Re: [Marked By Power] Does anyone else houserule this to 0?
« on: August 26, 2011, 01:00:55 AM »
"I am developing a strong dislike for the term "canon"."

Me too, but mostly because I see it used to defend not thinking imaginatively. I like the differences from one GM to the next. Maybe I won't ever use them, but I can still have fun appreciating them. One of my best friends and I have been back and forth in each other's campaigns since D&D in a box; his specialty is low-magic campaigns (regardless of genre or universe) whereas I lean way the other way.

We have fun with the difference; we'll probably never do things "the same".

In the same way, I see any given Dresden campaign as "based on" (okay, if JB was actually the DM, I'd say "in") Harry's universe, and the differences are a source of coolness and interest.

DFRPG / Re: Perfect Fate Point tokens
« on: August 26, 2011, 12:50:06 AM »
"Not a Crown Royal sock?  Odd but I guess it works too."

Wow that takes me back - I wonder where that went? It was my best dice bag ever....

DFRPG / Re: How to reach Dresden level health status
« on: August 24, 2011, 02:31:08 PM »
I really like this:

"The answer (as I see it), is because consequences aren't an objective measure of your ability to absorb punishment. They're a narrative measure of your character's ability to affect the plot by deciding where and how much the enemy hurts him. Having a consequence slot taken up with "crushing worry about debt" doesn't mean your character can't suffer three or more physical injuries, it just means that the character doesn't have the protagonist-power to keep the opponent from deciding exactly how much injury they want to inflict via a taken-out result. It's not like the character has lost the ability to defend himself (that's represented by skills), the character just doesn't have as much narrative control in the greater context of the story."

If anyone has read Charles T. Tart, they might be familiar with his concept of Attention-Awareness; it's related to the idea of Gate theory for pain, and the reason you "don't notice" some things when distracted by others.

I guess another way of saying it might be that at some point, when a character has "too much on his plate", one more thing - any one more thing - will be enough to take him out. Consequences are measuring how full the plate is. So to speak.

DFRPG / Re: Help I have a Fate point hoarder?
« on: August 24, 2011, 02:13:50 PM »
I've read through this thread a couple of times and I'm still not actually sure what the problem is. It looks to me like the person running the game is having some uncomfortable emotional reactions - but that in terms of what's going on in the game, things are okay. Maybe not great, but okay.

Author Craft / Re: First verses Third
« on: August 21, 2011, 01:44:47 PM »
On the subject of putting information out there to generate the OMG - I should have seen that coming reaction; I recommend "Hamlet's Hit Points" by Robin Laws; it's meant for DMing, but it utilizes analysis of storytelling in a really cool way.

DFRPG / Re: Monsters and Free Will
« on: August 21, 2011, 12:40:20 AM »
"Most of our disagreement seems to been because of confusion over what the other guy was saying."

I disagree. OOPs sorry I had to say that.

What I actually mean is that I think that part of the essence of the disagreeement is "this works best <meaning "I like doing it my universe"> and not 'getting' that meaning.

DFRPG / Re: Monsters and Free Will
« on: August 20, 2011, 05:59:06 PM »
I must still be tired (or maybe it's the combo of Kraken Rum and Ibu that I took for my back pain) because I stared at this for far too long waiting for it to make sense:

"Otherwise, the RAW say that certain things don't have freewill and aren't available as PCs.  If a group agrees that they're fine with someone playing X with a freewill then that's great for that group but that's not the RAW."

That's got to be Rules As Written, right? <insert maniacal and slightly hysterical laughter here> That is the reason I DM, to DEFY the "rules"! (and that's the reason that I game at all).

A PC has the huge/enourmous advantage of having a Player as an active oversoul (bear with me) so that while in the normal course of things John Doe would run FROM trouble, John Doe as roleplayed by PC can overcome his or her normal low refresh to run TOWARD it.

I think anything can become a PC. It's the equivalent of part of the character's soul raising it's hand (and in Wheel of Time parlance) volunteering to become Ta'Verne (no idea how to spell that).

DFRPG / Re: Monsters and Free Will
« on: August 19, 2011, 02:31:03 PM »
Comment: Free Will is easy.  All it requires is positive refresh. By that same token, if you let a player pick up the role of a fae or black court vampire...for game purposes (cannon notwithstanding) you just gave it free will.  We can wax philosophical about it all day, but in the end...according to the system it is as easy as that.

Reply: I don't think that's a good answer as it would deny the vast, vast majority of humanity (i.e. all the NPCs) freewill and that's something that the setting doesn't support.  For PCs the dividing line is positive refresh, but for NPCs there are "monsters" and beings with freewill.

Say what? I'm not following how allowing a player a monster character and granting it free will does much of anything to the "vast vast majority of humanity?"

Did I miss something (just home from a night shift, so that's certainly plausable)

DFRPG / Re: Tattoos for other Vampires
« on: August 19, 2011, 11:22:13 AM »
Being lazy - I'm a fan of Wheeler and Rice's "if you like it, steal it" - I just go with Butcher's various comments about black court vamps being "the standard" and pretty common in "the standard" are stories that vamps aren't non-redeemable untill they actually drink blood themselves. So sure, I allow tattoos to work on them in my Dresdenverse.

Author Craft / Re: Adapting Myth or Creating New?
« on: August 18, 2011, 07:57:53 PM »
"You know, the sad part is, that whole Combat Teddy Bear Robe incident was done while sober... *facepalm* "

To momentarily cross genres and universes - people see a man dressed like that and they know he's not afraid of anything.

DFRPG / Re: Is it me or am I losing my sanity?
« on: August 17, 2011, 08:26:12 PM »
BTW, I have added a sanity stat to just about every RPG game/verse I've played in since a two-session Call of Cthulu quickie many years ago. Funny what warps us.

Author Craft / Re: When writing, you know you are in trouble when...
« on: August 17, 2011, 08:21:54 PM »
Oh, guilty as charged:

You know you are in trouble when your narrative requires you to talk about guns or horses.  Because of all subjects, guns and horses are the ones where it is least possible ever to do enough research that an expert specialist will not find some technical error to argue with you over.

Yes, I use a Glock, and some writer of fantasy had a character mention that "the safety was on" on MC's Glock. For god's sakes the only safety a Glock has is the built in one in the trigger. You can't "turn it on" or off for that matter. I spent an enjoyable 10 min of mockery over that. Lost a lot of respect for the author.

Author Craft / Re: First verses Third
« on: August 17, 2011, 08:16:39 PM »
On "show, don't tell", if it's not important, give it a quick description and move on.  If it's vitally important, or the POV character happens to be paying very close attention for some reason, go ahead and stuff all the nuances you can into the description.

and it was wisely pointed out:

The failure mode of that is giving away what's going to be important later on and what isn't way too obviously early in the book.

I agree, that's an easy pitfall, which is one reason I think it works better as a style than as a tool, if you can get what I mean.

DFRPG / Re: Monsters and Free Will
« on: August 17, 2011, 08:14:50 PM »
NON specific SPOILER warning - can't recall what book

Interesting scenario: "joe the black court vamp may feel something for humans he cared about in life but if hes hungry hes not going to be motivated by said feeling to not eat them, a bc vamp may be eating his/her own child and think ah i reconize this one, interesting. This should probably be upsetting me but it tastes so /good/."

I'll start with "of course YMMV", and say that I see more a continuum than an either/or. Vamps (to run with that example) are so driven by their hunger that "er... who was that?" is and can only easily be an afterthought. Human beings are driven as well by various things, only 1-relatively less forcefully and 2-they are really good at denial.

Isn't there a point in one of the books where a powerful goodie comments that while humans certainly do have the power of choice, they don't use it very much at all. So in my world monsters do have choice, perhaps less so than humans, but they have it, few of them use it.

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