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Messages - havelock

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Peace Talks Update
« on: February 01, 2019, 04:41:40 AM »
If anyone from Team Butcher happens across this thread, I'd like to say thank you.  As has been said any number of times, Jim doesn't have any obligation to his readers.  If he woke up tomorrow and decided he was done with Dresden, it would be a crying shame, but also his prerogative.  So, I don't think there was ever a need to explain the reasons for the delay with Peace Talks. 

That being said, a little communication goes a long way.  While there's no need to explain the "why", maintaining an active dialogue as you've recently started doing demonstrates substantially more goodwill towards and respect for readers than radio silence. 

I write this not to stir up residual frustrations on either side (though I'm sure there will be some of that.  Sorry,) but in hopes that if any delays arise in the future, you will remain communicative.  Even if the communication consists of "Day 7: stuff happened, no news. Day 30: still no news."  This, to me, is substantially better than "Day 1: stuff happened, no news...Day 328: *crickets*" 

Nothing is ever going to keep everyone happy, but I do think this type of communication might have mitigated the concerns of much of the reader base.  I know it would have in my case.  So, I say again, thank you for communicating clearly and regularly with us and I look forward to reading Peace Talks whenever Jim is able to get it out.   

Best regards,


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