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Messages - terioncalling

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Author Craft / Re: How likeable does a main character have to be.
« on: January 29, 2007, 02:18:09 PM »
Ah, true enough.   ;D  So my example is of the good.  Woot.

Author Craft / Re: How likeable does a main character have to be.
« on: January 28, 2007, 04:51:54 PM »
So long as he/she is interesting, I'd probably read it.  Doesn't have to be likeable.

I was about to point at Hannibal Lecter as an example of interesting character but not really likeable with all the killing...but he's not the main character in Red Dragon, Silence, or Hannibal.  Though I'm gonna guess he is in Hannibal Rising...anyone know?

Author Craft / Re: Cross over characters?
« on: January 28, 2007, 04:46:36 PM »

That's a twisty situation you have there.  Suggestion would probably be to go over borrowed character's very well with folk borrowing them so they can figure out just how to fit them in.  Or if they are capable of fitting them in at all.

As to borrowing character myself...I don't do it unless I'm writing fanfiction.  In all my original stuff I work up the characters on my own.  That way I don't have to worry about missing something from the character that I borrow.  ^^

Author Craft / Re: Unrealism In Books
« on: January 26, 2007, 02:19:43 AM »
1. Cat/fox/monkey/cow/anything else -demons. Uh-uh. I don't see why so many people were/are fascinated with a dude that has a tail growing out of his rear. While some people will certainly think differently, I don't see the huge deal about it. Why cross a human with a fox, what's the point?

Usually because its interesting to come up with something.  I have two races of the like in a big fantasy world I'm currently writing in.  One is a set of cat-people and the other are sort of wolfish humanoids with horns that spawned from a failed attempt at drawing my Tauren Druid from WoW.  Both are races affected by magic, though, so they were originally human.

I'd explain more on them but that would give away thing's that will come up in the stories in that world that I'm not willing to tell people.  Would completely ruin things if you went and read them.

2. Insanely big weapons. Why do people think swords that are taller than them are cool? And, how come almost all the people I talk to about this are willing to defend it vehemently, saying it's just really big, and we could use them in real life if we had them?

The really insanely big weapons are more seen in anime (Samurai Deeper Kyo or Bleach) or games (Cloud and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7) than anywhere else.  Large weapons in reality are really only useful when on horseback or attacking someone on horseback - in a regular old swordfight you'd die trying to use one.  The insanely big one's are just always seen as more cool than regular old weapons.

Sometimes the overlarge weapons make sense - there's an actual explanation for the big weapon used by the main character Ichigo in Bleach - but usually they don't.  Sometimes it just goes with the character.

Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: January 24, 2007, 02:04:25 PM »
It is?  And I also did not get a response.  PM with info again, I guess?

Author Craft / Re: On Character Swearing
« on: January 21, 2007, 09:08:26 PM »
What was the quote?

"Holy shit!  Hellhounds!"
"Harry," Michael said.
"Sorry.  Holy shit!  Heckhounds!"

Something like that...

The Abstruse One
Darryl Mott Jr.

Yup, that was the quote pretty much.

My basic thing with swearing is use it in times of crisis with most characters unless they're the sort that use them in every other sentence they say.  Or in certain situations (like traffic, guh, TRAFFIC).  That's what I've held to with my swearing in real so I hold to that in fiction.

Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: January 16, 2007, 07:01:33 AM »
Ok, we're real close. So close I'm going to start creating accounts for interested folks.
IM me with the following:
A) Your requested board name (I recommend either your nom de plume or a variation of it, but you don't HAVE to do that)
B) Your email address you want to register under.
C) A statement that you have read and understand the EULA listed above (it's on the site as well).

IM or Pm?  ??? ???


PM.  He has no IM listed in his profile.

I've had that happen before but it was on another board system.  My account on ezboard once said I registered in the year 1898 or somewhere around there.

Author Craft / Re: Character Names
« on: January 13, 2007, 07:59:28 PM »
My method of coming up with non-fantasy type names is to have two lists: first names and last names.  It hasn't been updated in a while but I went through my old year books taking names and the cast list of the old tv show Dark Shadows on a random whim.  So now when I need a name I just go through and pick a first name then go find a last name that goes along with it.  If it matching up with a name I know in real life, I find another name.

Author Craft / Re: "First Chapters" writing contest
« on: January 13, 2007, 04:42:38 AM »
Heard nothing till just now.  Sounds interesting though.

Alas, no finished novels here.  :(

Author Craft / Re: New Writer's Group from this Board
« on: January 12, 2007, 04:05:02 AM »
Sounds good to me!

Author Craft / Re: Magic use in contemporary fantasy
« on: January 09, 2007, 07:39:19 PM »
I always pictured it like a video game with three energy bars.  The first one refills immediately upon the spell being cast or when the spell is no longer being sustained.  The next refills slowly until you sit down and catch your breath, refilling completely within 10 minutes to an hour or so.  The last refills very slowly and doesn't refill at all while energy is being channeled.

I had to stop and stare at the screen at reading that because of how much sense it makes.

Author Craft / Re: Vampire Use In Contemporary Fantasy
« on: January 02, 2007, 10:18:59 PM »
Sadly, it's been a while since the Howling and werewolves need a shot in the arm.

I'm actually currently working on a werewolf story if any takes interest.  Whenever the writer's board gets up'n runnin' I'll post the first chapter of it.

Also, on the vampire thing, I wondered if anyone had ever heard of this odd method of killing vampires that I found on the Encyclodpedia Mythica: stealing his left sock, filling it with stones and throwing it in a river.  That one just makes my brain go "...gwah?"

Author Craft / Re: Writing every day
« on: January 02, 2007, 10:08:35 PM »
1) I write whenever I get inspiration or have the time.  Inspiration is usually scattered and I have the time now but that's about to be blown away by school.

2) Yes.  I have a, 30 something pages, I think, of just notes for my fantasy world.  Since its a big world with lots of things in it, I want to know the meager limits of what I can do within it.  Though the stories connected to it are really the only one's I've ever written outlines out for.  Eh.

Author Craft / Re: Him or me? First vs third person
« on: January 02, 2007, 10:04:38 PM »
First/Third person perspective isn't necessary for any genre, I don't think.  Just depends on which the author feels like writing or feels fits the character best.

I myself usually write in third person though I do have a handful of first person stories.  It really just depends on what sort of character I'm writing or the time-set.  Example: current fantasy story in the works is written third person with main character featured strongly alongside the others and a werewolf story I have on the side with the main character loosely based on myself and written first person because its modern time setting.  Somehow the two viewpoints work differently.

So, like I said, I think it just depends on what you're writing.

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