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Messages - habu987

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Yeah, him being "not a normal ghost" and having more life than normal simply relates to the fact that he still maintains some connection to his body that is on life support.

The way I took it, based on tidbits throughout the book, was that it was his soul gallivanting around, so he wasn't just a random spirit.  Not necessarily that he retained a connection to his body.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: August 05, 2011, 01:08:29 PM »
I always thought that whilst Molly is attractive (she's a good guy, and so OFC she is), she wouldn't be celebrity level. She'd be attractive because she's a fit girl, who takes care of herself, and is reasonably powerful in her own right - she isn't a wallflower personality.

I don't have any recs for what I'm thinking she looks like though. Maybe 16, 7, 4,3 or (my choice) 2, from

Although that's more bodytype/general figure than actual person to select - maybe for Charity instead?

I always had the impression, based on how Harry (and Jim, by extension) describes her, that she is supposed to be gorgeous.  Decidedly not a wallflower personality, but gorgeous.  Definitely fit and takes care of herself, but smokin' hot either way.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: August 05, 2011, 12:49:18 AM »
i think Elisha Cuthbert should play Molly

Well, if we went with David Tennant as Harry, the Elisha C. would be about the right height to play Molly, then!  :D

I'm operating on the basis that the DV is the same as our world, or our world's lore, unless actively shown otherwise.

Well, we already know that the WG is around at the same time that other gods, such as Odin, are hanging around, so there is at least some difference in the lore. 

That train of thought starts bringing in real world stuff, and the potential for veering into TT area, so I'll cut my point off at that.

Speak with Toe-mas, he seems to be pretty excited about doing them (he is the one that put them on youtube), but once he has started slogging through it some assistance might be greatly appreciated.

Sure, will do.  Also, if there are any other videos/audios that come up over the next few days, I'd be happy to help out with them--not guaranteeing that I can get them all, or even a sizeable portion of any that come up, but I can at least help out.

I believe if Gard had meant to deny that outright she'd have denied it outright, and coy implications are not an outright denial.

But is her outright denial of denying it outright and usage of coy implications an outright denial of the supposition that our lore is the same lore that is in the DV, or would that be an outright denial that the lore is different?  ;D

*My head hurts*

Serack, I can take a stab at transcribing some of the DC signing videos over the weekend, if you'd like.

Crud, LML got to that DR quote before I did.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: August 04, 2011, 02:15:07 AM »
Harry: David Tennant (Have you seen him in fright nights previews?)

David Tennant...I'm unfamiliar with that actor...  ;D

As far as acting is concerned, I think he would make a phenomenal Harry, but unfortunately, he can't pull off the physicality of the role, I don't think.

Well, I know my driving radius for a day trip goes most of the way down to Richmond (I'm in Alexandria, VA) and up to the Baltimore area.  I'm totally A-OK to meet with fellow Dresden tin-foil-hat-wearers anywhere within that swathe of land!

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: August 03, 2011, 11:17:34 PM »
Charleston, SC!

I can buy into this one!  Given, as others have mentioned, it might not match up 100% with the timeline, but other than that, it makes sense.

If he's the son of a loup-garou and a wolfwere (I think that's the proper term for Tera), what does that make him?  Were-garou?  Loup-were?  :D

On a more serious note, if he is Tera's son, he's gotta play a big part in the series from here on, or at least in the next few books.  I think he's supposed to be in his late teens, so unless he starts wolfing it up, I think we'll need at least a few more years before he becomes a big player.  Molly is just now a big player, and she's taken 6 or 7 years to get here.  I don't think any of the potential wielders of the Swords (I've seen him, Daniel, and obviously Murph floated about) are ready anytime soon for the job.

So if he is going to be hanging around, I don't think any of us can predict with any degree of accuracy what his role will be.

Serack and EmacB--kudos on this theory!

There was a pretty good turnout of forumites at the signing in the DC area last night, but many of us didn't get to socialize too much beforehand or afterwards (due to driving home, work, what have you).  I've seen a few folks mention that they'd be interested in meeting with other Dresdenites in the DC/VA/MD area (Sihnon and SkinsFanVJ, and a couple others, I think).

So, anyone else interested in meeting together every now and then?  If there is enough interest, we could possibly meet somewhere where we could quaff beverages of an adult nature and chow down on dead meat (or dead plants, if that's your thing), and all have a good time convincing each other that our crazy Dresden Files conspiracy theories are the best ones.

EDIT:  List of folks interested in meeting up over the weekend of the Baltimore Comic Con (August 20-21)

-Habu (myself)
-Myyrdn (if we can guilt trip him  ;D)
-Coffeeworm +1
-The Doctor (possibly) (By the way, just so we're clear, I'm the real Doctor, as evidenced by my avatar self photo.  This guy is just someone who has my name...  ;D)
-Heartsonycgr and +1 (Bob the Blackberry)
-Sihnon (+1)
-Cheesepusher (possibly)

Let me know if I missed anyone, or if you'd like to be added/removed.


-We've got a reservation under the name of Harry Dresden at 5:00 on Saturday (8/20) at Tir na Nog for 15 people.  Here's the website, with directions, parking, etc.

I'll be there at 5:00 (unless I get lost, or the TARDIS breaks down, or I get sucked into a quantum singularity and get transported to an alternate universe...  :D), so I look forward to meeting y'all!

Another potentially very juicy tidbit from Jim:

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Disclaimer--I missed the question that was asked, and that was all I heard from Jim's answer (the people next to me were talking and laughing about...chihuahuas...of all things).  From the little bit I got, that seems to answer the question we've had debated pretty heavily here in other threads, as to
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So, any new tidbits of info?

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I'm sure there were other new tidbits, but I was standing at the back and couldn't hear everything. Myrrdin was up towards the front video taping it and Serack was also up towards the front, so I'm sure they can be of more use for new tidbits...  :D

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