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Messages - xakko

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That's not to say that it's impossible. If Sidhe gestation is far longer than human, she could easily still not be showing, although a very early gamete is extra vulnerable to illness and poor health in the mother. Similarly, if Sidhe have extremely short pregnancies, she might already have given birth. (This possibility seems the most inconsistent and unlikely to me, but I thought I'd throw it in for completeness' sake.)
all I would say is time is malleable in the Nevernever - if Mab want to get a pregnancy over and done with, she could have.  Heck, Maeve played with time back in Proven Guilty

my own take is that there is no pregnancy.  I don't think Harry was physically there at the Stone Table, given that Butters was there to remove things like his shield bracelet whilst he was a'tapping that phat Sidhe ass. 

But she didn't KILL them.  She manipulated the situation to cause the deaths, but she wasn't the killer.  Subtle but important distinction.
like I said, she danced along the edges of the law, not that she broke it.

but then, i would ask if there were situations where she used her power when it wasn't necessarily the right thing to do, if she was slipping into her old habits she's fought so hard against.

He wouldn't dare.  The Merlin may be many things, but he ain't stupid and the Council still needs the Ways through Winter.  The Ramps may be gone, but everybody else has decided to take their place and the Council's at war again (can't remember who said it, my bro's got my copy at the moment).  The Council doesn't dare do anything to jeopardize their access to the Ways.
the Merlin might not actively seek the death of Molly and Harry for political reasons, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't want them dead.

so, to throw a monkey wrench into the discussion - I just finished my re-read of White Night, and the whole thing with Molly in the book is that she thought of her power as the first and best solution to any situation.  In Ghost Story, it really looks like her first instinct to the power vacuum was to use her power, often to cause the death of others.  I don't know that she had any options, though, and she seemed to use illusions and not mind control.  But she definitely used her power to dance along the edges of the first law, and there would seem to be a reckoning for that.

(Ok, that was a lie. I'm a Team Murphy member; but I heard that coffin being nailed shut.)
there was no coffin.  they never found the body.


seriously, Harry was flirting with Murphy when she was setting the charges. She's the one who can't get over the loss of Harry.  There's also the line, "Life is precious, fragile, fleeting - and Murphy's life was one of my favorites." 

I guess I can see where the Molly-Harry fans are coming from, if you accept that he's denying his feelings for her.  But I haven't seen anything in the text to say that Murphy no longer loves him.  What she does to him when she finds out he's alive - well, that may be an entirely different story for Jim to share with us.

Why is that "the question"?
because I thought the answer could possibly be 42?

but the math didn't work out.

I was just wondering aloud if that may have been an additional impetus for Justine to get Thomas to feed on her again.  I've been curious for a while now.  But yeah, not "THE question"

No, Justine was recovered enough by Turn Coat, if not earlier. I'm thinking of the time they met in the nightclub, in particular. And by the beginning of Changes, Thomas was certainly recovered enough from the skinwalker. And there were probably other opportunities. I think Jim just did not think of it until recently.
the question is whether whatever mental illness she was suffering through in Grave Peril that was ameliorated by Thomas's feeding was permanently "cured" when she almost died.  Then again, I haven't read "Even Hand" and I understand she was in that, so I may have missed this being addressed somewhere.

I'm looking forward to seeing it when Murphy finally finds out that he arranged the whole thing. He'll be in yet another world of hurt.

I think that - maybe after another right cross or a gut shot - she will understand.

from Ghost Story, Chapter 18, page 176

'She [Murphy] looked away.  It was a moment before she answered. 'With someone that powerful ... there's not really a choice.  If you try to take them alive, they have plenty of time to kill you.''

If she buys into the idea that Harry was certain he'd be a monster, she might have done it herself, and would appreciate that Harry didn't ask her.  Because she would've messed it up.  Kincaid wouldn't.  He doesn't miss.  Ever. 

However, I do see her never forgiving Kincaid *if* he did come over to comfort her as Harry imagined he had.  That would be too much.  If not, I think she might forgive Kincaid too, as it was his job, and again, the idea was to remove a monster.

Wow.  Just wow.

It took me two sittings, 'cause I had to work, but I *loved* *this* *book*.

I don't see Harry/Molly ever happening, not when Jim seems to be tying even more parallels to Luccio/Morgan with the "never going to happen" territory.  I agree Harry/Murphy takes a major blow as well, but I think Murph will aim much of her anger at Molly, poor girl.  Harry didn't know he'd chosen suicide.  Karrin's been around his crazy schemes long enough to understand what he was aiming for with the Kincaid-assisted suicide, and, in a sense, I think she might even forgive both of them for the shooting.  She herself noted that when dealing with monsters, sometimes you have to just take the shot.

My little dream about a future Little Harry/Maggie ship is now completely sunk.

I'm curious that it appears Elaine's come out to the White Council, if her words have enough weight to back up those of Carlos.

With all the comic book references, large parts of this made me feel like this was one long character development issue.  With kickass fights.  It really sets the groundwork for the rest of the series, a kind of Days of Future Past, but one that they have to live in. 

And I can't wait for Mab to turn Harry against the Fomor, ancient enemies of the Sidhe.  Makes you wonder if Summer and Winter (and the Erlking?) might have to team up on that.

OK, am I the only X-men fan who's totally geeking out so far?  Colossus, Shadowcat and Nightcrawler are my three favorites... (my dream is to get Jim to write the X-men someday, even if it was just a novel like <i>Darkest Hours</i>

I can totally see Peter Rasputin in his writing of Sanya and Michael...

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