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Messages - Sunburned White Court

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I LIKE it.  Horrifying, but I like it.

If true, I suspect that both Dumorne/Kemmler and HWWB threw their fights and faked their deaths.  HWWB was pretty obvious.  He fell into some flames.  Harry never went looking for a body.

It would not only explain how DuMorne got Bob, but why he wasn't Torn Limb From (mental) Limb the way Harry almost was when Bob accessed his memories associated with Kemmler.

So that begs the question: WHY did HWWB (and Kemmler/DuMorne) throw their fights?  What is it that they want Harry At Large for?

I suspect we won't find the answers to that for a few more books.

Oh my. gosh. FABULOUS. I love the theories!!! Hmm... well, maybe HWWB enjoys the power of knowing he can really throw Harry for a loop sometime/manipulate him against others in the evil realms to wipe out his opponents. Rather a lame theory if I'm allowed to criticise myself given the fact that he couldn't necessarily TRULY know how Harry would turn out. this also does, however, make me wonder if possibly Kemmler/DuMorne was controlling HWWB and using him to draw out Harry's power and prowess and train him by making him fight. It certainly would fit with K/DM's training methods, and perhaps K/DM was still hoping to turn him at some point (a possibly more valid, albeit outlandish theory)

**giggles @ use of the term fishy** he DID fall in the water ;) I'm looking forward to that short story (assuming he writes it...) I'm a bit concerned how all that will play out however with Ivy

This is true... Question is did he actually give her a name or just referred to her as something other than Lash?

;) he was wasn't he? I imagine Georgia was probably busy with an infant so just didn't get involved eh?

I unfortunately think it is likely that Harry will end the series with no-one. That's just my opinion, but let's be honest. We love him for it, but Jim is a sadistic mofo when it comes to Harry. I hope he winds up happy and with someone and gets a great ending, but I'm thinking he may wind up dead or alone...

@ Habu -- the Doctor NEVER has a girlfriend younger than he! .... oh wait :) poor Molls **sigh** I hope she gets someone good

well THAT would just be cool! Love your avvy btw

OHH!!!!!!! Oooooooh. Interesting. (thanks habu)

Magi SR? huh? Lash?

The Bar / Re: A note regarding linking images.
« on: August 07, 2011, 05:58:50 PM »
^she makes tasty ones. Kinda scary to be around in the kitchen tho ;)

@ spoiler- hmm.... true. but that also makes me wonder because depending on what she's determined as a shadow of herself if she wants to be a separate and helpful is she trying to off herself or if in seeming she had originally done so to protect him, if she's staying true to her path change then would she actually have done that for that specific end (and ineffectual YAY) result?

So what I'm wondering is which of the Fallen actually whispered to him (I'm terribly sorry if this has been covered...) Was it Lasciel being a jerkwad or some random unknown?

JIM YOU MADE ME CRY YOU JACK***!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like, tears rolling down my face CRY! (yeah, I just finished the book) **takes a big breath** Well that does it. Already knew you were a fantastic author, you just confirmed it you P.I.A. Can't wait to see the next one!!!!!! **finishes sniffling**

The Bar / Re: Regarding the chatroom
« on: August 04, 2011, 08:38:31 PM »

The Bar / Re: Regarding the chatroom
« on: August 04, 2011, 07:37:26 PM »
As long as no one gets krilled...

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