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Topics - Matrix Refugee (formerly Morraeon)

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Help needed: Good song for a vampire stripper
« on: February 28, 2010, 07:45:37 PM »
I'm writing a kind of Twhinelite/Dresden Files/Yami no Matsuei crossover/mash-up, which involves a motley team of preternatural investigators doing some undercover work at a "gentleman's club" in Chicago. This includes the one girl on the team, who's a kind of low-key White Court vampire/energy vamp getting a job as a stripper. She's kind of playing up the vampire part of her nature ("Oh, I'm one of those vampire lifestyle people, but don't worry, it's just a personal kink and my boyfriend is my donor, so it's all safe.") as part of her cover. I'm just stuck as to what would be a good song for her to strip to; one or two of the songs on the "True Blood" soundtrack album work, but since they're a bit on a Southern rock wave-length, I was trying to think of something not quite so regional. Any thoughts?

Author Craft / What do you do when you want feedback...
« on: October 24, 2009, 04:30:29 AM »
... But no one seems to be giving it?

I've been writing and posting (on my LiveJournal) a series of snippets of a larger fanfiction I've been pecking away at for almost a year now and I've been enjoying myself... But I feel like a singer who's meeting dead silence from the audience after every song. I'm about ready to start offering cybersex in exchange for feedback on this thing (whole new meaning on the phrase "review whoring", ha ha ha.) or threaten suicide (partly true, since I'm feeling so worthless right now, I feel like I could disappear without anyone noticing). I just feel like if I tell myself I'm doing good, I'm only kidding myself, but if I hear it from another person, it's somehow more validating...

Maybe this should go in the Open Mic in the Angst Corner forum -.-

Author Craft / "Paper, Plastic or ...Zombie Mojo??"
« on: May 04, 2009, 09:39:56 PM »

Your honest opinions on this story would be appreciated before I start making the rounds of the fantasy magazine markets with it....

Site Suggestions & Support / Needed: More avatars
« on: March 16, 2009, 08:37:04 PM »
I have a habit of using an icon that matches whatever of Jim's books I happen to be reading at the moment, but it seems there's no TDF icons past White Night and no Alera icons past Cursor's Fury. I'd offer to make some myself, but my graphic design skills are embarrassingly weak.

Author Craft / Military report protocols?
« on: March 01, 2009, 02:07:52 AM »
Can anyone point me toward something that would describe the style, etc. of writing military-type reports of combat, etc? I need this for an on-going RP series and I have no idea where to get started searching for this kind of information.

Author Craft / Teen witch character help
« on: January 07, 2009, 09:35:51 PM »
I'm working on another urban fantasy story, and I'm creating a mildly magically gifted teen witch character who's of the "fluffy-bunny" Wiccan variety, ie. the sort who's read Silver Ravenwolf a few times too many, and now thinks they're the Goddess's gift of sweetness and light to the universe. The plot requires her to have a kind of evaluation by a veteran magical practitioner who's a bit of a polite religious skeptic. I'm trying to figure out a way for the polite skeptic to bring our girl back down to earth, in such a way that it doesn't look like I'm bashing Wicca, or that the skeptic isn't a mean guy, he's just trying to give her a more realistic view of magic (ie. that it can't fix everything, and it shouldn't be used when practical common garden things can be used with greater and more lasting effect), and that our girl really is a good kid who means well, but who still has a *lot* to learn. Any and all suggestions will be greatly and gratefully appreciated!

Author Craft / Werewolves and pregnancy
« on: October 27, 2008, 09:51:52 PM »
Okay, working on a short story dealing with a romance/relationship between a human girl and a werewolf guy, inspired oddly enough by the Fifties/early Sixties song "The Leader of the Pack" (yeah, her honey is the leader of a motorcycle gang of werewolves). One major plot point involves the girl getting pregnant and having to essentially move in with her man's pack (they're all in favor of him having a human mate, since they almost need a human in the logpile every so often to keep the stock from getting too wolfish and producing strange-looking people who have a hard time passing as human and may have significant problems shifting), since they're more accepting of her situation than her own family (staunch Christians in a small town, you get the idea).

I'm hung up as to how pregnancy in a human girl carrying a half-were. I've established a few things on pregnant weres: they have a harder time at controlling their ability to shift during the nine months, thus if they're turning fuzzy (Thanks, Jim, for that nifty turn of a phrase in "Day Off" :: Winks:: ), they can't stop it till it's run itself out (usually in twenty four to seventy-two hours); the baby is born looking like mom at the time of delivery, so if she's in wolf-form, the baby looks like a wolf pup, and if she's in human form, the baby looks human. However, young weres have a hard time controlling their shifting abilities until they reach puberty: thus, if it's a full moon, junior is going to go fuzzy no questions asked.

Which brings me to our gal: Does the kid stay in human form or will he come out looking wolfish till the moon changes phase? The latter is a bit of a freakish image, but I don't mind it.

Site Suggestions & Support / Where'd the avatars go?
« on: May 26, 2007, 10:06:23 PM »
I decided to do a new trick with my avatar, and change it to match the DF book I'm reading at the moment... but the lovely icons that were part of the site seem to have disappeared. Help?

Author Craft / Vampire help needed
« on: May 25, 2007, 07:38:58 PM »
No, not help becoming a vampire: I have no interest in becoming a blood-sucking wierdo. :: laughs::

I'm working on a short story/short novel dealing with a woman's crisis of faith after she gets forcibly turned by a vampire, but I'm stuck as to what sort of vampire it should be? The Anne Rice-esque emo blood-sucker doesn't work for me, nor does the over-sexed Laurell K. Hamilton variety, and I'm not sure as if I want to go the opposite way and incorporate something like Max Schreck in F.W. Murnau's "Nosferatu". I'm trying to bring something new and original to the table here, and I'm afraid I'm coming up with a blank open document on my screen at the moment. Anyone got any suggestions?

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