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Topics - Icecream

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DF Spoilers / Backcourt vampires WAG [spoilers all incl BG]
« on: October 08, 2020, 11:34:38 PM »
Blampire WAG.

Drakul first created them by using necromancy combined with soulfire. My WAG is the reason Garlic is Blampire kryptonite is because He or his son were allergic to garlic and in using soulfire he accidentally transferred that weakness to his progenies.

Another spitball idea - a steak through the heat kills them because instead of a drum beat, soulfire has been used to fake a heartbeat that perpetually keeps the dead vampires running instead of a drummer. Steak through the heart is like stopping  the drumming in necromancy and will stop them dead in their tracks.   They need to keep topping up on human life to refill the battery to keep it ticking over.

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