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Messages - Ed0517

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DF Spoilers / Re: Winter Lady Restrictions
« on: October 21, 2022, 05:04:54 AM »
  Here is a wild thought, Mab or any other Fae will look you in the eye and tell you they cannot lie.  Now that may be true, in which case bargaining with them shouldn't be all that dangerous, but it is.
So why is that? 

Because they cling to the letter of the law and not the spirit. They can find little ways to screw you if they wish. You ask to be saved from pursuing Gruffs, Mab teleports you  out... and you are a Popsicle at Arctis Tor. Well, the Gruffs did not get you..... so she performed up to her end. They are smart, crafty, have thousands of years to accumulate a huge vault of dirty tricks. And the smarter they are... the more dangerous. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Winter Lady Restrictions
« on: October 20, 2022, 03:31:25 AM »
If you use a thesaurus it will become clear. The Fae and in particular Mab take advantage of a knowledge mismatch, what they know and what you  think you know. The perfect example of this happens in Small Favor when Mab makes Dresden her Emissary before asking him to be one. He thinks he can say no without understanding the cost.  This is a knowledge mismatch.  She knows Titania is out to murder him.  This is also a form or coercion. The lie is letting him believe that he has a choice.

Harry knew he had no choice. Mab called in a Favor. Mab also TOLD him Summer's agents were after him. She TOLD him that SHE was not the danger he had been warned of - that someone ELSE (Gruffs) were coming.

Mab actually was pretty up front. She wanted essentially a PI. Talked of his talent for finding things. Called in her marker. She told him about Titania's agents - granted, his survival further's Mab's cause, as dead men find no kidnapees.  More than coerced, I'd say she used her leverage.   

Knowledge mismatch? Happens all the time. If we sit down to a game of chess, and FIDE rates you at 1200 and me at 2200, there is a knowledge mismatch. They basically say i can sit there and guzzle Jack Daniels from the bottle and still I am expected to win. Nothing dishonest about it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Winter Lady Restrictions
« on: October 19, 2022, 10:06:04 AM »
Any deception has at it's heart, a lie.  You can test this if you so choose.  It just isn't explicit. If it were simple we wouldn't need lawyers.

No. It has at its heart dishonesty. A lie is an out and out untruth. Misleading, even intentionally, is not lying. 

Let us pretend magical ability can be quantified simply. All people can be classified on a scale from 1 (normals) to 10 (the Merlin).

Harry says:

"The White Council has inducted all wizards of a power level 6 or greater."
"I am a level 7"

One would usually assume Harry is part of the WC.

Well, he WAS. But he is not NOW.

But what did he say was untrue?

He WAS inducted.
He IS a 7.

He did not say "All wizards of power level 6 or greater ARE part of the WC" THAT would be a lie, as he was kicked out.

If he said "The WC screens wizards, and any they find of a level 6 or up are inducted" we are led to believe all level 6 and up are, or have been, part of the WC.

But Elaine is a 6.

But she flunked her tests and they think she's a 4.  Harry knows this. But he tried to mislead you.

The Fae are heartless, soulless creatures. They ARE natural lawyers. They draw these distinctions. They let you believe what they want you to believe. Whether or not it is true. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Winter Lady Restrictions
« on: October 17, 2022, 10:28:48 AM »
Winter Law is whatever Mab says it is.  And it applies only when she wants it to and then only to the Fae and not the rest. She let the Hobs loose in the train station and I'm pretty sure that most of the dead wouldn't have known or ever heard of Mab. When Lea got uppity during Dead Beat Mab took the Atheme and tortured her until she saw the error of her ways. Not an equal exchange in my book. And that can't lie thing apparently only works on the Queens on some schedule that I can't discern. The rest of her court is composed of Fae keeping busy by knifing each other and plotting for personal gain. A plot is by definition a lie.

I tend to think there is some underpinnings of Winter Law beyond simply what Mab says it is. Faerie Law is not just Winter.  As noted, Mab kept obligations/favors, which seems to be a Faerie law beyond her realm. Guest rite is too - even the Erlking follows that. So does Summer. Summer rewarded Morgan and Harry with a boon each. And Harry sold his for a donut. And it worked.

And a plot is NOT a lie by definition. A plot does not need to involve a lie at all. It may. It may involve deception or subterfuge, which are NOT lies.  Wouldn't you call Titania giving Harry a pin with Fae GPS in it plotting? She did it for future use, as she did with Morgan. Where was the lie? She never SAID she could always track it.  She told Morgan they could not track HIM. They didn't. They tracked the pin. 

And promises can be twisted. You can give someone something they asked for in a way they did not want. If, say, Rudolph was pursued now by a supernatural being, and ran into Harry and asked Harry to get him to safety - well if Harry tossed his ass in a Demonreach cell, that's pretty safe now, isn't it?  Lea considered leaving Harry a hound to keep him safe. i doubt that's what his mom would have wanted.

DF Spoilers / Re: Any Recent WOJ's?
« on: October 04, 2022, 05:25:39 AM »
Her showing up again in the future may also just mean a future BOOK has a flashback..... 

DF Spoilers / Re: In defense of the WC
« on: October 04, 2022, 05:19:23 AM »
The language is FAR from decisive, it's true.
But Harry *IS* Chicago's resident Warden.  I'm pretty sure he'd know if the kid was a local.  And the exchange in Chapter two strongly implies that Harry thinks (and Eb confirms) that the shitshow was brought to Chicago for Harry's sake.

There are millions in the Chicago area. He's not going to know everyone.

It would be just the Merlin's style to make a spectacle over the event since the kid was from Chicago and make Harry go. Harry's seen the reports and other stuff, i have to imagine if the kid was not FROM Chicago that he would say something, asking why he is executed here, instead of where the crimes were, or maybe Edinburgh. Then again, headless bodies likely create less fuss in Chicago than most places. Most warlocks are likely investigated and convicted in chambers without them even knowing they were tried, and the Warden sent out to give them a short haircut. Likely explain it as gang warfare. Ms-13?

DF Spoilers / Re: In defense of the WC
« on: October 01, 2022, 05:32:53 AM »
I'm pretty sure he was from Korea, and the Merlin had him brought to Chicago specifically as a message to Harry.

In the opening scene of PG, the boy "screamed and ranted in Korean" (presumably, his native tongue).

In the middle of chapter 2, Harry asks Eb, "Is that why it happened here?  Why come to Chicago for an execution?"
If the kid had simply been a local, that wouldn't have been relevant; a Chicago-origin warlock in Chicago wouldn't have been worth asking about.

In Chapter 5 -- talking to Murphy -- Harry explicitly calls him "the Korean kid."

Every city has immigrants who speak mostly their mother tongue. Walk one block along Northern Blvd. any afternoon in Flushing, NYC - you will hear Korean. Guaranteed. Signs up in Korean.  Walk along Mott St. in Manhattan.  Plenty of Chinese being spoken. Don't call it Lower East Side, you call it Chinatown.

Even if he is from Chicago, if the kid is raving in Korean, and looks Korean - is it odd Harry would refer to him as such, likely thinking him an immigrant? 

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezars journal
« on: September 29, 2022, 07:44:54 AM »

Priscellie: Did his (Kemmler) wardenship end when he was killed after WWII?

Jim: It ended during one of the times they killed him. Kemmler got killed a bunch of times. He was one of those fun villains who just kept getting back up again just kept Napoleoning his way back into being a problem for the white council.

Sounds like more Mantle proof to me...
Mantles don't make you immortal or bring you back. See Aurora,  Maeve, Lily, and Ron Reuel. Some of the necromancers can at least temporarily bring you back, like Kumori. And she does not appear to be Cowl's equal.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezars journal
« on: September 29, 2022, 07:35:18 AM »
Not including Harry.

So Jim knows who the past 2 Wardens were but isn't telling, but that Kemmler was 3 Wardens ago.

I think he is saying it is Kemmler, unknown warden, Harry. And he is not saying so we likely know who it was. First guess is Justin. Possibly even Eb pre-Blackstaff. Do we know when Kemmler was Warden? He may have been stripped long before his last death.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezars journal
« on: September 28, 2022, 09:35:29 AM »
The key seems to have been be weaker than Mab to stay in the mortal world. Being immortal is just an added bonus of great power. Sort of if u reach a certain level of magic power. Boom u are immortal. Strength of a river is young to his kin yet 1000s old. I think the more magic you have the less mortal u are. Wizards seem tk grow more powerful in magic as they age and they reach 300s. Irvine was young but as strong as harry. He doesn't get sick etc. May is ur really strong u get immortality has a side effect

Are we that sure Vadderung is weaker than Mab? He has a lower rank in Winter, yes, but it also seems it is a part time gig.

Irwin is strong because he is only half human. He gets his size and strength from his Bigfoot heritage. We have no reason to think bigfoots immortal. Possibly just long lived. There are trees thousands of years old.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezars journal
« on: September 27, 2022, 07:47:54 AM »
@Ed0517Is a foo dog an ice demon? I don't understand? Honestly I don't know much about foo dogs, is this somewhere in the books or side stories?

In Changes the Eebs refer to him as a Mountain Ice Demon.  We don't know a lot about what this means.


But I don't think, he calls ectoplasm. In the books it is often described that he reaches inside, fuels his spells with his emotions and sometimes he explicitly takes from his surroundings.
This is just my head canon, but I think it is the magic itself as a kind of substance which a wizard can use and transform with his will. Not something from the nevernever.
Why can't it be ectoplasm? Because ectoplasm evaporates and there is never any goo left after a wizard does magic, except the times in Peace Talks when he sneezes ectoplasm things.
But when the gray men get killed, the kinda ooze and it all evaporates, like Spider Man's webbing (Jim did a Spider man book - inspiration?)
Also Harry often states, that fire is hard to controll, because once it is there, even magical fire, it behaves like any fire does.

Then there us the difference between magical fire and mundane fire. I think the first mention was in Ghost Story, when he remembers his fight with the Walker and uses his first fuego to kaboom the gas station. Good that he didn't directly use it on the Walker, because in Peace Talks (the fight against the cornerhounds) Ebenezer tells him that Outsiders are somehow immune to magical fire, and that he has to use mundane fire to hurt them.

Yeah, I was thinking Jim kinda went back on what he said before.... that magical fire is not quite the same.

Exactly. Removing water imho is what Carlos' shield does. I think it is even somewhere in the text, I might look it up later, or maybe someone has it handy before I do.

Has to do more. He disintegrates bullets - the lead will not have so much water. You pour molten lead into forms... which puts it above 325* C, IIRC. can't have water there. He may have some sort of abrasives? Diamond dust? 

Actually used this way, water magic can be applied very powerful. Have you read the Alex Verus books? There is one wizard, Rachel (she is crazy and doing a lot of morally compromised stuff), ewho does exactly that. She can remove water from any target, essentially turning it to dust. I think this is what Carlos can also do. I think this is what he does, when he fights. Harry sometimes describes it as a green ray (hope I can find example, too), but there is never a description what happens to the targets. Probably because usually Harry has no time watching closely during a fight.

A little water, taken precisely, should sludge the blood and might cause a coronary or stroke. Loss of volume is a bad thing. (No Verus)

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezars journal
« on: September 26, 2022, 09:18:02 PM »
Harry did ice magic before, yes... But iirc before he became Winter Knight his ice was always a product of him performing his old fuego spell. He had water, from which he took the energy to fuel his fire, letting a huge flame go up in the sky, thus turning the water to ice.As Winter Knight he somehow simply creates ice, or so it seems. There is no exothermic energy released in form of fire, no water surface needed.

Also the ice below the pursuing fetch. I think all wizards can probably do all sorts of magic, but are not GOOD at many forms. Harry did veils before Molly, but wasn't very GOOD at them, though he got better when he analyzed the practice a bit. Now, maybe he funnels ice from elsewhere - the cold of, say, frozen gas giants  - the chill of Jupiter. Maybe he can link to Mouse's ice world - Mouse was an ice demon, right? Mouse cheats by living with a wizard - he channels his power source thru Harry.   

I think of it in a gaming sense like each school (fire, ice, earth, mind) is different. Harry was level 14 fire, 2 in ice, 1 in the others. Really nasty at one. But say the Knight mantle confers 10 levels in the right school. Fix is now level 10. But Harry WAS a 2, so now he is a 12. So he is nearly as good with ice as he is fire, so he has options.

 You and a buddy have to kill 2 men at 50 yards. You have 2 rifles, and 2 compound bows. You've never fired either. You reach for a rifle. Your buddy never fired a gun, but he's a bowhunter. he reaches for his familiar weapon, the bow. It's not AS good, given equal skills, but with his greater bow skill, he thinks he will be better with it. Harry is the bowhunter, fire is the bow. He was good with it, so he uses it when another skill might work better - but it is a skill he does not have. 

And also no soulfire.
No, that's mine. I note fire is usually a destructive force, Harry mentions that is why wizards use it. Ice can be made into things - sculptures, igloos, etc. My idea was Harry might be able to imbue an ice structure with Soulfire to reinforce his shield temporarily. Sort of the ice is Kevlar - the Soulfire is the armor in your plate carrier, because Kevlar doesn't stop that .30-06.  So some small critical area is reinforced

Maybe he was always able to do that and just because he is the knight now, makes him believe he must be able to create ice, so he can.
Just like he believes to be able to create fire.

I don't think he CREATES. I think he CHANNELS. Like Binder, calling forth the Gray Men. He calls ectoplasm from Nevernever, he does not create matter.  Fire? The Sun's corona ? or even plasma if you are good enough.  Cold? South Pole? Mouse's ice world?

Carlos for example is said to have an affinity to water magic. Does that mean he can create water? We never see him do more water magic than his disintegrating shield. But this I think removes water, instead of adding.
maybe that is what made the frictionless dust in the deeps duel? He yanked water out?

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezars journal
« on: September 26, 2022, 08:37:52 PM »
The island is not a mantle, it’s Harry’s spouse.

No, it is not a partner.  Not his equal, it doesn't think.

The island is his castle, Lake Michigan his moat, Alfred his dragon to overwhelm enemies. On his home ground, he is all but invincible. He knows all the island knows if he thinks about it - no one knows their spouse so well.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezars journal
« on: September 26, 2022, 08:26:02 PM »
There is a WOJ that Odin traded his immortality to be able to continue to operate in the mortal world, and took on the Kringle Mantle to regain immortality.

I wonder actually if Odin’s immortality went into the Kringle Mantle. It’s the kind of sneaky thing he would do. Trade in his immortality as a huge sacrifice to be rewarded with the Mantle. I think KrIngle must have a partial intellectus, he knows whether everyone has been naughty or nice I.e. he has knowledge of a persons good and bad deeds, at least over the last year. That would be consistent with the lore and  the use of intellectus in the Files. For someone in the Security Business that would be nice. He doesn’t need to vet people. If so he would have known immediately about Marcone picking up the coin. That would suggest he is keeping close to Marcone for that reason, and is doing the same now with Lara.
Or HE is the one being used.  He wants to run around Earth? "Then you have to do this job for Me"  - it's not Mab's duty to give out gifts. and then be given the intellectus to be able to do the job.

Everyone at the level of immortal is generally prohibited from living in the Mortal World the exceptions being the Queens, Ladies and Kringle (the Mothers power levels are so great they can’t without warping it). You can give it up, live in the NeverNever, or suffer Demonreach.

Immortality might not be the determining limit. It might be higher. Morgan, when Harry tries to explain intellectus, says Harry's being shot example is a bad one, because most things with intellectus are immortal - so he must know a few. We have no reason to think none are on earth. Really, are even the Queens and Kringle truly immortal? Not at Halloween! And don't we have reference to a semi-immortal shapeshifter that signed the Accords? Heck, if Odin's around, what Norse god was a shapeshifter? Loki....

Now the Erl King is an immortal but the Wild Hunt rides in the mortal world. Did he undertake Vassallage to Mab to permit this? It surprised me in Battle Ground that he was Mab’s Vassal, but there would have to be some reason why he would agree to be so bound.

Maybe the Erlking is a mantle - king of the goblins. Teh giblins are her domain, or have sworn to her for some reason.

The other free- roaming immortals are the Naagloshii, and they are tied to a particular geographical area. If they break that is it Demonreach? There are at least half a dozen in there.
Naagloshi are tough, but I don't think they are immortal. Why did it run from Joe if it was? And Morgan showed one some overwhelming power - if it survived, it seems the kind of creature that would seek revenge and get Morgan over the years.

My thought is that the Ladies Mantles were imbued with just enough power to render their wearers immortal.
  The Ladies are not immortal. We've seen them killed in Nevernever and on Demonreach.

The Angels are immortal but are again subject to restrictions.
the Makers of rules often do not have them apply to Themselves or Their agents. See- Congress. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezars journal
« on: September 26, 2022, 08:08:01 PM »
  I think Harry's ice magic is a wash frankly..  Before he was Winter Knight Harry's specialty was fire magic, he was really good a kaboom, now he as Winter Knight he has incorporated ice magic, but I think it is well with in his wheel house.  From that stand point, I don't think Harry is doing more powerful magic than he was before, just now one is cold as opposed to hot.  I also seem to remember him, I think it was in White Night putting the freeze on a bit of Lake Michigan, that was long before he was Winter Knight.

He had some ice magic before - just as he showed earth magic in the Deeps once, IIRC, and someone commented on it tired him out. Now it is effortless. He's better than he used to be - just as Summer gave Fix power. Maybe harry did not increase in danger as much as Fix did - basically the mantles maybe gave each man a rifle, but Harry already had the shotgun of fire, so he is a little better in that he has more choices.  Though ice is more a building thing than fire is... ice plus Soulfire? Might be a good shield.

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