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Messages - Morfedel

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DFRPG / Re: "I am Magneto, Master of Magnetism!"
« on: October 08, 2011, 09:03:01 PM »
I'm not aware of this thread. I'll go take a look.

DFRPG / "I am Magneto, Master of Magnetism!"
« on: October 08, 2011, 02:57:20 PM »
Considering Dresden himself is a geek, with all the comic and sci fi/fantasy references he makes, I was thinking about that in the back of my brain while making NPCs for my upcoming game.

My players are making their characters today - we did city creation last time we got together (every other Saturday). Not knowing exactly what they are making (at first, EVERYONE wanted to make a Wizard or Sorcerer; I explained to them I'm fine with that as long as they were, but not everyone was, so they went home to think about it and see if they really want to play a full group of wizards; one has decided he might want to play a warrior of god type instead, as Michael Carpenter was his favorite character in the novels, hehe)

Anyway, while I doubt we will be playing today due to character creation, who knows? So I started thinking of an emergency game where I can't take character aspects into account.  I started thinking of a renegade warlock.

Then, I thought of Molly's beginnings. And I thought of Harry's geekness.

And then a 15 year old kid who reads WAY too many comics suddenly discovers he's a Terramancer... a master of earth. But, as a kid who reads comics, it manifests as magnetism (you know, earth's magnetic field, magnets, blah blah blah), and he thinks he may be the earth's first real mutant.

And thus, he decides to name himself after his favorite comic villain. :)

Ernest Langely
Focused Practitioner - Earth
(Since I envision him as just a kid growing into his own, and is actually in his Rising Conflict Phase which may determine whether or not he turns into a good guy, a bad guy, a dead guy, or what have you, I'm not giving him a full set of aspects, skills, etc; set as a Feet in the Water PC-style character, because, who knows....)
High Concept: Deluded Teenage Terramancer
Trouble: "I am Magneto, Master of Magnetism!"
Background: "I'll show those bullies!"
Rising Conflict: (Currently in his rising conflict; giving him a temporary aspect, but will allow it to change based on how the PCs resolve the situation): ""With Great Power Comes Great Kick-Assness!!!""

Good(+3): Conviction, Discipline
Fair (+2): Alertness, Lore, Scholarship
Average (+1): Craftsmanship, Driving, Empathy

Powers: Channeling (Earth) , Ritual (Earth)
Rote: Metal Storm - used with his Helm of Magneto! - +2 shift zone-wide block, a storm of metal he rises from all around him, keeping people from being able to do much other than seek cover

Focus Item: A bit of a story item here, as he doesn't realize he's using magic, and really doesn't realize he's performing ritual magic. As such, he has one focus item (and one enchanted item) that he created basically by accident by his passion for recreating himself into his vision of magneto:
The Helm of Magneto! - +1 conviction for power, +1 control, earth magic offensive evocation (although for magnetics due to the kid's psychological focus)

Enchanted Item: Chainmail of Magneto! - Armor: 1

Beginning Refresh: 6; total after powers - 2

Appearance and Mannerisms: Ernest is awkward, lanky, and his voice is cracking. He wears glasses, has a small acne problem, and typically wears geeky clothes (such as ), although he shows promise for filling into a larger adult, currently he's the kind of kid that no one, sadly, takes seriously - until he reveals and unleashes his full power.

Ernest Langely is a lonely, bitter, angry teenager, constantly teased mercilessly at school, and with a single mother working 2 jobs, he barely sees her, and while he wouldn't admit it, is desperate for a friend. When his power suddenly starts to manifest, he imagines it is his comic books essentially coming to life, and, angry at his bullies, starts to plan his revenge.

But like many troubled teens, he isn't lost. In fact, he hasn't broken any of the laws - yet. He starts harassing his bullies, first in secret, hurling small pieces of metal to bruise, screwing up their cell phones and cars, etc, but as he has finished constructing his Magneto armor and helm, as he works up his courage and his rage, he's starting to step up the consequences of his revenge. If not stopped, he may become a full Warlock and need to be put down. Or, otherwise, perhaps saved and redirected into a more productive life?

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG for Epic Fantasy?
« on: September 03, 2011, 06:29:33 PM »
That was in Medieval Ages Dresdenverse. This is a separate world. Imagine Ganfalf in LotR, or the Lords of Thomas Covenant. They were well accepted.

In this world, there are good and evil spellcasters, much like KDDI and Sith Lords. So social controls won't be part of the setting.

Frankly, I'll probably just go with either SoF or LoA, but I threw this question in to see what people thought.

DFRPG / DFRPG for Epic Fantasy?
« on: September 03, 2011, 05:37:39 PM »
I was working on an LotR-style epic fantasy, and was thinking of using Strands of Fate or Legends of Anglerre. However, while figuring out how to do what I wanted through SoF, it suddenly occurred to me my resultant efforts looked a lot like DFRPG.

Aside from the fact that wizards are quite powerful in a world with guns (and how WOULD you balance that anyway), what other problems might you foresee?

DFRPG / Vampires Feeding on the Supernatural
« on: February 25, 2011, 06:01:27 PM »
So... Can vampires feed on supernatural creatures, or mortals only?

For example, can a BCV feed off the blood of a RCV? Can a WCV feed off of a Nixie that mistakingly used her incite emotion to attract him, not knowing what he was?

This isn't just a philosophical question, actually. I have a WCV character being played in my game, and a pack of Nixies, not knowing what this particular PC is, but wanting to separate them, is planning on using glamour to disguise themselves as college girls, get them separated, and use her incite emotion to try and lure the WCV vampire to a watery death.

Problem is, of course, their incite emotion is based off of allure, beguiling, attraction, etc. I'm not sure how to adjudicate what would happen at that point.

However, it also makes a good philosophical question for the pack at large. Then again, maybe each vampire type has a different answer depending on the prey as well....

DFRPG / Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« on: February 24, 2011, 01:10:34 PM »

DFRPG / New Characters After Campaign has Begun?
« on: January 25, 2011, 04:04:48 AM »
So, considering a couple of the aspects, at least, have guest star and guest star redux, showing some past history with the other characters, how do you introduce new characters kind of after the fact, as far as figuring out those aspects?

DFRPG / Re: Dresdenverse San Antonio
« on: January 23, 2011, 06:13:04 PM »
Ah, well, one of my players dropped. Sadly, I also had a couple applicants for the game from before I ever made this post here, so I'll need to parse out who I need to invite.

Are you two already members on the boards? If so, friend me: James Beggs is my name there :)

DFRPG / Re: Dresdenverse San Antonio
« on: January 23, 2011, 03:41:09 AM »
Will do, and thanks for the interest!

DFRPG / Re: What was your most "Harry" in-game moment?
« on: January 23, 2011, 02:18:28 AM »
I remember that the first edition of GURPS (and maybe later editions) had a flaw called Weirdness Magnet. It was defined as "the only talking dog in the universe comes to you for a cup of tea and advice on his troubled love life" or something like that.

I'd LOVE to play a character with that as an aspect. :)

EDIT: ah, I found a link with the quote from GURPS and some further commentary on Weirdness Magnet here:

DFRPG / Re: What was your most "Harry" in-game moment?
« on: January 23, 2011, 02:15:29 AM »
Zeb, our group's Century Old Out-of-Retirement Warden is consistently described and envisioned as Grand Turino Clint Eastwood who still dresses like Sam Spade.

He also has an Aspect that took us months to finally Compel and Invoke in the single encounter.... And it was totally worth it.

After a Matrixish Sword Fight on top of a Semi going down a crappy highway between our Fallen Angel Bartender and the Dog Heavy Hexenwulf Ghetto Samurai Bad Guy, the Bad Guy heads towards the Evil Artifact of DoomTM....inside Zeb's House. Zeb is waiting for him behind his house's threshold....after a near vomit-inducing flight on a Flying Hockey Stick. 

The Hexenwulf hits the Threshold like a Brick Wall and Zeb casts the Spell, invoking his Aspect with it's name....

"Get off My Lawn!" And knocks him into the abandoned Haunted House next door.

The same House later used to subdue a Lady of the Spring Court(Modelled after Oz).......

WTF kind of game is this? Fallen Angel Bartender, Dog Heavy Hexenwulf Ghetto Samurai Bad Guy, a retired warden with a serious threshold living next to a haunted house?

Man, that sounds... psychedelic, haha!

DFRPG / Re: Paging Dr. Hicks, Dr. Fred Hicks please
« on: January 22, 2011, 10:14:22 PM »
Fuego!  Pyro Fuego!  Burn you greasy rat faced bastards, burn! 

Yeah, I'd say on purpose.

And, thus, not fallout! :)

DFRPG / Re: Dresdenverse San Antonio
« on: January 22, 2011, 10:09:15 PM »
It's using, but I don't have any openings... yet. I may end up with one opening possibly, as one player hasn't been all that responsive.

But as of this moment, no openings I fear.

DFRPG / Re: Paging Dr. Hicks, Dr. Fred Hicks please
« on: January 22, 2011, 10:07:02 PM »
The building's on fire. And it was my fault.

Heh, true 'nuff. :)

DFRPG / Re: Paging Dr. Hicks, Dr. Fred Hicks please
« on: January 22, 2011, 10:06:22 PM »
Yeah, Harry totally set that building on fire and started a war with the RCV. Talk about losing control.

Was that accidental? From what I recall, it was basically on purpose.

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