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Messages - ntribley

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DF Spoilers / Re: Susicions about McCoy
« on: December 12, 2021, 01:12:34 AM »
Here’s another possibility. The events in the alternate universe book “Mirror, Mirror,” cause Dresden to know about the vote before he would have normally. Whether that actually helped him or not is debatable…

DF Spoilers / Re: How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: April 17, 2021, 08:18:49 PM »
I found it a little strange how Rudolph just seemed to disappear after his post-Murphy encounter with Dresden. I mean, he was pretty beaten up, both physically and mentally. And suddenly he’s just gone? Who helped him and why? Neither Sanya nor Butters did.

What if Rudolph’s killing Murphy was a “Mirror Mirror” action. We’ve already been given hints of things that are never explained in prior books, such as Little Chicago suddenly being fixed before Harry used it the first time. Another was that drive-by accident whose perpetrators were never explained. Butcher has already hinted that eventually Harry will break all of the Council’s laws. What if - in order to stop the alt-Harry’s antics, he has to go back in time, and changes something such that Rudolph, or possibly alt-Rudolph- doesn’t kill Murphy. When Harry returns to the present timeline, Murphy is back, having never died. Her showing up again might also derail Mab’s plan for Harry to marry Lara.

DF Spoilers / Re: Rudolph: Battlegrounds Heavy Spoilers
« on: October 01, 2020, 03:40:37 AM »
I do think we will see Murphy again-  in the BAT. If the BAT actually is the equivalent if Ragnorak, wouldn’t that mean that ALL the Einherjarin join with Odin in that final battle? Also, we may see an alternate Murphy in Mirror Mirror.

DF Spoilers / Re: *Spoilers* Bigfoot On Campus
« on: June 10, 2018, 05:04:59 AM »
The question I had after reading it was, why hasn't the love they have for each other now caused problems? It certainly did for Thomas and Justine, and how it protected Harry from Lara. To say they don't have real love yet doesn't sound right. Pounder nearly pounded Connie's Dad to death because he was hurting her. Certainly a more obvious sign of love than what Inari and Bobby had going for them.

DF Spoilers / Re: Bob's Personality, and Justin
« on: August 15, 2017, 02:51:12 AM »
I personally think that Harry's giving Bob a name has had a far greater impact on Bob's personality than even Bob realizes. We've seen the importance of names with Lash and with Uriel . (With Lash, the end result was a distinct entity apart from Lasciel. With Uriel, he expressed actual fear that Harry's nickname could actually change him.) Perhaps Bob is now also defined now as a distinct personality which he didn't have before Dresden took him. I also wonder how Harry's naming the Archive Ivy is going to affect her in the future. He constantly says, "Names have power." I just don't think he really realizes what that really means.

DF Spoilers / Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« on: August 15, 2017, 02:38:58 AM »
I think the main issue that has to be dealt with is Murphy's sense of purpose. Not only has she lost her position with SI/Chicago PD, which was what had defined her internally as well as externally, she has now caused the unmaking of one of the swords through her own actions. In the privacy of her thoughts, that has to be devastating. A few times now, the supernatural villains of the story have referred to Karrin as the "fallen cop" or the Broken one. Whether that is meant to be just a taunt or whether they see the truth of Karrin on a deeper level, I don't know. Being kicked out of SI was not her fault; she had done nothing wrong in any sense. The sword unmaking was entirely on her. First in appointing herself guardian even after Harry returned, and then of course her actions in Skin Game that caused the Sword's destruction.

As much as I could see her dying and becoming an Einharjar, I agree with those who argue that there has to be a character that tethers the story arc to the mortal world. Murphy has done that up until now. But she needs to regain a sense of purpose within the mortal world. Personally, I would love to see her go FBI, and team up with Tully. That would give her law enforcement purpose again, but on a larger scale than SI. It could also put her in a position where responsibilities would often take her away from Chicago, meaning a relationship with Harry would become harder as well.

The Murphy the Broken persona is getting real old. If nothing changes in Peace Talks, I can easily see Jim bumping her off as just one more point of pain for Harry. But if he does, the story will have completely lost its mortal moorings, which would be a real shame.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Morgana Le Fay (includes CD spoilers)
« on: December 18, 2012, 06:31:24 PM »

Morgan Le Fey (the original) is dead

Titania is very likely not Mab's sister due to the mother winter issue

the mantle remakes the person, and I dont think there is much of the original person in titania left.

I am still not convinced, despite Bob's comment to the contrary, that the mantle remakes a person.
1. Uriel in GS: "Lies. Mab cannot change who you are." and "You are a soul; you have a body."  Both are strong indicators that choice is still choice, despite the mantle.
2. A mantle is just that - something that is placed upon you. Kringle/Odin even goes so far as to say that mask=mantle as far as meaning. One can be put off or taken up. Again implying choice.
3. Mother Summer also indicated that the changes wrought by Harry's mantle can be resisted, although few do. Why should another mantle be any different?

Any change that occurred in Titania, and by extension, Harry and Molly, would be as a result of choices they made.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Proven Guilty
« on: December 14, 2012, 09:14:12 PM »
These theories make a of sense. One of the things that always bothered me about the Arctis Tor scenario was that we were really not given any good reason in the book as to why the Fetches brought Molly to Arctis Tor in the first place. The only reason given was that in her they would really be able to chow down on a fear feast, but the truth was, Molly came through that incident apparently unscathed. Sure, she found out that she'd broken one of the Laws of Magic, was nearly beheaded, became Harry's apprentice, and found she had to live with her family and finish high school. But she certainly doesn't exhibit the signs that her psyche had been shredded by the fetches. Far from it. So what were they doing with her the whole time they held her in Arctis Tor? Doesn't look like they were doing much of anything.

1 ) Harry usually has a few supporting characters in each book.  Who do you think will be the main sidekick in Cold Days and in what way will they help?  Who else will have a significant contribution to the plot?
Toot Toot and Sith

2 ) At the end of Ghost Story, Harry has said goodbye to all his friends in Chicago.

a. Who will be the first friend to find out Harry isn't dead?

Molly - Lea has been teaching her, after all, as a proxy for Harry - and with Lea's being a Winter vassal, it would seem to be a natural that Molly would know through her. Something along the lines of, "La, it's been fun, teaching you, but all this time spent with mortals is boring. Glad my time with you is finally over." Molly --"Wha, what do you mean?" "Silly girl, I was stepping in for Harry when he wasn't available to teach you. Now he is." Molly -- "WHAT?!?!?!" Harry, walking in, "Hello, Molly. Yes, it's me. And yes, it's a long story. The first thing I want to say to you, tho, is, 'I'm so sorry.'"

b. What shenanigans/snark will Harry use when he "re-appears"?
Sheridan-esque: "I was dead. I'm better now."  (Gandalf's lines, while very cool, sound too epic and important - not the snark we've come to know and love from Harry.)

c. Who will have the coolest reaction?
Murphy - I agree with others who claim it will be a cool combo of joy and anger. Hugs and punches, tears and swearing, all in the space of about 3 minutes

d. Who will have the most touching reaction?

Molly - She will stare in shock. Then break down in tears while hugging him fiercely

- In each case, remember to specify for extra credit.

3 ) In nearly every book, Harry usually comes up with a new powerup/tool/way of making things go boom.  Given that he just became the new WK, what new abilities will he rely on and which new ability will be the most useful to him during the story (and how)?
It's got to be a new host of "cold" spells. He's already used ice arrows/spears (Changes, Arianna duel). That one he will probably work with more than he has in the past. I see him perhaps using ice as a means to wall something in - either to imprison or to slow down.

4 ) Harry generally has a "Big Bad" to worry about.  In fact, according to the blurb, Harry is going after someone very specific.  Who will that enemy be, and how will Harry take him/her/it down?
The blurb says that Harry's first "assignment" is an immortal. My guess would be an old god, one that is responsible for the threat to Demonreach. My own theory about what Demonreach is the gateway for, is hell itself. Therefore, I'm thinking that Harry somehow figures out how to banish his baddie straight to Hell. Permanently.

5 ) Harry usually faces some sort of "Choice" in every book.  A point where the easy way out will cost his soul/humanity in some way. According to the blurb, this book will be no different.  What will be the most crucial "choice" Harry makes?
See my answer below to Harry's interaction with Fix. I think the choice that Harry will make will be to save Fix, even though doing so will jeopardize his chance to finish the task Mab has set for him.

6 ) As the new Winter Knight, Harry is pretty much guaranteed to encounter his Summer counterpart -- Fix.  What will their interactions be?  Will Fix survive?

Fix will be terrified. Even though he has grown in power as SK, I think he still doesn't consider himself to be anywhere near Harry's ability when it comes to magic use. I think that Harry is going to find a way to show Fix that he is still a friend. (Even though Harry was angry when Fix pulled a gun on him in that one instance, he also discovered that Fix rigged the confrontation as a way to warn him that Summer was after Harry, despite Titania's geis.) Fix will survive - and it will be because Harry saved his life.

7 ) Jim has mentioned that it's about time now to start revealing some of the motivations/dealings of the shadowy figures working behind the scenes (i.e. what Harry calls the "Black Council").  What Black Council secrets/actions will be revealed in this book?
I think we're going to see more of who on the Nevernever side of things is part of the BC. If my theory of The Demonreach gateway to Hell is correct, we're going to see more of the demonic and outsider influence, and what motives are.

8 ) There are many WAG ("Wild A$$ Guess") theories on the boards.  Write up to three WAG theories you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Cold Days.
Here's mine: the immortal Harry will be asked to kill is none other than Odin - and we know how hard/impossible that would be. Harry is going to find the real enemy, and take him out, not the one (Odin) that Mab asked him to take out.

9 ) Extra credit:  Write down any prediction about that you think might improve your final score.  Only issues aluded to within Cold Days will be counted.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 12:05:45 PM by knnn »

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