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Messages - GrandPanjandrum

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If Arianna's "spirit" got sucked into Dresden right before her physical self died, I'm thinking some of what remained of her would be manifesting either through Harry's thoughts or actions. He *does* think about going for Maeve's throat in Cold Days. But before that, and especially during Ghost Story, Harry doesn't seem to be thinking along the lines of a Red Court vamp.

That's an avenue I didn't travel down.  But, if you think about it, there are a number of occasions in Cold Days where Harry's thoughts (and even some actions) are out of character.  It's easy to associate some of them with the Winter Knight Mantle...but one in particular was somewhat out of character in that regard.  Someone points out to Harry that he is displaying an ownership of Molly.  That behavior is more reflective of the Ramps (food and satiation).  Hell, they ran the sex trade in Chicago before Marcone.  It would be nice if these sporadic unqualified thoughts of his are because of a Ramp and not the Mantle.  I guess that's wishful thinking though.

As far as Harry's thoughts in Ghost Story...he wasn't in his body at the time (not until the very end).  His spirit and soul were on walk-about while the parasite was in his physical I don't think it would apply.

Didn't the headaches predate Changes though?

There's headaches...and there's headaches.  One of those times was Mab messing with his head and stealing his blasting rod.  But this is a defined "two ice picks."  It's the first time he described it that way.

Sit back, strap in and put on a little mood music.  I suggest Trojans by Atlas Genius, because…well, the words tell the story.

“Your trojan's in my head”

Theory:  The Parasite is Arianna

1.    Failed Death Curse:  
In Changes, just before Harry serves up a whole heaping helping of “see ya,” Arianna issues her death curse by mumbling a word (a focus word) that Harry doesn’t recognize.  It was intended to exchange her body for Harry’s (just like Corpsetaker).  So, when she died, she would possess Harry’s body, and Harry would no longer exist.  But, it didn’t work.  Instead, Harry remained in his body.  He, also, gained another resident; Arianna.   The death curse failed due to one of three reasons. 

--Arianna was too weak and unfocussed to pull it off
--Harry was too stubborn, and resisted
--Lash is still in there somewhere, and resisted for Harry
It was probably a combination of all three.

She stared up at me with uncomprehending eyes, black blood staining her mouth. "Cattle.  You are c-cattle."
"Moo," I said. And I lifted my right hand.
Her eyes widened further.  She gasped a word I didn't know.

2.   Harry Blacks Out :
Also, in Changes, Harry blacked out for two minutes or so just as the blood curse is initiated.  This makes sense, because at that moment he had an Aristocratic Red Court vampire lounging in his body.  The curse attacked him because it was aimed at the entire Red Court.  Something kicked in to protect him.  It might have been something as simple as his entire body shutting down.  But, I’m betting that Lash gave him another mental block just like she did in White Night.  This, ultimately, protected Harry, Arianna and Lash from the curse, but he was down for two minutes while the curse operated.

3.   Introduction to the Parasite:

Our first knowledge of the parasite is at the end of Ghost Story.  Demonreach states that the parasite maintained the blood flow.  Well, if you require a hematologist, a Red Court vampire should be your first choice.  They know blood better than anyone.  It doesn't make sense that Mab and Demonreach should have to negotiate with Lash.  She has shown that she will labor to save Harry's life out of free will, and that was a big deal to her.  I don't think she would hold Harry's life hostage.  Arianna certainly would.

4.   Headaches:

Harry has been suffering from headaches.  In Cold Days,  Harry develops a massive headache as he is learning about the prison well on the island.  Demonreach “WARNS” it away, but not before we learn what the headache felt like.  Harry describes it as two separate ice picks digging into his skull.  He points out that this is what it always feels like.  I would better describe it as two Red Court vampire fangs digging into his skull.

5.   It Bursts Forth From Your Skull

This is a small issue, but it is reflective of a Red Court vampire.  They wear a human skin, and when agitated, they shed it like…well a skin.  Somehow, Arianna will eventually become whole within Harry.  We know they can contract their huge size to a smaller area as has been shown various times in the series.

There you have it, guys and gals.  The Parasite is Arianna.  It is a result of a botched Death Curse (as she was a sorceress).  I believe Lash is still in there, and may have preserved Harry's life twice in Changes.  Two's company...three's a crowd.

Your trojan's in my head

DF Reference Collection / Re: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« on: December 14, 2012, 05:37:38 PM »
I guess this is WAG indexed to Merlin/Demonreach

The real purpose of the Chichen Itza blood curse was to weaken the wards on Demonreach.,35729.0.html


DF Reference Collection / Re: The identity of the Mothers [CD spoilers]
« on: December 13, 2012, 12:39:24 AM »
Think you're half-right: it may be one of their lesser name, but not the big one. Old gods, like Odin, don't have the kind of power the Mothers have.

Here are some of her names (Sekhmet).

She is named Lady of the Place at the Beginning of Time, One Who Was Before the Gods Were, and Mother of All the Gods.  That might change your mind.

DF Reference Collection / Re: The identity of the Mothers [CD spoilers]
« on: December 13, 2012, 12:30:28 AM »
My personal thoughts are that the "Fates" is just another mask. 

Mother Winter = Sekhmet
Mother Summer = Hathor
Mother (combination of the two Spring & Fall) = Bastt

Hathor was created from Sekhmet (an alter-ego).  At one time, Sekhmet (who is said to be older than the gods) was all encompassing (warmth, sun, growth, procreation, healing as well as cold, pestilence, death).  When Hathor was created, Sekhmet retained the more pessimistic qualities, while Hathor became the Golden One.  Goddess of procreation, dance, growth...The Lady of the Sycamores.

Sekhmet held "The Ankh of Life"  (a magical staff).  But, then Hathor arrived, and it is logical to assume that this might have turned the "Ankh of Life" into something else (such as the "Ankh of Death"...or Blackstaff)

Sekhmet's  Kundalini (internal power) is that of a coiled serpent.  When Maeve's power materialized to transfer to Molly, it was in the form of a serpent.  Hathor is known as the "Hawk of the Sky."  When Lily's power manifested, it formed as an eagle or a large hawk before transferring to Sarissa.

Sekhmet is often depicted as a woman with a lion's head.  Bastt is pure feline and can turn into a cat (no it's not Mister...although that would be funny for Harry to learn that Mister is a goddess).  It's always pointed out that those of Faerie possess the eyes of a cat, and seem to be drawn to them.  We even saw Molly use the lesser faeries fear of cats to protect Harry in Cold Days.    In addition to all that, Mother Winter has a nice metalic set of carnivore choppers that are reminiscent of a lion...and she has no problem consuming human flesh (reflective of Sekhmet's punishment of humans over a slight to the gods and Ra).   Sekhmet is also known as the "Lady of Pestilence" and her little stash at the cottage sure reflects that as well.

Finally, Winter is balanced by Summer and vice versa.  What better way than for Summer to be Winter and vice versa because Mother Winter and Mother Summer are essensially the same person, because they are alter-egos of each other.  One was created from the other.  Also, there is a symetry in their existence. one's biting on this theory.  I'll up the stakes.

From Cold Days:
"She has spent too much time with mortals," Mother Winter continued, withered lips peeled back from iron teeth as the sparks from her cleaver's edge leapt higher.  "Mortals in their soft, controlled world.  Mortals with nothing to do but fight one another, who have forgotten why they should fear the fangs and the claws, the cold and the dark."

The most prominent story of Sekhmet is when Ra sent her to punish mortals for turning away from the Gods.  She got a little overzealous.  She took her lion form and proceeded to...well...kill and eat mortals most assuredly with fang and claw.  She was so effective that Ra had to stop her.  That is when the alter-ego Hathor was created from Sekhmet.

Also, from Cold Days:
"Don't be coy, child," Mother Summer sniffed.  "What my counterpart knows, I know..."

This, again, reflects that they share a consciousness, just as Sekhment shares her's with her alter-ego Hathor.  They are essentially the same consciousness in two different goddesses.

Again, from Cold Days:
Mother Summer's smile appeared for a moment, dazzling me, and then was gone again.  "It was not an imbecilic guess,"  she said.  "And, yes, she has been known by such names before.  But you've only guessed the name of one of her masks--not our most powerful name."
"Our?"  I said. "Wait. I'm confused."

A single name that reflects two parties is well reflected in the Sekhmet/Hathor relationship since Hathor was created out of Sekhmet to hold a portion of the original essence.

And, finally from Cold Days:
"You're telling me that this is why Mab has her power? protect the borders?"
"To protect all of you from the Outsiders, mortal."
"Then why does Titania have hers?"  I asked.
"To protect all of you from Mab."

What's remarkable here is that when Sekhmet was sent down to punish mortals (by eating them by fang and claw) it resulted in the creation of Hathor so that she would not kill them all.  Essensially, the creation of the alter-ego Hathor protected the still living mortals.  This very relationship is reflected in the Winter and Summer armies.

DF Reference Collection / Re: The identity of the Mothers [CD spoilers]
« on: December 12, 2012, 04:24:37 PM »

My personal thoughts are that the "Fates" is just another mask. 

Mother Winter = Sekhmet
Mother Summer = Hathor
Mother (combination of the two Spring & Fall) = Bastt

Hathor was created from Sekhmet (an alter-ego).  At one time, Sekhmet (who is said to be older than the gods) was all encompassing (warmth, sun, growth, procreation, healing as well as cold, pestilence, death).  When Hathor was created, Sekhmet retained the more pessimistic qualities, while Hathor became the Golden One.  Goddess of procreation, dance, growth...The Lady of the Sycamores.

Sekhmet held "The Ankh of Life"  (a magical staff).  But, then Hathor arrived, and it is logical to assume that this might have turned the "Ankh of Life" into something else (such as the "Ankh of Death"...or Blackstaff)

Sekhmet's  Kundalini (internal power) is that of a coiled serpent.  When Maeve's power materialized to transfer to Molly, it was in the form of a serpent.  Hathor is known as the "Hawk of the Sky."  When Lily's power manifested, it formed as an eagle or a large hawk before transferring to Sarissa.

Sekhmet is often depicted as a woman with a lion's head.  Bastt is pure feline and can turn into a cat (no it's not Mister...although that would be funny for Harry to learn that Mister is a goddess).  It's always pointed out that those of Faerie possess the eyes of a cat, and seem to be drawn to them.  We even saw Molly use the lesser faeries fear of cats to protect Harry in Cold Days.    In addition to all that, Mother Winter has a nice metalic set of carnivore choppers that are reminiscent of a lion...and she has no problem consuming human flesh (reflective of Sekhmet's punishment of humans over a slight to the gods and Ra).   Sekhmet is also known as the "Lady of Pestilence" and her little stash at the cottage sure reflects that as well.

Finally, Winter is balanced by Summer and vice versa.  What better way than for Summer to be Winter and vice versa because Mother Winter and Mother Summer are essensially the same person, because they are alter-egos of each other.  One was created from the other.  Also, there is a symetry in their existence. 


Here comes another wild guess:
Maybe Slate was the father. that's disturbing...but feasible.  I couldn't find my copy of Summer Knight, or I would have gone hunting for something like that myself.

I guess I should add, although it might not be important:

Allison Ann Summers, I think, was born right around Halloween.  If Winter and Summer are all about balance, then Summer would, also, want an "entity" able to effect the Outsiders.  As we don't know the particulars of her birth, there is no reason to suspect that she was to be Summer's Child of the Stars.  But... ;) it's possible.  Considering the unique things happening around that time (thinning of the thread), there's a chance that the timing is unique astrologically speaking.

This Nemesis character is getting credit for everything, and in my opinion it's not the end all be all of antagonists.  I think there's a catch for Nemesis to infect an immortal.  I think Nemesis has to strike a bargain for the infection to take:

Lea:  In Proven Guilty she points out that she got too arrogant with her power and thought she could beat the "he who stalks us all."  In other words, she welcomed Nemesis to try and take her as part of accepting the Morgana Athame.  She thought she could defeat him...but learned differently.

Maeve:  Maeve was toturous, sadisdic and viscious towards mortals (mostly) because she was envious of their free will.  She, so much, wanted what they had, and took every oppotunity to exercise her anger in that regard.  Then, she bargained with Nemesis for free will, and planned on using it to lie to Harry so that he killed Mab, and she took the throne.  Even at the very end, she accuses Mab of being envious of her free will

Aurora:   I believe Aurora initially resisted Nemesis' bargain.  However, allies of the Outsiders discovered a 'mortal' child named Allison Ann Summers (born just before Grave Peril).  Bianca and others caused the thread between Faerie and Reality to thin, allowing a misled Agatha Hagglethorn to specifically make claim on the infant.  The infant turned out to be Aurora's.  You will recall that she has a remarkable amount of mortal/changling acquaintances (brought to light in Summer Knight).  Harry was able to save Allison Ann Summers in Grave Peril, but it was a close thing.  Nemesis used this to convince Aurora to accept the infection, and her ultimate goal was for Winter to hold dominion such that she would be able to walk off into the snowy sunset with her child.

Cat-Sith:   Not knowing this character too well, it is difficult to understand what would motivate him to disavow his Queen.  However, he is the leader of an entire species.  It must be demeaning to take orders from another regent.  Especially, it must be demeaning to be ordered to take commands from Harry Dresden.  And, considering the first time we see him after the infection, he tries to kill Harry.  And, considering that he stated how much he wanted to make coasters from Harry's spine in the beginning.  I think Cat-Sith was promised the opportunity to kill Harry Dresden (an instinct) if he accepted Nemesis.  Even so, Cat-Sith resists to some extent.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Small Favor
« on: December 04, 2012, 12:27:51 AM »
Building on Knnn, here's my explanation of the whole book.


Titania was just an idiot. She send (WOJ) her minions to counter Mab's minions, and kill the winter emissary, without looking at the greater picture.

Not so much idiocy, but dysfunction.  That comment in Cold Days about Titania and Mab not talking since before Hastings comes into play.  They don't communicate AT ALL.  And, I get the impression that Mab has finally realized the weakness and vulnerablity this creates and seeks to remedy it.  Getting rid of Maeve because of her infection is one thing, but replacing her with a bundle of emotional nerves (Sarissa) seems to be an olive branch to Titania, or an invitation to open a dialogue.  Instead, Sarissa ends up in Summer, and Molly is in the role.  And, it's just as well due to her own emotional nature.  Summer is all about emotion.  Winter...pragmatism. 

It's entirely possible that Mother Winter wants it back, but can't take it back because of the balance with Summer.  Perhaps Summer had such an instrument (or something equally powerful but wonderfully different) and it was destroyed. 

That being said, when Eb bites the big one (and he will before this is all over...I'm guessing), Harry will want to grab that blackstaff so he can serve up a rather potent bargaining chip for whatever purpose.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:30:55 PM »
  Regardless of whether it was wiped by the bargain I think it would be redundant at this point.  Anything she could have asked him to do as a favor she can ask him to do as the WInter Knight, and then some.  And she has no limit to them now.

Nah...not redundant, because you will recall there was an addendum attached to that third owed favor.  Harry had the right to refuse.  I would think that would eventually become important since that favor precedes his role as Winter Knight...or not.

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