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Topics - cptnspldng

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Some exposition I may have missed.
« on: October 31, 2018, 01:18:30 AM »
OK, I have read and/or listened to all the books and attendant short stories and novellas and I feel that I may have missed a particular plot point OR has our author still been holding out on us?

We 'know' because Harry has told us that Justin DuMorne was rendered into a crispy critter at the hands of Harry Dresden because he has informed us of the fact many times. We 'know' that Elaine was also presumed dead in the same conflagration. WHERE in all the books have we been presented with a detailed retelling of these events (a la the detailed remembrances of "Ghost Story") of Harry's fatal confrontation with his mentor?

Did I read it and just shunt the details aside in order to get on with the immediate peril in whatever story these details were presented in? If JB is still withholding relevant details from us, fine. We'll get the straight poop from him when he deigns to release the info and not before, but if I have truly missed the detailed retelling, please direct me to the appropriate tome.

In the first person storytelling mode we're experiencing, it makes sense that Harry is reluctant to divulge every detail of his last confrontation with his ward and mentor but when can we expect to see it? Is this the big choice that Harry makes in the "Mirror, Mirror" book? To follow Justin down the left hand path? Or later to succumb to the wolf belt in "Fool Moon?"

Now I'm branching off into other secenarios and I'm losing my original point. Harry vs. Justin, the final battle. Have we seen any detailed recounting of the events or are we all taking Harry's second hand word for the account of the events?

Your input would be appreciated.

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