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Messages - mcjanie

Pages: [1]
Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Phoenix ComiCon - June 5-8
« on: May 01, 2014, 06:29:44 AM »
Thank you, Lee!  The update is much appreciated, as is your scrapping for room assignments with the other departments. Just bought the full membership and am really looking forward to the author panels that are shaping up (Scott Lynch too? squeee!). Really great work on the con this year, thank you so much. You guys keep exceeding all reasonable expectations, and should be very proud of yourselves. See you all at the Jim show!

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Phoenix ComiCon - June 5-8
« on: April 26, 2014, 05:49:58 AM »
Thanks, all, for your kind replies!  The ticket prices are staggered to go up this year the closer it gets, and I want to pull the trigger by 4/30 on which days I am going. But now they seem to have backtracked on the scheduling that had been listed for the author panels - several have disappeared, and most of the rest say "date/time TBA."  Sad face!!

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Phoenix ComiCon - June 5-8
« on: April 21, 2014, 02:56:14 AM »
Hi all. Joined this forum just to ask for advice on this very topic.  How crowded do Jim's panels tend to get?  I'm considering my first "real" con attendance at this year's event in Phoenix, and it's because of several of the authors who are coming (Jim B. and Scott L. being top of the growing list -- very nice work, Mr. Whiteside!).  And by real con attendance, I mean taking off work (gasp) and going for myself to attend panels, not just taking my young son to show off his Joker costume on Sunday in the exhibition hall (we live in Phx).  But I'm dithering because I worry about taking leave time, finding a babysitter, and getting myself down there, only to get shut out of the popular author panels by other fans who have a much higher tolerance for and ability to get someplace early and camp out until the panel they want to see comes on. Is it not worth coming if I'm not willing to do the hardcore queuing thing?  What has your experience been in getting in to see Jim's panels at cons in other large cities?  Thanks for any advice you may have, including that I must not be a real fan if I feel the need to ask this question -- that will be most of an answer in and of itself.

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