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Messages - arianne

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Author Craft / Re: San Francisco sci-fi...location help needed!!
« on: May 21, 2011, 10:58:17 AM »
Funny how you never see the fog in Hollywood movies on San F ;D

And, um, when you say FOGGY, do you mean, "Jim, I can't see my fingers in front of my face?" or more like, "There is a mist about your person?"

I'm worried that the weather conditions might not be as good as I thought it was (grrr Hollywood for misleading me). Most of the action in the book happens at night, though, so maybe by then things will have cleared up and it will merely be a little chilly and a little misty?

Author Craft / Re: Killing Characters
« on: May 11, 2011, 01:25:14 PM »
That's extreme, but I do think that the author should always leave an opening in their writing that vaguely hints this person might not be around, or establishes that fatal flaw in gentle ways through out.

I don't know about that; seems to me it might be a bit too easy to fall into the trap where the author basically waves a big flag saying "She is going to die" at the reader ;D

I once read a book where the author obviously knew that one of characters was going to die, so he made her such a good character that I'm sure most readers went "oh, good, she's gone" when he finally dealt the blow.

Death is usually (especially in fantasy or sci-fi terms) somewhat unexpected and shocking, so I don't think that foreshadowing the death is really all that necessary. I mean, when there's a big baddie out there all set to destroy the world, will readers find it unbelievable that said baddie killed one of the characters?

Author Craft / Re: Killing Characters
« on: May 10, 2011, 07:34:19 AM »
I'm kind of struggling with the concept of character death in my plot right here's how far I've gotten in my own thought process:

*presumably if you're using death as a “plot device”, such as to show the ruthlessness of the evil guy, or to make the hero do deeds he would otherwise not do, it is better to kill off an important side character (aka Dumbledore) rather than a main character (aka Ron). I know some of the people who have commented above have talked about the possiblity of alienating readers by killing off a loved character, but I can't really think of anyone who went, okay, that's it, no more Harry Potter for me, Dumbledore's dead.

*this is really unprofessional, but I'm torn by the thought of killing my characters *wail*

*but yet it feels like in a huge huge war that takes out half the world, SOME of the characters should at least be maimed. I mean, no matter how good they are, you can't be alert and lucky and all that FOREVER. Of course, there is plenty of internal strife to be found, but death does give more ”shock” when making the point :D

Author Craft / Re: Fighting with keys--how would it work?
« on: May 04, 2011, 02:27:12 AM »
The thing (for me), is that I think in real life when most people fight, it's kind of like a blur of events, and you never really remember much when it's over. Some people talk about how they have a laserlike focus in the moment of the fight, but I was wondering how possible that was?

Humans kind of need to absorb actions, and then mull it over for a bit before performing counteractions--exceptions being like when you touch a hot pot and your hand jumps back without your having to think about it. But that's more about removing yourself from harm, and less about attacking someone, which does require a certain amount of brain work.

And yes, very neatly put "How to kill someone 101", Breandan!! ;D

Author Craft / Re: Undead Madness
« on: May 04, 2011, 02:22:39 AM »
Why is it that humans have this thing for crazy dead beings??? :)

Author Craft / Re: Undead Madness
« on: May 01, 2011, 09:03:30 AM »
I was thinking about why "undead" beings are so popular, and I thought maybe it has something to do with the fact that people feel hopeful about having an afterlife (even as a blood sucking beast with horribly messy hair) and being able to still feel emotions and connect with others. But what's the point in being undead when you might as well be alive, since apparently breathing, thinking, and feeling emotion aren't problems???

Zombies, though, do not fit that profile at ALL. I can't think of any reason why someone would want to be a zombie, or be with a zombie.

Thanks for the bleach. But no amount of anything is going to get horrible zombie porn images out of my head....

Author Craft / Re: San Francisco sci-fi...location help needed!!
« on: May 01, 2011, 06:28:58 AM »
Cool. Would love to see it!

Wonder if the owners would mind me "borrowing" their house? ;D

Author Craft / Re: Undead Madness
« on: May 01, 2011, 06:28:08 AM »
+1 seriously ewwwed out person :D

Author Craft / Re: San Francisco sci-fi...location help needed!!
« on: April 25, 2011, 03:33:49 PM »
Ah. Google maps. Street view.

I think I'm in love ;D

Author Craft / Re: Undead Madness
« on: April 25, 2011, 03:32:14 PM »
I was discussing this with a pal the other day...undead beings.

Okay, we were discussing ONE undead being, aka the main guy of a certain paranormal romance that has been made into four movies starring...*ahem* some people girls scream and die over. (You know who it is ;D)

I was kind of skeptic over the whole vampire thing, and I went like, how is it possible for a dead guy to walk around, drink blood (where does the blood GO? He doesn't have a heart to pump it anywhere!! he doesn't have a working stomach to digest the stuff!! WHAT???), and--this is the big haha moment--have kids???? With another human!!!!

Keep in mind that a vampire is DEAD. Not breathing. Eating (apart from blood).

Just a mini-vent. Sorry.  :) The whole vampire sensation sweeping the nation kind of bugs me. I don't see the beauty of loving someone who's dead.

Author Craft / Re: Fighting with keys--how would it work?
« on: April 25, 2011, 03:25:44 PM »
I'm imagining what a guy swinging a bunch of keys would look like in a fight...and it looks kind of tough and I'm actually liking it! ;D

Of course, it's not as cool as, say, throwing a fireball (nudge nudge Harry Dresden), but hey, whatever you've got...

Author Craft / Re: San Francisco sci-fi...location help needed!!
« on: April 18, 2011, 12:59:21 PM »
I was just wondering, is it bad to set a story in a place you've never been to? And then I remembered that when JB set Harry Dresden down in Storm Front, he had never been to Chicago... ;D

Just curious though, is San Fran (in your minds, as people who have actually been there) an ideal spot atmosphere-wise for SF/fantasy, creepy-crawlies etc?

In my mind San Francisco is always dark, and the only thing you can see is the HUGE bridge and tons and tons of lights from the city buildings.  :)

Not very accurate, I know. Seeing as how it's not always dark and all. (duh, Muse).

Author Craft / Re: San Francisco sci-fi...location help needed!!
« on: April 17, 2011, 07:21:11 AM »
Yeah, Muse, you hear that? NO STATELY HOUSES AVALIABLE!!!!

*Muse sighs*

Oh, well, it was a nice image while it lasted ;D

Back to the weather--does this mean that it rains more in the morning and afternoons and less so at night? (You know, if one were to base one's knowledge of San Fran on films and movies, one would believe that it NEVER rains in SF, except when the broken-hearted guy is walking--in slow motion--back home from his (ex) girfriend's house LOL)

Author Craft / Re: San Francisco sci-fi...location help needed!!
« on: April 16, 2011, 06:28:08 AM »
As always, I am AMAZED by the great, detailed replies I get here.  ;D Thank you all sooo much!!!

Unfortunately road trip is out of the question as I live on the other side of the globe. So unless I win the lottery or something, I'm not going to be able to get out there anytime soon! :(

Just wanted to Richmond the type of place where you are likely to have a house that has no other house around it for at least a few miles? In my mind's eye I'm thinking of a house kind of halfway up a hill, and it's a big, "stately" sort of place that might be able to pass for a mini castle, or maybe a private school, something like that?

And about the weather...Quantus mentioned "cold fog every morning". Is it like early morning, five am fog, or like real morning fog that lasts until nine or ten in the morning? And does the fog mean that it tends to rain a lot too?

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Author Craft / San Francisco sci-fi...location help needed!!
« on: April 12, 2011, 04:06:53 PM »
So...I'm working on a sci-fi tale at the moment, and it's set in San Francisco (why set it in a city I have never been to? No idea. But Muse says San Francisco, and when Muse talks, I do ;D)

I'm hoping that someone who lives in the city or has been there many times can help me out with this. My questions are:

1) which area of San Fran would clubs (night clubs) be likely to be located in?

2) which is an area where the poorer people live (one of the characters is unemployed, where would he be likely to live?)

3) which is an area that you would NEVER walk through after dark, even if someone PAID you, because chances are you would get mugged. And re-mugged. And maybe mugged some more. Like rough neighborhoods are what I'm after.

4) which is a more suburban-y place where you see nice houses with four floors and an attic, and a nice front yard, and driveway and all. I'm hoping for somewhere slightly secluded, too. Don't worry about the price range--the characters are rich, they can afford it :D

5) a nice coffee shop that most people would know and go to (and please not $tarbucks. Please)

6) a mall or shopping area located close to the place where the poorer people live (I know, why would someone build a mall near people who don't have the cash to buy stuff? But just close-ish would be good enough. Maybe biking distance?)

7) and, not really a location question, more of a culture question--is Wiccan/magic type of stuff widely accepted in San Francisco?

I know that's a lot of questions!! It would be cool if you could answer just one; you don't have to answer all of them in one go!!

Deepest thanks in advance to anyone who can help ^^

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