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Messages - srl51676

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DFRPG / Re: Spokane Game.
« on: March 23, 2010, 07:35:54 AM »
London Blow is the name of the place in the book Neverwhere it has its own RPG but I have never played it. the web site for it has some great ideas for city creation though

check out this link

DFRPG / Re: Question/Thought about sponsored magic
« on: March 23, 2010, 07:32:34 AM »
it would all depend on the source of power and the nature of the character. I would say humans not protected by a patron who is a signatory of the accords are by default under the preview of the council. If for no other reason than no one is going to stop the wardens and they see it as their duty. As there is not "Spirit" of the accords anyone not specifically protected is fair game to any power willing to attempt to exert control. If lucifer in your game is a signatory, which he must be the guy loves a contract, then any agent of his "mortal" or otherwise would be outside of the wardens jurisdiction in their law enforcement capacity. This does not mean that if you are messing with mortals they would not drop the heavy end of the hammer on you in their capacity as protectors of humanity just like they would a rouge demon or a rampaging troll. The cops do not arrest rabid dogs when they attack they just shoot them.

DFRPG / Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« on: March 23, 2010, 02:14:28 AM »
heheh yeah spelling has never been my strong suit. As you may have noticed I started this thread and misspelled weird (in my defense I before E except after C).  However now that you mention it a scion of "Flat Land" would be interesting for those of you not hardcore nerd enough to get the ref check out this link. To a book my 5th grade math teacher read to us in class. (Thanks Mr. Frankovitch)

or check out this video of the concept behind it

However this might be pushing the weird character envelope a bit.  ;D

DFRPG / Re: "Put them on the Clock"
« on: March 22, 2010, 06:28:25 AM »
This is a really great idea and it got me thinking what about using scaled real time to cover longer term impending doom. for example you have 24 hours to find the little girl or she runs out of air this game session last 4 hour if you have not found her by the time we break for the week she dies and you have to deal with the consequences. I would not break it into hard 1hr-6hrs but the last real time hour could get fairly tense.

DFRPG / Re: Time line
« on: March 22, 2010, 06:20:52 AM »
Ok thanks a lot for all the quick responses. I will go with the publication dates since they should get me within a year which is good enough. I can start my game in early 2008 that gives me two years of real world events to work with including the election and give me time to allow for the increased power of the former PCs (now NPCs) from the modern game I ran in the Dresden verse D20 Modern game that was set in early 2001.

Wait just had a thought might back up a to 2002 so that I can use the start of the War with the reds as a back drop. I like the idea of "some guy that you have barely heard of did something you know nothing about so now a bunch of vampires have declared open season on you" Might be fun have to think about it.

DFRPG / Time line
« on: March 22, 2010, 04:52:23 AM »
Hey I am working on getting an adventure written for my group to play ASAP after I get my virtual hands on the PDF from the Pre-order. I plan on working in both real world and Dresden files events as background to add to the realism of the adventure but to do this I need to figure out when Billy in writing the books. I have searched the web page but I can't find/remeber what books have taken place by the time the RPG is set. my goal is to try and put a year on the RPG setting so I can merge it with a real world time line.  Please help

DFRPG / Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« on: March 21, 2010, 10:27:45 PM »
We have also been planing on a Scion of an Angle using the Changeling rules. I see no reason why they should not have the same choice as everyone else. For example when Harry looks at Kincaid with his Sight he sees "he appears as an enormous horned, bat-winged entity carrying a corpse (his appearance on the outside) chained to him." As I see it this represents Kincaid's Human half i.e. his free will restraining his demonic nature. too me this seems like a strong representation of his Choice.   

DFRPG / Re: March 23 preview
« on: March 21, 2010, 09:14:52 PM »
Stop previewing the previews the anticipation for the game itself is bad enough. any more build up is going to give me a nervous tick or something.

DFRPG / Re: Spokane Game.
« on: March 20, 2010, 02:11:42 AM »
As far as Native Americans I am still doing research on the Spokane Salish Tribe and their legends/religion I found this site but I have not had a chance to read much yet I may also try to read some of the books by Sherman Alexie, famous Spokane Indian author, or at least watch his movie Smoke Signals to get a feel for the modern community here.

As to the homeless idea I have a PC/NPC idea for "The Duke of Undertown" he is a human taken as a child and raised in the summer court who gave up his wealth and position there to avoid participation in acts that would harm mortals and was cursed to live in madness and poverty. He would have the Spirited Away and Magical McGyver aspects from the aspect thread and act as a sort of homeless Godfather who lives in a pocket of the Nevernever that resembles Giaman's London Blow or Green's Nightside. depending on the power level her would also be a Council class wizard. 

DFRPG / Playing catch-up
« on: March 19, 2010, 06:43:07 AM »
Hey I am very excited about the up coming DFRPG and I have really been enjoying all the post here on the forum and sharing ideas with all of you. Now I am getting chomping at the bit to get my hands on the game and it is driving me a bit nuts. I am looking for more meaty teasers about the system that I can't get of infer from reading the Spirit of the Century book I picked up on line. where is a good place to find info about the mechanics of the game. I would love any links to good forum threads or blog posts to speed up my search as my 2 year old, who is obsessed with my computer, give me limited time to do the research myself.

Thanks for what ever you can point me too

DFRPG / Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« on: March 16, 2010, 06:43:05 AM »
I am working on a character idea and wanted some feed back.
He would be a changeling or focused practitioner who was raised with a knowledge of the supernatural and trained in power but walked away from it to become a cop. Why depends on the choice of Changeling or Practitioner. He is dragged back in when he is banished to the local SI unit where he is forced to confront the magical world and develop his powers. Imagine harry escaping Justin and in order to avoid the doom joins the cops or the army and swears off magic. Or Rudolph being forced to use forgotten power to save Murphy from Kravos or MacFinn. He is intended for a waist deep game. does this sound workable?

DFRPG / Re: Spokane Game.
« on: March 16, 2010, 06:40:49 AM »
"Maybe he's the leader of the schismatic church here in town, leading people away from the supernatural"
that's not a bad idea but its the the reverse of the story. the Schismatic church has broken away because they want to keep to the pre 1950's traditions so they would be more likely to believe in the supernatural while the "Mainstream" church is "modernizing" treating the supernatural as a metaphor in order to keep up with the times and stay relevant.
This is only important if you want to maintain the realism as the above story is true. there is no reason one could not take artistic license and change it however. of course this would mean a mainstream catholic church that is arming its people against the supernatural. This would be a much more potent foe. I get the impression that Father Forthhill and Michael are the exception in "the Church" and not the rule. If you did make this change I would change the Denarian that is being used Ursiel is a thug not really predisposed to such a long term plan. for this I would select a new fallen angel  from this very handy list I found.
"I also like that you didn't fall into the trap of "Lets do it all"" Thanks I agree I figure the Reds are busy the Blacks are too rare and despite the interesting work being done by fans on this site I think I want to let Butcher handle the Jade. Fairies tend to come and go and I don't think Spokane is big enough to merit regular intervention buy the White or Black Councils. I was thinking about a local White Council for Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming that would meet in the Masonic Temple downtown on a seasonal basis perhaps with a yearly visit from Listens to Winds as an inspection tour. There should also be a local warden presence of one or two wardens ( all that can be spared) to cover the region and try and keep folks on the straight and narrow. I figure one lower power and semi retired and the other very young and green

DFRPG / Re: Spokane Game.
« on: March 15, 2010, 05:35:58 PM »
The name of the Place is Dempsey's Brass Rail. This would make a great real world location. Envy was created by my roommate for his up coming game and is designed to be a lot more underground than the very public Dempsey's. By total coincidence it turns out to be a real Tapas Lounge here in town as well.  However at your sugestion I think we will add Dempsey's to the list. The WC is a large organization with its fingers in a lot of pies.

Again great idea

Another thought the WC might also be the new owners of the Davenport.

DFRPG / Re: Spokane Game.
« on: March 15, 2010, 06:26:09 AM »
Along with the Map I posted here is something else I am working on for my current group. it is a list of real and fictional NPCs or possible PCs for the Spokane area. Anything not underlined is true to the best of my knowledge. Much of the underlined text has been brought over from a D20 modern game based in the Dresden universe that I ran a few years back feel free to use some, all or none of this in your own games. I am a social studies teacher in real life so I enjoy doing the research and the sense of "realism" it brings to the game. Also if you add to it I would love to see what you are creating. Sorry the formatting of the list did not translate well.

Use of the list
1.   Underlined names, titles, organizations and information are fictional
City Government
•   Mayor: Mary Vernor
•   City Council
o   Joe Shogan
o   Amber Waldref
o   Jon Snyder
o   Bob Apple
o   Steve Corker
o   Nancy McLaughlin
o   Richard Rush
•   Spokane Police Dept.
o   Chief: Anne Kirkpatrick
o   Special Investigations
    Lieutenant: Raymond L. Harris (Chest Deep)
   Sergeant: Melissa G. Evans (Chest Deep)
   Detectives
•   Rodney N. Conner (Feet Wet)
•   John A. Perry (Waist Deep)

•   Spokane County Sheriff
o   Sheriff: Ozzie Knezovich

The Press
•   Sara Leaming (Feet Wet)
o   a reporter for The Spokesman-Review in the Local news department. She reports on breaking news at night, and general assignments.
•   Meghann Cuniff (Feet Wet)
o   a reporter for The Spokesman-Review in the Local news department. She covers police and fire agencies in Eastern Washington and North Idaho.
•   Kristi Gorenson (Chest Deep)
o   a fill-in anchor and reporter for KREM 2 NEWS
o   Live in girlfriend of Kenneth Kaplan Raith

Wild Hunt Motorcycle Club: A Motorcycle Club made up of lycanthropes and classic werewolves
•   Alpha Male: Ulric "Ric" Hunter (Lycanthrope)
•   Priest of Diana Godess of the Hunt : Uday "Rabbit" Rashid (Classic Werewolf)

Hell's Angel's Motorcycle
•   Leader: Paul "Cain" Foster
o   Joined the Hell's Angels in 2001 by luring his brother Michael, who had fraudulently claimed to already be a member, into an ambush at a party.
o   Member of The Order of the Blackened Denarius and Barer of the Fallen Ursiel

The Marks family
•   Grover Marks (?-1997) Haunts City Hall
•   Jimmy Marks (Feb. 14, 1945- June 27, 2007)
•   Patriarch: Tommy Marks (Chest Deep)

•   Catholic Archdiocese
o   Bishop: Most Reverend William S. Skylstad
•   St. John's Cathedral (Episcopal Cathedral)
o   Right Reverend James E. Waggoner, Jr (Feet Wet)
o   Reverend John Hay (chest deep)
   very active retired priest
   leads the weekly Wednesday 10am Eucharist in All Saints Chapel, and the weekly Wednesday 10:45am Bible Study.
   served in the Pacific Theater of WWII where he faced the Jade Court vampires
   is active in the battle against the White Court in Spokane, advocates for the closure of Club Envy.

•   Mount St. Michael Compound: A schismatic "traditional" Catholic monastery separated from modern Catholic Church after changes made at the Second Vatican Council in 1965. When alterations were made to the dogma and practice of Catholicism including a quiet turning away from a literal belief in the supernatural.
Business Community

•   Merlyn's
o   Owner: John Waite (Feet Wet)
•   Club Envy: A night club owned and operated by the White Court of Vampires. Located beneath the Ridpath Hotel.
•   Owner/Manager: Margaret Raith
•   Secretary: Gwenneth Wright
•   HR/PR/Marketing: Kenneth Kaplan-Raith

DFRPG / Re: Spokane Game.
« on: March 15, 2010, 06:05:57 AM »
"It simply doesn't make sense given the nature and members of the accords. It's holy ground, thus innately hostile or at least disadvantages for certain members of the accords."

All the more reason they would agree to neutrality. a place hostile to them were they can not be forced into a fight. but I can go either way.

There is some interesting stuff going on in Spokane history that can be very useful to a DFRPG game. Most of it can be found with very little effort on the net. I really like the idea of the city being a patchwork of different geographic influences. It creates a magical terrain that can be used to ones advantage in much the same way a solider would use physical terrain to provide cover or gain a tactical advantage. For example If I am a water mage I might try to lure my foe onto one of the bridges in order to invoke the locations aspect and gain the upper hand.

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