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Topics - Guldor

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DFRPG / Why are zombies a violation of the fifth law ?
« on: September 21, 2011, 08:08:41 AM »
We now start a new gaming group (with people I play with like forever) and one of them will play an ectomancer. I already told him that Necromancy would bring up the White Council and that he already met a warden, which told him very clearly what he is allowed to do and what not. All three players don`t know the books (and only one the TV series) and so I have to explain a lot of the Dresdenverse to them. But they are unbiased, so that will be a big merit.
When we made characters the ectomancer player was already rambling about creating undead and stuff like that and I think this might be great thing to see were this may lead storywise. But I have big problems fpr myself to define, where the borders of true necromancy are. As I understand it, it is forbidden, to contact or summon unwilling dead. Ok so far. Ghost are something entirely different because they are only imprints of the dead.
So my first question: Is it black magic if you summon and bind a ghost as some kind of bodyguard or fighter. In OW the spirit warrior (donīt remimber the right term for them right now) is described as normally used by necromancers. Might be cruel to use ghosts that way but is it really a violation of the law? And if it is not I would still like to stain the ectomancer when he would doing it the whole time. There might be no soul but like faeries ghosts have more or less real feeling and if you force them to "die" for you is quite not very friendly.
My second question: Why is it a violation of the fith law to create zombies. Same as for ghost warriors: It is sick like hell perhabs but you use long dead bodies and bind some random spirit to it (By the way it is never explained what these spirits are) and then you have some kind of construct. And building constructs is normally no problem as I see it. Or are you summoning the real dead soul of the former body owner? Or are you using the might of the death of that person? Then perhaps I would understand the problem....

In my gaming group is a halfdryad. Would she be able to shift into the nevernever in a group of trees? The same question would occur to me with an red court infected or other half supernatural beings. Perhaps you could make it an 1 point power to be able to shift at attuned places, which isnīt necessary anymore if you become a true fae ao whatsoever....

DFRPG / Stronger Aspects?
« on: August 02, 2011, 09:50:41 AM »
Itīs me again with another annoying rule vs. "reality" question.  ;)

All aspects grant a +2 bonus to your roles. Iīm ok with that. But sometimes this just doesnīt fit. For example: You have a Fire evocation wizard standing a the edge of an active volcano. He ist fighting some bad guys. One scence aspect is "Molten lava" and the wizard wants to tap the power of the volcano (maybe not the whole :D) to burn them to ashes. In my opinion a simple +2 bonus for a frigging volcano is really not strong enough. How would you handle this?

DFRPG / Question about evocation maneuver
« on: July 27, 2011, 08:54:21 PM »
Something which is stuck in my head, since i read the spellcasting rules and especially the maneuver part of the evocation chapter. The thing is, i directly thought about setting someone on fire so he gets the aspect (what a surprise) ON FIRE. Until now no big deal you would assume. You set the powerlevel, you roll your discipline and the victim gets a roll to avoid his crispy fate. But in this special case (the most other scenarios concerning magic maneuvers my fantasy produces arenīt problematic to simulate with the rules) has two big problems for me:

1) What roll does the victim get? If you imagine a fiery bolt which is shot by the mage it is of course athletics, but what is if you imagine the mage simply "wishes" his victim to catch fire. Maybe this is something which is simply some kind of background knowledge gap i possess and it is simply not possible to cast this way.

But more important: 2) Of course given that the victim of this magic maneuver fails his roll he is ON FIRE. So you can use the maneuver or can even compel the burning guy. But thats it? Hey! They guy is on fire! Shouldnīt he get at least some physical stress? How would you handle this situation?

Thanks for reading and perhaps posting your thoughts....

DFRPG / Balancing of Powers
« on: July 26, 2011, 12:54:59 PM »
Hi there!

I`m new to this board and from Germany, so please excuse any misspellings or bad grammar.

Now to my problem or question as you like:

Don`t you think that the supernatural speed powers are a little bit weak? Sure the athletic bonus rocks and since this skill can be widely used it can also be used for a lot of maneuvers etc. But I would think that the comparable powers like supernatural strength or endurance are "better" especially if it comes to fighting. Wouldn`t it seem logical to you if the three speed powers would grant a +1/+2/+3 (inhuman/supernatural/mythic) to unarmed and weapon fighting like some kind of complement action? To me it seems that it would be much more difficult to dodge or parry a much faster opponent. Of course then speed would be a little bit too strong for me. Has somebody thought also about this and if, have you got any good solutions for this problem.


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