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Topics - Surfmonkey01

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Need 2 epic NPC statted.... HELP
« on: October 27, 2010, 01:50:29 AM »
In my campaign, the guys have made some powerful enemies.  Now that we near a major milestone, I need to stat 2 of them out.  I need some help, though, I'm having a hard time deciding how to do them.  They are Puck - I think we all know him, and Agarash - a middle range dragon with a serious chip on his shoulder.  Anyone got any help they can give me with these guys?

DFRPG / Statting a Denarian
« on: August 30, 2010, 07:29:20 PM »
So part of my current storyline calls for a Denarian... However, I'm a little fuzzy on actually building one. Anyone already done so?  How's it work?

DFRPG / That music is evil... Story idea that needs some refinement
« on: August 20, 2010, 12:47:37 PM »
My group is starting our game next week.  We did chargen last night, and we are all pumped to start.  For our first game, I plan on using a plot nugget I saw in another forum a few weeks back... A Rock Band that has somehow developed Oracular abilities.  1 in every 7 of their songs come true.  The problem is this: I'm not sure of the reason why this has happened, but even more importantly than that, I haven't been able to decide on a band.  I want it to be a real one, whose actual songs I can play during the game as their lyrics start coming true.  I just can't decide whose songs and lyrics to use... Anyone got any suggestions?

Oh, our game is set in the Cleveland area, and the supernatural is just beginning to rise to prominence.  Their are representatives of most of the major groups somewhere in the area, but no one has really risen to any great power yet.

DFRPG / Help me make this baddie
« on: July 30, 2010, 08:20:45 PM »
My group and I are getting ready to undertake a Dresden Files game. We haven't met for chargen yet, but I know some of e broad basics, and want to design an antagonist that will stand out some. I know the game is going to be set in Cleveland, and that they are going to make modified fantasy versions of themselves. Seeing as how we are gamers, they want one of our main locations to be a comic/gaming store... So we'll have a running theme of "imagination" going...

Through some device I haven't decided on yet, I want to have Victor Von Doom brought into their world. But not the older Dr. Doom version. Instead, I want the younger, college-aged, pre-scarring, more-magic-than-technology Von Doom. I can have a lot of fun with that, if the ideas I'm nursing pan out. However, seeing as how he's the first FATE character I've ever come up with, I need help generating him. So, whatcha think? What should his abilities be? His Aspects? Is this even a cool idea?

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