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Messages - kytheros

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I think a better question is... With the Winter Mantle, is Harry now part Fae? We don't know if it bestows longevity on the wielder, but it does give them a faes' weakness to iron/steel - see Harry & Fix getting hit with nails and losing their respective bonuses from Summer & Winter.
I'm unconvinced that they're inherently any more vulnerable to iron/steel than before the Mantles. My read on it was more that the iron blocked the Fae power from doing anything for them, thus dropping them back to where they'd be without the Mantle, which is a sudden shock to the system, especially the longer and more dependent/used the Mantle has been.
I suspect that the situation is more akin to that of Odin/Kringle - While actively wearing the Fae-origin Mantle, they've got Fae weaknesses and limits, but if they were to somehow learn how to not be actively wearing the Mantle while still possessing it, they would not have those weaknesses and limits.

Odin/Kringle is treated as Fae (for most purposes) while he has the Kringle Mantle active, but when he shuts it down to switch over to Odin, he is no longer treated as Fae, but he is always treated as Aesir.

I think an analogy would be ... psychoactive skins (from D&D3.xe, psionics) - you can have more than one on your skin, but only one is active/primary at a time. With mantles, you can have more than one, but only one is active/primary at a time, though with mantles you probably get some passive benefits for mantles that aren't currently active/primary.

As for Harry's longevity ... I doubt we'll ever see it, although Fix's predecessor (?Raoul?) was pretty old but apparently sufficiently fit that he could probably have beaten Slate had he not been bushwhacked. The Fae Knighthood Mantles may well increase longevity, but Harry's already a wizard - and a powerful one - so his natural lifespan was already substantially greater than his probable life expectancy (let's face it, he's never gonna be able to afford life insurance). I suspect that the Knighthood Mantles help keep their bearers physically fit and able longer, even if they don't actively extend lifespan, plus the whole gaining Fae magic may also have an effect similar to that of humans having magic, although that is purely speculative.
Most Knights are generally interchangeable/readily replaced, however, so I'm uncertain as to whether or not the Fae would care to invest the power to actively boost the Knights' lifespans beyond the passive effects inherent in enhanced physical fitness and health plus the magic channeling aspects. Besides, Knights aren't likely to die of old age anyways, and are probably fairly likely to die fairly young while in combat with someone or something.

Bob's personality isnt truly his, its  reflection of his owner.  Compare that to the archive ; who has a different but much larger database.

then you go up the scale to what Mab 'knows' ..

I dont think weve seen enough of the WK mantle yet to tell what information it has accesss too so whether or not its 'more advanced' then Bob is open. The Archive is very likely so; Mab's mantle almost certainly so
I think it depends on what you're meaning by "more advanced" - if you mean "more power, more abilities, more capabilities, etc", then the Archive and the Mantle of the Winter Queen are "more advanced" than Bob.
If by "more advanced" we're speaking of self-awareness and active intelligence ... I don't think we can say that Mantles are "more advanced" than Bob. Bob is an independent entity (technically). A Mantle exists within a person, and from what we know, while it shapes a person and adds 'instincts' and preprogrammed responses to a variety of stimuli ... but it isn't sentient, it isn't self-aware (or if it is, it is barely so).
Also, I don't think I'd call The Archive a Mantle in the same sense that the Winter Knighthood or Ladyship is.

and i think youre over simplyfing things a bit:

the mantles likely have more then one purpose. (mab's for example probably does waaay more then just make her logical.)

the WK, along with making a violent idiot, also has very strong reporductive instincts wired into it where sidhe ladies are concerned.

and I doubt the 'warden of DR' is a mantle at all, frankly. A 'mantle' is in essence, i suspect, a more advanced bob. a programmed knowledge system that can be passed from host to host; some are likely far more advanced then others. While harry gains some information from sharing DR's knowledge, there doesnt seem to be any instinctive programming built into it.

what i believe Mother Summer was saying is that the mantles learn from each bearer, and Harry can choose to change his in some ways if he has enough will.

the WK mantle may be a violent idiot now, but wanna bet that by the time Harry passes it on it wont be?
More advanced Bob? Nah. I'd say it'd be a significantly less 'advanced', if by 'advanced' we're meaning intelligent/self-aware. Of course, depending on the Mantle in question, it may or may not be more powerful.
Being nearly or more advanced than Bob, I think would be less like a Mantle, and more something like the Fallen component of a Denarian.
In computer terms, Bob is an complete self-aware AI, a Mantle is more akin to smart or expert programing.

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Leather Duster time travel theory
« on: December 29, 2012, 10:15:45 PM »
LC is a molten puddle of goo under Marcone's new building.

however, that doesnt mean Harry coudl nto build a more advacned item in the future
True. However, even if LC were not lost, it would not serve as a focus to go back to the events of Fool Moon - Chicago changes, Harry needed to update LC regularly to keep it from being obsolete. It would only be useful to go back to the time period for LC's last update remaining viable; no earlier, no later.

*Mostly ninja'd by roteral

Well, the reason I found that particular quote was only to point out that whoever was helping Denton, it wasn't a situation where they handed him the belts and then left him to his own devices. If Cowl was the one who helped Denton and he did not just abandon him, and given the quote, he did not, then in DB, Cowl should've had more first hand knowledge about Harry's capabilities than his statement would suggest.

Re: how bad the info is about Harry working for the WC--I agree, its terrible. Harry even bursts out laughing when Denton tells him about it. There are so many different reasons that statement could've been made that way, I think its impossible to know the specifics. Did Denton just conflate the Wardens and the WC when whoever it was told him about them? Did the person lie on purpose to get Harry killed in a preemptive strike by Denton? Did the person just not know that Harry wasn't working for the WC, let alone the Wardens? I don't think we have any evidence to point us any particular direction.
Fair point - it does indicate that Denton's source for the belts didn't just leave him to his own devices.
On the information front ... Denton pretty clearly had bad information. I'm dubious about it having been an attempt to get Dresden killed preemptively - there's no known reason (or entity) as of Fool Moon that wants Dresden dead. It is a strong point against Cowl being closely involved - his info seems to be better than that, plus no reason to want Dresden dead. It also pretty well wipes out any possibility of the Erlking being involved.
I don't see any apparent reason for the belt-distributor to lie about Dresden the White Council solely existing to police magic users and Dresden being one of them, or to attribute everything the Wardens do onto all of the White Council.
I'm inclined to suspect that the entity that gave Denton the belts also had bad information, but I'm not quite sure why or who that would - or could - have been.

thats the warden primary fuction
The Wardens are not the entirety of the White Council ... but they probably are the most visible portion.

Ok, I found the reference. Its in ch 30 of FM-Denton and Harry are talking about how the belts have led the FBI agents to kill people and they sent Harry after the lycanthropes. Denton says 'After the deaths (the people the FBI agents killed the month before), I was warned about a governing body. A sort of magic police. The White Council. That you worked for them.'.  So Denton was given the belts and killed people. Then someone warned him about the WC. Assuming he wasnt being helped by 2 unrelated people, whoever helped him was not hands off. Therefore, if it was Cowl, he shouldve known more then he did in DB.
Well ... somebody was either (badly) misinformed and/or lying outright. As of Fool Moon, Dresden is most definitely not working for the White Council - and while the White Council has the Wardens for policing magic users, that's far from all that the Council does or its primary function.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Small Favor
« on: December 22, 2012, 07:51:40 PM »
Just because Maeve wasn't corrupted yet doesn't mean she wasn't slacking off on the job.

bet ya a donut they were maggie sr's
Some of them maybe .. but I think she'd've tried to get rid of as many of his books as she could have, or keep them from him in some way.  Some of them may also be books of information that he compelled out of her. But some (perhaps many) of them likely predate her taking up with Raith. Dude's old. Some centuries at minimum. Odds are pretty good he's picked up various texts along the way.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Small Favor
« on: December 22, 2012, 07:51:39 AM »
A troll snatching a kid off a playground for a snack is very different then a troll under Mab's orders doing ANYTHING.  Kid snatching is troll NATURE.  Directed violence against a specific opponent of the Winter Queen is an exertion of her will through a tool. 

Also, given what we've learned in CD, should we trust the job description of the Winter Knight we had up till now?
This is a good point. According to Bob, both the Summer and Winter Knight's job is whacking people for their Queen(s).
Admittedly, Fix may have been given bad and/or incomplete information, but I think he was probably closer to being right than being totally off target.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Small Favor
« on: December 19, 2012, 07:57:23 AM »
And Maeve/Nemesis and or Titania knew that how?
What makes you assume that they knew he was there in the first place?

The Gruff showed up after Harry used fire magic (which was/is apparently still touched by or resonant with Summer power in some way) - that's why Tiny was there. Titania had no active involvement in his arrival other than tasking the Gruffs with whacking Dresden.

If you assume Maeve/Nemesis sent the Hobs, which seems likely, they were going after the Archive, not Dresden, or trying to attrite the Archive's defenders/defenses so that getting her later would be easier.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Small Favor
« on: December 19, 2012, 05:58:24 AM »
If you want the Archive to stop trusting Harry how would you do it? Nemesis/Maeve sends the Hobs right as Harry shows up and Harry is the winter emissary. Doesn't the Hob attack feel more like a mortal underestimating the Archive than Mab or Maeve underestimating her? Nevermind the other people there, there was no chance of that attack doing anything other than making the people there question Winter's motives. Heck maybe the reason Tiny showed up when he did was so that Harry wouldn't reach the archive at the inappropriate time?

Winter creatures acting to help the coming darkness is an ongoing theme throughout several of the books and all of it has created is tension between Mab and potential allies. Which also makes me kind of wonder if the spiders in Turncoat were there on orders from Maeve as well helping the BC/Nemesis allies on the island.
Ah, but Harry and Michael weren't there (at Union Station) to meet the Archive and escort. They were there to retrieve Gard's samples.

Can I get a quote on Mab lulling their demon halves to sleep (I don't have my books with me)? I do remember something like that but I'd like to see the exact wording.
Lea did that ...
“What did you do to them?”
“I lulled their predator spirit to sleep,” she said calmly. “Poor lambs. They didn’t realize how much strength they drew from it. Mayhap this will prove a useful lesson.”
I frowned at that. “You mean… the vampire part of them?”
“Of course.”
Changes, chapter 15.

We did see Listens-to-Wind use dance magic in Turn Coat to defend himself from Shagnasty's attacks. Shaman, making a magic defense by dancing. It seems like what you were talking about.

She also may not be the only immortal who takes on the aspect of Death. Multiple immortal beings take on the role of leading the Wild Hunt, for example. (Including Harry how, holy crap-- wonder if that'll have any unintended consequences? Nah... ) There are versions of Death in many different religions, so it could be that multiple immortals can assume the role, depending on the time, place, or situation.
Judging by what Thomas said happened to him after he joined the Hunt, Harry's going to get enhanced senses and probably a degree of extrasensory ability at minimum, and quite possibly some other traits after leading the Hunt.
Probably things that boost one's ability to be a predator ... which is probably going to make coping with some of the urges from the Winter Knighthood more difficult.

DF Reference Collection / Re: [Spoilers for all books] Theories index
« on: December 14, 2012, 10:57:12 AM »
I rember three - Harry not being fully human- but my ideas on it have been pretty fully discredited by now ( Jim said Oberon is dead, and my idea that Lea was Maggie sr 's mom is also toast)

anyone who wants to rebuild it after I got totaly flattened/trashed/ proved wrong is more than welcome to try :D
Harry not being fully human would have to either be from the paternal side, or something that Maggie LeFay had as well, and probablly Eb McCoy too, though likely they would have been unaware of their nonhuman side.
If, as the speculation goes, McCoy/Maggie/Dresden are blood descendants of Merlin (not just master/apprentice descendants), that's likely the most probable source for being partially nonhuman through Maggie, as in a whole lot of tales Merlin is some variety of nonstandard/partial human.

I think that Jim's precise wording regarding Oberon's fate was that he "didn't make it" ... which certainly implies that he's dead ... but I suppose he could be locked up somewhere unpleasant (Demonreach?) and unable to escape Mab/Titania's wrath.

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