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Messages - ebliss1

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And totally by accident, Harry wore conquistador outfit, while Susan was dressed up as a human sacrifice. A not-so-subtle hint from the Sidhe?

Heh, it's even in the WoJ compilation:

Ahh, true - BUT the Spanish Conquistadores were trying to wipe out the "savages" who practiced human sacrifice because that was contrary to Catholic dogma. The Spanish were not the ones doing the sacrificing - though one could argue that the numbers of deaths caused by the conquistadores would have been dramatically lower if they had bought into the Aztec/Inca/Maya religions as opposed to doing the whole genocide thing.

All that being said, it seems somehow hypocritical of Jim to have all of Harry's actions micromanaged to the point of him almost blindly following some divine plan when he hammers home to us in the text so often that humans actually have free will. If we get som many occurrences of exposition talking about the merits of free will and the ability to make choices, and then have the whole series as being a human who was herded into making the only possible choices to follow a divine plan will be a serious cop out.

He doesn't stumble.  He's steered every step of the way.  There are very few chapters in Changes where Harry is not being managed by some combination of a) the Merlin b) Eb c) Mab or Lea d) Uriel/the White God e) Odin.  It's not a complicated set of chances left to run, it's an operation micromanaged every step of the way.

Gotta WAY DISAGREE on this one. If this was so carefully micromanaged as you state, then there is no way that Harry could have made the whole thing a TON worse - and he easily could have. The hijacked bloodline curse worked as it did because he goaded Susan into turning into the absolutely newest Red Court vampire in the world and then he used her to trigger the curse. If she had died before getting to that point (an easy-to-imagine scenario given the odds we saw stacked against out intrepid little band), the curse doesn't wipe out the entire Red Court, just some of it. Also, if Harry had just managed to take out the Red King, by his own words, that would have made the war against the White Council a lot harder since the Red King's instability and lack of coherent leadership were crippling the Red Court in the war. A Red Court with a sane and focused leader would have been brutal on the White Council. Also, had Harry's bloodline curse been used on, say, one of the Lords of Outer Night instead of a fledgling Susan, then all he would have done would have been to wipe out the leadership cadre (since the curse does not go down the family tree, only up), and thus leave thousands of Red Court vampires all over the world without restrictions. The could feed on and turn humans at will and we could have seen a population explosion among the Red Court.

There were way to many variables with too many available paths to being seriously up the creek for the CI scenario to have been micromanaged. MAYBE if we had seen Lea whisper to Harry that turning Susan and sacrificing her was tha answer I could by into your theory, but Harry came up with it all on his own that we could see. An no one, anywhere, wants to leave any plan up to Harry's bolshevik muppet thinking bringing him to the right conclusion.

OK - that bit of logic is really good. I like it and it dovetails very nicely with what we've seen. Good work!

One hole in your theory is this ... The WC has to identify folks with magical ability.  They've been spread thin and have been missing folks, thus the rise in Warlocks.

But remember, in Storm Front, the Wardens and the White Council were not spread thin. They were at peace with the Red Court, they had not started taking any losses and Morgan could afford to spend plenty of time just lurking around Dresden waiting for him to screw up. I would assume that (assuming my idea was the correct one) someone planning for that far in advance would have some sort of plan to make sure that the White Council was extra-alert in about 12 years and had been keeping an eye on children born of addicts. Its also possible that the 3Eye drug somehow marked its users in some way that Dresden just hadn't found - or possibly children born with it in their systems were traceable.

Again, a lot of speculation, but I don't think your hole in my theory was a hole at the time. A challenge to be addressed, yes, but not a hole.

Here's another thought. I'm going in the opposite direction of the "lets make a lot of warlocks to spread the White Council too thin" theory). We know that the White Court came up with a plan to rid the world of wizards by getting rid of females who had some talent. The reduction of the available breeding-stock and the long time required to get a wizard from "lucky embryo who has the spark of magic" to "Dresden-Level Battleship on Legs" is exceedingly long. Wizards are very vulnerable to supernatural baddies for most of that time, and for many, longer than Dresden took. Perhaps, this was a White Council, or someone from the White Council working on his own, plan to instill the magical spark a little more widely throughout the population.

Sure, it affects a lot of people badly, and we never saw any evidence that it imparted magical ability to any of its addicts, but what if, for example, a woman was on it while pregnant, the baby would have been exposed to magic from the get-go. In real life, we have heroin and crack babies, in the Dresdenverse, perhaps this was a plan to boost the wizarding population by creating 3Eye babies who, by being essentially bathed in magic from conception, would be much more likely to develop into full-blown wizards at puberty.

Victor could have been the tool to create and distribute the drug in Chicago as an initial test, with national and evetually world-wide distribution following.

If successful, then in 12 years or so, the world would have seen an initial spike in emerging wizards, with more appearing each year. At around 20 years, the White Council would have started swelling appreciably. Also, by that time, with a couple decades worth of addicts getting pregnant and having magic-infused babies, the wizarding community would be exploding in size. It could be like when homosapiens started to get born more and more and the cro-magnon was well on his way to extinction.

At the time, Harry was a non-entity in the wizarding world. But, he was perfectly positioned to take the fall should a Warden catch on that 3Eye was magic-related. Harry was already considered to be a warlock who got lucky at his trial, and the local Warden on the lookout for magical badness, Morgan, was not looking out for magical badness, but was rather looking at Harry waiting for magical baddness to show up. If Victor's sponsor had started 3Eye in, say, Seattle, where there was no Warden presence, once there was a hint of magical badness happening, the Wardens would have descended in force and started looking for the problem. In Chicago, Morgan's presence would have meant that the Wardens would not need to descend and start looking around: if any showed up to help Morgan, they all would have been looking at Harry. This would be, essentially, an early warning system for Victor's sponsor so that when Harry showed up decapitated, or brought before the council to explain, he would know to tell Victor to skip town.

Harry's power rise, successful evasion of Morgan, killing of Victor, imprisonment of the Beckitts, and destruction of the 3Eye messed everything up and probably kick-started Victor's sponsor to change tactics and form the Black Council.

I dunno - its just my theory. Take it for what its worth (and bear in mind I've had quite a few head injuries - I was a clumsy child).

Oh, BTW, someone quoted Vadderung in Changes saying that "no one has used power on that scale in more than a millenia" when referring to the bloodline curse. If thats true, what historical event if Jim pointing at? Could it be the Bubonic plague that reduced the human population by between 25% and 50% from 550 to 700 AD? Could it have been a variant of the spell that was responsible for the first-born male of every family in Egypt being killed on the same night before pharoah freed the slaves that we know of from the Bible? Could it be something else? Just a thought.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: February 28, 2011, 08:13:17 PM »
Anthony Hopkins for Nicodemus is good, but I'd go with Jeremy Irons personally...

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