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DFRPG / Episode 3 Recap: Mr. Bad Luck
« on: September 10, 2012, 03:03:02 PM »
To start things off, Akina throws the magic ring that she has not been able to get rid of into a hole to see what happens. It doesn't come back. Yay? Also Molly gets a new rookie named Peter to follow her around. The poor NPC kid is not in the know.

Next the group decides to meet together at The Underground. There, the helpful bag lady Gretchen, whose voice sound a lot like Howard's mother from Big Bang Theory, informs them that they can take an underground train to Crafter's shop. This should give them the insight they need to decide if the want to help the Triad or not.

Crafter is busy working on weaponizing spells that normal people can use for 'The Lady'. At first the group thinks this lady is Chin Xi, leader of the Triads. When Crafter describes 'The Lady' as a soul devouring monster, other theories form as to her identity. Perhaps she is the mysterious lawyer Vivian Damé, or perhaps she is the police chief Rebecca Black.

Crafter's brother Jerry, a savant, arrives with things he has found scavenging. He knew Jenny Denny, the murder victim from Episode 1. He also let's slip that his brother, Crafter, made the ring that was supposed to protect Jenny. As it turns out, Jenny's soul was in the ring and trying to communicate with the party. Yes, this is the same ring that was thrown into a hole and didn't come back. Oops.

Fortunately, Jerry had found the ring. The group uses it to communicate with Jenny's soul in mirror reflections. She clues the party in on a few things. Before she died, she stalked people (including the party) with magic connections and gave reports to her boss, Vivian, on them. She also left her grandfather before he went senile, and she admitted to dabbling in some dark arts to try and protect herself. Now she just wants her body back. She had no clue it had been cremated.  :'(

The party gets Crafter to make a fake ring, since a couple of supernatural baddies have been trying to get it. Then Molly and Jacob go to visit Arthur Denny while the other 4 go to plant the fake ring at George Telkai's house.

Cyphus uses a veil and swaps the fake ring for a magic coin in his trophy room. The visible people have to deal with George, who tries to threaten them at first. A bad soul gaze with Chong, whom he had been ignoring until then, lets the party walk with the deep criminal shaken. He is so distraught at the massive social loss that has no witty reply while the party walks out cool and confident. He sends a demon to give Steven a blank piece of paper but otherwise it is the picture of the heroes walking away while the enemy explodes in the background (only in this case, it was a Social explosion).

At the Denny mansion, Jacob disguises himself as a security guard of the neighborhood to escort officer Molly to the mansion. There, thanks to some investigation and bumbling rookie falling down the stairs, they find a sleeping pet drake, an unresponsive Arthur, as house where Jenny's presence has been erased, and a secret wizard's lab in the basement. Jacob is able to soul gaze Arthur and sees that he is being poisoned by one of his failed love potion recipes. The culprit? Police chief Black. Molly finds a live journal, a book that write its self based on Arthur's thoughts.

Chief Black shows up suddenly to give Arthur his 'coffee' so the duo have to vamoose. They meet the others and swap stories. That's when white court vampire and Neutral Grounds arbiter Sven phones in about a YouTube video of Steven and others at George's house, only the blank paper looks like a blood contract where they swear to serve George. Oops.  :-[

The party goes to Sven's Blue Jazz club to clear things up. As it turns out, Sven also arranged for a lot of other people to be there including: both sides of the Chinatown conflict, Vivian Damé, the Summer Lady and her local sidhe, a ghoul, Jacob's evil father Isaac (and wearing a new grey cloak), and the Red Court Infected leader. Sven says he wants peace, but he acts like he is trying obviously to start a war, which results in a ceasefire and more shadow games. That could not have been his plan all along.  ::)

Jacob announces he is on his own side and walks out. Molly follows because she doesn't really care about the supernatural drama. Cyphus stands with the summer court. Steven stands with Amellia, the red infected leader. Akina and Chong take to the open bar (which is what got someone killed in episode 1). Rebecca Black shows up, cuz the 2 in the parking lot called her so they could hide Arthur and the drake at Akina's book shop (surprise!). She announces that certain criminals will be brought to justice once they leave the neutral grounds and storms off.

Once things die down, Chin Xi makes deals with Steven and Cyphus. She wants to get a magic sword or 5 coins bad so she can get to the fey line spring in the Peach Blossom valley. The others don't trust the Triad leader, especially since she is so quick to turn on her other allies to recruit the party. When they exit the club, the parking lot shows signs of a major fight (and the smell of deaths), but they missed the action. The group rejoins and throw around a few theories about what to do next and who to trust.

(PC Characters: Akina the Packless Werewolf, Jacob the Hobo Wizard, Steven the Soulless Semi-animate Man, Chong the Mystic Martial Artist, Molly the Detective in the Know, Cyphus the Summer Changleling)

DFRPG / ????mancer
« on: September 07, 2012, 04:41:22 PM »
I'm trying to come up with an exotic type of focused practitioner, because confusing your players is fun. Something that isn't all-powerful, like a chronomancer or an atmosmsancer. Just something wacky. I can't think of any good words for a 'cake dough mancer' or 'dry wall' mancer, so that is impeding my creativity a bit.

Any suggestions?

DFRPG / What's in the BOX?
« on: September 04, 2012, 02:25:49 AM »
There is a box in our game that no one must ever EVER open. For some reason, some of the players want to open it.

Any ideas for what I should put inside?

DFRPG / Who Lives In Nevernever?
« on: September 01, 2012, 06:46:19 PM »
I know there are several mythologies in the Dresdenverse, including Greek, Norse, Irish, Egyptian, and English. I was wondering, since demons and fairies and apparently dragons live in the Nevernever, do the old dieties have their own pocket of the nevernever? Or do they have their own plane of existance?

DFRPG / Magic Item Crafting Concept: Mana Tree
« on: August 29, 2012, 03:27:36 PM »
Working on an idea for a guardian of a tree that produces magical fruits. He can use the fruits for various magical effects, but without a fruit he cannot use his powers.

I was thinking of using a sponsered magic with a [-3] refresh cost since the tree only produces 2 fruits a day, even though he can take the fruit with him, but it might make sense to treat it more like a place of power [-4] that he can take with him wherever he goes. Possibly even a [-5] since he might be able to technically share the fruit with others if things get desperate.


DFRPG / Shen Fu Flaming Poo - an adventure recap
« on: August 27, 2012, 04:10:39 PM »
The sun rises, and new facts are brought into light. Jacob, the hobo wizard, spends the night at werewolf Akina's book store, researching fairies and making some cold iron dust. The next morning, he brings his friend Chong with him to talk to the Keeper about the murder of Jenny Denny. Jenny's body is buried in Lakeview Cemetery, but her spirit was consumed somehow, so no ghost. They go see the changeling Cyphus to talk to Selise, his Sidhe date from the previous night. Selise gives them some information about Chin Xi in exchange for allowing one of her butterflies accompany him "so she can watch."

The group meets up at Akina's bookstore Blocked Mouth Books with 2 new faces: Chong and Ellethwen, the latter a Changling Hairdresser that poor cursed Steven convinced to come with him so he could introduce her to interesting potential clients. The group decides that meeting Chin Xi (see episode 1) on her turf is a bad idea, so they arrange to meet her on the observatory at Pike's Place. Steven takes an extra precaution and calls up the Triad's rival, George Tekkai.

Chin Xi meets the group, alone and unarmed. She persuades the group to follow her the original meeting spot (how did she do that?) at Seattle's Triad HQ. They go into an old-fashioned hole-in-the-wall chinese restaurant. Inside the back is a pocket dimension with several doors, several thugs, and a dragon skull. Chin Xi explains that her fairy godfather, a winter Fae, resides in her Father's skull. Selise indicated that Chin Xi was human, but apparently her father was a dragon.

Her godfather, Old Xi, tells the group that he killed Jenny Denny because she was dabbling in dark powers that she ought not to. He also indicated that Chin Xi needed to use the sword for a purpose it was never intended for. Chong questions what other purpose a sword could be used for then as a weapon. Old Xi then demonstrates how a sheathed sword can function as a hat rack.

Ellethwen, the changeling hairdresser, sees through Chin Xi's cool facade, and the Triad leader is forced to make a concession. She desperately need the sword to make her dream of Utopia a reality, but she also needs the group on her side. So she makes them an offer: question a warlock about her plans as a neutral party and then decide what to do from there. They can even keep the sword until they decide (the magic sword from episode 1).

The group starts out towards the Underground to find the warlock, but the butterfly is still following them. So are some well-dressed thugs from Chinatown. The group ducks into an alleyway to deal with the issues, but things go wrong. The thugs decide to jump them, the butterfly turns into a summer ogre, and a pack of Shen demons are summoned into the alley.

Akina goes wolf to frighten the thugs. Ellethwen picks one up and throws him into another thug (always tip your hair stylists). Molly kills the one that got thrown, and the others run for their lives. The ogre is not so easy, and it takes the group a joined effort before it is ripped in half. The Shen demons are too cute to cross at first, being little chimps with purple fur and wings, to deal with. This gives them time to form together into the big kong version of themselves.

The flaming poo hurts a lot of people, but the group eventually figures out that they can maneuver the demon over the running water in the sewer. They also figure out (by using the sword) that the weapon they carry is a 'good' sword made by Masamune (a sword that can cut anything, but does not cut everything).

The demon is reduced to "Little Wing," a tiny little monkey version that fits into a coffee cup. Molly stays behind to let the police clean up, and the rest of the group gets a cheap hotel room to question the demon.

Thanks to one of Jacob's wards, designed to hurt the demon if it lies, the group learns a few things. The demon was summoned by George. Steven apologizes for involving him, or as much as he can. His arm was lost in the fight, and he will need to find a way to reattach it. The demon also reveals that George considers Molly, Steven, and Jacob the most dangerous of the group.

Armed with knowledge, but still needing more answers, the group splits up to check their own sources out. They plan to meet back at the Underground to visit the warlock. There is also rumor and talk of paying George a visit, though not on such friendly terms.

DFRPG / Adventure Recap
« on: August 22, 2012, 03:43:24 PM »
We begin with the murder of PC Akina the werewolf. A large humanoid chases her through Denny Park, grabs her face in one hand, and crushes/suffocates her to death. The same thing happens To Jacob, Steven, Molly, and Cyphus. Total party kill? No. It turns out that everyone was hit with a Death Curse from Jenny Denny, the actual murder victim that shared her death with everyone she thought might be able to help her.


After some phone calls that verify they all had the same vision, the group gathers at the scene. Cyphus the changeling, under veil, finds $4,000 and a cold iron rod in her purse. Molly, being a cop, IDs the victim. Steven, our cursed instigator trying to be helpful so he does not get arrested, shares that the victim is a member of the last wizard family in town. Her shoes are gone, which is odd because she had them in the vision. Cyphus, thanks to his fae heritage, recognizes traces of ectoplasm. A fairy of some type was at the murder scene, though for some reason all evidence of footprints and damaged branches are gone. Jacob, wizard in training, looks at the contents of her purse for protective wizardy things and finds a phone number for the Blue Jazz club, the local Neutral Grounds. Steven remembers that there is a party going on and promises to get the group invitations.


The group scatters. Jacob borrows Akina's book store to research ogres and ghouls. Steven contacts Scarlet, the Red Court Vampire, to get invitations. Cyphus gets a Sidhe date to the party. Molly calls the police and works with them as they find one more piece of evidence the party missed: a man's gold ring that smells of mistletoe. Akina tries to get a rental dress, then waits for the police to leave so she can sniff around. She gets a whiff of Jenny's scent, then also finds a gold ring smelling of mistletoe. She takes the ring with her as the group meets for the big party.


At the VIP room (Steven got good invitations), the group gets to mingle with a few other people aware of the supernatural world. Scarlet the vampire is there with a dedicated meat candy escort, as are Chin Xi and Lurch from Chinatown. Lurch is the official police suspect of the murder, since he is the only human they know big enough to leave the hand-shaped bruise on the victim's face. The police chief isn't there, since the ring in evidence mysteriously vanished.
Cyphus makes a fabulous first impression, out shining even his date. Steven chats up the bartender while his date, Akina, helps herself to the open bar. Molly and Jacob do some observation of folks and realize that Lurch is actually Chin Xi's arm candy despite the appearance that things are the other way around. Jacob talks with her a bit to establish a good impression, and Cyphus's date reveals that while she is a summer Sidhe Lurch is actually a Winter Sidhe.


Sven, the white court owner of the club, arrives and offers the guests a tour of his collection of rare items (mostly so he can sip on their GREED). He leads them to his quasi-dimensional vault, where things can be seen but not touched. Cyphus and Jacob bring a drink; Akina brings a bottle. The vault is like a museum displaying many things that catch everyone's interests. Cyphus finds a dragon egg, Molly finds a little mermaids in a fishbowl, Chin Xi finds an important Japanese sword, Scarlet finds an Arabian Lamp, Akina...well, she has her bottle, and Steven finds his soul in a box.

<insert dramatic music>

Cyphus's date and Scarlet get into a verbal fight, as only a southern belle vampire and a noble fairy can. Akina, in a slightly drunken slur, calls them out for dampening the party's mood. Despite everyone's half-hearted attempts to stop her from making things worse, a fight breaks out. Scarlet claws at Akina, but Akina shoves her to the floor. This causes Jacob to stumble back (or he did it on purpose) and bump into the glass around the case. Wait, did he just touch it? And crack the glass?? Sven hoists him up, and Jacob creates a veil so the two can have a private chat. Chin Xi and Lurch withdraw from the fight, and Molly eavesdrops on their conversation in hopes of getting evidence about Jenny's murder. She overhears a confession from Lurch, which upsets Chin Xi, and finds out that Chin is a high ranking member of the local Triads.


Back to the fight, Scarlet sheds her flesh mask to go all bat monster. Akina goes werewolf and pins the vampire down. With a little glamour, Cyphus makes the booze bottle look like holy water, terrifying Scarlet. Steven, enjoying how the tables have turned on the one he owes a debt to, tries to get a murder confession from Scarlet, but she knows nothing about the death of Jenny Denny. Sven and Jacob, meanwhile, come to an arrangement: Jacob gets the sword that Chin Xi is so interested in if he gets everyone to stop fighting. After all, they are fighting in Accorded Neutral grounds. Every supernatural nation could condemn them for it.


Which is when Akina, with a little compelling encouragement from Steven, rips out the vampires throat. Uh oh. Now the group has to come up with a peaceful plan that everyone agrees on. So they plot and scheme and negotiate with each other until they come up with a plan. The official story is that the meat candy killed his mistress, and he can't object since he lost his mind when she died. Molly gets to arrest Lurch for Jenny's murder. Jacob promises to bring the sword to Chin Xi the next day. Akina gives up the ring to Cyphus's date so she won't hold a grudge against Steven for socially putting her in time out while the fight was happening (it was an epic use of fate points and a high roll combined with some dramatic roleplaying). Cyphus trades the ring, which they found out is enchanted to steal a wizards powers, for the dragon egg.

Everyone wins.  8)

A couple of questions were never fully answered though. Why did Lurch kill Jenny Denny? Why didn't Jenny use her cold iron rod to protect herself? How was Jacob able to accidentally make the vault items corporeal? What happened to Jenny's shoes? How did the crime scene restore its self to its natural state? Who left Steven a note about trading his soul for killing the wizard? What is Cyphus's date's name?

And how did the mistletoe ring get back in Akina's pocket the next morning?

DFRPG / Construct Rules of Thumbs
« on: August 21, 2012, 03:13:00 PM »
I realize that Constructs and Summonings have been covered on multiple threads AND the basic answer is to make them NPC's. But I know there are a few of us that dream of playing a Binder-type character or a Summoner/Tinkerer of some sort, so I thought I would post my general rule of thumb for allowing players to do such things.

1. Summoning or Making Constructs is more or less the same thing. If you are making a form with ectoplasm, roll Lore as normal. If you are making a golem from natural material, use Craft.

2. Complexity determines the construct's power level. As Mark suggested, 1 point of refresh = 2 shifts. Therefore 4 refresh leads to a complexity of 8. If a PC is creating the construct, then the refresh cannot drop below 0 without some sort of stunt.

3. Complexity also determines the construct's skill level. So if the complexity is 8 for 4 refresh, for example, your construct will have 16 skill points. You can assign these points however you wish so long as it keeps with the rules of PC skill ladders. As always, skills not assigned are assumed to be 0.

4. Once the spirit/demon/AI enters the construct, it will try to defy you. Roll a Conviction VS Discipline with the construct getting +2. If you succeed, the construct gains an obediance aspect like "I Obey Hubert" for the remainder of its existance. A player could give the construct a Discipline of 0 to aid their success in this role, but that would leave them with a minion that doesn't think much for its self.

5. Constructs shut down at sunrise, either falling apart or melting to goo as is appropriate. Extending the duration adds shifts of comlexity that do not add to Refresh costs or Skill Points. Alternatively the player can simply renew the ritual with the same construct/AI combo every day. Mechanically it boils down to the same as recreating the construct except you have the obedience aspect to compel or tap.

And there you have it. So far I haven't had anyone be able to break this system, but maybe you can. Any ideas for improvements or points I forgot to mention?

DFRPG / Any Reccommendations For Pregenerated Adventures?
« on: August 20, 2012, 02:33:10 PM »
I have read all 3 of the pregenerated adventures at Drive Thru RPG as well as the Sleepy Hollow adventure. My google searches are failing me in finding any more. Does anyone know a website or a thread that has some pregenerated adventures?

DFRPG / How Do I Make A Great Recurring Villain?
« on: August 20, 2012, 01:02:45 AM »
I tried to introduce a Red Court Vampire as a recurring villain, and the werewolf in my group killed the vampire with a grapple. This occurred on Accorded Neutral grounds, so I have plenty of opportunities to work with the results, but now I am left without a recurring villain.

How do I create a great recurring villain that my players will love to hate? And how do I make them grapple-proof?

DFRPG / How to bring a group together...
« on: August 11, 2012, 06:08:20 PM »
Our group is playing their first adventure next week. We already went through city creation and character creation (yes, I know those are part of the story as well). Now I am planning a mystery to have the 6 characters solve, and I realize I have a small problem: they have no reason to work together!!

When we did the character creation, I also made a character in case we trade GM's later in the campaign, so I was a guest star in 2 stories and had 2 guest stars in mine. That means there are 2 characters that I only know through other characters (friends of a friend). This isn't a big deal for my character since I am the GM and all, but I did not realize at the time just how distant that would make some of the group. None of the characters are fast friends, but nobody really hates each other either. They all established various degrees of respect, but not appreciation.

So what is the best way to get them to work together? Start them off working individually and have the adventure steer them together? Get a City-wide threat that forces them to join forces? Put them all in a tavern and have someone ask for a group of adventurers?

DFRPG / Brag on Your Players
« on: July 28, 2012, 10:21:41 PM »
I had a player last week playing a smart/shy type with no combat skills whatsoever. Evil spellcaster (demon influenced) shows up. She hides, and the other characters try to kill the warlock. Warlock rolls and gets a Superb (+5) Block for 3 rounds using a water shield.  No one overcomes the block on the first round, so the warlock hits everyone with a befudle spell (maneuver). At this point, I am thinking the warlock with mess with them and have to leave since the bad guy is rolling so well.

Shy character didn't get hit with the spell (forgot she was hiding, a true sign of success I figure). Her player gets a plugged-in extension cord (Construction Lights area aspect) and says she wants to try and short out the water shield. It's a clever ploy, so I let her use the character's Scholarship skill. It is high enough to short out the shield.

As if that weren't brilliant enough, the other characters are going to be free to attack (werewolf was saving 4 fate points for a killer blow) after her next turn. The warlock tries to flee but rolls low, and we all know he is about to die, so she rolls a fist check and slaps the warlock to give him a DAZED temp aspect.


DFRPG / When You Know You Need To Keep A New Player
« on: July 28, 2012, 08:27:33 PM »
So I am hosting a one-shot last weekend at a local game store for Dresden Files RPG. I get a couple of people I played with before, a couple of fans of the TV show, and one guy that just wants to try a new game. I pass out character sheets from the Neutral Grounds adventure, and new guy gets the White Court Emo Virgin because he says that he likes to play characters with inner struggle.

That should have been my first clue that I needed to recruit this guy for a campaign.

During the adventure, the group encounters a magical market where anything can be purchased for a price. The plan was to get the party familiar with dealing in fae stuff. Most of the party avoided the market because the players had past experience, but the new guy said that his character would be interested even though it was obvious that the other players acted like it was a bad idea.

That really should have tipped me off that I needed to recruit this guy for a campaign.

He is haggling with the shopkeeper for something that will help him deal with his inner demon, so the shopkeeper offers that he has a holy item in the back. The player asks me if he can spend a fate point to choose what sort of object it is. I accept. The FATE system is all about creativity after all. Who cares if the guy is going to try and give himself an extra edge out of the deal? So he says that he wants the item to be a blessed cane sword, something that looked like a rich kid would have (cane) that hid its holy nature (blessed) but that he could also use as a weapon (sword).

He had never heard of the Dresden Files as far as I know, but he wanted a holy cane sword that would keep his demon in check. Every other player was very quiet and very intently watching this new guy. When I asked him if it was ok for the item to be a japanese cane sword, he said yes. He rolled a conviction score to see if the sword would accept him: all for dice +.

After the game, he asked when he could play again. He said that he would be willing to buy books and dice (which he did) for next time.

So yeah, I recruited him into our campaign.

DFRPG / Mystery Brainstorming
« on: July 28, 2012, 08:03:24 PM »
I am trying to come up with a good murder mystery plot that my party can cover over three sessions. The murder, in typical Dresden fashion, could not have been done by a human so the party investigates to see what sort of fairy or demon or rogue spellcaster did it.

Since I watch a lot of TV I figure session one is crime scene investigation and interview witness, session two is tracking down the bad guy, and session 3 is the big showdown. My problem with that plan is that there is absolutely no mystery or surprise involved.  :(

How do I get a good mystery for an adventure without railroading the party?

DFRPG / Introduction Session Ideas
« on: July 08, 2012, 04:56:17 PM »
I am planning a one-shot intro for a Dresden Files RPG. We only have 4-6 hours to play, but I am really hoping to start a campaign based on interest so I want to really show off the system. Here are some thoughts I had, and I would love feedback and suggestions.

1. Use pregenerated characters. I figured the Kids from Night Terrors would work well. I wish we had time for full character creation, but hopefully filling in skills and aspects will give them a taste.

2. Create an island. We don't have time for full city creation, so instead each player picks one thing they expect to find on the island they all shipwrecked on ( it was only supposed to be a 3 hour tour) and we turn those choices into locations.

3. Offer some power options. I know at least one player wants to sling spells, so instead of tweaking characters I want to have a face or more offer items of power or better yet sponsored magic. I am hoping this will inspire some good roleplaying as well.

4. Hilight the unique strengths of the system. I want the climax scene to be less about physical combat and more mental/social. Maybe resisting a demon offering power or a way home. I also want to get the players used to tagging aspects and being tagged.

5. Make some handouts. Besides printing the character sheets I figure I will need a few index cards for any spells or items the sponsors offer and perhaps a quick sheet on combat basics (common skills, Using maneuvers, consequences, etc).

6. Keep the plot simple. I love complicated plot twists, but for a one-shot that just won't do. So the kids are shipwrecked and need to get home. They explore the island until they find someone that offers to send them home if they get rid of a demon. The demon is bound to an idol, so all they really have to do is break it or toss it in the ocean while the demon tries to persuade them not to.

7. Use everyones contribution. The demon and the sponser will each fit into one of the locations a player makes for the island, but I don't want to leave anyone's creativity out. Throw in a couple challenges to make sure every location has something interesting (a climb check or a snake to fight) and I hope to have a winner that everyone wants to play again.

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