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Messages - Gigglestomp

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DF Spoilers / Harrys gone Grassroots (No spoilers Peace Talks)
« on: July 14, 2020, 03:36:27 PM »
I can't spoil peacetalks mostly because I only just started it. This was just a theory I had while I was listening and related more to Harry and the Merlins politics in general.

I wonder if, down the road, maybe in a hundred years, harry gets a suprise that he actually has a ton of support in the council, more even than the merlin.

The paranet is protecting the magical have-nots but its also a good way of discovering talent early and introducing them to the laws before it's too late. Harry could be responsible for a surge in Wizarding talent "officially" and with the old folks dieing out over stuff like with the war with the reds. It could be a grassroots political takeover of the council from a more efficiently recruited younger generation.  With Harry, Butters, and Elaine being heavy hitters in the paranet it woild stand to reason most of them would know of Harry or have even met him.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks Trailer.
« on: March 25, 2020, 03:03:21 PM »
Heres my take, and I think they played with the ordering in the trailer a bit to make people think
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DF Spoilers / Re: Morgan Micro Fiction
« on: February 12, 2020, 03:27:02 PM »
I just had a little jolt of a thought I haven't been able to fully flesh out yet. But there have been a few times in the story where someone or something has done something unexplained in the background that was glossed over because of pressing matters. Now we have to go back and review - which if any of these things could be attributed to Donald Morgan looking out for Harry in the mortal world the way that Lea does in faerie?

At first I read, " he (Kemmler) hopped into Justin, corrupted him, then hoped out went on to someone else," I thought OK, maybe that works, but thinking about it I've got to question that idea too.  It depends on Justin remaining in his own mind but being overwhelmed by Kemmler.  Similar to a denarian taking over the coin bearer's decisions or nemesis taking over one of its victims.  We don't have any indication a necromancer can do this.  Corpse Taker could paralyze Harry and make him forget he was in danger, but she couldn't corrupt Harry or make him think in differently about right and wrong.

So where does this leave the idea of Kemmler jumping into Justin and then moving into someone else?  Well, there is one candidate for him to have jumped into, Elaine.  This might seem like a really nasty twist that would be emotionally devastating for Harry; "Yes, Harry Dresden, when you thought you were killing Justin du Morne you were really killing your first love," but it runs into the same problem of Elaine/Kemmler having more than a couple of decades to plan and pull off a dark hallow and not doing so, and Elaine/Kemmler playing private detective and helping minor magical talents survive the Fomor and other supernatural baddies.  As Mr. Spock would say, "That is highly illogical." (And I mean real ST TOS Mr. Spock, not pathetic emo Star Trek Discovery Spock.)

Think more so what Corpsetaker did to Luccio. She traded bodies with her as she was dieing. I am saying kemmler did something simillar to Justin the day they "Took him out" and since then, and harry's entire life, Justin has been Kemmler-in-Justin's-Meatsuit. Justin was in kemmler's body and died. There is no fight going on internally. He is dead.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarians and/or Circle in Storm Front?
« on: January 03, 2020, 06:47:17 PM »
I think the circle gave it to him and specifically it was given to him by their agent The White King under orders from Kimmler (My theoretical leader for the circle). The ritual is the reds ancient ritual and also the one TWK used on Margaret.

Jim has always said that Justin is DEAD. But that doesn't necessarily mean that Harry's Justin is dead. We have seen that necromancers such as corpse-taker can possess another body. Kemmler got killed "A couple of times" because he never stayed dead. Either he body snatched someone or he went through a resurrection ritual like in Ghost Story.

I suspect when Justin DuMorne wasn't actually a bad guy. He went with the council to kill Kemmler the last time - Kemmler body snatched him. That kimmler "Died" but was actually Justin. Justin is D-E-D-DEAD. Kimmler-Justin took bob home from the scene and laid low. Then he recruited a couple of starborn apprentices and kicked off our series.

Harry didnt kill Kemmler either - that would be laughable. Harry only thinks he killed Justin. Kemmler-Justin is the founder and leader of the Black Council and he set harry on a path.

He sent Elaine to the summer court to corrupt and infect the summer lady with Nemesis.

He went to Justin's old master Simon and convinced him to join up. They torpedo-d arch-angel using the reds and faked his death.

They manipulated things to pick the next Senior Council Member, and Simon became Cowl. Kummori is Elaine. She manipulated things so that The Leanansidhe took the corrupt blade and became infected by Nemesis who then infected Maeve. We know as well that Elaine has used outsiders at least once - mortal magic was used in Summer Knight at the Walmart to create the mind fog. Dresden said the Mind Fog was an outsider I believe. They kind of brushed the implications aside.

I haven't decided if Simon has truly drunk the cool-aid or not. He may be trying to take down the black Council from within. He may be corrupt. I believe out of the two I am more inclined to think he is corrupt and Black Council and not a mole inside the black council. Though if hes been working to destabilize them from within that could be an interesting twist.

Justin-Kimmler could have an intact body or he could be in a brand new body if he burned up Justin's in the fire. That adds a whole new level of paranoia for the secondary characters betraying Harry.

Cinder Spires Books / Re: TCS:TAW Book Description
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:46:16 PM »
Humanity’s ancient enemy, silent for more than ten thousand years, has begun to stir once more. And death will follow in its wake…

Oh cool, a vord-packed steampunk sequel to Codex Alera!

dangit, apparently I didn't hit post when I wrote it earlier, but...

While going through Skin Game I missed this minor disparity:

at the beginning of Chapter 20 of Small Favor, Harry asks Michael how Murphy is doing after getting hit by a ball from a shotgun blast and Michael differs to Charity's wisdom since she is the one with "medical training"

In Chapter 20 of Skin Game, Michael explains that he is able to diagnose a "radial fracture" of Harry's arm because of his training as a Corpsman while in the service.

True. I missed that! Though it's possible that his medical training isn't as extensive as hers. Where did she get hers from? She's not a doctor. And he must not have been a Dr. in the service either, since no one calls him by the title. Maybe his knowledge is limited to more common battlefield injuries?

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:39:26 PM »
Every time I see a picture of Ron Glass, I think of this thread, and wish he was Rawlins.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Harry Naming Things
« on: December 04, 2014, 07:42:14 PM »
There's nothing magic about it, and maybe nothing conscious on Harry's part (then again, does Harry ever consciously Name someone?), but I think it does, in fact, matter.

He actually does. He consciously names the Octokongs, and explains why.

It bothers him when scary things don't have a name. Unknown, unnamed, scary things are way scarier than something scary that has a name. He says he goes out of his way to name scary things.

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: October 14, 2014, 06:49:44 PM »
That actually why I think the series (should it ever happen) might want to plan on a re-caste.  Lea was very different pre and post Cure, and I find myself picturing the later, crazier one as younger, whereas the early Lea was a slightly more mature Godmotherly type.  Most of that is Harry's perspective changing her from a childhood nightmare to more or less another damn Fae to have to deal with, but something more of an equal.

I dunno. To me it almost seemed exactly backwards from that. I always pictured the original Lea as super energetic, mood swingy, young, and beautiful. She always seemed to have an agenda, and she didn't always seem to have Harry best interest in mind (Because his Bargain).

Later on though, she seemed more godmotherly to me. After her debt with Harry was finished, she only had his mother's bargain left to protect him. She became very godmotherly, and very helpful. More helpful even than I think the old Lea ever let herself be. (Not including Changes when she was allowed to indulge).

And as time passes, Harry really seems to warm up to her. He hated her for a long time, but he begins to respect her and her advice. When Mab imprisoned Lea Harry got pretty stubbornly defensive about it (She was a b**** but she was MY Godmother). He gets mad about the way she trained Molly, *But* he acknolwdges a lot of her reasons for doing so. (I.E. she hadn't learned she needed to work with more than illusions.)

My ideal Lea would be a young redhead, that could gracefully age into a middle-age redhead by the end of the series. While the fae don't age, they tend to look how they want. As time moves on, she seemed to fit more into the "Godmother with Godsons best interest in mind" category.

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: September 30, 2014, 06:30:19 PM »
But Butters isn't blonde.

I thought he was given a sample of Butters hair from
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and it was blonde with white flecks in it.

If i'm wrong, then he just would dye his hair a different color, right?

The reason I went with Michael C. Hall was because
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DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:12:24 PM »

Michael C. Hall from Dexter?

Just make his hair blond and add glasses = )

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: September 08, 2014, 12:41:53 PM »
Unless they specifically choose to look otherwise with a glamor, I believe all the Sidhe have snow white hair (Both courts).

DF Books / Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: September 04, 2014, 07:30:45 PM »

I really like Kristen Bell for Aurora instead of Murphy actually.

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