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Topics - Psyklone

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DF Spoilers / Black Council and the White Council Stupidity BG Spoilers
« on: October 03, 2020, 01:25:42 PM »
Now that I've had a few days to cope with my new trauma, thanks Jim,  I have had some thoughts regarding the Black and White council.

1. Carlos, definitely something not right with him.  We know from over the years, that Carlos was a representative of the new age of wizards, and they preferred the way Harry did things.  We also know, that EVERYONE knows, but does not speak of the Black Council.  Carlos brought it up with Harry, calling them Black Hats.  Carlos used to be fun loving and arrogant, but he has done a complete overhaul character wise.  Changes happen in wars yes, but a complete change with his character doesn't really track.  So my thinking is perhaps he was Black Council from the start.  After all, the wizards that were taken off the board in this book were mostly ones that had a favorable impression of Harry.

2. The Black Council has been background for far too long.  Harry has been dealing with Monsters for how many books now?  If Christos is not BC then whomever pulls his strings is imo.  It will be interesting to see just how they managed to corrupt the WC so thoroughly since Turn Coat.

3. The White Council, yeah, where to start?   Leadership.  It always comes down to leadership with an organization.  Langstry has completely screwed himself, if he is still alive/not nemesis etc...  They had the BC spy pegged to what 3 or 4 high level people, how many years ago, and since then the WC has become even more of a dumpster fire?  That tells us that either A) The BC is leagues/galaxies smarter than the Senior Council wizards, or B) the BC has already taken complete control of the WC, and are just hiding in plain site from the normies.

4.  The good guys on the WC.  We are fairly safe to assume that the majority of the WC and a good portion, at least, of the Senior Council, are still "good".    If they were all corrupted, they would not be able to hide from Rashid, or the Unseelie Court, mostly Mab and Odin.  So, that then leads me to WTH are the good guys doing?  They (K)now that Harry is a good guy.  Rashid spoke for him even after GS.   Martha Liberty, LTW, Eb firmly on his side, even though they have to play it cool politics wise.  Where has Captain Luccio been/gone?  She didn't just disappear.  The new generation of wardens already had a schism with the old ways of doing things simply because they were the new generation, so why are they so easy to write of Harry? Finally, tally up all the times Harry has assisted/saved the WC over the years.  Are wizards just stupid and forgetful?  If they aren't, then they are damned cowards to throw him away simply because of the White Knight status...

5. The Grey council.  I refuse to believe they haven't been gathering information and moving forward since Changes.  So where are they?  A lot happened on the surface in BG, as two of the Grey council were actively fighting, but what was happening in the background?   What kept everyone so busy that ALL of the White Council couldn't be bothered to protect humanity from the most blatant attack from the other side in centuries.  Seriously, they sent 4 of the senior council yes, but only 7 or so wardens?

I'll have more thoughts later, but this is plenty to start with.

DF Spoilers / Elaine: Spoilerific Fun
« on: October 01, 2020, 09:59:24 AM »
Now that we know Nemesis took over Justine, does that clear Elaine?  I have always suspected Elaine would be one of the baddies.  How does Nemesis actually work?  Are there more than one, because we know it got Cat Sith, as well, but it said it had Justine for a few years...  Could it take over someone, and then just leave them lifeless for a bit and hop to someone else?

Now that Harry has implied he's going to beef up the paranet in his Castle, this would be a prime opportunity to have Elaine play an active role.  Is she good, self interested, or nemesis?  ;D

DF Spoilers / Rudolph: Battlegrounds Heavy Spoilers
« on: September 29, 2020, 01:33:13 PM »
Ok, First, Peace talks and helluva ride.

I just finished Battlegrounds, stayed up all night reading.  Rudolph is now my most hated character.  That said, I actually haven't hated any characters in the series before, as I appreciated Jim's storytelling and skill.  Before, he was an enjoyable nuisance, because I felt he would eventually guide the plot in some way.  Now I straight up just hate him.   I had my suspicions that Murphy would not live, but to go like that, was just terrible.  At least in the way we would want such a character to exit...  As much as I hate it, it fits with how he has written Rudolph over the years, so I can't nitpick on basis of writing skill/experience, but dangit why did it have to be like that?!

RIP Murph, I will miss you.  I had hoped for a different outcome, but I guess with a Big O'l Apocalyptic trilogy headed our way the series can't really end all sunshine and rainbows.

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