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Topics - Tersa

Pages: [1]
I have a question.  Maybe I'm too much of a bloody n00b to post this, or haven't made enough posts for a while, or maybe this is just a strange mood talking. 

I just finished reading Small Favor (no, I'm not going to spoil anything) and talking to a local published author.  I have a pretty decent friend editing team, and a great english prof.  I have encouragement on all fronts.   

I have no idea what the hell right I have to write.

Okay, that makes no sense, so maybe I should clarify how I think about writing...  When I write, I don't think of it as creating, really, I think about it as... I'm a scribe for the loonatics residing in my skull.  But after reading Jim and a number of other books, some ameteur fanfiction that is just amazing when the writer doesn't even have english as a first language, I feel like a bumbling fool.  I'm utterly inarticulate.  It's like I have the same paints as the good authors do, but I'm trying to freaking fingerpaint when I need a millimeter fine brush.  I have no idea how the heck to improve.  I give myself assignments, I try to work out characters, and none of it seems to do much.  I'm an English/Psych major.  I already had to let go of one of my favorite sciences, chemistry, because the kind I like is outdated, all done by computer now.  I'm just wondering if in writing I'm going to have the same problem.

If I try to write romance, all people seem to want is smut, and a certain amount of jaded-ness seems to have killed my ability to construct gossamer webs of romance.  I fail utterly at constructing other worlds, sci-fi and fantasy is out.  Urban fantasy is my niche, and yet I can't come up with decent characters. 

I'm not going to ramble anymore, I don't even know what the hell I'm saying... Just looking for anyone in similar positions, or if anyone knows what on earth I'm rambling about.  *head/desk*

Author Craft / Hark! (Characters)
« on: October 10, 2006, 04:01:03 AM »
In preparation for NaNoWriMo, I was reading through the hard copy of Jim's LiveJournal entries that I keep with all my other writing books, and I came to the section on characters.  In trying to apply his tips about "traits" and "tags" to my characters, I started wondering... How do writers come up with characters, anyway?  Do they actively plan them out, writing up a description before they do any writing, or just learn as they go?  Where the heck do all these zany beings come from?

I couldn't think of an answer.  I know what I do, but I've been told more than a few times that I'm a little bizarre in my character creation technique.  Maybe it is just because I'm a beginning writer, but how it happens for me is that the character just shows up inside my head  one day and says,  "HEY! Oy! *Waves arms* Listen to me!" After that, I write from there, just letting the words flow, doing short, one shot scenes until I have a good enough feel for the character to write something longer, letting the character do whatever they want.  This "technique" isn't without disadvantages, of course.  Just recently, I was trying to write more in the story I have going with my character, Jacob Bowen, as the main character and his best friend and the archangel of "lovers, healing, and fluffy pink bunnies," Raphael, stole my attention.  I haven't written more on the story centering around Jake in a few weeks now. 

So, I ask you, my fellow writers... How do you come up with your characters?  Do they just "appear" in your brain, or do you base them off of someone and go from there?  Or maybe you do something else entirely, writing out all of their little quirks and traits in a little chart before you ever write anything? 

Remember, odd posts generate conversation.   They also help the thread maker not feel like such a dork.  ;) 

Author Craft / That Stuff Around Dialogue...
« on: July 27, 2006, 10:36:27 PM »
I have been pondering this as I write, and I wanted to see if any of the other writers on the board would care to toss a couple of opinions or some advice my way.

I adore writing dialogue, but I'm having some problems with the stuff around it, the little subtle actions that add to the dialogue so it isn't just "'[insert line here]' He/she/it said." over and over again. My question is how do you enhance the dialogue in third person writing without being wordy or resorting to using adverbs constantly?  Or is less more and I should really just let the dialogue speak for itself and just use "____ said," "____ replied," etc. most of the time?   

I eagerly await your thoughts, fellow writers!  ;D

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